133 resultados para Nature inspired algorithms

em Cambridge University Engineering Department Publications Database


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In this work we mimic the efficient propulsion mechanism of natural cilia by magnetically actuating thin films in a cyclic but non-reciprocating manner. By simultaneously solving the elastodynamic, magnetostatic, and fluid mechanics equations, we show that the amount of fluid propelled is proportional to the area swept by the cilia. By using the intricate interplay between film magnetization and applied field we are able to generate a pronounced asymmetry and associated flow. We delineate the functional response of the system in terms of three dimensionless parameters that capture the relative contribution of elastic, inertial, viscous, and magnetic forces.


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A new method for the optimal design of Functionally Graded Materials (FGM) is proposed in this paper. Instead of using the widely used explicit functional models, a feature tree based procedural model is proposed to represent generic material heterogeneities. A procedural model of this sort allows more than one explicit function to be incorporated to describe versatile material gradations and the material composition at a given location is no longer computed by simple evaluation of an analytic function, but obtained by execution of customizable procedures. This enables generic and diverse types of material variations to be represented, and most importantly, by a reasonably small number of design variables. The descriptive flexibility in the material heterogeneity formulation as well as the low dimensionality of the design vectors help facilitate the optimal design of functionally graded materials. Using the nature-inspired Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) method, functionally graded materials with generic distributions can be efficiently optimized. We demonstrate, for the first time, that a PSO based optimizer outperforms classical mathematical programming based methods, such as active set and trust region algorithms, in the optimal design of functionally graded materials. The underlying reason for this performance boost is also elucidated with the help of benchmarked examples. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Natural sounds are structured on many time-scales. A typical segment of speech, for example, contains features that span four orders of magnitude: Sentences ($\sim1$s); phonemes ($\sim10$−$1$ s); glottal pulses ($\sim 10$−$2$s); and formants ($\sim 10$−$3$s). The auditory system uses information from each of these time-scales to solve complicated tasks such as auditory scene analysis [1]. One route toward understanding how auditory processing accomplishes this analysis is to build neuroscience-inspired algorithms which solve similar tasks and to compare the properties of these algorithms with properties of auditory processing. There is however a discord: Current machine-audition algorithms largely concentrate on the shorter time-scale structures in sounds, and the longer structures are ignored. The reason for this is two-fold. Firstly, it is a difficult technical problem to construct an algorithm that utilises both sorts of information. Secondly, it is computationally demanding to simultaneously process data both at high resolution (to extract short temporal information) and for long duration (to extract long temporal information). The contribution of this work is to develop a new statistical model for natural sounds that captures structure across a wide range of time-scales, and to provide efficient learning and inference algorithms. We demonstrate the success of this approach on a missing data task.


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We have constructed plasmids to be used for in vitro signature-tagged mutagenesis (STM) of Campylobacter jejuni and used these to generate STM libraries in three different strains. Statistical analysis of the transposon insertion sites in the C. jejuni NCTC 11168 chromosome and the plasmids of strain 81-176 indicated that their distribution was not uniform. Visual inspection of the distribution suggested that deviation from uniformity was not due to preferential integration of the transposon into a limited number of hot spots but rather that there was a bias towards insertions around the origin. We screened pools of mutants from the STM libraries for their ability to colonize the ceca of 2-week-old chickens harboring a standardized gut flora. We observed high-frequency random loss of colonization proficient mutants. When cohoused birds were individually inoculated with different tagged mutants, random loss of colonization-proficient mutants was similarly observed, as was extensive bird-to-bird transmission of mutants. This indicates that the nature of campylobacter colonization in chickens is complex and dynamic, and we hypothesize that bottlenecks in the colonization process and between-bird transmission account for these observations.


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Variable selection for regression is a classical statistical problem, motivated by concerns that too large a number of covariates may bring about overfitting and unnecessarily high measurement costs. Novel difficulties arise in streaming contexts, where the correlation structure of the process may be drifting, in which case it must be constantly tracked so that selections may be revised accordingly. A particularly interesting phenomenon is that non-selected covariates become missing variables, inducing bias on subsequent decisions. This raises an intricate exploration-exploitation tradeoff, whose dependence on the covariance tracking algorithm and the choice of variable selection scheme is too complex to be dealt with analytically. We hence capitalise on the strength of simulations to explore this problem, taking the opportunity to tackle the difficult task of simulating dynamic correlation structures. © 2008 IEEE.


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In this paper, we describe models and algorithms for detection and tracking of group and individual targets. We develop two novel group dynamical models, within a continuous time setting, that aim to mimic behavioural properties of groups. We also describe two possible ways of modeling interactions between closely using Markov Random Field (MRF) and repulsive forces. These can be combined together with a group structure transition model to create realistic evolving group models. We use a Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC)-Particles Algorithm to perform sequential inference. Computer simulations demonstrate the ability of the algorithm to detect and track targets within groups, as well as infer the correct group structure over time. ©2008 IEEE.


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Standard algorithms in tracking and other state-space models assume identical and synchronous sampling rates for the state and measurement processes. However, real trajectories of objects are typically characterized by prolonged smooth sections, with sharp, but infrequent, changes. Thus, a more parsimonious representation of a target trajectory may be obtained by direct modeling of maneuver times in the state process, independently from the observation times. This is achieved by assuming the state arrival times to follow a random process, typically specified as Markovian, so that state points may be allocated along the trajectory according to the degree of variation observed. The resulting variable dimension state inference problem is solved by developing an efficient variable rate particle filtering algorithm to recursively update the posterior distribution of the state sequence as new data becomes available. The methodology is quite general and can be applied across many models where dynamic model uncertainty occurs on-line. Specific models are proposed for the dynamics of a moving object under internal forcing, expressed in terms of the intrinsic dynamics of the object. The performance of the algorithms with these dynamical models is demonstrated on several challenging maneuvering target tracking problems in clutter. © 2006 IEEE.


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The electronic structure of amorphous diamond-like carbon is studied. Analysis of the participation ratio shows that π states within the σ-σ* gap are localized. The localization arises from dihedral angle disorder. The localization of π states causes the mobility gap to exceed the optical gap, which accounts for the low carrier mobility and the flat photoluminesence excitation spectrum. © 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.