33 resultados para Drop-In Clinics

em Cambridge University Engineering Department Publications Database


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Physical model experiments on compensation grouting in sands were performed in two different setups (Cambridge and Delft). The effect of water-cement (w/c) ratio, bentonite content (b.c.) and injection rate on compensation efficiency was investigated. Results show a considerable drop in compensation efficiency resulted from reducing the soil density. Injection in dense sand (R.D. = 93%) resulted in efficiencies between 40-90%, whereas injection in medium-dense sand (R.D. = 60-75%) yielded in reduced efficiencies between 10-40%. When the w/c ratio increased from 0.5 to 1.5 for a given density (R.D. = 93%) and the b.c. of 4%, the compensation efficiency value decreased. Typical efficiencies were between 60% and 40-50% for w/c ratios of 0.5 and 1.5, respectively. The values of compensation and grout efficiencies were almost equal, suggesting that pressure filtration happens mainly during injection. Increasing the b.c. improved the compensation efficiency. When a higher b.c. of 12% to 14% was used, typical compensation efficiencies in dense sand were 78 and 90% for w/c ratios of 1.5 and 1.8 respectively. © 2012 Taylor & Francis Group.


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The trapped magnetic field is examined in bulk high-temperature superconductors that are artificially drilled along their c-axis. The influence of the hole pattern on the magnetization is studied and compared by means of numerical models and Hall probe mapping techniques. To this aim, we consider two bulk YBCO samples with a rectangular cross-section that are drilled each by six holes arranged either on a rectangular lattice (sample I) or on a centered rectangular lattice (sample II). For the numerical analysis, three different models are considered for calculating the trapped flux: (i), a two-dimensional (2D) Bean model neglecting demagnetizing effects and flux creep, (ii), a 2D finite-element model neglecting demagnetizing effects but incorporating magnetic relaxation in the form of an E-J power law, and, (iii), a 3D finite element analysis that takes into account both the finite height of the sample and flux creep effects. For the experimental analysis, the trapped magnetic flux density is measured above the sample surface by Hall probe mapping performed before and after the drilling process. The maximum trapped flux density in the drilled samples is found to be smaller than that in the plain samples. The smallest magnetization drop is found for sample II, with the centered rectangular lattice. This result is confirmed by the numerical models. In each sample, the relative drops that are calculated independently with the three different models are in good agreement. As observed experimentally, the magnetization drop calculated in the sample II is the smallest one and its relative value is comparable to the measured one. By contrast, the measured magnetization drop in sample (1) is much larger than that predicted by the simulations, most likely because of a change of the microstructure during the drilling process.


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High strength steels can suffer from a loss of ductility when exposed to hydrogen, and this may lead to sudden failure. The hydrogen is either accommodated in the lattice or is trapped at defects, such as dislocations, grain boundaries and carbides. The challenge is to identify the effect of hydrogen located at different sites upon the drop in tensile strength of a high strength steel. For this purpose, literature data on the failure stress of notched and un-notched steel bars are re-analysed; the bars were tested over a wide range of strain rates and hydrogen concentrations. The local stress state at failure has been determined by the finite element (FE) method, and the concentration of both lattice and trapped hydrogen is predicted using Oriani's theory along with the stress-driven diffusion equation. The experimental data are rationalised in terms of a postulated failure locus of peak maximum principal stress versus lattice hydrogen concentration. This failure locus is treated as a unique material property for the given steel and heat treatment condition. We conclude that the presence of lattice hydrogen increases the susceptibility to hydrogen embrittlement whereas trapped hydrogen has only a negligible effect. It is also found that the observed failure strength of hydrogen charged un-notched bars is less than the peak local stress within the notched geometries. Weakest link statistics are used to account for this stressed volume effect. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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The majority of attempts to synthesize the theoretically predicted superhard phase β-C3N4 have been driven towards the use of techniques which maximize both the carbon sp3 levels and the amount of nitrogen incorporated within the film. However, as yet no attempt has been made to understand the mechanism behind the resultant chemical sputter process and its obvious effect upon film growth. In this work, however, the chemical sputtering process has been investigated through the use of an as-deposited tetrahedrally bonded amorphous carbon film with a high density nitrogen plasma produced using an rf-based electron cyclotron wave resonance source. The results obtained suggested the presence of two distinct ion energy dependent regimes. The first, below 100 eV, involves the chemical sputtering of carbon from the surface, whereas the second at ion energies in excess of 100 eV exhibits a drop in sputter rate associated with the subplantation of nitrogen within the carbon matrix. Furthermore, as the sample temperature is increased there is a concomitant decrease in sputter rate suggesting that the rate is controlled by the adsorption and desorption of additional precursor species rather than the thermal desorption of CN. A simple empirical model has been developed in order to elucidate some of the primary reactions involved in the sputter process. Through the incorporation of various previously determined experimental parameters including electron temperature, ion current density, and nitrogen partial pressure the results indicated that molecular nitrogen physisorbed at the ta-C surface was the dominant precursor involved in the chemical sputter process. However, as the physisorption enthalpy of molecular nitrogen is low this suggests that activation of this molecular species takes place only through ion impact at the surface. The obtained results therefore provide important information for the modeling and growth of high density carbon nitride. © 2001 American Institute of Physics.


