38 resultados para Reduced physical models

em Cambridge University Engineering Department Publications Database


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A series of dynamic centrifuge tests on reduced scale models of flexible retaining structures were conducted on the Turner beam centrifuge at the Schofield Centre of the University of Cambridge. The paper illustrates the main results of the experimental work in terms of observed amplifications of ground motion and mobilised shear stiffness and damping ratio for all tests. The experimental results for one test on a pair of cantilevered walls in dense sand are also presented in terms of measured bending moments and horizontal displacements of the walls during (maximum values) and at the end of (residual values) each seismic event. Finally, the experimental data are discussed in the light of the results obtained from dynamic numerical analyses of the behaviour of cantilevered walls under real seismic actions. © 2010 Taylor & Francis Group, London.


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Physical models are widely used in the study of geotechnical earthquake engineering phenomena, and the comparison of modelling results to observations from field reconnaissance provides a transparent means of evaluating the design of our physical models. This paper compares centrifuge tests of pile groups in laterally spreading slopes with the response of piled bridge abutments in the 2011 Christchurch earthquake. We show that the model foundation's fixity conditions strongly affect the success with which the mechanism of response of the real abutments is replicated in the tests. © 2012 American Society of Civil Engineers.


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This paper describes multiple field-coupled simulations and device characterization of fully CMOS-MEMS-compatible smart gas sensors. The sensor structure is designated for gas/vapour detection at high temperatures (>300 °C) with low power consumption, high sensitivity and competent mechanic robustness employing the silicon-on-insulator (SOI) wafer technology, CMOS process and micromachining techniques. The smart gas sensor features micro-heaters using p-type MOSFETs or polysilicon resistors and differentially transducing circuits for in situ temperature measurement. Physical models and 3D electro-thermo-mechanical simulations of the SOI micro-hotplate induced by Joule, self-heating, mechanic stress and piezoresistive effects are provided. The electro-thermal effect initiates and thus affects electronic and mechanical characteristics of the sensor devices at high temperatures. Experiments on variation and characterization of micro-heater resistance, power consumption, thermal imaging, deformation interferometry and dynamic thermal response of the SOI micro-hotplate have been presented and discussed. The full integration of the smart gas sensor with automatically temperature-reading ICs demonstrates the lowest power consumption of 57 mW at 300 °C and fast thermal response of 10 ms. © 2008 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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Graphene is in the focus of research due to its unique electronic and optical properties. Intrinsic graphene is a zero gap semiconductor with a linear dispersion relation for E-k leading to zero-effective-mass electrons and holes described by Fermi-Dirac theory. Since pristine graphene has no bandgap no photoluminescence would be expected. However, recently several groups showed non-linear photoluminescence from pristine graphene putting forward different physical models explaining this remarkable effect [1-3]. © 2011 IEEE.


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Electrically conductive composites that contain conductive filler dispersed in an insulating polymer matrix are usually prepared by the vigorous mixing of the components. This affects the structure of the filler particles and thereby the properties of the composite. It is shown that by careful mixing nano-scale features on the surface of the filler particles can be retained. The fillers used possess sharp surface protrusions similar to the tips used in scanning tunnelling microscopy. The electric field strength at these tips is very large and results in field assisted (Fowler-Nordheim) tunnelling. In addition the polymer matrix intimately coats the filler particles and the particles do not come into direct physical contact. This prevents the formation of chains of filler particles in close contact as the filler content increases. In consequence the composite has an extremely high resistance even at filler loadings above the expected percolation threshold. The retention of filler particle morphology and the presence of an insulating polymer layer between them endow the composite with a number of unusual properties. These are presented here together with appropriate physical models. © 2005 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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Humans skillfully manipulate objects and tools despite the inherent instability. In order to succeed at these tasks, the sensorimotor control system must build an internal representation of both the force and mechanical impedance. As it is not practical to either learn or store motor commands for every possible future action, the sensorimotor control system generalizes a control strategy for a range of movements based on learning performed over a set of movements. Here, we introduce a computational model for this learning and generalization, which specifies how to learn feedforward muscle activity in a function of the state space. Specifically, by incorporating co-activation as a function of error into the feedback command, we are able to derive an algorithm from a gradient descent minimization of motion error and effort, subject to maintaining a stability margin. This algorithm can be used to learn to coordinate any of a variety of motor primitives such as force fields, muscle synergies, physical models or artificial neural networks. This model for human learning and generalization is able to adapt to both stable and unstable dynamics, and provides a controller for generating efficient adaptive motor behavior in robots. Simulation results exhibit predictions consistent with all experiments on learning of novel dynamics requiring adaptation of force and impedance, and enable us to re-examine some of the previous interpretations of experiments on generalization. © 2012 Kadiallah et al.


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This paper describes an experimental investigation of the behaviour of embedded retaining walls under seismic actions. Nine centrifuge tests were carried out on reduced-scale models of pairs of retaining walls in dry sand, either cantilevered or with one level of props near the top. The experimental data indicate that, for maximum accelerations that are smaller than the critical limit equilibrium value, the retaining walls experience significant permanent displacements under increasing structural loads, whereas for larger accelerations the walls rotate under constant internal forces. The critical acceleration at which the walls start to rotate increases with increasing maximum acceleration. No significant displacements are measured if the current earthquake is less severe than earthquakes previously experienced by the wall. The increase of critical acceleration is explained in terms of redistribution of earth pressures and progressive mobilisation of the passive strength in front of the wall. The experimental data for cantilevered retaining walls indicate that the permanent displacements of the wall can be reasonably predicted adopting a Newmark-type calculation with a critical acceleration that is a fraction of the limit equilibrium value.


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Essential design criteria for successful drying of granular particles in a conical continuous centrifugal filter are developed in a dimensionless fashion. Four criteria are considered: minimum flow thickness (to ensure sliding bulk flow rather than particulate flow), desaturation position, output dryness and basket failure. The criteria are based on idealised physical models of the machine operation and are written explicitly as functions of the basket size lout, spin velocity Ω and input flow rate of powder Qp. The separation of sucrose crystals from liquid molasses is taken as a case study and the successful regime of potential operating points (lout, Ω) is plotted for a wide range of selected values of flow rate Qp. Analytical expressions are given for minimum and maximum values of the three independent parameters (lout, Ω, Qp) as a function of the slurry and basket properties. The viable operating regime for a conical centrifugal filter is thereby obtained as a function of the slurry and basket properties. © 2012 The Institution of Chemical Engineers.


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Time-resolved particle image velocimetry (PIV) has been performed inside the nozzle of a commercially available inkjet print-head to obtain the time-dependent velocity waveform. A printhead with a single transparent nozzle 80 μm in orifice diameter was used to eject single droplets at a speed of 5 m/s. An optical microscope was used with an ultra-high-speed camera to capture the motion of particles suspended in a transparent liquid at the center of the nozzle and above the fluid meniscus at a rate of half a million frames per second. Time-resolved velocity fields were obtained from a fluid layer approximately 200 μm thick within the nozzle for a complete jetting cycle. A Lagrangian finite-element numerical model with experimental measurements as inputs was used to predict the meniscus movement. The model predictions showed good agreement with the experimental results. This work provides the first experimental verification of physical models and numerical simulations of flows within a drop-on-demand nozzle. © 2012 Society for Imaging Science and Technology.