7 resultados para Neutral moves

em Cambridge University Engineering Department Publications Database


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Liquid crystal variable phase retarders have been incorporated into prototype devices for optical communications system applications, both as endless polarization controllers 1,2,3, and as holographic beam steerers 4. Nematic liquid crystals allow continuous control of the degree of retardation induced at relatively slow switching speeds, while ferroelectric liquid crystal based devices allow fast (sub millisecond) switching, but only between two bistable states. The flexoelectro-optic effect 5,6 in short-pitch chiral nematic liquid crystals allows both fast switching of the optic axis and continuous, electric field dependent control of the degree of rotation of the optic axis. A novel geometry for the flexoelectro-optic effect is presented here, in which the helical axis of the chiral nematic is perpendicular to the cell walls (grandjean texture) and the electric field is applied in the plane of the cell. This facilitates deflection of the optic axis of the uniaxial negatively birefringent material from lying along the direction of propagation to having some component in the polarization plane of the light. The device is therefore optically neutral at zero field for telecommunications wavelengths (1550nm), and allows a continuously variable degree of phase excursion to be induced, up to 2π/3 radians achieved so far in a 40μm thick cell. The retardation has been shown both to appear, on application of the field, and disappear on removal, at speeds of 100-500 μs. The direction of deflection of the optic axis is also dependent on the direction of the field, allowing the possibility, in a converging electrode "cartwheel cell", of endless rotation of the liquid crystal waveplate at a higher rate than achievable through dielectric coupling to plain nematic materials.


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This paper presents research into superconducting Micro-Bearings for MEMS systems. Advanced silicon processing techniques developed for the Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) industry have been exploited in recent years to enable the production of micro-engineered moving mechanical systems. These devices commonly known as Micro-ElectroMechanical Systems (MEMS) have many potential advantages. In many respects the effect of scaling a machine from macro-sized to micro-sized are either neutral or beneficial. However in one important respect the scaling produces a severely detrimental effect. That respect is in the tribology and the subsequent wear on the high speed rotating machines. This leads to very short device lifetimes. This paper presents results obtained from a MEMS motor supported on superconducting bearings. The bearings are self-positioning, relying on, the Meissner effect to provide a levitation force which moves the rotor into position and flux pinning to provide stability thereafter. The rotor is driven by a simple electrostatic type motor in which photo resist is used to pattern the motor poles directly onto the rotor. © 2005 IEEE.