15 resultados para Non contact measurement

em Cambridge University Engineering Department Publications Database


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Accurately measuring the electronic properties of nanowires is a crucial step in the development of novel semiconductor nanowire-based devices. With this in mind, optical pump-terahertz probe (OPTP) spectroscopy is ideally suited to studies of nanowires: it provides non-contact measurement of carrier transport and dynamics at room temperature. OPTP spectroscopy has been used to assess key electrical properties, including carrier lifetime and carrier mobility, of GaAs, InAs and InP nanowires. The measurements revealed that InAs nanowires exhibited the highest mobilities and InP nanowires exhibited the lowest surface recombination velocity. © 2013 Copyright SPIE.


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Microarraying involves laying down genetic elements onto a solid substrate for DNA analysis on a massively parallel scale. Microarrays are prepared using a pin-based robotic platform to transfer liquid samples from microtitre plates to an array pattern of dots of different liquids on the surface of glass slides where they dry to form spots diameter < 200 μm. This paper presents the design, materials selection, micromachining technology and performance of reservoir pins for microarraying. A conical pin is produced by (i) conventional machining of stainless steel or wet etching of tungsten wire, followed by (ii) micromachining with a focused laser to produce a microreservoir and a capillary channel structure leading from the tip. The pin has a flat end diameter < 100 μm from which a 500 μm long capillary channel < 15 μm wide leads up the pin to a reservoir. Scanning electron micrographs of the metal surface show roughness on the scale of 10 μm, but the pins nevertheless give consistent and reproducible spotting performance. The pin capacity is 80 nanolitres of fluid containing DNA, and at least 50 spots can be printed before replenishing the reservoir. A typical robot holds can hold up to 64 pins. This paper discusses the fabrication technology, the performance and spotting uniformity for reservoir pins, the possible limits to miniaturization of pins using this approach, and the future prospects for contact and non-contact arraying technology.


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We are investigating the use of flywheels for energy storage. Flywheel devices need to be of high efficiency and an important source of losses is the bearings. In addition, the requirement is for the devices to have long lifetimes with minimal or no maintenance. Conventional rolling element bearings can and have been used, but a non-contact bearing, such as a superconducting magnetic bearing, is expected to have a longer lifetime and lower losses. At Cambridge we have constructed a flywheel system. Designed to run in vacuum this incorporates a 40kg flywheel supported on superconducting magnetic bearings. The production device will be a 5kW device storing 5 kWh of retrievable energy at 50,000 rpm. The Cambridge system is being developed in parallel with a similar device supported on a conventional bearing. This will allow direct performance comparisons. Although superconducting bearings are increasingly well understood, of major importance are the cryogenics and special attention is being paid to methods of packaging and insulating the superconductors to cut down radiation losses. The work reported here is part of a three-year program of work supported by the EPSRC. © 1999 IEEE.


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Contact resistance has a significant impact on the electrical characteristics of thin film transistors. It limits their maximum on-current and affects their subsequent behavior with bias. This distorts the extracted device parameters, in particular, the field-effect mobility. This letter presents a method capable of accounting for both the non-ohmic (nonlinear) and ohmic (linear) contact resistance effects solely based upon terminal I-V measurements. Applying our analysis to a nanocrystalline silicon thin film transistor, we demonstrate that contact resistance effects can lead to a twofold underestimation of the field-effect mobility. © 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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Structured Light Plethysmography (SLP) is a novel non-invasive method that uses structured light to perform pulmonary function testing that does not require physical contact with a patient. The technique produces an estimate of chest wall volume changes over time. A patient is observed continuously by two cameras and a known pattern of light (i.e. structured light) is projected onto the chest using an off-the-shelf projector. Corner features from the projected light pattern are extracted, tracked and brought into correspondence for both camera views over successive frames. A novel self calibration algorithm recovers the intrinsic and extrinsic camera parameters from these point correspondences. This information is used to reconstruct a surface approximation of the chest wall and several novel ideas for 'cleaning up' the reconstruction are used. The resulting volume and derived statistics (e.g. FVC, FEV) agree very well with data taken with a spirometer. © 2010. The copyright of this document resides with its authors.


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The measurement of high speed laser beam parameters during processing is a topic that has seen growing attention over the last few years as quality assurance places greater demand on the monitoring of the manufacturing process. The targets for any monitoring system is to be non-intrusive, low cost, simple to operate, high speed and capable of operation in process. A new ISO compliant system is presented based on the integration of an imaging plate and camera located behind a proprietary mirror sampling device. The general layout of the device is presented along with the thermal and optical performance of the sampling optic. Diagnostic performance of the system is compared with industry standard devices, demonstrating the high quality high speed data which has been generated using this system.


