13 resultados para FITS

em Cambridge University Engineering Department Publications Database


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The influence of each of the six different types of morphological imperfection - waviness, non-uniform cell wall thickness, cell-size variations, fractured cell walls, cell-wall misalignments, and missing cells - on the yielding of 2D cellular solids has been studied systematically for biaxial loading. Emphasis is placed on quantifying the knock-down effect of these defects on the hydrostatic yield strength and upon understanding the associated deformation mechanisms. The simulations in the present study indicate that the high hydrostatic strength, characteristic of ideal honeycombs, is reduced to a level comparable with the deviatoric strength by several types of defect. The common source of this large knock-down is a switch in deformation mode from cell wall stretching to cell wall bending under hydrostatic loading. Fractured cell edges produce the largest knock-down effect on the yield strength of 2D foams, followed in order by missing cells, wavy cell edges, cell edge misalignments, Γ Voronoi cells, δ Voronoi cells, and non-uniform wall thickness. A simple elliptical yield function with two adjustable material parameters successfully fits the numerically predicted yield surfaces for the imperfect 2D foams, and shows potential as a phenomenological constitutive law to guide the design of structural components made from metallic foams.


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Sensor networks can be naturally represented as graphical models, where the edge set encodes the presence of sparsity in the correlation structure between sensors. Such graphical representations can be valuable for information mining purposes as well as for optimizing bandwidth and battery usage with minimal loss of estimation accuracy. We use a computationally efficient technique for estimating sparse graphical models which fits a sparse linear regression locally at each node of the graph via the Lasso estimator. Using a recently suggested online, temporally adaptive implementation of the Lasso, we propose an algorithm for streaming graphical model selection over sensor networks. With battery consumption minimization applications in mind, we use this algorithm as the basis of an adaptive querying scheme. We discuss implementation issues in the context of environmental monitoring using sensor networks, where the objective is short-term forecasting of local wind direction. The algorithm is tested against real UK weather data and conclusions are drawn about certain tradeoffs inherent in decentralized sensor networks data analysis. © 2010 The Author. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The British Computer Society. All rights reserved.


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We report on the fabrication of lateral emitters using carbon nanotubes (CNTs) grown via plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition (PECVD). Carbon nanotubes are dispersed randomly onto a substrate, mapped, contacted with metal, and by etching the substrate, a suspended lateral emitter structure is formed. Field emission measurements from the lateral emitters show a turn-on voltage as low as 12 V. The emission characteristics showed good fits to the Fowler-Nordheim (FN) theory indicating that conventional field emission was indeed observed from these devices. © 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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We investigate how sensitive Gallager's codes are, when decoded by the sum-product algorithm, to the assumed noise level. We have found a remarkably simple function that fits the empirical results as a function of the actual noise level at both high and low noise levels. © 2004 Elsevier B.V.


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We investigate how sensitive Gallager's codes are, when decoded by the sum-product algorithm, to the assumed noise level. We have found a remarkably simple function that fits the empirical results as a function of the actual noise level at both high and low noise levels. ©2003 Published by Elsevier Science B. V.


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We describe a novel constitutive model of lung parenchyma, which can be used for continuum mechanics based predictive simulations. To develop this model, we experimentally determined the nonlinear material behavior of rat lung parenchyma. This was achieved via uni-axial tension tests on living precision-cut rat lung slices. The resulting force-displacement curves were then used as inputs for an inverse analysis. The Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm was utilized to optimize the material parameters of combinations and recombinations of established strain-energy density functions (SEFs). Comparing the best-fits of the tested SEFs we found Wpar = 4.1 kPa(I1-3)2 + 20.7 kPa(I1 - 3)3 + 4.1 kPa(-2 ln J + J2 - 1) to be the optimal constitutive model. This SEF consists of three summands: the first can be interpreted as the contribution of the elastin fibers and the ground substance, the second as the contribution of the collagen fibers while the third controls the volumetric change. The presented approach will help to model the behavior of the pulmonary parenchyma and to quantify the strains and stresses during ventilation.


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This paper provides an insight into the long-term trends of the four seasonal and annual precipitations in various climatological regions and sub-regions in India. The trends were useful to investigate whether Indian seasonal rainfall is changing in terms of magnitude or location-wise. Trends were assessed over the period of 1954-2003 using parametric ordinary least square fits and non-parametric Mann-Kendall technique. The trend significance was tested at the 95% confidence level. Apart from the trends for individual climatological regions in India and the average for the whole of India, trends were also specifically determined for the possible smaller geographical areas in order to understand how different the trends would be from the bigger spatial scales. The smaller geographical regions consist of the whole southwestern continental state of Kerala. It was shown that there are decreasing trends in the spring and monsoon rainfall and increasing trends in the autumn and winter rainfalls. These changes are not always homogeneous over various regions, even in the very short scales implying a careful regional analysis would be necessary for drawing conclusions regarding agro-ecological or other local projects requiring change in rainfall information. Furthermore, the differences between the trend magnitudes and directions from the two different methods are significantly small and fall well within the significance limit for all the cases investigated in Indian regions (except where noted). © 2010 Springer-Verlag.


