31 resultados para DARK ENERGY MODELS

em Cambridge University Engineering Department Publications Database


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The diversity of non-domestic buildings at urban scale poses a number of difficulties to develop building stock models. This research proposes an engineering-based bottom-up stock model in a probabilistic manner to address these issues. School buildings are used for illustrating the application of this probabilistic method. Two sampling-based global sensitivity methods are used to identify key factors affecting building energy performance. The sensitivity analysis methods can also create statistical regression models for inverse analysis, which are used to estimate input information for building stock energy models. The effects of different energy saving measures are analysed by changing these building stock input distributions.


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This paper compares a number of different moment-curvature models for cracked concrete sections that contain both steel and external fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) reinforcement. The question of whether to use a whole-section analysis or one that considers the FRP separately is discussed. Five existing and three new models are compared with test data for moment-curvature or load deflection behavior, and five models are compared with test results for plate-end debonding using a global energy balance approach (GEBA). A proposal is made for the use of one of the simplified models. The availability of a simplified model opens the way to the production of design aids so that the GEBA can be made available to practicing engineers through design guides and parametric studies. Copyright © 2014, American Concrete Institute.


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The use of free vibration in elastic structure can lead to energy-efficient robot locomotion, since it significantly reduces the energy expenditure if properly designed and controlled. However, it is not well understood how to harness the dynamics of free vibration for the robot locomotion, because of the complex dynamics originated in discrete events and energy dissipation during locomotion. From this perspective, the goals of this paper are to propose a design strategy of hopping robot based on elastic curved beams and actuated rotating masses and to identify the minimalistic model that can characterize the basic principle of robot locomotion. Since the robot mainly exhibits vertical hopping, three 1-D models are examined that contain different configurations of simple spring-damper-mass components. The real-world and simulation experiments show that one of the models best characterizes the robot hopping, through analyzing the basic kinematics and negative works in actuation. Based on this model, the self-stability of hopping motion under disturbances is investigated, and design and control parameters are analyzed for the energy-efficient hopping. In addition, further analyses show that this robot can achieve the energy-efficient hopping with the variation in payload, and the source of energy dissipation of the robot hopping is investigated. © 1982-2012 IEEE.


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The use of free vibration in elastic structure can lead to energy efficient robot locomotion, since it significantly reduces the energy expenditure if properly designed and controlled. However, it is not well understood how to harness the dynamics of free vibration for the robot locomotion, because of the complex dynamics originated in discrete events and energy dissipation during locomotion. From this perspective, this paper explores three minimalistic models of free vibration that can characterize the basic principle of robot locomotion. Since the robot mainly exhibits vertical hopping, three one-dimensional models are examined that contain different configurations of simple spring-damper-mass components. The self-stability of these models are also investigated in simulation. The real-world and simulation experiments show that one of the models best characterizes the robot hopping, through analyzing the basic kinematics and negative works in actuation. Based on this model, the control parameters are analyzed for the energy efficient hopping. © 2013 IEEE.


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The properties of amorphous carbon (a-C) deposited using a filtered cathodic vacuum arc as a function of the ion energy and substrate temperature are reported. The sp3 fraction was found to strongly depend on the ion energy, giving a highly sp3 bonded a-C denoted as tetrahedral amorphous carbon (ta-C) at ion energies around 100 eV. The optical band gap was found to follow similar trends to other diamondlike carbon films, varying almost linearly with sp2 fraction. The dependence of the electronic properties are discussed in terms of models of the electronic structure of a-C. The structure of ta-C was also strongly dependent on the deposition temperature, changing sharply to sp2 above a transition temperature, T1, of ≈200°C. Furthermore, T1 was found to decrease with increasing ion energy. Most film properties, such as compressive stress and plasmon energy, were correlated to the sp3 fraction. However, the optical and electrical properties were found to undergo a more gradual transition with the deposition temperature which we attribute to the medium range order of sp2 sites. We attribute the variation in film properties with the deposition temperature to diffusion of interstitials to the surface above T1 due to thermal activation, leading to the relaxation of density in context of a growth model. © 1997 American Institute of Physics.


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The effects of damping on energy sharing in coupled systems are investigated. The approach taken is to compute the forced response patterns of various idealised systems, and from these to calculate the parameters of Statistical Energy Analysis model for the systems using the matrix inversion approach [1]. It is shown that when SEA models are fitted by this procedure, the values of the coupling loss factors are significantly dependent on damping except when it is sufficiently high. For very lightly damped coupled systems, varying the damping causes the values of the coupling loss factor to vary in direct proportion to the internal loss factor. In the limit of zero damping, the coupling loss factors tend to zero. This is a view which contrasts strongly with 'classical' SEA, in which coupling loss factors are determined by the nature of the coupling between subsystems, independent of subsystem damping. One implication of the strong damping dependency is that equipartition of modal energy under low damping does not in general occur. This is contrary to the classical SEA prediction that equipartition of modal energy always occurs if the damping can be reduced to a sufficiently small value. It is demonstrated that the use of this classical assumption can lead to gross overestimates of subsystem energy ratios, especially in multi-subsystem structures. © 1996 Academic Press Limited.


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Concern over the global energy system, whether driven by climate change, national security, or fears of shortage, is being discussed widely and in every arena but with a bias toward energy supply options. While demand reduction is often mentioned in passing, it is rarely a priority for implementation, whether through policy or through the search for innovation. This paper aims to draw attention to the opportunity for major reduction in energy demand, by presenting an analysis of how much of current global energy demand could be avoided. Previous work led to a "map" of global energy use that traces the flow of energy from primary sources (fuels or renewable sources), through fuel refinery, electricity generation, and end-use conversion devices, to passive systems and the delivery of final energy services (transport, illumination, and sustenance). The key passive systems are presented here and analyzed through simple engineering models with scalar equations using data based on current global practice. Physically credible options for change to key design parameters are identified and used to predict the energy savings possible for each system. The result demonstrates that 73% of global energy use could be saved by practically achievable design changes to passive systems. This reduction could be increased by further efficiency improvements in conversion devices. A list of the solutions required to achieve these savings is provided.


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The control of a wind turbine to the mean wind speed in a gusty wind results in very poor performance. Fluctuations in wind speed with time constants shorter than the response time of a wind turbine results in operation away from optimum design conditions. The effectiveness of a turbine operating in a gusty wind is shown though the use of an unsteady performance coefficient, C e. This performance coefficient is similar in form to a power coefficient. However in order to accommodate unsteady effects, Ce is defined as a ratio of energy extracted to the total wind energy available over a set time period. The turbine's response to real wind data is modelled, in the first instance, by assuming a constant rotational speed operation. It is shown that a significant increase in energy production can be realized by demanding a Tip Speed Ratio above the steady state optimum. The constant speed model is then further extended to incorporate inertial and controller effects. Parameters dictating how well a turbine can track a demand in Tip Speed Ratio have been identified and combined, to form a non-dimensional turbine response parameter. This parameter characterizes a turbine's ability to track a demand in Tip Speed Ratio dependent on an effective gust frequency. A significant increase in energy output of 42% and 245% is illustrated through the application of this over-speed control. This is for the constant rotational speed and Tip Speed Ratio feedback models respectively. The affect of airfoil choice on energy extraction within a gusty wind has been considered. The adaptive control logic developed enables the application of airfoils demonstrating high maximum L/D values but sharp stalling characteristics to be successfully used in a VAWT design.