10 resultados para King, Coretta Scott , 1927-2006, American

em Cambridge University Engineering Department Publications Database


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In this paper, we demonstrate strong flexoelectric coupling in bimesogenic liquid crystals. This strong coupling is determined via the flexoelectro-optic effect in chiral nematic liquid crystals based on bimesogenic mixtures that are doped with low concentrations of high twisting power chiral additive. Two mixtures were examined: one had a pitch length of p∼300nm, the other had a pitch length of p∼600nm. These mixtures exhibit enantiotropic chiral nematic phases close to room temperature. We found that full-intensity modulation, that is, a rotation of the optic axis of 45° between crossed polarizers, could be achieved at significantly lower applied electric fields (E<5Vμm -1) than previously reported. In fact, for the condition of full-intensity modulation, the lowest electric-field strength recorded was E=2Vμm-1. As a result of a combination of the strong flexoelectric coupling and a divergence in the pitch, tilt angles of the optic axis up to 87°, i.e., a rotation of the optic axis through 174°, were observed. Furthermore, the flexoelastic ratios, which may be considered as a figure-of-merit parameter, were calculated from the results and found to be large, ranging from 1.3to2C/Nm for a temperature range of up to 40°C. © 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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In this letter, the uniform lying helix (ULH) liquid crystal texture, required for the flexoelectro-optic effect, is polymer stabilized by the addition of a small percentage of reactive mesogen to a high-tilt-angle (φ>60°) bimesogenic chiral nematic host. The electro-optic response is measured for a range of reactive mesogen concentration mixtures, and compared to the large-tilt-angle switch of the pure chiral nematic mixture. The optimum concentration of reactive mesogen, which is found to provide ample stabilization of the texture with minimal impact on the electro-optic response, is found to be approximately 3%. Our results indicate that polymer stabilization of the ULH texture using a very low concentration of reactive mesogen is a reliable way of ruggedizing flexoelectro-optic devices without interfering significantly with the electro-optics of the effect, negating the need for complicated surface alignment patterns or surface-only polymerization. The polymer stabilization is shown to reduce the temperature dependence of the flexoelectro-optic response due to "pinning" of the chiral nematic helical pitch. This is a restriction of the characteristic thermochromic behavior of the chiral nematic. Furthermore, selection of the temperature at which the sample is ultraviolet cured allows the tilt angle to be optimized for the entire chiral nematic temperature range. The response time, however, remains more sensitive to operating temperature than curing temperature. This allows the sample to be cured at low temperature and operated at high temperature, providing simultaneous optimization of these two previously antagonistic performance aspects. © 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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The subthreshold slope, transconductance, threshold voltage, and hysteresis of a carbon nanotube field-effect transistor (CNT FET) were examined as its configuration was changed from bottom-gate exposed channel, bottom-gate covered channel to top-gate FET. An individual single wall CNT was grown by chemical vapor deposition and its gate configuration was changed while determining its transistor characteristics to ensure that the measurements were not a function of different chirality or diameter CNTs. The bottom-gate exposed CNT FET utilized 900 nm SiO2 as the gate insulator. This CNT FET was then covered with TiO2 to form the bottom-gate covered channel CNT FET. Finally, the top-gate CNT FET was fabricated and the device utilized TiO 2 (K ∼ 80, equivalent oxide thickness=0.25 nm) as the gate insulator. Of the three configurations investigated, the top-gate device exhibited best subthreshold slope (67-70 mV/dec), highest transconductance (1.3 μS), and negligible hysteresis in terms of threshold voltage shift. © 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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Although partially observable Markov decision processes (POMDPs) have shown great promise as a framework for dialog management in spoken dialog systems, important scalability issues remain. This paper tackles the problem of scaling slot-filling POMDP-based dialog managers to many slots with a novel technique called composite point-based value iteration (CSPBVI). CSPBVI creates a "local" POMDP policy for each slot; at runtime, each slot nominates an action and a heuristic chooses which action to take. Experiments in dialog simulation show that CSPBVI successfully scales POMDP-based dialog managers without compromising performance gains over baseline techniques and preserving robustness to errors in user model estimation. Copyright © 2006, American Association for Artificial Intelligence (www.aaai.org). All rights reserved.


