101 resultados para Closed Convex Sets

em Cambridge University Engineering Department Publications Database


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A method is proposed to characterize contraction of a set through orthogonal projections. For discrete-time multi-agent systems, quantitative estimates of convergence (to a consensus) rate are provided by means of contracting convex sets. Required convexity for the sets that should include the values that the transition maps of agents take is considered in a more general sense than that of Euclidean geometry. © 2007 IEEE.


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We introduce a characterization of contraction for bounded convex sets. For discrete-time multi-agent systems we provide an explicit upperbound on the rate of convergence to a consensus under the assumptions of contractiveness and (weak) connectedness (across an interval.) Convergence is shown to be exponential when either the system or the function characterizing the contraction is linear. Copyright © 2007 IFAC.


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We develop a convex relaxation of maximum a posteriori estimation of a mixture of regression models. Although our relaxation involves a semidefinite matrix variable, we reformulate the problem to eliminate the need for general semidefinite programming. In particular, we provide two reformulations that admit fast algorithms. The first is a max-min spectral reformulation exploiting quasi-Newton descent. The second is a min-min reformulation consisting of fast alternating steps of closed-form updates. We evaluate the methods against Expectation-Maximization in a real problem of motion segmentation from video data.


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We provide a cooperative control algorithm to stabilize symmetric formations to motion around closed curves suitable for mobile sensor networks. This work extends previous results for stabilization of symmetric circular formations. We study a planar particle model with decentralized steering control subject to limited communication. Because of their unique spectral properties, the Laplacian matrices of circulant graphs play a key role. We illustrate the result for a skewed superellipse, which is a type of curve that includes circles, ellipses, and rounded parallelograms. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We provide feedback control laws to stabilize formations of multiple, unit speed particles on smooth, convex, and closed curves with definite curvature. As in previous work we exploit an analogy with coupled phase oscillators to provide controls which isolate symmetric particle formations that are invariant to rigid translation of all the particles. In this work, we do not require all particles to be able to communicate; rather we assume that inter-particle communication is limited and can be modeled by a fixed, connected, and undirected graph. Because of their unique spectral properties, the Laplacian matrices of circulant graphs play a key role. The methodology is demonstrated using a superellipse, which is a type of curve that includes circles, ellipses, and rounded rectangles. These results can be used in applications involving multiple autonomous vehicles that travel at constant speed around fixed beacons. ©2006 IEEE.


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A potentiometric device based on interfacing a solid electrolyte oxygen ion conductor with a thin platinum film acts as a robust, reproducible sensor for the detection of hydrocarbons in high- or ultrahigh-vacuum environments. Sensitivities in the order of approximately 5 x 10(-10) mbar are achievable under open circuit conditions, with good selectivity for discrimination between n-butane on one hand and toluene, n-octane, n-hexane, and 1-butene on the other hand. The sensor's sensitivity may be tuned by operating under constant current (closed circuit) conditions; injection of anodic current is also a very effective means of restoring a clean sensing surface at any desired point. XPS data and potentiometric measurements confirm the proposed mode of sensing action: the steady-state coverage of Oa, which sets the potential of the Pt sensing electrode, is determined by the partial pressure and dissociative sticking probability of the impinging hydrocarbon. The principles established here provide the basis for a viable, inherently flexible, and promising means for the sensitive and selective detection of hydrocarbons under demanding conditions.


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Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes model performances in the stagnation and wake regions for turbulent flows with relatively large Lagrangian length scales (generally larger than the scale of geometrical features) approaching small cylinders (both square and circular) is explored. The effective cylinder (or wire) diameter based Reynolds number, ReW ≤ 2.5 × 103. The following turbulence models are considered: a mixing-length; standard Spalart and Allmaras (SA) and streamline curvature (and rotation) corrected SA (SARC); Secundov's νt-92; Secundov et al.'s two equation νt-L; Wolfshtein's k-l model; the Explicit Algebraic Stress Model (EASM) of Abid et al.; the cubic model of Craft et al.; various linear k-ε models including those with wall distance based damping functions; Menter SST, k-ω and Spalding's LVEL model. The use of differential equation distance functions (Poisson and Hamilton-Jacobi equation based) for palliative turbulence modeling purposes is explored. The performance of SA with these distance functions is also considered in the sharp convex geometry region of an airfoil trailing edge. For the cylinder, with ReW ≈ 2.5 × 103 the mixing length and k-l models give strong turbulence production in the wake region. However, in agreement with eddy viscosity estimates, the LVEL and Secundov νt-92 models show relatively little cylinder influence on turbulence. On the other hand, two equation models (as does the one equation SA) suggest the cylinder gives a strong turbulence deficit in the wake region. Also, for SA, an order or magnitude cylinder diameter decrease from ReW = 2500 to 250 surprisingly strengthens the cylinder's disruptive influence. Importantly, results for ReW ≪ 250 are virtually identical to those for ReW = 250 i.e. no matter how small the cylinder/wire its influence does not, as it should, vanish. Similar tests for the Launder-Sharma k-ε, Menter SST and k-ω show, in accordance with physical reality, the cylinder's influence diminishing albeit slowly with size. Results suggest distance functions palliate the SA model's erroneous trait and improve its predictive performance in wire wake regions. Also, results suggest that, along the stagnation line, such functions improve the SA, mixing length, k-l and LVEL results. For the airfoil, with SA, the larger Poisson distance function increases the wake region turbulence levels by just under 5%. © 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Multi-finger, normally-closed microgrippers made from a bilayer of a metal and diamond-like carbon (DLC) or a trilayer of a polymer, metal and DLC have been analysed, simulated and fabricated. Temperatures of ∼700 K are necessary to open Ni/DLC bimorph structures. Microgrippers made from an SU8/DLC bilayer or SU8/Al/DLC trilayer have also been fabricated, and fully closed microcages with diameters of ∑40 μm have been obtained. Using SU8 reduces the opening temperature of these devices to only ∼400 K.


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