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Predictions for a 75x205mm surface semi-elliptic defect in the NESC-1 spinning cylinder test have been made using BS PD 6493:1991, the R6 procedure, non-linear cracked body finite element analysis techniques and the local approach to fracture. All the techniques agree in predicting ductile tearing near the inner surface of the cylinder followed by cleavage initiation. However they differ in the amount of ductile tearing, and the exact location and time of any cleavage event. The amount of ductile tearing decreases with increasing sophistication in the analysis, due to the drop in peak crack driving force and more explicit consideration of constraint effects. The local approach predicts a high probability of cleavage in both HAZ and base material after 190s, while the other predictions suggest that cleavage is unlikely in the HAZ due to constraint loss, but likely in the underlying base material. The timing of this event varies from ∼150s for R6 predictions to ∼250-300s using non-linear cracked body analysis.


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The usual approach to compressor design considers uniform inlet flow characteristics. Especially in aircraft applications, the inlet flow is quite often non uniform, and this can result in severe performance degradation. The magnitude of this phenomenon is amplified in military engines due to the complexity of inlet duct configurations and the extreme flight conditions. CFD simulation is an innovative and powerful tool for studying inlet distortions and can bring this inside the very early phases of the design process. This project attempts to study the effects of inlet flow distortions in an axial flow compressor trying to minimize the use computer resources and computational time. The first stage of a low bypass ratio compressor has been analyzed and its clean and distorted performance compared outlining the principal changes due to uneven flow distribution: drop in mass flow, increase in pressure and temperature ratios, decrease in surge margin. Three different studies have then been conducted to better understand the effects of the level, the type and the frequency of the distortion.


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The interaction between a high-pressure rotor and a downstream vane is dominated by vortex-blade interaction. Each rotor blade passing period two co-rotating vortex pairs, the tip-leakage and upper passage vortex and the lower passage and trailing shed vortex, impinge on, and are cut by, the vane leading edge. In addition to the streamwise vortex the tip-leakage flow also contains a large velocity deficit. This causes the interaction of the tip-leakage flow with a downstream vane to differ from typical vortex blade interaction. This paper investigates the effect these interaction mechanisms have on a downstream vane. The test geometry considered was a low aspect ratio second stage vane located within a S-shaped diffuser with large radius change mounted downstream of a shroudless high-pressure turbine stage. Experimental measurements were conducted at engine-representative Mach and Reynolds numbers, and data was acquired using a fast-response aerodynamic probe upstream and downstream of the vane. Time-resolved numerical simulations were undertaken with and without a rotor tip gap in order to investigate the relative magnitude of the interaction mechanisms. The presence of the upstream stage is shown to significantly change the structure of the secondary flow in the vane and to cause a small drop in its performance.


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In this paper, the effects of wake/leading-edge interactions were studied at off-design conditions. Measurements were performed on the stator-blade suction surface at midspan. The leading-edge flow-field was investigated using hotwire micro-traverses, hotfilm surface shear-stress sensors and pressure micro-tappings. The trailing-edge flow-field was investigated using hotwire boundary-layer traverses. Unsteady CFD calculations were also performed to aid the interpretation of the results. At low flow coefficients, the time-averaged momentum thickness of the leading-edge boundary layer was found to rise as the flow coefficient was reduced. The time-resolved momentum-thickness rose due to the interaction of the incoming rotor wake. As the flow coefficient was reduced, the incoming wakes increased in pitch-wise extent, velocity deficit and turbulence intensity. This increased both the time-resolved rise in the momentum thickness and the turbulent spot production within the wake affected boundary-layer. Close to stall, a drop in the leading-edge momentum thickness was observed in-between wake events. This was associated with the formation of a leading-edge separation bubble in-between wake events. The wake interaction with the bubble gave rise to a shedding phenomenon, which produced large length scale disturbances in the surface shear stress. Copyright © 2008 by ASME.


