29 resultados para LIMITATION

em Cambridge University Engineering Department Publications Database


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The cross-gain-saturation effect in SOAs, has been shown to enable robust high-speed wavelength conversion. Under strong electrical and optical pumping, conversion speeds in excess of 20 Gbit/s have been illustrated. However, the effect of chirp on transmission distance at such ultrahigh bit rates has not been studied theoretically in detail. This paper considers the chirp introduced on conversion, employing cross-gain saturation, and studies its dependence on amplifier drive current and signal power. It further shows how an increase in injected cw optical power can reduce chirp while improving conversion speed.


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We show for the first time that for a given switching pulse width, the maximum switching speed obtainable from a Mach-Zehnder interferometer employing semiconductor optical amplifiers is strongly dependent on the SOA chirp characteristics. © 2005 Optical Society of America.


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We show for the first time that for a given switching pulse width, the maximum switching speed obtainable from a Mach-Zehnder interferometer employing semiconductor optical amplifiers is strongly dependent on the SOA chirp characteristics. © 2005 Optical Society of America.


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Turbomachinery noise radiating into the rearward arc is an important problem. This noise is scattered by the trailing edges of the nacelle and the jet exhaust, and interacts with the shear layers between the external flow, bypass stream and jet, en route to the far field. In the past a range of relevant model problems involving semi-infinite cylinders have been solved. However, one limitation of these previous solutions is that they do not allow for the jet nozzle protruding a finite distance beyond the end of the nacelle (or in certain configurations being buried a finite distance upstream). With this in mind, we have used the matrix Wiener-Hopf technique to allow precisely this finite nacelle-jet nozzle separation to be included. We have previously reported results for the case of hard-walled ducts, which requires factorisation of a 2 × 2 matrix. In this paper we extend this work by allowing one of the duct walls, in this case the outer wall of the jet pipe, to be acoustically lined. This results in the need to factorise a 3 × 3 matrix, which is completed by use of a combination of pole-removal and Pad́e approximant techniques. Sample results are presented, investigating in particular the effects of exit plane stagger and liner impedance. Here we take the mean flow to be zero, but extension to nonzero Mach numbers in the core and bypass flow has also been completed. Copyright © 2009 by Nigel Peake & Ben Veitch.


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Three-dimensional (3D) optical microscopy based on integral imaging techniques is limited mainly by diffraction effects and the pitch of the microlens array used to sample the specimen. We integrate nanotechnology to the integral imaging technique and demonstrate a nanophotonic 3D microscope, where a nanophotonic lens array is used to finely sample the specimen. The resolution limitation due to diffraction is reduced by capturing images before the diffraction effects predominate and hence overcomes the bottleneck of achieving high resolution in an integral imaging 3D microscope.


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The heterogeneous nature of the subsurface and associated DNAPL morphologies often poses the greatest limitation to source zone clean-up strategies. Hence, detailed site characterisation techniques are required. The data presented in this paper has been collected from a series of laboratory 2-D tank experiments and numerical simulations of Partitioning Interwell Tracer Tests (PITT) in a wide range of aquifer conditions and DNAPL morphologies. Alternative uses of tracer breakthrough data have been developed In order to characterise the mass flux generated from the DNAPL source. By combining the laboratory and numerical data, a relationship between normalised mass flux and tracer-based average source zone DNAPL saturation has been established. Knowledge of such a relationship allows remediation targets to be identified, clean-up efficiencies to be evaluated, and increases the accuracy of any risk assessment.


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Effective dialogue management is critically dependent on the information that is encoded in the dialogue state. In order to deploy reinforcement learning for policy optimization, dialogue must be modeled as a Markov Decision Process. This requires that the dialogue statemust encode all relevent information obtained during the dialogue prior to that state. This can be achieved by combining the user goal, the dialogue history, and the last user action to form the dialogue state. In addition, to gain robustness to input errors, dialogue must be modeled as a Partially Observable Markov Decision Process (POMDP) and hence, a distribution over all possible states must be maintained at every dialogue turn. This poses a potential computational limitation since there can be a very large number of dialogue states. The Hidden Information State model provides a principled way of ensuring tractability in a POMDP-based dialogue model. The key feature of this model is the grouping of user goals into partitions that are dynamically built during the dialogue. In this article, we extend this model further to incorporate the notion of complements. This allows for a more complex user goal to be represented, and it enables an effective pruning technique to be implemented that preserves the overall system performance within a limited computational resource more effectively than existing approaches. © 2011 ACM.


