em Cambridge University Engineering Department Publications Database
This article presents a novel algorithm for learning parameters in statistical dialogue systems which are modeled as Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes (POMDPs). The three main components of a POMDP dialogue manager are a dialogue model representing dialogue state information; a policy that selects the system's responses based on the inferred state; and a reward function that specifies the desired behavior of the system. Ideally both the model parameters and the policy would be designed to maximize the cumulative reward. However, while there are many techniques available for learning the optimal policy, no good ways of learning the optimal model parameters that scale to real-world dialogue systems have been found yet. The presented algorithm, called the Natural Actor and Belief Critic (NABC), is a policy gradient method that offers a solution to this problem. Based on observed rewards, the algorithm estimates the natural gradient of the expected cumulative reward. The resulting gradient is then used to adapt both the prior distribution of the dialogue model parameters and the policy parameters. In addition, the article presents a variant of the NABC algorithm, called the Natural Belief Critic (NBC), which assumes that the policy is fixed and only the model parameters need to be estimated. The algorithms are evaluated on a spoken dialogue system in the tourist information domain. The experiments show that model parameters estimated to maximize the expected cumulative reward result in significantly improved performance compared to the baseline hand-crafted model parameters. The algorithms are also compared to optimization techniques using plain gradients and state-of-the-art random search algorithms. In all cases, the algorithms based on the natural gradient work significantly better. © 2011 ACM.
In this paper, we tackle the problem of learning a linear regression model whose parameter is a fixed-rank matrix. We study the Riemannian manifold geometry of the set of fixed-rank matrices and develop efficient line-search algorithms. The proposed algorithms have many applications, scale to high-dimensional problems, enjoy local convergence properties and confer a geometric basis to recent contributions on learning fixed-rank matrices. Numerical experiments on benchmarks suggest that the proposed algorithms compete with the state-of-the-art, and that manifold optimization offers a versatile framework for the design of rank-constrained machine learning algorithms. Copyright 2011 by the author(s)/owner(s).
Muitiobjective pressurized water reactor reload core design by nondominated genetic algorithm search
The design of pressurized water reactor reload cores is not only a formidable optimization problem but also, in many instances, a multiobjective problem. A genetic algorithm (GA) designed to perform true multiobjective optimization on such problems is described. Genetic algorithms simulate natural evolution. They differ from most optimization techniques by searching from one group of solutions to another, rather than from one solution to another. New solutions are generated by breeding from existing solutions. By selecting better (in a multiobjective sense) solutions as parents more often, the population can be evolved to reveal the trade-off surface between the competing objectives. An example illustrating the effectiveness of this novel method is presented and analyzed. It is found that in solving a reload design problem the algorithm evaluates a similar number of loading patterns to other state-of-the-art methods, but in the process reveals much more information about the nature of the problem being solved. The actual computational cost incurred depends: on the core simulator used; the GA itself is code independent.
The University of Cambridge is unusual in that its Department of Engineering is a single department which covers virtually all branches of engineering under one roof. In their first two years of study, our undergrads study the full breadth of engineering topics and then have to choose a specialization area for the final two years of study. Here we describe part of a course, given towards the end of their second year, which is designed to entice these students to specialize in signal processing and information engineering topics for years 3 and 4. The course is based around a photo editor and an image search application, and it requires no prior knowledge of the z-transform or of 2-dimensional signal processing. It does assume some knowledge of 1-D convolution and basic Fourier methods and some prior exposure to Matlab. The subject of this paper, the photo editor, is written in standard Matlab m-files which are fully visible to the students and help them to see how specific algorithms are implemented in detail. © 2011 IEEE.
We describe simple yet scalable and distributed algorithms for solving the maximum flow problem and its minimum cost flow variant, motivated by problems of interest in objects similarity visualization. We formulate the fundamental problem as a convex-concave saddle point problem. We then show that this problem can be efficiently solved by a first order method or by exploiting faster quasi-Newton steps. Our proposed approach costs at most O(|ε|) per iteration for a graph with |ε| edges. Further, the number of required iterations can be shown to be independent of number of edges for the first order approximation method. We present experimental results in two applications: mosaic generation and color similarity based image layouting. © 2010 IEEE.