12 resultados para Exponential and trigonometrical octoniônic functions

em Cambridge University Engineering Department Publications Database


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This work employed a clayey, silty, sandy gravel contaminated with a mixture of metals (Cd, Cu, Pb, Ni and Zn) and diesel. The contaminated soil was treated with 5 and 10% dosages of different cementitious binders. The binders include Portland cement, cement-fly ash, cement-slag and lime-slag mixtures. Monolithic leaching from the treated soils was evaluated over a 64-day period alongside granular leachability of 49- and 84-day old samples. Surface wash-off was the predominant leaching mechanism for monolithic samples. In this condition, with data from different binders and curing ages combined, granular leachability as a function of monolithic leaching generally followed degrees 4 and 6 polynomial functions. The only exception was for Cu, which followed the multistage dose-response model. The relationship between both leaching tests varied with the type of metal, curing age/residence time of monolithic samples in the leachant, and binder formulation. The results provide useful design information on the relationship between leachability of metals from monolithic forms of S/S treated soils and the ultimate leachability in the eventual breakdown of the stabilized/solidified soil.


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The design of wind turbine blades is a true multi-objective engineering task. The aerodynamic effectiveness of the turbine needs to be balanced with the system loads introduced by the rotor. Moreover the problem is not dependent on a single geometric property, but besides other parameters on a combination of aerofoil family and various blade functions. The aim of this paper is therefore to present a tool which can help designers to get a deeper insight into the complexity of the design space and to find a blade design which is likely to have a low cost of energy. For the research we use a Computational Blade Optimisation and Load Deflation Tool (CoBOLDT) to investigate the three extreme point designs obtained from a multi-objective optimisation of turbine thrust, annual energy production as well as mass for a horizontal axis wind turbine blade. The optimisation algorithm utilised is based on Multi-Objective Tabu Search which constitutes the core of CoBOLDT. The methodology is capable to parametrise the spanning aerofoils with two-dimensional Free Form Deformation and blade functions with two tangentially connected cubic splines. After geometry generation we use a panel code to create aerofoil polars and a stationary Blade Element Momentum code to evaluate turbine performance. Finally, the obtained loads are fed into a structural layout module to estimate the mass and stiffness of the current blade by means of a fully stressed design. For the presented test case we chose post optimisation analysis with parallel coordinates to reveal geometrical features of the extreme point designs and to select a compromise design from the Pareto set. The research revealed that a blade with a feasible laminate layout can be obtained, that can increase the energy capture and lower steady state systems loads. The reduced aerofoil camber and an increased L/. D-ratio could be identified as the main drivers. This statement could not be made with other tools of the research community before. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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A significant proportion of the processing delays within the visual system are luminance dependent. Thus placing an attenuating filter over one eye causes a temporal delay between the eyes and thus an illusion of motion in depth for objects moving in the fronto-parallel plane, known as the Pulfrich effect. We have used this effect to study adaptation to such an interocular delay in two normal subjects wearing 75% attenuating neutral density filters over one eye. In two separate experimental periods both subjects showed about 60% adaptation over 9 days. Reciprocal effects were seen on removal of the filters. To isolate the site of adaptation we also measured the subjects' flicker fusion frequencies (FFFs) and contrast sensitivity functions (CSFs). Both subjects showed significant adaptation in their FFFs. An attempt to model the Pulfrich and FFF adaptation curves with a change in a single parameter in Kelly's [(1971) Journal of the Optical Society of America, 71, 537-546] retinal model was only partially successful. Although we have demonstrated adaptation in normal subjects to induced time delays in the visual system we postulate that this may at least partly represent retinal adaptation to the change in mean luminance.


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The autonomous pathway functions to promote flowering in Arabidopsis by limiting the accumulation of the floral repressor FLOWERING LOCUS C (FLC). Within this pathway FCA is a plant-specific, nuclear RNA-binding protein, which interacts with FY, a highly conserved eukaryotic polyadenylation factor. FCA and FY function to control polyadenylation site choice during processing of the FCA transcript. Null mutations in the yeast FY homologue Pfs2p are lethal. This raises the question as to whether these essential RNA processing functions are conserved in plants. Characterisation of an allelic series of fy mutations reveals that null alleles are embryo lethal. Furthermore, silencing of FY, but not FCA, is deleterious to growth in Nicotiana. The late-flowering fy alleles are hypomorphic and indicate a requirement for both intact FY WD repeats and the C-terminal domain in repression of FLC. The FY C-terminal domain binds FCA and in vitro assays demonstrate a requirement for both C-terminal FY-PPLPP repeats during this interaction. The expression domain of FY supports its roles in essential and flowering-time functions. Hence, FY may mediate both regulated and constitutive RNA 3'-end processing.


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Designers are typically male, under 35 years old and unimpaired. Users can be of any age and currently over 15% will have some form of impairment. As a result a vast array of consumer products suit youthful males and in many cases exclude other demographics (e.g. Keates and Clarkson, 2004). In studying the way a range of users learn how to use new products, key cognitive difficulties are revealed and linked back to the areas of the product causing the problems. The trials were structured so each user had to complete a specific set of tasks and were consistent across the user spectrum. The tasks set aimed to represent both everyday usage and less familiar functions. Whilst the knowledge gained could provide designers with valuable guidelines for the specific products examined, a more general abstraction provides knowledge of the pitfalls to avoid in the design of other product families.


