17 resultados para Cyber-physical energy system

em Cambridge University Engineering Department Publications Database


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The ocean represents a huge energy reservoir since waves can be exploited to generate clean and renewable electricity; however, a hybrid energy storage system is needed to smooth the fluctuation. In this paper a hybrid energy storage system using a superconducting magnetic energy system (SMES) and Li-ion battery is proposed. The SMES is designed using Yttrium Barium Copper Oxide (YBCO) tapes, which store 60 kJ electrical energy. The magnet component of the SMES is designed using global optimization algorithm. Mechanical stress, coupled with electromagnetic field, is calculated using COMSOL and Matlab. A cooling system is presented and a suitable refrigerator is chosen to maintain a cold working temperature taking into account four heat sources. Then a microgrid system of direct drive linear wave energy converters is designed. The interface circuit connecting the generator and storage system is given. The result reveals that the fluctuated power from direct drive linear wave energy converters is smoothed by the hybrid energy storage system. The maximum power of the wave energy converter is 10 kW. © 2012 IEEE.


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Concern over the global energy system, whether driven by climate change, national security, or fears of shortage, is being discussed widely and in every arena but with a bias toward energy supply options. While demand reduction is often mentioned in passing, it is rarely a priority for implementation, whether through policy or through the search for innovation. This paper aims to draw attention to the opportunity for major reduction in energy demand, by presenting an analysis of how much of current global energy demand could be avoided. Previous work led to a "map" of global energy use that traces the flow of energy from primary sources (fuels or renewable sources), through fuel refinery, electricity generation, and end-use conversion devices, to passive systems and the delivery of final energy services (transport, illumination, and sustenance). The key passive systems are presented here and analyzed through simple engineering models with scalar equations using data based on current global practice. Physically credible options for change to key design parameters are identified and used to predict the energy savings possible for each system. The result demonstrates that 73% of global energy use could be saved by practically achievable design changes to passive systems. This reduction could be increased by further efficiency improvements in conversion devices. A list of the solutions required to achieve these savings is provided.


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This paper is concerned with the response statistics of a dynamic system that has random properties. The frequency-band-averaged energy of the system is considered, and a closed form expression is derived for the relative variance of this quantity. The expression depends upon three parameters: the modal overlap factor m, a bandwidth parameter B, and a parameter α that defines the nature of the loading (for example single point forcing or rain-on-the-roof loading). The result is applicable to any single structural component or acoustic volume, and a comparison is made here with simulation results for a mass loaded plate. Good agreement is found between the simulations and the theory. © 2003 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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This paper is concerned with the ensemble statistics of the response to harmonic excitation of a single dynamic system such as a plate or an acoustic volume. Random point process theory is employed, and various statistical assumptions regarding the system natural frequencies are compared, namely: (i) Poisson natural frequency spacings, (ii) statistically independent Rayleigh natural frequency spacings, and (iii) natural frequency spacings conforming to the Gaussian orthogonal ensemble (GOE). The GOE is found to be the most realistic assumption, and simple formulae are derived for the variance of the energy of the system under either point loading or rain-on-the-roof excitation. The theoretical results are compared favourably with numerical simulations and experimental data for the case of a mass loaded plate. © 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Wind power generation as one of the most popular renewable energy applications is absorbing more and more attention all over the world. However, output power fluctuations of wind farm due to random variations of wind speed can cause network frequency and voltage flicker in power systems. The power quality consequently declines, particularly in an isolated power system such as the power system in a remote community or a small island. This paper proposes an application of superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES) to minimize output fluctuations of an isolated power system with wind farm. The isolated power system is fed by a diesel generator and a wind generator consisting of a wind turbine and squirrel cage induction machine. The control strategy is detailed and the proposed system is evaluated by simulation in Matlab/Simulink.


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Piezoelectric systems are viewed as a promising approach to energy harvesting from environmental vibrations. The energy harvested from real vibration sources is usually difficult to estimate analytically. Therefore, it is hard to optimise the associated energy harvesting system. This work investigates the optimisation of a piezoelectric cantilever system using a genetic algorithm based approach with numerical simulations. The genetic algorithm globally considers the effects of each parameter to produce an optimal frequency response to scavenge more energy from the real vibrations while the conventional sinusoidal based method can only optimise the resistive load for a given resonant frequency. Experimental acceleration data from the vibrations of a vehicle-excited manhole cover demonstrates that the optimised harvester automatically selects the right frequency and also synchronously optimises the damper and the resistive load. This method shows great potential for optimizing the energy harvesting systems with real vibration data. ©2009 IEEE.


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One of the main claims of the nonparametric model of random uncertainty introduced by Soize (2000) [3] is its ability to account for model uncertainty. The present paper investigates this claim by examining the statistics of natural frequencies, total energy and underlying dispersion equation yielded by the nonparametric approach for two simple systems: a thin plate in bending and a one-dimensional finite periodic massspring chain. Results for the plate show that the average modal density and the underlying dispersion equation of the structure are gradually and systematically altered with increasing uncertainty. The findings for the massspring chain corroborate the findings for the plate and show that the remote coupling of nonadjacent degrees of freedom induced by the approach suppresses the phenomenon of mode localization. This remote coupling also leads to an instantaneous response of all points in the chain when one mass is excited. In the light of these results, it is argued that the nonparametric approach can deal with a certain type of model uncertainty, in this case the presence of unknown terms of higher or lower order in the governing differential equation, but that certain expectations about the system such as the average modal density may conflict with these results. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.