em Cambridge University Engineering Department Publications Database


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Bonded networks of metal fibres are highly porous, permeable materials, which often exhibit relatively high strength. Material of this type has been produced, using melt-extracted ferritic stainless steel fibres, and characterised in terms of fibre volume fraction, fibre segment (joint-to-joint) length and fibre orientation distribution. Young's moduli and yield stresses have been measured. The behaviour when subjected to a magnetic field has also been investigated. This causes macroscopic straining, as the individual fibres become magnetised and tend to align with the applied field. The modeling approach of Markaki and Clyne, recently developed for prediction of the mechanical and magneto-mechanical properties of such materials, is briefly summarised and comparisons are made with experimental data. The effects of filling the inter-fibre void with compliant (polymeric) matrices have also been explored. In general the modeling approach gives reliable predictions, particularly when the network architecture has been characterised using X-ray tomography. © 2005 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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The self-assembly of proteins and peptides into polymeric amyloid fibrils is a process that has important implications ranging from the understanding of protein misfolding disorders to the discovery of novel nanobiomaterials. In this study, we probe the stability of fibrils prepared at pH 2.0 and composed of the protein insulin by manipulating electrostatic interactions within the fibril architecture. We demonstrate that strong electrostatic repulsion is sufficient to disrupt the hydrogen-bonded, cross-β network that links insulin molecules and ultimately results in fibril dissociation. The extent of this dissociation correlates well with predictions for colloidal models considering the net global charge of the polypeptide chain, although the kinetics of the process is regulated by the charge state of a single amino acid. We found the fibrils to be maximally stable under their formation conditions. Partial disruption of the cross-β network under conditions where the fibrils remain intact leads to a reduction in their stability. Together, these results support the contention that a major determinant of amyloid stability stems from the interactions in the structured core, and show how the control of electrostatic interactions can be used to characterize the factors that modulate fibril stability.


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Computer simulation results are reported for a realistic polarizable potential model of water in the supercooled region. Three states, corresponding to the low density amorphous ice, high density amorphous ice, and very high density amorphous ice phases are chosen for the analyses. These states are located close to the liquid-liquid coexistence lines already shown to exist for the considered model. Thermodynamic and structural quantities are calculated, in order to characterize the properties of the three phases. The results point out the increasing relevance of the interstitial neighbors, which clearly appear in going from the low to the very high density amorphous phases. The interstitial neighbors are found to be, at the same time, also distant neighbors along the hydrogen bonded network of the molecules. The role of these interstitial neighbors has been discussed in connection with the interpretation of recent neutron scattering measurements. The structural properties of the systems are characterized by looking at the angular distribution of neighboring molecules, volume and face area distribution of the Voronoi polyhedra, and order parameters. The cumulative analysis of all the corresponding results confirms the assumption that a close similarity between the structural arrangement of molecules in the three explored amorphous phases and that of the ice polymorphs I(h), III, and VI exists.


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An optical and irreversible temperature sensor (e.g., a time-temperature integrator) is reported based on a mechanically embossed chiral-nematic polymer network. The polymer consists of a chemical and a physical (hydrogen-bonded) network and has a reflection band in the visible wavelength range. The sensors are produced by mechanical embossing at elevated temperatures. A relative large compressive deformation (up to 10%) is obtained inducing a shift to shorter wavelength of the reflection band (>30 nm). After embossing, a temperature sensor is obtained that exhibits an irreversible optical response. A permanent color shift to longer wavelengths (red) is observed upon heating of the polymer material to temperatures above the glass transition temperature. It is illustrated that the observed permanent color shift is related to shape memory in the polymer material. The films can be printed on a foil, thus showing that these sensors are potentially interesting as time-temperature integrators for applications in food and pharmaceutical products. Copyright © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.


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Standard forms of density-functional theory (DFT) have good predictive power for many materials, but are not yet fully satisfactory for cluster, solid, and liquid forms of water. Recent work has stressed the importance of DFT errors in describing dispersion, but we note that errors in other parts of the energy may also contribute. We obtain information about the nature of DFT errors by using a many-body separation of the total energy into its 1-body, 2-body, and beyond-2-body components to analyze the deficiencies of the popular PBE and BLYP approximations for the energetics of water clusters and ice structures. The errors of these approximations are computed by using accurate benchmark energies from the coupled-cluster technique of molecular quantum chemistry and from quantum Monte Carlo calculations. The systems studied are isomers of the water hexamer cluster, the crystal structures Ih, II, XV, and VIII of ice, and two clusters extracted from ice VIII. For the binding energies of these systems, we use the machine-learning technique of Gaussian Approximation Potentials to correct successively for 1-body and 2-body errors of the DFT approximations. We find that even after correction for these errors, substantial beyond-2-body errors remain. The characteristics of the 2-body and beyond-2-body errors of PBE are completely different from those of BLYP, but the errors of both approximations disfavor the close approach of non-hydrogen-bonded monomers. We note the possible relevance of our findings to the understanding of liquid water.


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The field emission behaviour of a series of Tetrahedrally Bonded Amorphous Carbon (ta-C) films has been measured. The films were produced using a Filtered Cathodic Vacuum Arc System. The threshold field for emission and current densities achievable have been investigated as a function of sp3/sp2 bonding ratio and nitrogen content. Typical as-grown undoped ta-C films have a threshold field of order 10-15 V/μm and optimally nitrogen-doped films exhibit fields as low as 5 V/μm. The emission as a function of back contact and front surface condition has also been considered and shows that the back contact has only a minor effect on emission efficiency. However, after etching in either an oxygen or hydrogen plasma, the films show a marked reduction in threshold field, down to as low as 2-3 V/μm, and a marked improvement in emission site density.


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Using computational modeling, we investigate the mechanical properties of polymeric materials composed of coiled chains, or "globules", which encompass a folded secondary structure and are cross-linked by labile bonds to form a macroscopic network. In the presence of an applied force, the globules can unfold into linear chains and thereby dissipate energy as the network is deformed; the latter attribute can contribute to the toughness of the material. Our goal is to determine how to tailor the labile intra- and intermolecular bonds within the network to produce material exhibiting both toughness and strength. Herein, we use the lattice spring model (LSM) to simulate the globules and the cross-linked network. We also utilize our modified Hierarchical Bell model (MHBM) to simulate the rupture and reforming of N parallel bonds. By applying a tensile deformation, we demonstrate that the mechanical properties of the system are sensitive to the values of N in and N out, the respective values of N for the intra- and intermolecular bonds. We find that the strength of the material is mainly controlled by the value of N out, with the higher value of N out providing a stronger material. We also find that, if N in is smaller than N out, the globules can unfold under the tensile load before the sample fractures and, in this manner, can increase the ductility of the sample. Our results provide effective strategies for exploiting relatively weak, labile interactions (e.g., hydrogen bonding or the thiol/disulfide exchange reaction) in both the intra- and intermolecular bonds to tailor the macroscopic performance of the materials. © 2011 American Chemical Society.