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mark Unsteady ejectors can be driven by a wide range of driver jets. These vary from pulse detonation engines, which typically have a long gap between each slug of fluid exiting the detonation tube (mark-space ratios in the range 0.1-0.2) to the exit of a pulsejet where the mean mass flow rate leads to a much shorter gap between slugs (mark-space ratios in the range 2-3). The aim of this paper is to investigate the effect of mark-space ratio on the thrust augmentation of an unsteady ejector. Experimental testing was undertaken using a driver jet with a sinusoidal exit velocity profile. The mean value, amplitude and frequency of the velocity profile could be changed allowing the length to diameter ratio of the fluid slugs L/D and the mark-space ratio (the ratio of slug length to the spacing between slugs) L/S to be varied. The setup allowed L/S of the jet to vary from 0.8 to 2.3, while the L/D ratio of the slugs could take any values between 3.5 and 7.5. This paper shows that as the mark-space ratio of the driver jet is increased the thrust augmentation drops. Across the range of mark-space ratios tested, there is shown to be a drop in thrust augmentation of 0.1. The physical cause of this reduction in thrust augmentation is shown to be a decrease in the percentage time over which the ejector entrains ambient fluid. This is the direct result ofthe space between consecutive slugs in the driver jet decreasing. The one dimensional model reported in Heffer et al. [1] is extended to include the effect of varying L/S and is shown to accurately capture the experimentally measured behavior ofthe ejector. Copyright © 2010 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.


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The present study aims to provide insight into the parameters affecting practical laminar-flow-control suction power requirements for a commercial laminar-flying-wing transport aircraft. It is shown that there is a minimum power requirement independent of the suction system design, associated with the stagnation pressure loss in the boundary layer. This requirement increases with aerofoil section thickness, but depends only weakly on Mach number and (for a thick, lightly loaded laminar flying wing) lift coefficient. Deviation from the optimal suction distribution, due to a practical chamber-based architecture, is found to have very little effect on the overall suction coefficient; hence, to a good approximation, the power penalty is given by the product of the optimal suction flow rate coefficient and the average skin pressure drop. In the spanwise direction, through suitable choice of chamber depth, the pressure drop due to frictional and inertial effects may be rendered negligible. Finally, if there are fewer pumps than chambers, the average pressure drop from the aerofoil surface to the pump collector ducts, rather than to the chambers, determines the power penalty. For the representative laminar-flying-wing aircraft parameters considered here, the minimum power associated with boundary-layer losses alone contributes some 80-90% of the total power requirement. © 2011 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.


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Loose saturated sandy soils may undergo liquefaction under cyclic loading, generating positive excess pore pressures due to their contractile nature and inability to dissipate pore pressures rapidly during earthquake loading. These liquefied soils have a near-zero effective stress state, and hence have very low strength and stiffness, causing severe damage to structures founded upon them. The duration for which this near-zero effective stress state persists is a function of the rate of reconsolidation of the liquefied soil, which in turn is a function of the permeability and stiffness of the soil at this very low effective stress. Existing literature based on observation of physical model tests suggests that the consolidation coefficient C v associated with this reconsolidation of liquefied sand is significantly lower than that of the same soil at moderate stress levels. In this paper, the results of a series of novel fluidisation tests in which permeability k and coefficient of consolidation C v were independently measured will be presented. These results allow calculation of the variation of stiffness E 0 and permeability k with effective stress. It is shown that while permeability increases markedly at very low effective stresses, the simultaneous drop in stiffness measured results in a decrease in consolidation coefficient and hence an increase in the duration for which the soil remains liquefied.


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Speech recognition systems typically contain many Gaussian distributions, and hence a large number of parameters. This makes them both slow to decode speech, and large to store. Techniques have been proposed to decrease the number of parameters. One approach is to share parameters between multiple Gaussians, thus reducing the total number of parameters and allowing for shared likelihood calculation. Gaussian tying and subspace clustering are two related techniques which take this approach to system compression. These techniques can decrease the number of parameters with no noticeable drop in performance for single systems. However, multiple acoustic models are often used in real speech recognition systems. This paper considers the application of Gaussian tying and subspace compression to multiple systems. Results show that two speech recognition systems can be modelled using the same number of Gaussians as just one system, with little effect on individual system performance. Copyright © 2009 ISCA.


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The creation and evolution of millimeter-sized droplets of a Newtonian liquid generated on demand by the action of pressure pulses were studied experimentally and simulated numerically. The velocity response within a model, large-scale printhead was recorded by laser Doppler anemometry, and the waveform was used in Lagrangian finite-element simulations as an input. Droplet shapes and positions were observed by shadowgraphy and compared with their numerically obtained analogues. © 2011 American Physical Society.