14 resultados para Corrupted Diacritics

em Cambridge University Engineering Department Publications Database


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Statistical model-based methods are presented for the reconstruction of autocorrelated signals in impulsive plus continuous noise environments. Signals are modelled as autoregressive and noise sources as discrete and continuous mixtures of Gaussians, allowing for robustness in highly impulsive and non-Gaussian environments. Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods are used for reconstruction of the corrupted waveforms within a Bayesian probabilistic framework and results are presented for contaminated voice and audio signals.


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Model compensation is a standard way of improving the robustness of speech recognition systems to noise. A number of popular schemes are based on vector Taylor series (VTS) compensation, which uses a linear approximation to represent the influence of noise on the clean speech. To compensate the dynamic parameters, the continuous time approximation is often used. This approximation uses a point estimate of the gradient, which fails to take into account that dynamic coefficients are a function of a number of consecutive static coefficients. In this paper, the accuracy of dynamic parameter compensation is improved by representing the dynamic features as a linear transformation of a window of static features. A modified version of VTS compensation is applied to the distribution of the window of static features and, importantly, their correlations. These compensated distributions are then transformed to distributions over standard static and dynamic features. With this improved approximation, it is also possible to obtain full-covariance corrupted speech distributions. This addresses the correlation changes that occur in noise. The proposed scheme outperformed the standard VTS scheme by 10% to 20% relative on a range of tasks. © 2006 IEEE.


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Recently there has been interest in structured discriminative models for speech recognition. In these models sentence posteriors are directly modelled, given a set of features extracted from the observation sequence, and hypothesised word sequence. In previous work these discriminative models have been combined with features derived from generative models for noise-robust speech recognition for continuous digits. This paper extends this work to medium to large vocabulary tasks. The form of the score-space extracted using the generative models, and parameter tying of the discriminative model, are both discussed. Update formulae for both conditional maximum likelihood and minimum Bayes' risk training are described. Experimental results are presented on small and medium to large vocabulary noise-corrupted speech recognition tasks: AURORA 2 and 4. © 2011 IEEE.


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Real-time acquisition of EMG during functional MRI (fMRI) provides a novel method of controlling motor experiments in the scanner using feedback of EMG. Because of the redundancy in the human muscle system, this is not possible from recordings of joint torque and kinematics alone, because these provide no information about individual muscle activation. This is particularly critical during brain imaging because brain activations are not only related to joint torques and kinematics but are also related to individual muscle activation. However, EMG collected during imaging is corrupted by large artifacts induced by the varying magnetic fields and radio frequency (RF) pulses in the scanner. Methods proposed in literature for artifact removal are complex, computationally expensive, and difficult to implement for real-time noise removal. We describe an acquisition system and algorithm that enables real-time acquisition for the first time. The algorithm removes particular frequencies from the EMG spectrum in which the noise is concentrated. Although this decreases the power content of the EMG, this method provides excellent estimates of EMG with good resolution. Comparisons show that the cleaned EMG obtained with the algorithm is, like actual EMG, very well correlated with joint torque and can thus be used for real-time visual feedback during functional studies.


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Recently there has been interest in combined gen- erative/discriminative classifiers. In these classifiers features for the discriminative models are derived from generative kernels. One advantage of using generative kernels is that systematic approaches exist how to introduce complex dependencies beyond conditional independence assumptions. Furthermore, by using generative kernels model-based compensation/adaptation tech- niques can be applied to make discriminative models robust to noise/speaker conditions. This paper extends previous work with combined generative/discriminative classifiers in several directions. First, it introduces derivative kernels based on context- dependent generative models. Second, it describes how derivative kernels can be incorporated in continuous discriminative models. Third, it addresses the issues associated with large number of classes and parameters when context-dependent models and high- dimensional features of derivative kernels are used. The approach is evaluated on two noise-corrupted tasks: small vocabulary AURORA 2 and medium-to-large vocabulary AURORA 4 task.


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Model-based approaches to handling additive background noise and channel distortion, such as Vector Taylor Series (VTS), have been intensively studied and extended in a number of ways. In previous work, VTS has been extended to handle both reverberant and background noise, yielding the Reverberant VTS (RVTS) scheme. In this work, rather than assuming the observation vector is generated by the reverberation of a sequence of background noise corrupted speech vectors, as in RVTS, the observation vector is modelled as a superposition of the background noise and the reverberation of clean speech. This yields a new compensation scheme RVTS Joint (RVTSJ), which allows an easy formulation for joint estimation of both additive and reverberation noise parameters. These two compensation schemes were evaluated and compared on a simulated reverberant noise corrupted AURORA4 task. Both yielded large gains over VTS baseline system, with RVTSJ outperforming the previous RVTS scheme. © 2011 IEEE.