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Atmospheric effects can significantly degrade the reliability of free-space optical communications. One such effect is scintillation, caused by atmospheric turbulence, refers to random fluctuations in the irradiance and phase of the received laser beam. In this paper we inv stigate the use of multiple lasers and multiple apertures to mitigate scintillation. Since the scintillation process is slow, we adopt a block fading channel model and study the outage probability under the assumptions of orthogonal pulse-position modulation and non-ideal photodetection. Assuming perfect receiver channel state information (CSI), we derive the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) exponents for the cases when the scintillation is lognormal, exponential and gammagamma distributed, which cover a wide range of atmospheric turbulence conditions. Furthermore, when CSI is also available at the transmitter, we illustrate very large gains in SNR are possible (in some cases larger than 15 dB) by adapting the transmitted power. Under a long-term power constraint, we outline fundamental design criteria via a simple expression that relates the required number of lasers and apertures for a given code rate and number of codeword blocks to completely remove system outages. Copyright © 2009 IEEE.


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Modern Engineering Design involves the deployment of many computational tools. Re- search on challenging real-world design problems is focused on developing improvements for the engineering design process through the integration and application of advanced com- putational search/optimization and analysis tools. Successful application of these methods generates vast quantities of data on potential optimum designs. To gain maximum value from the optimization process, designers need to visualise and interpret this information leading to better understanding of the complex and multimodal relations between param- eters, objectives and decision-making of multiple and strongly conflicting criteria. Initial work by the authors has identified that the Parallel Coordinates interactive visualisation method has considerable potential in this regard. This methodology involves significant levels of user-interaction, making the engineering designer central to the process, rather than the passive recipient of a deluge of pre-formatted information. In the present work we have applied and demonstrated this methodology in two differ- ent aerodynamic turbomachinery design cases; a detailed 3D shape design for compressor blades, and a preliminary mean-line design for the whole compressor core. The first case comprises 26 design parameters for the parameterisation of the blade geometry, and we analysed the data produced from a three-objective optimization study, thus describing a design space with 29 dimensions. The latter case comprises 45 design parameters and two objective functions, hence developing a design space with 47 dimensions. In both cases the dimensionality can be managed quite easily in Parallel Coordinates space, and most importantly, we are able to identify interesting and crucial aspects of the relationships between the design parameters and optimum level of the objective functions under con- sideration. These findings guide the human designer to find answers to questions that could not even be addressed before. In this way, understanding the design leads to more intelligent decision-making and design space exploration. © 2012 AIAA.


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Plastics packaging is ubiquitous in the food industry, fulfilling a range of functions including a significant role in reducing food waste. The public perception of packaging, however, is dominated by end-of-life aspects, when the packaging becomes waste often found littering urban, rural and marine environments. A balanced analysis of the role of packaging demands that the whole lifecycle is examined, looking not only at the packaging itself but also at the product being packaged. This paper focuses on packaging in the meat and cheese industry, analysing the impact of films and bags. The functions of packaging are defined and the environmental impact of delivering these functions is assessed. The influence of packaging on levels of waste and energy consumption elsewhere in the system is examined, including the contentious issue of end-of-life for packaging. Strategies for minimizing the environmental impact of the packaging itself involve reduction in the amount of material used (thinner packaging), rather than emphasizing end-of-life issues. Currently, with polymer recycling not at a high level, evidence suggests that this strategy is justifiable. Biodegradable polymers may have some potential for improving environmental performance, but are still problematic. The conclusion is that although current packaging is in some ways wasteful and inefficient, the alternatives are even less desirable. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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For established axisymmetric turbulent miscible Boussinesq fountains in quiescent uniform environments, expressions are developed for the fluxes of volume, momentum and buoyancy at the outflow from the fountain: the outflow referring to the counterflow at the horizontal plane of the source. The fluxes are expressed in terms of the fountain source conditions and two dimensionless functions of the source Froude number, Fr0: a radial function (relating a horizontal scale of the outflow to the source radius) and a volume flux function (relating the outflow and source volume fluxes). The forms taken by these two functions at low Fr0 and high Fr0 are deduced, thereby providing the outflow fluxes and outflow Froude number solely in terms of the source conditions. For high Fr0, the outflow Froude number, Frout, is shown to be invariant, indicating (by analogy with plumes for which the 'far-field' Froude number is invariant with source Froude number) that the outflow may be regarded as 'far-field' since the fluxes within the fountain have adjusted to attain a balance which is independent of the source conditions. Based on Frout, the fluxes in the plume that forms beyond the fountain outflow are deduced. Finally, from the results of previously published studies, we show that the scalings deduced for fountains are valid for 0.0025 ≲ Fr0 ≲ 1.0 for low Fr0 and Fr0≳ 3.0 for high Fr0. © 2014 Cambridge University Press.


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A new method is presented for the extraction of single-chain form factors and interchain interference functions from a range of small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) experiments on bimodal homopolymer blends. The method requires a minimum of three blends, made up of hydrogenated and deuterated components with matched degree of polymerization at two different chain lengths, but with carefully varying deuteration levels. The method is validated through an experimental study on polystyrene homopolymer bimodal blends with M A≈1/2MB. By fitting Debye functions to the structure factors, it is shown that there is good agreement between the molar mass of the components obtained from SANS and from chromatography. The extraction method also enables, for the first time, interchain scattering functions to be produced for scattering between chains of different lengths. © 2014 The Authors. Published by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.