29 resultados para Planes

em Cambridge University Engineering Department Publications Database


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Characteristics of the Raman spectrum from carbon onions have been identified in terms of the position of the G peak and appearance of the transverse optic phonon peaks. Five new peaks were observed in the low wavenumber region, at about 1100, 861, 700, 450 and 250 cm(-1). The origins of these peaks are discussed in terms of the phonon density of states (PDOS) and phonon dispersion curves of graphite. The curvature of the graphene planes is invoked to explain the relaxation of the Raman selection rules and the appearance of the new peaks. The Raman spectrum of carbon onions is compared with that of highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG). The strain of graphene planes due to curvature has been estimated analytically and is used to account for the downward shift of the G peak. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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After nearly 15 years of research effort, High Temperature Superconductors (HTS) are finding a wide range of practical applications. A clear understanding of the factors controlling the current carrying capacity of these materials is a prerequisite to their successful technological development. The critical current density (Jc) in HTS is directly dependent on the structure and pinning of the Flux Line Lattice (FLL) in these materials. This thesis presents an investigation of the Jc anisotropy in HTS. The use of thin films grown on off c-axis (vicinal) substrates allowed the effect of current directions outside the cuprate planes to be studied. With this experimental geometry Berghuis, et al. (Phys. Rev. Lett. 79, 12, pg. 2332) observed a striking flux channelling effect in vicinal YBa2Cu3O7-δ (YBCO) films. By confirming, and extending, this observation, it is demonstrated that this is an intrinsic effect. The results obtained, appear to fit well with the predictions of a field angle dependent cross-over from a three dimensional rectilinear FLL to a kinked lattice of strings and pancakes. The pinning force density for movement of strings inside the cuprate planes is considerably less than that on vortex pancake elements. When the FLL is entirely string-like this reduced pinning leads to the observed channelling minima. It is observed that anti-phase boundaries enhance the Jc in vicinal YBCO films by strongly pinning vortex strings. The effect on the FLL structure cross-over of increasing anisotropy has been elucidated using de-oxygenated vicinal YBCO films. Intriguingly, the counter intuitive prediction that the range of applied field angle for which the kinked lattice is fully developed reduces with increasing anisotropy, appears to be confirmed. Although vortex channelling cannot be observed in c-axis YBCO films, the pinning force density for vortex string channelling has been extracted by observing string dragging. By studying the effect of rotating the applied field at a constant angle to the cuprate planes, it is possible to observe the cross-over into the string pancake regime in c-axis films. In the 3D region, the observed behaviour is well explained by the anisotropic Ginzburg-Landau model. Measurements were also made on thin films of the much more anisotropic Bi 2Sr2CaCu2O8+x material, grown on vicinal substrates. The absence of any flux channelling effect and clear adherence to the expected Kes-Law behaviour in the observed Jc characteristics does not provide evidence for the existence of the predicted ‘crossing lattice’ in Bi 2Sr2CaCu2O8+x .


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We have grown epitaxially orientation-controlled monoclinic VO2 nanowires without employing catalysts by a vapor-phase transport process. Electron microscopy results reveal that single crystalline VO2 nanowires having a [100] growth direction grow laterally on the basal c plane and out of the basal r and a planes of sapphire, exhibiting triangular and rectangular cross sections, respectively. In addition, we have directly observed the structural phase transition of single crystalline VO2 nanowires between the monoclinic and tetragonal phases which exhibit insulating and metallic properties, respectively, and clearly analyzed their corresponding relationships using in situ transmission electron microscopy.


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A non-weak link joining technique has been developed for YBCO pseudo-crystals fabricated by seeded peritectic solidification based on the formation of a liquid phase which segregates from the platelet boundaries at temperatures above = 920 °C. Electrical and magnetic measurements on these boundaries suggest that their irreversibility field can be as high as 7 T at 77 K in fully oxygenated pseudo-crystals joined along their crystallographic ab-planes which is comparable to the irreversibility behaviour of the adjacent YBCO grains. © 1999 IEEE.


