22 resultados para Perturb and Observe

em Cambridge University Engineering Department Publications Database


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If a product is being designed to be genuinely inclusive, then the designers need to be able to assess the level of exclusion of the product that they are working on and to identify possible areas of improvement. To be of practical use, the assessments need to be quick, consistent and repeatable. The aim of this workshop is to invite attendees to participate in the evaluation of a number of everyday objects using an assessment technique being considered by the workshop organisers. The objectives of the workshop include evaluating the effectiveness of the assessment method, evaluating the accessibility of the products being assessed and to suggest revisions to the assessment scales being used. The assessment technique is to be based on the ONS capability measures [1]. This source recognises fourteen capability scales of which seven are particularly pertinent to product evaluation, namely: motion, dexterity, reach and stretch, vision, hearing, communication, and intellectual functioning. Each of these scales ranges from 0 (fully able) through 1 (minimal impairment) to 10 (severe impairment). The attendees will be asked to rate the products on these scales. Clearly the assessed accessibility of the product depends on the assumptions made about the context of use. The attendees will be asked to clearly note the assumptions that they are making about the context in which the product is being assessed. For instance, with a hot water bottle, assumptions have to be made about the availability of hot water and these can affect the overall accessibility rating. The workshop organisers will not specify the context of use as the aim is to identify how assessors would use the assessment method in the real world. The objects being assessed will include items such as remote controls, pill bottles, food packaging, hot water bottles and mobile telephones. the attendees will be encouraged to assess two or more products in detail. Helpers will be on hand to assist and observe the assessments. The assessments will be collated and compared and feedback about the assessment method sought from the attendees. Drawing on a preliminary review of the assessment results, initial conclusions will be presented at the end of the workshop. More detailed analyses will be made available in subsequent proceedings. It is intended that the workshop will provide workshop attendees with an opportunity to perform hands-on assessment of a number everyday products and identify features which are inclusive and those that are not. It is also intended to encourage an appreciation of the capabilities to be considered when evaluating accessibility.


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Scalable growth is essential for graphene-based applications. Recent development has enabled the achievement of the scalability by use of chemical vapor deposition (CVD) at 1000°C with copper as a catalyst and methane as a precursor gas. Here we report our observation of early stage of graphene growth based on an ethylene-based CVD method, capable of reducing the growth temperature to 770°C for monolayer graphene growth on copper. We track the early stages of slow growth under low ethylene flow rate and observe the graphene domain evolution by varying the temperature and growth time. Temperature-dependence of graphene domain density gives an apparent activation energy of 1.0 eV for nucleation.


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A theoretical description of the turbulent mixing within and the draining of a dense fluid layer from a box connected to a uniform density, quiescent environment through openings in the top and the base of the box is presented in this paper. This is an extension of the draining model developed by Linden et al. (Annu. Rev. Fluid Mech. vol. 31, 1990, pp. 201-238) and includes terms that describe localized mixing within the emptying box at the density interface. Mixing is induced by a turbulent flow of replacement fluid into the box and as a consequence we predict, and observe in complementary experiments, the development of a three-layer stratification. Based on the data collated from previous researchers, three distinct formulations for entrainment fluxes across density interfaces are used to account for this localized mixing. The model was then solved numerically for the three mixing formulations. Analytical solutions were developed for one formulation directly and for a second on assuming that localized mixing is relatively weak though still significant in redistributing buoyancy on the timescale of the draining process. Comparisons between our theoretical predictions and the experimental data, which we have collected on the developing layer depths and their densities show good agreement. The differences in predictions between the three mixing formulations suggest that the normalized flux turbulently entrained across a density interface tends to a constant value for large values of a Froude number FrT, based on conditions of the inflow through the top of the box, and scales as the cube of FrT for small values of FrT. The upper limit on the rate of entrainment into the mixed layer results in a minimum time (tD) to remove the original dense layer. Using our analytical solutions, we bound this time and show that 0.2tE ≈tD tE, i.e. the original dense layer may be depleted up to five times more rapidly than when there is no internal mixing and the box empties in a time tE. © 2010 Cambridge University Press.


