15 resultados para Magnets.

em Cambridge University Engineering Department Publications Database


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Superconductors, such as YBCO bulks, have extremely high potential magnetic flux densities, comparing to rare earth magnets. Therefore, the magnetization of superconductors has attracted broad attention and contribution from both academic research and industry. In this paper, a novel technique is proposed to magnetize superconductors. Unusually, instead of using high magnetic fields and pulses, repeatedly magnetic waves with strength of as low as rare earth magnets are applied. These magnetic waves, generated by thermally controlling a Gadolinium (Gd) bulk with a rare earth magnet underneath, travel over the flat surface of a YBCO bulk and get trapped little by little. Thus, a very small magnetic field can be used to build up a very large magnetic field. In this paper, the modelling results of thermally actuated magnetic waves are presented showing how to transfer sequentially applied thermal pulses into magnetic waves. The experiment results of the magnetization of YBCO bulk are also presented to demonstrate how superconductors are progressively magnetized by small magnetic field © 2010 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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High quality large grain high Tc superconducting ceramics offer enormous potential as 'permanent' magnets and in magnetic screening applications at 77K. This requires sample dimensions -cm with uniform high critical current densities of the order 105 A/cm2 in applied magnetic fields of IT. We report a study of the magnetic characterisation of a typical large YBa2Cu3O7-δ grain, prepared by seeded peritectic solidification, and correlate the magnetically determined critical current density, Jc, with microstuctural features from different regions of the bulk sample. From this data we extract the temperature, field and positional dependence of the critical current density of the samples and the irreversibility line. We find that whilst the bulk sample exhibits a good Jc of order 104 A/cm2 (77K, 1T), the local Jc is strongly correlated with the sample microstructure towards the edge of the sample and more severely at the centre of the sample by the presence of SmBa2Cu3O7-δ seed crystal. © 1997 IEEE.


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Axial and journal bearings have been investigated for use in superconducting flywheel systems. Our test rig comprises of an Evershed type magnetic bearing used to levitate a 35 kg rotor. The stabilizing forces are provided by superconducting axial and journal bearings. In this study we focus on the vertical stiffness measurements and explore the use of journal bearings. The journal bearing consists of radial magnets with alternating polarities. Our results indicate that this type of journal bearing can effectively stabilize the rotor. Spin-down test shows a linear behavior.


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High Temperature superconductors are able to carry very high current densities, and thereby sustain very high magnetic fields. There are many projects which use the first property and these have concentrated on power generation, transmission and utilization, however there are relatively few which are currently exploiting the ability to sustain high magnetic fields. There are two main reasons for this: high field wound magnets can and have been made from both BSCCO and YBCO but currently their cost is much higher than the alternative provided by low Tc materials such as Nb3Sn and NbTi. An alternative form of the material is the bulk form which can be magnetized to high fields and using flux pumping this can be done in situ. This paper explores some of the applications of bulk superconductors and describes methods of producing field patterns using the highly uniform magnetic fields required for MRI and accelerator magnets as the frame of reference. The patterns are not limited to uniform fields and it is entirely possible to produce a field varying sinusoidally in space such as would be required for a motor or a generator. The scheme described in this paper describes a dipole magnet such as is found in an accelerator magnet. The tunnel is 30 × 50 × 1000 mm and we achieve a uniformity of better than 200 ppm over the 1000 mm length and better than 1 ppm over the central 500 mm region. The paper presents results for both the overall uniformity and the integrated uniformity which is 302 ppm over the 1000 mm length. © 2010 IEEE.


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Since the exchange coupling theory was proposed by Kneller and Hawig in 1991 there has been a significant effort within the magnetic materials community to enhance the performance of rare earth magnets by utilising nano-composite meta-materials. Inclusions of magnetically soft iron smaller than approximately 10 nm in diameter are exchange coupled to a surrounding magnetically hard Nd2Fe14B matrix and provide an enhanced saturisation magnetisation without reducing coercivity. For such a fine nanostructure to be produced, close control over the thermal history of the material is needed. A processing route which provides this is laser annealing from an amorphous alloy precursor. In the current work, relationships between laser parameters, thermal histories of laser processed amorphous stoichiometric NdFeB ribbons and the magnetic properties of the resulting nanocrystalline products have been determined with a view to applying the process to thick film nanocomposite magnet production.


