16 resultados para Fronts (Meteorology)
em Cambridge University Engineering Department Publications Database
The location of a flame front is often taken as the point of maximum OH gradient. Planar laser-induced fluorescence of OH can be used to obtain the flame front by extracting the points of maximum gradient. This operation is typically performed using an edge detection algorithm. The choice of operating parameters a priori poses significant problems of robustness when handling images with a range of signal-to-noise ratios. A statistical method of parameter selection originating in the image processing literature is detailed, and its merit for this application is demonstrated. A reduced search space method is proposed to decrease computational cost and render the technique viable for large data sets. This gives nearly identical output to the full method. These methods demonstrate substantial decreases in data rejection compared to the use of a priori parameters. These methods are viable for any application where maximum gradient contours must be accurately extracted from images of species or temperature, even at very low signal-to-noise ratios.
Future applications of high temperature superconductors require bulk materials of a complex shape. The multi-seeded-melt-growth process (MSMG) represents a promising technique for obtaining qualitatively well oriented bulk materials with different kinds of shape. In the MSMG process, several seeds are placed on a precursor pellet, from which the growth of the bulk starts. A certain problem of the MSMG process is that grain boundaries become inevitable when the growth fronts of two neighboring seeds collide. These grain boundaries are responsible for a reduction of the critical currents and pose a problem for high current applications. By polishing the sample step by step, the influence of the grain boundaries was investigated by scanning Hall probe measurements and by the magnetoscan technique. Additionally, optical microscopy and electron microscopy were employed to investigate the details of the microstructure. © 2005 IEEE.
A novel type of linear extensometer with exceptionally high resolution of 4 nm based on MEMS resonant strain sensors bonded on steel and operating in a vacuum package is presented. The tool is implemented by means of a steel thin bar that can be pre-stressed in tension within two fixing anchors. The extension of the bar is detected by using two vacuum-packaged resonant MEMS double- ended tuning fork (DETF) sensors bonded on the bar with epoxy glue, one of which is utilized for temperature compensation. Both sensors are driven by a closed loop self-oscillating transresistance amplifier feedback scheme implemented on a PCB (Printed Circuit Board). On the same board, a microcontroller-based frequency measurement circuit is also implemented, which is able to count the square wave fronts of the MEMS oscillator output with a resolution of 20 nsec. The system provides a frequency noise of 0.2 Hz corresponding to an extension resolution of 4 nm for the extensometer. Nearly perfect temperature compensation of the frequency output is achieved in the temperature range 20-35 C using the reference sensor. © 2011 IEEE.
This paper describes an experimental investigation into the interactions that occur between two lean turbulent premixed flames stabilised on conical bluff-bodies when they are moved closer together. Cinematographic OH-PLIF measurements were acquired to investigate adjacent flame front interactions as a function of flame separation distance (S). Flame surface density (FSD) and curvature were determined to characterise the unforced flames. Acoustic forcing was then applied to explore the amplitude dependent thermo-acoustic response. Phase-averaged FSD and global heat release measurements in the form of OH * chemiluminescence were obtained for a range of forcing frequencies (f) and amplitudes (A) as a function of S. As the flames were brought closer together the adjacent annular jets were found to merge into a single jet structure. This caused adjacent flame fronts to merge above the wake region between the two flames at a location determined by the jet efflux (flame angle) and S. This region of flame-flame interaction we refer to as 'interacting region'. In the unforced flames, a trend of increasingly negative curvature for decreasing S produced a small net increase in flame surface area via cusp formation. When subjected to acoustic forcing, S-dependent regimes were found in the global heat release response as a function A. The overall trend showed that the occurrence of jet/flame merging reduces the value of A at which non-linear response occurs. In support of previous findings for flames stabilised along shear layers, the phase-averaged FSD showed that the flame dynamics that drive the thermo-acoustic response result from the roll-up of vortices which generate large-scale vortex-flame interactions. Compared with axisymmetric flames, the occurrence of jet merging alters the vortex-flame interactions resulting in an asymmetric contribution to the heat release between the wall and interacting regions. The majority of the heat release was found to occur in the interacting region through the rapid production and destruction of flame surface area. The occurrence of jet merging and large-scale interactions between adjacent flames result in different physical mechanisms that drive the thermo-acoustic response compared with single axisymmetric flames. © 2011.
This paper explores the ignition and subsequent evolution of spray flames in a bluff-body configuration with and without swirl. Ethanol and n-heptane are used to compare the effects of volatility. Ignition is performed by a laser spark. High speed imaging of OH *-chemiluminescence and OH-PLIF collected at 5kHz are used to investigate the behaviour of the flames during the first stages of ignition and the stable flame structure following ignition. Swirl induces a wider and shorter flame, precession, and multiple reaction zones, while the non-swirling flames have a simpler structure. The reaction fronts seem thinner with ethanol than with heptane. The dataset can be used for model validation. © 2012 Elsevier Inc.
Three-dimensional direct numerical simulation (DNS) of exhaust gas recirculation (EGR)-type turbulent combustion operated in moderate and intense low-oxygen dilution (MILD) condition has been carried out to study the flame structure and flame interaction. In order to achieve adequate EGR-type initial/inlet mixture fields, partially premixed mixture fields which are correlated with the turbulence are carefully preprocessed. The chemical kinetics is modelled using a skeletal mechanism for methane-air combustion. The results suggest that the flame fronts have thin flame structure and the direct link between the mean reaction rate and scalar dissipation rate remains valid in the EGR-type combustion with MILD condition. However, the commonly used canonical flamelet is not fully representative for MILD combustion. During the flame-flame interactions, the heat release rate increases higher than the maximum laminar flame value, while the gradient of progress variable becomes smaller than laminar value. It is also proposed that the reaction rate and the scalar gradient can be used as a marker for the flame interaction. © 2012 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.