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We have experimentally investigated the crossed magnetic field effects on bulk melt-processed YBCO single domains. The samples were first permanently magnetized along their c-axis and then subjected to several cycles of a transverse magnetic field parallel to the ab planes. The magnetic properties along the c and ab directions were simultaneously measured using a couple of orthogonal pick-up coils as well as a Hall probe placed against the sample surface. The effects of both sweep amplitude and polarity were investigated. Field sweeps of alternate polarities are shown to affect the decay of the c-axis magnetization much more strongly than field sweeps of unique polarity do. However, the c-axis magnetization does not show any saturation even after a large number of field sweeps. Next, a micro-Hall probe scanning system was used to measure the distribution of magnetic induction over the top surface of the single domain subjected to the same combination of magnetic fields. The results are shown to be consistent with those determined with the sensing coils and bring out the role played by geometric effects.


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In low molar mass organosiloxane liquid-crystal materials the siloxane moieties micro-separate and aggregate in planes that could be regarded as an effective or virtual two-dimensional polymer backbone. We show that if a siloxane moiety is attached to a dichroic dye molecule, the micro-segregation of the siloxane moieties makes it possible to include a high concentration of the guest dye (more than 50%) in a host organosiloxane solution. This effect, combined with the temperature independent tilt angles achievable with ferroelectric organosiloxane liquid crystals, provide an ideal material for high-contrast surface-stabilised ferroelectric display devices. We present dyed ferroelectric materials with a temperature independent tilt angle greater than 42 degrees, a wide (room temperature to over 100°C) mesomorphic temperature range and a response time shorter than 500μs in the dye guest host mode.


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Model-based optical motion capture systems require knowledge of the position of the markers relative to the underlying skeleton, the lengths of the skeleton's limbs, and which limb each marker is attached to. These model parameters are typically assumed and entered into the system manually, although techniques exist for calculating some of them, such as the position of the markers relative to the skeleton's joints. We present a fully automatic procedure for determining these model parameters. It tracks the 2D positions of the markers on the cameras' image planes and determines which markers lie on each limb before calculating the position of the underlying skeleton. The only assumption is that the skeleton consists of rigid limbs connected with ball joints. The proposed system is demonstrated on a number of real data examples and is shown to calculate good estimates of the model parameters in each. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Turbomachinery flows are inherently unsteady. Until now during the design process, unsteadiness has been neglected, with resort merely to steady numerical simulations. Despite the assumption involved, the results obtained with steady simulations have been used with success. One of the questions arising in recent years is can unsteady simulations be used to improve the design of turbomachines? In this work the numerical simulation of a multi-stage axial compressor is carried out. Comparison of Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) and unsteady Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes (URANS) calculation shows that the unsteadiness affects pressure losses and the prediction of stall limit. The unsteady inflow due to the wake passing mainly modifies the losses and whirl angle near the endwalls. The computational cost of the fully unsteady compared with a steady simulation is about four times in terms of mesh dimension and two orders of magnitude as number of iterations. A mixed RANS-URANS solution has been proposed to give the designer the possibility to simulate an unsteady stage embedded in a steady-state simulation. This method has been applied to the simulation of a four-stage axial compressor rig. The mixed RANS-URANS approach has been developed using sliding and mixing planes as interface conditions. The rotor-stator interaction has been captured physically while reducing the computational time and mesh size.


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A concept based upon Equal Channel Angular Extrusion (ECAE) is developed and introduced in the form of a Universal Re-usable Energy Absorption Device 'UREAD'. In impact situations the device utilises the energy required to extrude deformable materials through the shear planes of a set of intersecting channels and hence provides the means to protect engineering structures. The impact force is absorbed through the resistance of a deformable material and the energy is dissipated through an operational stroke. This paper examines the use of this new concept under dynamic loading. The device performance and usability during dynamic impacts are tested in a landing frame type experiment where the effectiveness of the technique in reducing impact loads and energy are also examined. © (2011) Trans Tech Publications Switzerland.