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Tensile and compressive tests have been performed on centre-hole panels, made from three types of metallic foams and two polymeric foams. In compression, the foams fail in a ductile, notch-insensitive manner, in support of a "net section strength" criterion. In tension, a ductile-brittle transition is observed for some of the foams at sufficiently large specimen sizes: for a small hole diameter the net section strength criterion is obeyed, whereas for a large hole a local stress criterion applies and the net section strength is reduced. For a number of the foams, the panel size was not sufficiently large to observe this ductile-brittle switch in behaviour. The predictions of a cohesive zone model are compared with the measured strengths and are found to be in good agreement. © 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The acoustic response of conventional mechanical oscillators, such as a piezoelectric crystal, is predominantly harmonic at modest amplitudes. However, here, we observe from the electrical response that significant motional anharmonicity is introduced in the presence of attached analyte. Experiments were conducted with streptavidin-coated polystyrene microbeads of various sizes attached to a quartz crystal resonator via specific and nonspecific molecular tethers in liquid. Quantitative analysis reveals that the deviation of odd Fourier harmonics of the response caused by introduction of microbeads as a function of oscillation amplitude presents a unique signature of the molecular tether. Hence, the described anharmonic detection technique (ADT) based on this function allows screening of biomolecules and provides an additional level of selectivity in receptor-based detection that is often associated with nonspecific interactions. We also propose methods to extract mechanical force-extension characteristics of the molecular tether and activation energy using this technique.


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Electrical bias and light stressing followed by natural recovery of amorphous hafnium-indium-zinc-oxide (HIZO) thin film transistors with a silicon oxide/nitride dielectric stack reveals defect density changes, charge trapping and persistent photoconductivity (PPC). In the absence of light, the polarity of bias stress controls the magnitude and direction of the threshold voltage shift (Δ VT), while under light stress, VT consistently shifts negatively. In all cases, there was no significant change in field-effect mobility. Light stress gives rise to a PPC with wavelength-dependent recovery on time scale of days. We observe that the PPC becomes more pronounced at shorter wavelengths. © 2010 American Institute of Physics.


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We synthesize Co nanorod filled inside multi-walled CNTs (MWCNTs) by microwave plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (MPECVD) and utilize off-axis electron holography to observe the remanent states of the filled metal nanorod inside MWCNTs at room. The MWCNTs grew up to 100-110 nm in diameter and 1.5-1.7 μm in length. The typical bright-field transmission electron microscope (TEM) images revealed both Co/Pd multisegment nanorod and Co nanorod filled inside MWCNTs on the same substrate. We have also performed energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometer (EDS) measurements to characterize the composition of metal filled inside MWCNTs. Based on high-resolution TEM measurements, we observed the face-centered-cubic (fcc) Co filled inside MWCNT. The component of magnetic induction was then measured to be 1.2±0.1 T, which is lower than the expected saturation magnetization of fcc Co of 1.7 T. The partial oxidation of the ferromagnetic metal during the process and the magnetization direction may play an important role in the determination of the quality of the remanent states. © 2008 IEEE.


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The interaction between vortices, sound and combustion can lead to self-excited oscillations of such large amplitudes that structural damage is done. These occur because any small unsteadiness in the rate of combustion is a source of sound, generating pressure and velocity fluctuations. However, the velocity fluctuations perturb the flame, thereby altering the instantaneous rate of heat release. Instability is then possible because while acoustic waves perturb the combustion, the unsteady combustion generates yet more sound! Combustion oscillations can occur in afterburners and at idle in conventional aeroengine combustors. Lean premixed, prevapourized technology has tremendous potential to reduce NOx emissions, but is proving highly susceptible to self-excited oscillations. An overview of the physics of the interaction between vortices, sound and flames is presented, and illustrated by examples of instability in generic premixed ducted flames and in aeroengine combustors. The potential for both passive and active control is discussed.