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In the design of high-speed low-power electrical generators for unmanned aircraft and spacecraft, maximization of specific output (power/weight) is of prime importance. Several magnetic circuit configurations (radial-field, axial-field, flux-squeezing, homopolar) have been proposed, and in this paper the relative merits of these configurations are subjected to a quantitative investigation over the speed range 10 000–100000 rev/min and power range 250 W-10 kW. The advantages of incorporating new high energy-density magnetic materials are described. Part I deals with establishing an equivalent circuit for permanent-magnet generators. For each configuration the equivalent circuit parameters are related to the physical dimensions of the generator components and an optimization procedure produces a minimum volume design at discrete output powers and operating speeds. The technique is illustrated by a quantitative comparison of the specific outputs of conventional radial-field generators with samarium cobalt and alnico magnets. In Part II the specific outputs of conventional, flux-squeezing, and claw-rotor magnetic circuit configurations are compared. The flux-squeezing configuration is shown to produce the highest specific output for small sizes whereas the conventional configuration is best at large sizes. For all sizes the claw-rotor configuration is significantly inferior. In Part III the power densities available from axial-field and flux-switching magnetic circuit configurations are maximized, over the power range 0.25-10 kW and speed range 10 000–100000 rpm, and compared to the results of Parts I & II. For the axial-field configuration the power density is always less than that of the conventional and flux-squeezing radial-field configurations. For the flux-switching generator, which is able to withstand relatively high mechanical forces in the rotor, the power density is again inferior to the radial-field types, but the difference is less apparent for small (low power, high speed) generator sizes. From the combined results it can be concluded that the flux-squeezing and conventional radial-field magnetic circuit configurations yield designs with minimum volume over the power and speed ranges considered. © 1985, IEEE. All rights reserved.


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Superconductors have a bright future; they are able to carry very high current densities, switch rapidly in electronic circuits, detect extremely small perturbations in magnetic fields, and sustain very high magnetic fields. Of most interest to large-scale electrical engineering applications are the ability to carry large currents and to provide large magnetic fields. There are many projects that use the first property, and these have concentrated on power generation, transmission, and utilization; however, there are relatively few, which are currently exploiting the ability to sustain high magnetic fields. The main reason for this is that high field wound magnets can and have been made from both BSCCO and YBCO, but currently, their cost is much higher than the alternative provided by low-Tc materials such as Nb3Sn and NbTi. An alternative form of the material is the bulk form, which can be magnetized to high fields. This paper explains the mechanism, which allows superconductors to be magnetized without the need for high field magnets to perform magnetization. A finite-element model is presented, which is based on the E-J current law. Results from this model show how magnetization of the superconductor builds up cycle upon cycle when a traveling magnetic wave is induced above the superconductor. © 2011 IEEE.


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A novel technique is proposed to magnetize bulk superconductors, which has the potential to build up strong superconducting magnets. Instead of conventionally using strong magnetic pulses, periodical magnetic waves with strength as low as that of rare-earth magnets are applied. These magnetic waves travel from the periphery to the center of a bulk superconductor and become trapped little by little. In this way, bulk superconductors can gradually be magnetized. To generate these magnetic waves, a thermally actuated magnet was developed, which is constructed by a heating/cooling switch system, a rare-earth bulk magnet, and a Gadolinium (Gd) bulk. The heating/cooling switch system controls the temperature of the Gd bulk, which, along with the rare-earth magnet underneath, can transform thermal signals into magnetic waves. The modeling results of the thermally actuated magnet show that periodical magnetic waves can effectively be generated by applying heating and cooling pulses in turn. A YBCO bulk was tested in liquid nitrogen under the magnetic waves, and a notable accumulation of magnetic flux density was observed. © 2006 IEEE.


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We show that tubes of melt cast Bi-2212 used as current leads for LTS magnets can also act as efficient magnetic shields. The magnetic screening properties under an axial DC magnetic field are characterized at several temperatures below the liquid nitrogen temperature (77 K). Two main shielding properties are studied and compared with those of Bi-2223, a material that has been considered in the past for bulk magnetic shields. The first property is related to the maximum magnetic flux density that can be screened, Blim; it is defined as the applied magnetic flux density below which the field attenuation measured at the centre of the shield exceeds 1000. For a cylinder of Bi-2212 with a wall thickness of 5 mm and a large ratio of length over radius, Blim is evaluated to 1 T at T = 10 K. This value largely exceeds the Blim value measured at the same temperature on similar tubes of Bi-2223. The second shielding property that is characterized is the dependence of Blim with respect to variations of the sweep rate of the applied field, dBapp/dt. This dependence is interpreted in terms of the power law E = Ec(J/Jc)^n and allows us to determine the exponent n of this E(J) characteristics for Bi-2212. The characterization of the magnetic field relaxation involves very small values of the electric field. This gives us the opportunity to experimentally determine the E(J) law in an unexplored region of small electric fields. Combining these results with transport and AC shielding measurements, we construct a piecewise E(J) law that spans over 8 orders of magnitude of the electric field.


