11 resultados para Jones, Christopher, 1570 (ca.)-1622.

em Cambridge University Engineering Department Publications Database


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We have constructed plasmids to be used for in vitro signature-tagged mutagenesis (STM) of Campylobacter jejuni and used these to generate STM libraries in three different strains. Statistical analysis of the transposon insertion sites in the C. jejuni NCTC 11168 chromosome and the plasmids of strain 81-176 indicated that their distribution was not uniform. Visual inspection of the distribution suggested that deviation from uniformity was not due to preferential integration of the transposon into a limited number of hot spots but rather that there was a bias towards insertions around the origin. We screened pools of mutants from the STM libraries for their ability to colonize the ceca of 2-week-old chickens harboring a standardized gut flora. We observed high-frequency random loss of colonization proficient mutants. When cohoused birds were individually inoculated with different tagged mutants, random loss of colonization-proficient mutants was similarly observed, as was extensive bird-to-bird transmission of mutants. This indicates that the nature of campylobacter colonization in chickens is complex and dynamic, and we hypothesize that bottlenecks in the colonization process and between-bird transmission account for these observations.


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The authors have doped RABiTS coated conductor tapes with Ca in an attempt to enhance the transport properties. By diffusing Ca into the YBCO film from a CaZrO3 overlayer, the authors have been able to preferentially dope the grain boundaries of the superconductor. Hence it has been possible to obtain doped tapes which do not have a significantly degraded T-c. The authors have measured the critical currents of doped and undoped samples over a wide range of temperature, magnetic field, and magnetic field angle in order to study the effect of Ca on the grain boundaries. The authors find that doping using short anneal times produces enhanced critical currents in large magnetic fields.


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The yrast sequence of the neutron-rich dysprosium isotope Dy168 has been studied using multinucleon transfer reactions following collisions between a 460-MeV Se82 beam and an Er170 target. The reaction products were identified using the PRISMA magnetic spectrometer and the γ rays detected using the CLARA HPGe-detector array. The 2+ and 4+ members of the previously measured ground-state rotational band of Dy168 have been confirmed and the yrast band extended up to 10+. A tentative candidate for the 4+→2+ transition in Dy170 was also identified. The data on these nuclei and on the lighter even-even dysprosium isotopes are interpreted in terms of total Routhian surface calculations and the evolution of collectivity in the vicinity of the proton-neutron valence product maximum is discussed. © 2010 The American Physical Society.


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Besides the Kondo effect observed in dilute magnetic alloys, the Cr-doped perovskite manganate compounds La0.7 Ca0.3 Mn1-x Crx O3 also exhibit Kondo effect and spin-glass freezing in a certain composition range. An extensive investigation for the La0.7 Ca0.3 Mn1-x Crx O3 (x=0.01, 0.05, 0.10, 0.3, 0.6, and 1.0) system on the magnetization and ac susceptibility, the resistivity and magnetoresistance, as well as the thermal conductivity is done at low temperature. The spin-glass behavior has been confirmed for these compounds with x=0.05, 0.1, and 0.3. For temperatures above Tf (the spin-glass freezing temperature) a Curie-Weiss law is obeyed. The paramagnetic Curie temperature θ is dependent on Cr doping. Below Tf there exists a Kondo minimum in the resistivity. Colossal magnetoresistance has been observed in this system with Cr concentration up to x=0.6. We suppose that the substitution of Mn with Cr dilutes Mn ions and changes the long-range ferromagnetic order of La0.7 Ca0.3 MnO3. These behaviors demonstrate that short-range ferromagnetic correlation and fluctuation exist among Mn spins far above Tf. Furthermore, these interactions are a precursor of the cooperative freezing at Tf. The "double bumps" feature in the resistivity-temperature curve is observed in compounds with x=0.05 and 0.1. The phonon scattering is enhanced at low temperatures, where the second peak of double bumps comes out. The results indicate that the spin-cluster effect and lattice deformation induce Kondo effect, spin-glass freezing, and strong phonon scattering in mixed perovskite La0.7 Ca0.3 Mn1-x Crx O3. © 2005 American Institute of Physics.


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In this paper we report about the electrical properties of La 0.7Ca0.3MnO3 compounds substituted by copper on the manganese site and/or deliberately contaminated by SiO2 in the reactant mixture. Several phenomena have been observed and discussed. SiO2 addition leads to the formation of an apatite-like secondary phase that affects the electrical conduction through the percolation of the charge carriers. On the other hand, depending on the relative amounts of copper and silicon, the temperature dependence of the electrical resistivity can be noticeably modified: our results enable us to compare the effects of crystallographic vacancies on the A and B sites of the perovskite with the influence of the copper ions substituted on the manganese site. The most original result occurs for the compounds with a small ratio Si/Cu, which display double-peaked resistivity vs. temperature curves. © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Psychological factors play a major role in exacerbating chronic pain. Effective self-management of pain is often hindered by inaccurate beliefs about the nature of pain which lead to a high degree of emotional reactivity. Probabilistic models of perception state that greater confidence (certainty) in beliefs increases their influence on perception and behavior. In this study, we treat confidence as a metacognitive process dissociable from the content of belief. We hypothesized that confidence is associated with anticipatory activation of areas of the pain matrix involved with top-down modulation of pain. Healthy volunteers rated their beliefs about the emotional distress that experimental pain would cause, and separately rated their level of confidence in this belief. Confidence predicted the influence of anticipation cues on experienced pain. We measured brain activity during anticipation of pain using high-density EEG and used electromagnetic tomography to determine neural substrates of this effect. Confidence correlated with activity in right anterior insula, posterior midcingulate and inferior parietal cortices during the anticipation of pain. Activity in the right anterior insula predicted a greater influence of anticipation cues on pain perception, whereas activity in right inferior parietal cortex predicted a decreased influence of anticipatory cues. The results support probabilistic models of pain perception and suggest that confidence in beliefs is an important determinant of expectancy effects on pain perception.


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Expectations about the magnitude of impending pain exert a substantial effect on subsequent perception. However, the neural mechanisms that underlie the predictive processes that modulate pain are poorly understood. In a combined behavioral and high-density electrophysiological study we measured anticipatory neural responses to heat stimuli to determine how predictions of pain intensity, and certainty about those predictions, modulate brain activity and subjective pain ratings. Prior to receiving randomized laser heat stimuli at different intensities (low, medium or high) subjects (n=15) viewed cues that either accurately informed them of forthcoming intensity (certain expectation) or not (uncertain expectation). Pain ratings were biased towards prior expectations of either high or low intensity. Anticipatory neural responses increased with expectations of painful vs. non-painful heat intensity, suggesting the presence of neural responses that represent predicted heat stimulus intensity. These anticipatory responses also correlated with the amplitude of the Laser-Evoked Potential (LEP) response to painful stimuli when the intensity was predictable. Source analysis (LORETA) revealed that uncertainty about expected heat intensity involves an anticipatory cortical network commonly associated with attention (left dorsolateral prefrontal, posterior cingulate and bilateral inferior parietal cortices). Relative certainty, however, involves cortical areas previously associated with semantic and prospective memory (left inferior frontal and inferior temporal cortex, and right anterior prefrontal cortex). This suggests that biasing of pain reports and LEPs by expectation involves temporally precise activity in specific cortical networks.