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We study the role of connectivity on the linear and nonlinear elastic behavior of amorphous systems using a two-dimensional random network of harmonic springs as a model system. A natural characterization of these systems arises in terms of the network coordination relative to that of an isostatic network $\delta z$; a floppy network has $\delta z<0$, while a stiff network has $\delta z>0$. Under the influence of an externally applied load we observe that the response of both floppy and rigid network are controlled by the same critical point, corresponding to the onset of rigidity. We use numerical simulations to compute the exponents which characterize the shear modulus, the amplitude of non-affine displacements, and the network stiffening as a function of $\delta z$, derive these theoretically and make predictions for the mechanical response of glasses and fibrous networks.


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The role of the collagen-platelet interaction is of crucial importance to the haemostatic response during both injury and pathogenesis of the blood vessel wall. Of particular interest is the high affinity interaction of the platelet transmembrane receptor, alpha 2 beta 1, responsible for firm attachment of platelets to collagen at and around injury sites. We employ single molecule force spectroscopy (SMFS) using the atomic force microscope (AFM) to study the interaction of the I-domain from integrin alpha 2 beta 1 with a synthetic collagen related triple-helical peptide containing the high-affinity integrin-binding GFOGER motif, and a control peptide lacking this sequence, referred to as GPP. By utilising synthetic peptides in this manner we are able to study at the molecular level subtleties that would otherwise be lost when considering cell-to-collagen matrix interactions using ensemble techniques. We demonstrate for the first time the complexity of this interaction as illustrated by the complex multi-peaked force spectra and confirm specificity using control blocking experiments. In addition we observe specific interaction of the GPP peptide sequence with the I-domain. We propose a model to explain these observations.


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The magnetocaloric effect in magnetic materials is of great interest nowadays. In this article we present an investigation about the magnetic properties near the magnetic transition in a polycrystalline sample of a manganite Tb0.9 Sn0.1 MnO3. Particularly, we are interested in describing the nature of the magnetic interactions and the magnetocaloric effect in this compound. The temperature dependence of the magnetization was measured to determine the characteristics of the magnetic transition and the magnetic entropy change was calculated from magnetization curves at different temperatures. The magnetic solid is paramagnetic at high temperatures. We observe a dominant antiferromagnetic interaction below Tn =38 K for low applied magnetic fields; the presence of Sn doping in this compound decreases the Ńel temperature of the pure TbMnO3 system. A drastic increase in the magnetization as a function of temperature near the magnetic transition suggests a strong magnetocaloric effect. We found a large magnetic entropy change Δ SM (T) of about -4 J/kg K at H=3 T. We believe that the magnetic entropy change is associated with the magnetic transition and we interpret it as due to the coupling between the magnetic field and the spin ordering. This relatively large value and broad temperature interval (about 35 K) of the magnetocaloric effect make the present compound a promising candidate for magnetic refrigerators at low temperatures. © 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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We study the spectral characteristics of bovine serum albumin (BSA) protein conjugated single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWNTs), and quantify their uptake by macrophages. The binding of BSA onto the SWNT surface is found to change the protein structure and to increase the doping of the nanotubes. The G-band Raman intensity follows a well-defined power law for SWNT concentrations of up to 33 μg ml-1 in aqueous solutions. Subsequently, in vitro experiments demonstrate that incubation of BSA-SWNT complexes with macrophages affects neither the cellular growth nor the cellular viability over multiple cell generations. Using wide spot Raman spectroscopy as a fast, non-destructive method for statistical quantification, we observe that macrophages effectively uptake BSA-SWNT complexes, with the average number of nanotubes internalized per cell remaining relatively constant over consecutive cell generations. The number of internalized SWNTs is found to be ∼30 × 106 SWNTs/cell for a 60 mm-2 seeding density and ∼100 × 10 6 SWNTs/cell for a 200 mm-2 seeding density. Our results show that BSA-functionalized SWNTs are an efficient molecular transport system with low cytotoxicity maintained over multiple cell generations. © 2013 IOP Publishing Ltd.