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We present a matching framework to find robust correspondences between image features by considering the spatial information between them. To achieve this, we define spatial constraints on the relative orientation and change in scale between pairs of features. A pairwise similarity score, which measures the similarity of features based on these spatial constraints, is considered. The pairwise similarity scores for all pairs of candidate correspondences are then accumulated in a 2-D similarity space. Robust correspondences can be found by searching for clusters in the similarity space, since actual correspondences are expected to form clusters that satisfy similar spatial constraints in this space. As it is difficult to achieve reliable and consistent estimates of scale and orientation, an additional contribution is that these parameters do not need to be determined at the interest point detection stage, which differs from conventional methods. Polar matching of dual-tree complex wavelet transform features is used, since it fits naturally into the framework with the defined spatial constraints. Our tests show that the proposed framework is capable of producing robust correspondences with higher correspondence ratios and reasonable computational efficiency, compared to other well-known algorithms. © 1992-2012 IEEE.


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A visual target is more difficult to recognize when it is surrounded by other, similar objects. This breakdown in object recognition is known as crowding. Despite a long history of experimental work, computational models of crowding are still sparse. Specifically, few studies have examined crowding using an ideal-observer approach. Here, we compare crowding in ideal observers with crowding in humans. We derived an ideal-observer model for target identification under conditions of position and identity uncertainty. Simulations showed that this model reproduces the hallmark of crowding, namely a critical spacing that scales with viewing eccentricity. To examine how well the model fits quantitatively to human data, we performed three experiments. In Experiments 1 and 2, we measured observers' perceptual uncertainty about stimulus positions and identities, respectively, for a target in isolation. In Experiment 3, observers identified a target that was flanked by two distractors. We found that about half of the errors in Experiment 3 could be accounted for by the perceptual uncertainty measured in Experiments 1 and 2. The remainder of the errors could be accounted for by assuming that uncertainty (i.e., the width of internal noise distribution) about stimulus positions and identities depends on flanker proximity. Our results provide a mathematical restatement of the crowding problem and support the hypothesis that crowding behavior is a sign of optimality rather than a perceptual defect.


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Leading edge vortices are considered to be important in generating the high lift coefficients observed in insect flight and may therefore be relevant to micro-air vehicles. A potential flow model of an impulsively started flat plate, featuring a leading edge vortex (LEV) and a trailing edge vortex (TEV) is fitted to experimental data in order to provide insight into the mechanisms that influence the convection of the LEV and to study how the LEV contributes to lift. The potential flow model fits the experimental data best with no bound circulation, which is in accordance with Kelvin's circulation theorem. The lift-to-drag ratio is well approximated by the function 'cot α' for α > 15°, which supports the tentative conclusion that shortly after an impulsive start, at post-stall angles of attack, lift is caused non-circulatory forces and by the action of the LEV as opposed to bound circulation. Copyright © 2012 by C. W. Pitt Ford.


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Cortical neurons receive balanced excitatory and inhibitory synaptic currents. Such a balance could be established and maintained in an experience-dependent manner by synaptic plasticity at inhibitory synapses. We show that this mechanism provides an explanation for the sparse firing patterns observed in response to natural stimuli and fits well with a recently observed interaction of excitatory and inhibitory receptive field plasticity. The introduction of inhibitory plasticity in suitable recurrent networks provides a homeostatic mechanism that leads to asynchronous irregular network states. Further, it can accommodate synaptic memories with activity patterns that become indiscernible from the background state but can be reactivated by external stimuli. Our results suggest an essential role of inhibitory plasticity in the formation and maintenance of functional cortical circuitry.


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Bulk, polycrystalline MgB2 samples containing 2.5 wt.% multi-walled carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have been prepared by conventional solid state reaction at 800 °C. The effect of Mg precursor powders composed of two different particle sizes on the critical current density (Jc) of the as-sintered samples has been investigated. An enhancement of Jc at high field has been observed in MgB2 samples containing CNTs prepared with fine Mg powders, whereas the values of Jc in the sample prepared using the coarser Mg powders was slightly decreased. These results contrast significantly with measurements on pure, undoped, MgB2 samples prepared from the same Mg precursor powders. They suggest that carbon substitution into the MgB2 lattice, which accounts for increased flux pinning, and therefore Jc, is more effective in precursor Mg powders with a larger surface area. Rather surprisingly, the so-called fishtail effect, observed typically in MgB2 single crystals and in the (RE)BCO family of high temperature superconductors (HTSs), was observed in both sets of CNT-containing polycrystalline samples as a result of lattice defects associated with C substitution. Significantly, analytical fits to the data for each sample suggest that the same flux pinning mechanism accounts for the fishtail effect in polycrystalline MgB2 and (RE)BCO. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Alternative and more efficient computational methods can extend the applicability of model predictive control (MPC) to systems with tight real-time requirements. This paper presents a system-on-a-chip MPC system, implemented on a field-programmable gate array (FPGA), consisting of a sparse structure-exploiting primal dual interior point (PDIP) quadratic program (QP) solver for MPC reference tracking and a fast gradient QP solver for steady-state target calculation. A parallel reduced precision iterative solver is used to accelerate the solution of the set of linear equations forming the computational bottleneck of the PDIP algorithm. A numerical study of the effect of reducing the number of iterations highlights the effectiveness of the approach. The system is demonstrated with an FPGA-in-the-loop testbench controlling a nonlinear simulation of a large airliner. This paper considers many more manipulated inputs than any previous FPGA-based MPC implementation to date, yet the implementation comfortably fits into a midrange FPGA, and the controller compares well in terms of solution quality and latency to state-of-the-art QP solvers running on a standard PC. © 1993-2012 IEEE.