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A simple laser refractometer based on the detection of the critical angle for liquids is presented. The calibrated refractometer presents up to 0.000 11 of uncertainty when the refractive index is in the range between 1.300 00 and 1.340 00. The experimental setup is easy to construct and the material needed is available at most optics laboratories. The calibration method is simple and can be used in other devices. The refractive index measurements in aqueous solutions of sodium chloride were carried out to test the device and a linear dependence between the refractive index and the salt concentration was found. © 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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Preliminary lifetime values have been measured for a number of near-yrast states in the odd-A transitional nuclei 107Cd and 103Pd. The reaction used to populate the nuclei of interest was 98Mo( 12C,3nxα)107Cd, 103Pd, with the beam delivered by the tandem accelerator of the Wright Nuclear Structure Laboratory at an incident beam energy of 60 MeV. Our experiment was aimed at the investigation of collective excitations built on the unnatural parity, ν h11/2 orbital, specifically by measuring the B(E2) values of decays from the excited levels built on this intrinsic structure, using the Doppler Recoil Distance Method. We report lifetimes and associated transition probabilities for decays from the 15/2- and the 19/2- states in 107Cd and the first measurement of the 15/2- state in 103Pd. These results suggest that neither a simple rotational or vibrational interpretation is sufficient to explain the observed structures. © 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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The 8π spectrometer at TRIUMF-ISAC consists of 20 Compton-suppressed germanium detectors and various auxiliary devices. The Ge array, once used for studies of nuclei at high angular momentum, has been transformed into the world's most powerful device dedicated to radioactive-decay studies. Many improvements in the spectrometer have been made, including a high-throughput data acquisition system, installation of a moving tape collector, incorporation of an array of 20 plastic scintillators for β-particle tagging, 5 Si(Li) detectors for conversion electrons, and 10 BaF2 detectors for fast-lifetime measurements. Experiments can be performed where data from all detectors are collected simultaneously, resulting in a very detailed view of the nucleus through radioactive decay. A number of experimental programmes have been launched that take advantage of the versatility of the spectrometer, and the intense beams available at TRIUMF-ISAC. © 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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The structural properties and the room temperature luminescence of Er 2O3 thin films deposited by magnetron sputtering have been studied. In spite of the well-known high reactivity of rare earth oxides towards silicon, films characterized by good morphological properties have been obtained by using a SiO2 interlayer between the film and the silicon substrate. The evolution of the properties of the Er2O3 films due to thermal annealing processes in oxygen ambient performed at temperatures in the range of 800-1200°C has been investigated in detail. The existence of well defined annealing conditions (rapid treatments at a temperature of 1100°C or higher) allowing to avoid the occurrence of extensive chemical reactions with the oxidized substrate has been demonstrated; under these conditions, the thermal process has a beneficial effect on both structural and optical properties of the film, and an increase of the photoluminescence (PL) intensity by about a factor of 40 with respect to the as-deposited material has been observed. The enhanced efficiency of the photon emission process has been correlated with the longer lifetime of the PL signal. Finally, the conditions leading to a reaction of Er2O3 with the substrate have been also identified, and evidences about the formation of silicate-like phases have been collected. © 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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Temperature-dependent polarized microphotoluminescence measurements of single GaAsAlGaAs core-shell nanowires are used to probe their electronic states. The low-temperature emission from these wires is strongly enhanced compared with that observed in bare GaAs nanowires and is strongly polarized, reflecting the dielectric mismatch between the nanowire and the surrounding air. The temperature-dependent band gap of the nanowires is seen to be somewhat different from that observed in bulk GaAs, and the PL rapidly quenches above 120 K, with an activation energy of 17 meV reflecting the presence of nonradiative defects. © 2006 American Institute of Physics.