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Recently there has been interest in combining generative and discriminative classifiers. In these classifiers features for the discriminative models are derived from the generative kernels. One advantage of using generative kernels is that systematic approaches exist to introduce complex dependencies into the feature-space. Furthermore, as the features are based on generative models standard model-based compensation and adaptation techniques can be applied to make discriminative models robust to noise and speaker conditions. This paper extends previous work in this framework in several directions. First, it introduces derivative kernels based on context-dependent generative models. Second, it describes how derivative kernels can be incorporated in structured discriminative models. Third, it addresses the issues associated with large number of classes and parameters when context-dependent models and high-dimensional feature-spaces of derivative kernels are used. The approach is evaluated on two noise-corrupted tasks: small vocabulary AURORA 2 and medium-to-large vocabulary AURORA 4 task. © 2011 IEEE.


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This paper describes a structured SVM framework suitable for noise-robust medium/large vocabulary speech recognition. Several theoretical and practical extensions to previous work on small vocabulary tasks are detailed. The joint feature space based on word models is extended to allow context-dependent triphone models to be used. By interpreting the structured SVM as a large margin log-linear model, illustrates that there is an implicit assumption that the prior of the discriminative parameter is a zero mean Gaussian. However, depending on the definition of likelihood feature space, a non-zero prior may be more appropriate. A general Gaussian prior is incorporated into the large margin training criterion in a form that allows the cutting plan algorithm to be directly applied. To further speed up the training process, 1-slack algorithm, caching competing hypothesis and parallelization strategies are also proposed. The performance of structured SVMs is evaluated on noise corrupted medium vocabulary speech recognition task: AURORA 4. © 2011 IEEE.


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In standard Gaussian Process regression input locations are assumed to be noise free. We present a simple yet effective GP model for training on input points corrupted by i.i.d. Gaussian noise. To make computations tractable we use a local linear expansion about each input point. This allows the input noise to be recast as output noise proportional to the squared gradient of the GP posterior mean. The input noise variances are inferred from the data as extra hyperparameters. They are trained alongside other hyperparameters by the usual method of maximisation of the marginal likelihood. Training uses an iterative scheme, which alternates between optimising the hyperparameters and calculating the posterior gradient. Analytic predictive moments can then be found for Gaussian distributed test points. We compare our model to others over a range of different regression problems and show that it improves over current methods.


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Vector Taylor Series (VTS) model based compensation is a powerful approach for noise robust speech recognition. An important extension to this approach is VTS adaptive training (VAT), which allows canonical models to be estimated on diverse noise-degraded training data. These canonical model can be estimated using EM-based approaches, allowing simple extensions to discriminative VAT (DVAT). However to ensure a diagonal corrupted speech covariance matrix the Jacobian (loading matrix) relating the noise and clean speech is diagonalised. In this work an approach for yielding optimal diagonal loading matrices based on minimising the expected KL-divergence between the diagonal loading matrix and "correct" distributions is proposed. The performance of DVAT using the standard and optimal diagonalisation was evaluated on both in-car collected data and the Aurora4 task. © 2012 IEEE.


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Conventional Hidden Markov models generally consist of a Markov chain observed through a linear map corrupted by additive noise. This general class of model has enjoyed a huge and diverse range of applications, for example, speech processing, biomedical signal processing and more recently quantitative finance. However, a lesser known extension of this general class of model is the so-called Factorial Hidden Markov Model (FHMM). FHMMs also have diverse applications, notably in machine learning, artificial intelligence and speech recognition [13, 17]. FHMMs extend the usual class of HMMs, by supposing the partially observed state process is a finite collection of distinct Markov chains, either statistically independent or dependent. There is also considerable current activity in applying collections of partially observed Markov chains to complex action recognition problems, see, for example, [6]. In this article we consider the Maximum Likelihood (ML) parameter estimation problem for FHMMs. Much of the extant literature concerning this problem presents parameter estimation schemes based on full data log-likelihood EM algorithms. This approach can be slow to converge and often imposes heavy demands on computer memory. The latter point is particularly relevant for the class of FHMMs where state space dimensions are relatively large. The contribution in this article is to develop new recursive formulae for a filter-based EM algorithm that can be implemented online. Our new formulae are equivalent ML estimators, however, these formulae are purely recursive and so, significantly reduce numerical complexity and memory requirements. A computer simulation is included to demonstrate the performance of our results. © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.


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Large margin criteria and discriminative models are two effective improvements for HMM-based speech recognition. This paper proposed a large margin trained log linear model with kernels for CSR. To avoid explicitly computing in the high dimensional feature space and to achieve the nonlinear decision boundaries, a kernel based training and decoding framework is proposed in this work. To make the system robust to noise a kernel adaptation scheme is also presented. Previous work in this area is extended in two directions. First, most kernels for CSR focus on measuring the similarity between two observation sequences. The proposed joint kernels defined a similarity between two observation-label sequence pairs on the sentence level. Second, this paper addresses how to efficiently employ kernels in large margin training and decoding with lattices. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt at using large margin kernel-based log linear models for CSR. The model is evaluated on a noise corrupted continuous digit task: AURORA 2.0. © 2013 IEEE.