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We present a study on a series of dye guest-host mixtures using fluorescent perylene-based molecules as the guest dye in an organosiloxane host. These hosts have temperature-independent switching, at room temperature, through 90° for fields of the order of 10 Vrms/μm. Perylene molecules have been grafted onto the organosiloxane moiety via an alkyl spacer producing novel and rugged fluorescent dyes that are readily miscible in the host. Micro-separation of the low molar mass siloxane groups in the mesophases tend to form smectic phases. These planes produce an effective two-dimensional polymer backbonethat engenders the rugged mechanical properties of polymeric liquid crystals onto these low molar mass ferroelectric liquid crystals. In this study we show how the introduction of the dye molecules affects the electro-optic properties of the organosiloxane host. © 2001 OPA (Overseas Publishers Association) N.V. Published by license under the Gordon and Breach Science Publishers imprint, a member of the Taylor & Francis Group,.


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The critical current density Jc of an MOCVD/IBAD coated conductor was measured on tracks patterned longitudinally (L) and transversely (T) to the tape direction. Despite the samples' vicinality no dependence J c of on track direction was found for magnetic fields applied perpendicular to the film plane. In angular out-of-plane measurements the previously reported asymmetry due to tilted precipitate planes was observed in an L track, whereas curves from a T track were almost perfectly symmetric with similarly high absolute values of Jc. At low fields the effects of surface pinning were seen. Our results show that in most scenarios the current carrying capability is equally as good parallel and perpendicular to the tape direction, which is highly relevant for ROEBEL cables. In measurements where the magnetic field was swept in the film plane the anisotropy was found to be significantly higher than for MOD/RABiTS samples, which we explain by the different morphology of grain boundaries in the tapes. At low temperatures Jc of a T track exhibited a clear signature of vortex channeling. © 2010 IEEE.


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Field angle dependent critical current, magneto-optical microscopy and high resolution electron microscopy studies have been performed on YBa2Cu3O7-delta thin films grown on miscut substrates. High resolution electron microscopy images show that the films studied exhibited clean epitaxial growth with a low density of antiphase boundaries and stacking faults. Any antiphase boundaries (APBs) formed near the film substrate interface rapidly healed rather than extending through the thickness of the film. Unlike vicinal films grown on annealed substrates, which contain a high density of antiphase boundaries, magneto-optical imaging showed no filamentary flux penetration in the films studied. The flux penetration is, however, asymmetric. This is associated with intrinsic pinning of flux strings by the tilted a-b planes and the dependence of the pinning force on the angle between the local field and the a-b planes. Field angle dependent critical current measurements exhibited the striking vortex channeling effect previously reported in vicinal films. By combining the results of three complementary characterization techniques it is shown that extended APB free films exhibit markedly different critical current behavior compared to APB rich films. This is attributed to the role of APB sites as strong pinning centers for Josephson string vortices between the a-b planes. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.


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In stereo displays, binocular disparity creates a striking impression of depth. However, such displays present focus cues - blur and accommodation - that specify a different depth than disparity, thereby causing a conflict. This conflict causes several problems including misperception of the 3D layout, difficulty fusing binocular images, and visual fatigue. To address these problems, we developed a display that preserves the advantages of conventional stereo displays, while presenting correct or nearly correct focus cues. In our new stereo display each eye views a display through a lens that switches between four focal distances at very high rate. The switches are synchronized to the display, so focal distance and the distance being simulated on the display are consistent or nearly consistent with one another. Focus cues for points in-between the four focal planes are simulated by using a depth-weighted blending technique. We will describe the design of the new display, discuss the retinal images it forms under various conditions, and describe an experiment that illustrates the effectiveness of the display in maximizing visual performance while minimizing visual fatigue. © 2009 SPIE-IS&T.