14 resultados para Elliptically Polarized

em Cambridge University Engineering Department Publications Database


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Drosophila germ-band extension (GBE) is an example of the convergence and extension movements that elongate and narrow embryonic tissues. To understand the collective cell behaviours underlying tissue morphogenesis, we have continuously quantified cell intercalation and cell shape change during GBE. We show that the fast, early phase of GBE depends on cell shape change in addition to cell intercalation. In antero-posterior patterning mutants such as those for the gap gene Krüppel, defective polarized cell intercalation is compensated for by an increase in antero-posterior cell elongation, such that the initial rate of extension remains the same. Spatio-temporal patterns of cell behaviours indicate that an antero-posterior tensile force deforms the germ band, causing the cells to change shape passively. The rate of antero-posterior cell elongation is reduced in twist mutant embryos, which lack mesoderm. We propose that cell shape change contributing to germ-band extension is a passive response to mechanical forces caused by the invaginating mesoderm.


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Reconfigurable liquid crystal microlenses employing arrays of multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) have been designed and fabricated. The cells consist of arrays of 2 microm high MWNTs grown by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition on silicon with a top electrode of indium tin oxide coated glass positioned 20 microm above the silicon and the gap filled with the nematic liquid crystal BLO48. Simulations have found that, while its nematic liquid crystal aligns with MWNTs within a distance of 10nm, this distance is greatly enhanced by the application of an external electric field. Polarized light experiments show that light is focused with focal lengths ranging from approximately 7 microm to 12 microm.


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We use laser beams with radial and azimuthal polarization to optically trap carbon nanotubes. We measure force constants and trap parameters as a function of power showing improved axial trapping efficiency with respect to linearly polarized beams. The analysis of the thermal fluctuations highlights a significant change in the optical trapping potential when using cylindrical vector beams. This enables the use of polarization states to shape optical traps according to the particle geometry, as well as paving the way to nanoprobe-based photonic force microscopy with increased performance compared to a standard linearly polarized configuration. © 2012 Optical Society of America.


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We report on graphene-passivated ferromagnetic electrodes (GPFE) for spin devices. GPFE are shown to act as spin-polarized oxidation-resistant electrodes. The direct coating of nickel with few layer graphene through a readily scalable chemical vapor deposition (CVD) process allows the preservation of an unoxidized nickel surface upon air exposure. Fabrication and measurement of complete reference tunneling spin valve structures demonstrate that the GPFE is maintained as a spin polarizer and also that the presence of the graphene coating leads to a specific sign reversal of the magneto-resistance. Hence, this work highlights a novel oxidation-resistant spin source which further unlocks low cost wet chemistry processes for spintronics devices.


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We demonstrate modulations of electrical conductance and hysteresis behavior in ZnO nanowire transistors via electrically polarized switching of ferroelectric liquid crystal (FLC). After coating a nanowire channel in the transistors with FLCs, we observed large increases in channel conductance and hysteresis width, and a strong dependence of hysteresis loops on the polarization states associated with the orientation of electric dipole moments along the direction of the gate electric field. Furthermore, the reversible switching and retention characteristics provide the feasibility of creating a hybrid system with switch and memory functions. © 2013 American Institute of Physics.


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We use macroscopic holes drilled in a bulk YBCO superconductor to probe its magnetic properties in the volume of the sample. The sample is subjected to an AC magnetic flux with a density ranging from 30mT to 130mT and the flux in the superconductor is probed by miniature coils inserted in the holes. In a given hole, three different penetration regimes can be observed: (i) the shielded regime, where no magnetic flux threads the hole; (ii) the gradual penetration regime, where the waveform of the magnetic field has a clipped sine shape whose fundamental component scales with the applied field; and (iii) the flux concentration regime, where the waveform of the magnetic field is nearly a sine wave, with an amplitude exceeding that of the applied field by up to a factor of two. The distribution of the penetration regimes in the holes is compared with that of the magnetic flux density at the top and bottom surfaces of the sample, and is interpreted with the help of optical polarized light micrographs of these surfaces. We show that the measurement of the magnetic field inside the holes can be used as a local characterization of the bulk magnetic properties of the sample.


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Nonequilibrium spin distributions in single GaAs/AlGaAs core-shell nanowires are excited using resonant polarized excitation at 10 K. At all excitation energies, we observe strong photoluminescence polarization due to suppressed radiative recombination of excitons with dipoles aligned perpendicular to the nanowire. Excitation resonances are observed at 1- or 2-LO phonon energies above the exciton ground states. Using rate equation modeling, we show that, at the lowest energies, strongly nonequilibrium spin distributions are present and we estimate their spin relaxation rate.


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We use polarization-resolved and temperature-dependent photoluminescence of single zincblende (ZB) (cubic) and wurtzite (WZ) (hexagonal) InP nanowires to probe differences in selection rules and bandgaps between these two semiconductor nanostructures. The WZ nanowires exhibit a bandgap 80 meV higher in energy than the ZB nanowires. The temperature dependence of the PL is similar but not identical for the WZ and ZB nanowires. We find that ZB nanowires exhibit strong polarization parallel to the nanowire axis, while the WZ nanowires exhibit polarized emission perpendicular to the nanowire axis. This behavior is interpreted in terms of the different selection rules for WZ and ZB crystal structures. © 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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Temperature-dependent polarized microphotoluminescence measurements of single GaAsAlGaAs core-shell nanowires are used to probe their electronic states. The low-temperature emission from these wires is strongly enhanced compared with that observed in bare GaAs nanowires and is strongly polarized, reflecting the dielectric mismatch between the nanowire and the surrounding air. The temperature-dependent band gap of the nanowires is seen to be somewhat different from that observed in bulk GaAs, and the PL rapidly quenches above 120 K, with an activation energy of 17 meV reflecting the presence of nonradiative defects. © 2006 American Institute of Physics.