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When bulk RE-BCO superconductors are used as permanent magnets in engineering applications, they are likely to experience transient variations of the applied magnetic field. The resulting vortex motion may cause a significant temperature increase. As a consequence the initial trapped flux is reduced. In the present work, we first focus on the cause of a temperature increase. The temperature distribution within a superconducting finite cylinder subjected to an alternating magnetic field is theoretically predicted. Results are compared to experimental data obtained by two temperature sensors attached to a bulk YBCO pellet. Second, we consider curative methods for reducing the effect of heat flux on the temperature increase. Hall-probe mappings on YBCO samples maintained out of the thermal equilibrium are performed for two different morphologies : a plain single domain and a single domain with a regularly spaced hole array. The drilled single-domain displays a trapped induction which is weakly affected by the local heating while displaying a high trapped field. © 2006 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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The ability to generate a permanent, stable magnetic field unsupported by an electromotive force is fundamental to a variety of engineering applications. Bulk high temperature superconducting (HTS) materials can trap magnetic fields of magnitude over ten times higher than the maximum field produced by conventional magnets, which is limited practically to rather less than 2 T. In this paper, two large c-axis oriented, single-grain YBCO and GdBCO bulk superconductors are magnetized by the pulsed field magnetization (PFM) technique at temperatures of 40 and 65 K and the characteristics of the resulting trapped field profile are investigated with a view of magnetizing such samples as trapped field magnets (TFMs) in situ inside a trapped flux-type superconducting electric machine. A comparison is made between the temperatures at which the pulsed magnetic field is applied and the results have strong implications for the optimum operating temperature for TFMs in trapped flux-type superconducting electric machines. The effects of inhomogeneities, which occur during the growth process of single-grain bulk superconductors, on the trapped field and maximum temperature rise in the sample are modelled numerically using a 3D finite-element model based on the H-formulation and implemented in Comsol Multiphysics 4.3a. The results agree qualitatively with the observed experimental results, in that inhomogeneities act to distort the trapped field profile and reduce the magnitude of the trapped field due to localized heating within the sample and preferential movement and pinning of flux lines around the growth section regions (GSRs) and growth sector boundaries (GSBs), respectively. The modelling framework will allow further investigation of various inhomogeneities that arise during the processing of (RE)BCO bulk superconductors, including inhomogeneous Jc distributions and the presence of current-limiting grain boundaries and cracks, and it can be used to assist optimization of processing and PFM techniques for practical bulk superconductor applications. © 2014 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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The development of long-length, high current density Bi2Sr 2CaCu2Ox wires and (RE)Ba2Cu 3Oy coated conductors has now advanced such that superconducting magnets for energy applications and high field applications are progressing rapidly. Europe, along with China, Korea the US and Japan is an important player in the development and exploitation of High Temperature Superconductors in practical applications. © 2013 IEEE.


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Large grain, bulk Y-Ba-Cu-O (YBCO) high temperature superconductors (HTS) have significant potential for use in a variety of practical applications that incorporate powerful quasi-permanent magnets. In the present work, we investigate how the trapped field of such magnets can be improved by combining bulk YBCO with a soft FeNi, ferromagnetic alloy. This involves machining the alloy into components of various shapes, such as cylinders and rings, which are attached subsequently to the top surface of a solid, bulk HTS cylinder. The effect of these modifications on the magnetic hysteresis curve and trapped field of the bulk superconductor at 77 K are then studied using pick-up coil and Hall probe measurements. The experimental data are compared to finite element modelling of the magnetic flux distribution using Campbell's algorithm. Initially we establish the validity of the technique involving pick-up coils wrapped around the bulk superconductor to obtain its magnetic hysteresis curve in a non-destructive way and highlight the difference between the measured signal and the true magnetization of the sample. We then consider the properties of hybrid ferromagnet/superconductor (F/S) structures. Hall probe measurements, together with the results of the model, establish that flux lines curve outwards through the ferromagnet, which acts, effectively, like a magnetic short circuit. Magnetic hysteresis curves show that the effects of the superconductor and the ferromagnet simply add when the ferromagnet is saturated fully by the applied field. The trapped field of the hybrid structure is always larger than that of the superconductor alone below this saturation level, and especially when the applied field is removed. The results of the study show further that the beneficial effects on the trapped field are enhanced when the ferromagnet covers the entire surface of the superconductor for different ferromagnetic components of various shapes and fixed volume. © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.