5 resultados para RBS

em Cambridge University Engineering Department Publications Database


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Quantitative microbeam Rutherford backscattering (RBS) analysis with a 1.5 MeV 4He+ beam has determined limits on the purity of copper deposited on glass with a novel inkjet process. A tetravinyl silane tetrakisCu(I) 1,1,1,5,5,5-hexafluoroacetylacetonate (TVST[Cu]hfac) complex was heated to 70 °C and jetted onto the glass substrate through a piezoelectric ceramic print head in droplets about 0.5 mm diameter. The substrate temperature was 150 °C. Solid well-formed deposits resulted which have a copper content greater than about 90% by weight. The RBS spectra were analysed objectively using the DataFurnace code, with the assumption that the deposit was CuOx, and the validity of different assumed values of x being tested. The assumptions and the errors of the analysis are critically evaluated. © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Diamond-like carbon (DLC) coatings were deposited on to silicon, glass and metal substrates, using an rf-plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition (rf-PECVD) process. The resultant film properties were evaluated in respect of material and interfacial property control, based on bias voltage variation and the introduction of inert (He and Ar) and reactive (N2) diluting gases in a CH4 plasma. The analysis techniques used to assess the material properties of the films included AFM, EELS, RBS/ERDA, spectroscopic, electrical, stress, microhardness, and adhesion. These were correlated to the tribological performance of the coatings using wear measurements. The most important observation is that He dilution (>90%) promotes enhanced adhesion with respect to all substrate material studies. Coatings typically exhibit a microhardness of the order of 10-20 GPa in films 0.1RBS/ERDA, spectroscopic, electrical, stress, microhardness, and adhesion. These were correlated to the tribological performance of the coatings using wear measurements. The most important observation is that He dilution (>90%) promotes enhanced adhesion with respect to all substrate materials studied. Coatings typically exhibit a microhardness of the order of 10-20 GPa in films 0.1 < d < 2 μm thick, with associated electrical resistivity in the range 108 < ρ < 1012 Ω·cm, coefficient of friction <0.1 and surface RMS roughness as low as 2 A. The results are discussed with respect to surface pre-treatment, ion surface bombardment, interfacial reactivity and changes in plasma gas breakdown processes.


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The electrical and structural characteristics of tantalum-titanium bilayers on silicon reacted by electron beam heating have been investigated over a wide range of temperature and time conditions. The reacted layers exhibit low sheet resistance and stable electrical characteristics up to at least 1100℃. Titanium starts reacting from 750℃ onwards for 100 milliseconds reaction times whereas tantalum starts reacting only above 900℃ for such short reaction times. RBS results confirm that silicon is the major diffusing species and there is no evidence for the formation of ternary silicides. Reactions have also been explored on millisecond time scales by non-isothermal heating.


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The efficiency of the injection and recombination processes in InGaN/GaN LEDs is governed by the properties of the active region of the devices, which strongly depend on the conditions used for the growth of the epitaxial material. To improve device quality, it is very important to understand how the high temperatures used during the growth process can modify the quality of the epitaxial material. With this paper we present a study of the modifications in the properties of InGaN/GaN LED structures induced by high temperature annealing: thermal stress tests were carried out at 900 °C, in nitrogen atmosphere, on selected samples. The efficiency and the recombination dynamics were evaluated by photoluminescence measurements (both integrated and time-resolved), while the properties of the epitaxial material were studied by Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy (SIMS) and Rutherford Backscattering (RBS) channeling measurements. Results indicate that exposure to high temperatures may lead to: (i) a significant increase in the photoluminescence efficiency of the devices; (ii) a decrease in the parasitic emission bands located between 380 nm and 400 nm; (iii) an increase in carrier lifetime, as detected by time-resolved photoluminescence measurements. The increase in device efficiency is tentatively ascribed to an improvement in the crystallographic quality of the samples. © 2013 SPIE.