15 resultados para Precision and recall

em Cambridge University Engineering Department Publications Database


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A high efficiency hard switching constant current LED driver is presented with high overall efficiency, high current precision, high LED efficacy, flicker-free and wide constant current dimming ratio. The high stable lighting source provides the best solution for office light, reading light and LCD backlight. © 2013 IEEE.


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A venerable history of classical work on autoassociative memory has significantly shaped our understanding of several features of the hippocampus, and most prominently of its CA3 area, in relation to memory storage and retrieval. However, existing theories of hippocampal memory processing ignore a key biological constraint affecting memory storage in neural circuits: the bounded dynamical range of synapses. Recent treatments based on the notion of metaplasticity provide a powerful model for individual bounded synapses; however, their implications for the ability of the hippocampus to retrieve memories well and the dynamics of neurons associated with that retrieval are both unknown. Here, we develop a theoretical framework for memory storage and recall with bounded synapses. We formulate the recall of a previously stored pattern from a noisy recall cue and limited-capacity (and therefore lossy) synapses as a probabilistic inference problem, and derive neural dynamics that implement approximate inference algorithms to solve this problem efficiently. In particular, for binary synapses with metaplastic states, we demonstrate for the first time that memories can be efficiently read out with biologically plausible network dynamics that are completely constrained by the synaptic plasticity rule, and the statistics of the stored patterns and of the recall cue. Our theory organises into a coherent framework a wide range of existing data about the regulation of excitability, feedback inhibition, and network oscillations in area CA3, and makes novel and directly testable predictions that can guide future experiments.


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Roll-to-roll (R2R) gravure exhibits significant advantages such as high precision and throughput for the printing of photoactive and conductive materials and the fabrication of flexible organic electronics such as organic photovoltaics (OPVs). Since the photoactive layer is the core of the OPV, it is important to investigate and finally control the process parameters and mechanisms that define the film morphology in a R2R process. The scope of this work is to study the effect of the R2R gravure printing and drying process on the nanomorphology and nanostructure of the photoactive P3HT:PCBM thin films printed on PEDOT:PSS electrodes towards the fabrication of indium tin oxide (ITO)-free flexible OPVs. In order to achieve this, P3HT:PCBM blends of different concentration were R2R printed under various speeds on the PEDOT:PSS layers. Due to the limited drying time during the rolling, an amount of solvent remains in the P3HT:PCBM films and the slow-drying process takes place which leads to the vertical and lateral phase separation, according to the Spectroscopic Ellipsometry and Atomic Force Microscopy analysis. The enhanced slow-drying leads to stronger phase separation, larger P3HT crystallites according to the Grazing Incidence X-Ray Diffraction data and to weaker mechanical response as it was shown by the nanoindentation creep. However, in the surface of the films the P3HT crystallization is controlled by the impinged hot air during the drying, where the more the drying time the larger the surface P3HT crystallites. The integration of the printed P3HT:PCBM and PEDOT:PSS layers in an OPV device underlined the feasibility of fabricating ITO-free flexible OPVs by R2R gravure processes. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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We present a gradient-based motion capture system that robustly tracks a human hand, based on abstracted visual information - silhouettes. Despite the ambiguity in the visual data and despite the vulnerability of gradient-based methods in the face of such ambiguity, we minimise problems related to misfit by using a model of the hand's physiology, which is entirely non-visual, subject-invariant, and assumed to be known a priori. By modelling seven distinct aspects of the hand's physiology we derive prior densities which are incorporated into the tracking system within a Bayesian framework. We demonstrate how the posterior is formed, and how our formulation leads to the extraction of the maximum a posteriori estimate using a gradient-based search. Our results demonstrate an enormous improvement in tracking precision and reliability, while also achieving near real-time performance. © 2009 IEEE.


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Several studies have shown that sensory contextual cues can reduce the interference observed during learning of opposing force fields. However, because each study examined a small set of cues, often in a unique paradigm, the relative efficacy of different sensory contextual cues is unclear. In the present study we quantify how seven contextual cues, some investigated previously and some novel, affect the formation and recall of motor memories. Subjects made movements in a velocity-dependent curl field, with direction varying randomly from trial to trial but always associated with a unique contextual cue. Linking field direction to the cursor or background color, or to peripheral visual motion cues, did not reduce interference. In contrast, the orientation of a visual object attached to the hand cursor significantly reduced interference, albeit by a small amount. When the fields were associated with movement in different locations in the workspace, a substantial reduction in interference was observed. We tested whether this reduction in interference was due to the different locations of the visual feedback (targets and cursor) or the movements (proprioceptive). When the fields were associated only with changes in visual display location (movements always made centrally) or only with changes in the movement location (visual feedback always displayed centrally), a substantial reduction in interference was observed. These results show that although some visual cues can lead to the formation and recall of distinct representations in motor memory, changes in spatial visual and proprioceptive states of the movement are far more effective than changes in simple visual contextual cues.


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We report an empirical study of n-gram posterior probability confidence measures for statistical machine translation (SMT). We first describe an efficient and practical algorithm for rapidly computing n-gram posterior probabilities from large translation word lattices. These probabilities are shown to be a good predictor of whether or not the n-gram is found in human reference translations, motivating their use as a confidence measure for SMT. Comprehensive n-gram precision and word coverage measurements are presented for a variety of different language pairs, domains and conditions. We analyze the effect on reference precision of using single or multiple references, and compare the precision of posteriors computed from k-best lists to those computed over the full evidence space of the lattice. We also demonstrate improved confidence by combining multiple lattices in a multi-source translation framework. © 2012 The Author(s).


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Application of High Temperature Superconducting (HTS) has been increasingly popular since the new superconducting materials were discovered. This paper presents a new high-precision digital lock-in measurement technique which is used for measuring critical current and AC loss of the 2nd Generation HTS tape. Using a lock-in amplifier and nano-voltage meter, we can resolve signals at nano-volt level, while using a specially designed compensation coil we can cancel out inductive by adjusting the coil inductance. Furthermore, a finer correction for the inductive component can be achieved by adjusting the reference phase of the lock-in amplifier. The critical current and AC loss measurement algorithms and hardware layout are described and analyzed, and results for both numerical and experimental data under varieties of frequencies are presented. © 2008 SICE.