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Over the past decades mode-locked fibre lasers have been extensively refined and developed, with most research efforts focussing on employing rare-earth doped fibres as the active elements [1]. This presents the problem that operation is limited to regions of the spectrum where such elements exhibit gain [1]. Raman amplification in silica fibre is an attractive way to overcome this spectral limitation, with gain available across the entire transparency window (300 nm - 2300 nm) [2-4]. There have been a number of reports utilising Raman gain in ultrashort pulse sources [2-4], however none using a broadband saturable absorber, such as carbon nanotubes [5-7] and graphene [7-9]. A broadband saturable absorber is an essential pre-requisite in order to fully exploit the wavelength flexibility provided by the Raman gain in short pulse mode-locked fiber lasers. © 2011 IEEE.


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We have investigated single grain boundaries (GBs) isolated in coated conductors produced by Metal-Organic Deposition (MOD). When a magnetic field is swept in the film plane, an angle-dependent crossover from boundary to grain limited critical current density Jc is found. In the force-free orientation, even at fields as high as 8 T, the GBs still limit Jc. We deduce that this effect is a direct consequence of GB meandering. We have employed these single GB results to explain the dependence of Jc of polycrystalline tracks on their width: in-plane measurements become flatter as the tracks are narrowed down. This result is consistent with the stronger GB limitation at field configurations close to force-free found from the isolated boundaries. Our study shows that for certain geometries even at high fields the effect of GBs cannot be neglected.


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There is potential to extract energy from wastewater in a number of ways, including: kinetic energy using micro-hydro systems, chemical energy through the incineration of sludge, biomass energy from the biogas produced after anaerobic sludge digestion, and thermal energy as heat. This paper considers the last option and asks how much heat could be recovered under UK climatic conditions and can this heat be used effectively by wastewater treatment plants to reduce their carbon footprint? Four wastewater treatment sites in southern England are investigated and the available heat that can be recovered at those sites is quantified. Issues relating to the environmental, economic and practical constraints on how energy can be realistically recovered and utilised are discussed .The results show there is a definite possibility for thermal energy recovery with potential savings at some sites of up to 35,000 tonnes of total long-cycle carbon equivalent (fossil fuel) emissions per year being achievable. The paper also shows that the financial feasibility of three options for using the heat (either for district heating, sludge drying or thermophilic heating in sludge digestion processes) is highly dependant upon the current shadow price of carbon. Without the inclusion of the cost of carbon, the financial feasibility is significantly limited. An environmental constraint for the allowable discharge temperature of effluent after heat-extraction was found to be the major limitation to the amount of energy available for recovery. The paper establishes the true potential of thermal energy recovery from wastewater in English conditions and the economic feasibility of reducing the carbon footprint of wastewater treatment operations using this approach.


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Superconducting Fault Current Limiters (SFCLs) are able to reduce fault currents to an acceptable value, reducing potential mechanical and thermal damage and allowing more flexibility in an electric power system's design. Due to limitations in current YBCO thin film manufacturing techniques, it is necessary to connect a number of thin films in different series and parallel configurations in order to realise a practical SFCL for electric power system applications. The amount of resistance generated (i.e. the degree of current limitation), the characteristics of the S-N transition, and the time at which they operate is different depending on their comparative characteristics. However, it is desirable for series-connected thin films to have an operating time difference as small as possible to avoid placing an excess burden on certain thin films. The role of a parallel resistance, along with the influence of thin film characteristics, such as critical current (Ic), are discussed in regards to the design of SFCLs using YBCO thin films. © 2008 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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A number of methods are commonly used today to collect infrastructure's spatial data (time-of-flight, visual triangulation, etc.). However, current practice lacks a solution that is accurate, automatic, and cost-efficient at the same time. This paper presents a videogrammetric framework for acquiring spatial data of infrastructure which holds the promise to address this limitation. It uses a calibrated set of low-cost high resolution video cameras that is progressively traversed around the scene and aims to produce a dense 3D point cloud which is updated in each frame. It allows for progressive reconstruction as opposed to point-and-shoot followed by point cloud stitching. The feasibility of the framework is studied in this paper. Required steps through this process are presented and the unique challenges of each step are identified. Results specific to each step are also presented.