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A tribometer, based on a pin-on-disc machine, uses a PZT drive to produce small sinusoidal fluctuations of sliding speed. The frequency and amplitude of these fluctuations can be controlled, and the dynamic response measured. Preliminary test results show that the dynamic friction variation is influenced by the contact materials, normal force, oscillation frequency and steady sliding speed. The variation of friction force amplitude and phase with frequency gives clues about the underlying state variables determining the friction. Modelling studies illustrate the expected behaviour for idealized friction laws governed by, for example, sliding speed, contact temperature, and "rate-state" laws. © 2008 SAE International.


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A new theoretical model that predicts the magnetostriction of multilayered composites has been developed. The model takes into account the shear stress between the composite layers and consequently predicts a non-uniform strain along their thickness. The model has been experimentally validated by producing composites formed from three materials with different magnetostrains and mechanical properties, and controlled layer thicknesses in the order of micrometers. Deformations of several ppm, up to 7.5% of the saturation magnetostrain were measured between the edge and the centre of such composites. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A series of flames in a turbulent methane/air stratified swirl burner is presented. The degree of stratification and swirl are systematically varied to generate a matrix of experimental conditions, allowing their separate and combined effects to be investigated. Non-swirling flows are considered in the present paper, and the effects of swirl are considered in a companion paper (Part II). A mean equivalence ratio of φ=0.75 is used, with φ for the highest level of stratification spanning 0.375-1.125. The burner features a central bluff-body to aid flame stabilization, and the influence of the induced recirculation zone is also considered. The current work focuses on non-swirling flows where two-component particle image velocimetry (PIV) measurements are sufficient to characterize the main features of the flow field. Scalar data obtained from Rayleigh/Raman/CO laser induced fluorescence (CO-LIF) line measurements at 103μm resolution allow the behavior of key combustion species-CH 4, CO 2, CO, H 2, H 2O and O 2-to be probed within the instantaneous flame front. Simultaneous cross-planar OH-PLIF is used to determine the orientation of the instantaneous flame normal in the scalar measurement window, allowing gradients in temperature and progress variable to be angle corrected to their three dimensional values. The relationship between curvature and flame thickness is investigated using the OH-PLIF images, as well as the effect of stratification on curvature.The main findings are that the behavior of the key combustion species in temperature space is well captured on the mean by laminar flame calculations regardless of the level of stratification. H 2 and CO are significant exceptions, both appearing at elevated levels in the stratified flames. Values for surface density function and by extension thermal scalar dissipation rate are found to be substantially lower than laminar values, as the thickening of the flame due to turbulence dominates the effect of increased strain. These findings hold for both premixed and stratified flames. The current series of flames is proposed as an interesting if challenging set of test cases for existing and emerging turbulent flame models, and data are available on request. © 2012 The Combustion Institute.


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Atom probe tomography was used to study the redistribution of platinum and arsenic atoms after Ni(Pt) silicidation of As-doped polycrystalline Si. These measurements were performed on a field-effect transistor and compared with those obtained in unpatterned region submitted to the same process. These results suggest that Pt and As redistribution during silicide formation is only marginally influenced by the confinement in microelectronic devices. On the contrary, there is a clear difference with the redistribution reported in the literature for the blanket wafers. Selective etching used to remove the non-reacted Ni(Pt) film after the first rapid heat treatment may induce this difference. © 2011 American Institute of Physics.


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Understanding and controlling the hierarchical self-assembly of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) is vital for designing materials such as transparent conductors, chemical sensors, high-performance composites, and microelectronic interconnects. In particular, many applications require high-density CNT assemblies that cannot currently be made directly by low-density CNT growth, and therefore require post-processing by methods such as elastocapillary densification. We characterize the hierarchical structure of pristine and densified vertically aligned multi-wall CNT forests, by combining small-angle and ultra-small-angle x-ray scattering (USAXS) techniques. This enables the nondestructive measurement of both the individual CNT diameter and CNT bundle diameter within CNT forests, which are otherwise quantified only by delicate and often destructive microscopy techniques. Our measurements show that multi-wall CNT forests grown by chemical vapor deposition consist of isolated and bundled CNTs, with an average bundle diameter of 16 nm. After capillary densification of the CNT forest, USAXS reveals bundles with a diameter 4 m, in addition to the small bundles observed in the as-grown forests. Combining these characterization methods with new CNT processing methods could enable the engineering of macro-scale CNT assemblies that exhibit significantly improved bulk properties. © 2011 American Institute of Physics.


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A tribometer, based on a pin-on-disc machine, uses a PZT drive to produce small sinusoidal fluctuations of sliding speed. The frequency and amplitude of these fluctuations can be controlled, and the dynamic response measured. Preliminary test results show that the dynamic friction variation is influenced by the contact materials, normal force, oscillation frequency and steady sliding speed. The variation of friction force amplitude and phase with frequency gives clues about the underlying state variables determining the friction. Modelling studies illustrate the expected behaviour for idealized friction laws governed by, for example, sliding speed, contact temperature, and "rate-state" laws. © 2008 SAE International.