11 resultados para COOL STARS

em Cambridge University Engineering Department Publications Database


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We report on an experimental and theoretical study of the transient flows which develop as a naturally ventilated room adjusts from one temperature to another. We focus on a room heated from below by a uniform heat source, with both high- and low-level ventilation openings. Depending on the initial temperature of the room relative to (i) the final equilibrium temperature and (ii) the exterior temperature, three different modes of ventilation may develop. First, if the room temperature lies between the exterior and the equilibrium temperature, the interior remains well-mixed and gradually heats up to the equilibrium temperature. Secondly, if the room is initially warmer than the equilibrium temperature, then a thermal stratification develops in which the upper layer of originally hot air is displaced upwards by a lower layer of relatively cool inflowing air. At the interface, some mixing occurs owing to the effects of penetrative convection. Thirdly, if the room is initially cooler than the exterior, then on opening the vents, the original air is displaced downwards and a layer of ambient air deepens from above. As this lower layer drains, it is eventually heated to the ambient temperature, and is then able to mix into the overlying layer of external air, and the room becomes well-mixed. For each case, we present new laboratory experiments and compare these with some new quantitative models of the transient flows. We conclude by considering the implications of our work for natural ventilation of large auditoria.


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Gold-decorated silica nanoparticles were synthesized in a two-step process in which silica nanoparticles were produced by chemical vapor synthesis using tetraethylorthosilicate (TEOS) and subsequently decorated using two different gas-phase evaporative techniques. Both evaporative processes resulted in gold decoration of the silica particles. This study compares the mechanisms of particle decoration for a production method in which the gas and particles remain cool to a method in which the entire aerosol is heated. Results of transmission electron microscopy and visible spectroscopy studies indicate that both methods produce particles with similar morphologies and nearly identical absorption spectra, with peak absorption at 500-550 nm. A study of the thermal stability of the particles using heated-TEM indicates that the gold decoration on the particle surface remains stable at temperatures below 900 °C, above which the gold decoration begins to both evaporate and coalesce.


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Building integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) has the potential to become a major source of renewable energy in the urban environment. BIPV has significant influence on the heat transfer through the building envelope because of the change of the thermal resistance by adding or replacing the building elements. Four different roofs are used to assess the impacts of BIPV on the building's heating-and-cooling loads; namely ventilated air-gap BIPV, non-ventilated (closed) air-gap BIPV, closeroof mounted BIPV, and the conventional roof with no PV and no air gap. One-dimensional transient models of four cases are derived to evaluate the PV performances and building cooling-and-heating loads across the different roofs in order to select the appropriate PV building integration method in Tianjin, China. The simulation results show that the PV roof with ventilated air-gap is suitable for the application in summer because this integration leads to the low cooling load and high PV conversion efficiency. The PV roof with ventilation air-gap has a high time lag and small decrement factor in comparison with other three roofs and has the same heat gain as the cool roof of absorptance 0.4. In winter, BIPV of non-ventilated air gap is more appropriate due to the combination of the low heating-load through the PV roof and high PV electrical output. © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The Statistics Anxiety Rating Scale (STARS) was adapted into German to examine its psychometric properties (n = 400). Two validation studies (n = 66, n = 96) were conducted to examine its criterion-related validity. The psychometric properties of the questionnaire were very similar to those previously reported for the original English version in various countries and other language versions. Confirmatory factor analysis indicated 2 second-order factors: One was more closely related to anxiety and the other was more closely related to negative attitudes toward statistics. Predictive validity of the STARS was shown both in an experimental exam-like situation in the laboratory and during a real examination situation. Taken together, the findings indicate that statistics anxiety as assessed by the STARS is a useful construct that is more than just an expression of a more general disposition to anxiety.


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The effect of an opposing wind on the stratification and flow produced by a buoyant plume rising from a heat source on the floor of a ventilated enclosure is investigated. Ventilation openings located at high level on the windward side of the enclosure and at low level on the leeward side allow a wind-driven flow from high to low level, opposite to the buoyancy-driven flow. One of two stable steady flow regimes is established depending on a dimensionless parameter F that characterizes the relative magnitudes of the wind-driven and buoyancy-driven velocities within the enclosure, and on the time history of the flow. A third, unstable steady flow solution is identified. For small opposing winds (small F) a steady, two-layer stratification and displacement ventilation is established. Exterior fluid enters through the lower leeward openings and buoyant interior fluid leaves through the upper windward openings. As the wind speed increases, the opposing wind may cause a reversal in the flow direction. In this case, cool exterior fluid enters through the high windward openings and mixes the interior fluid, which exits through the leeward openings. There are now two possibilities. If the rate of heat input by the source exceeds the rate of heat loss through the leeward openings, the temperature of the interior increases and this flow reversal is only maintained temporarily. The buoyancy force increases with time, the flow reverts to its original direction, and steady two-layer displacement ventilation is re-established and maintained. In this regime, the increase in wind speed increases the depth and temperature of the warm upper layer, and reduces the ventilation flow rate. If, on the other hand, the heat loss exceeds the heat input, the interior cools and the buoyancy-driven flow decreases. The reversed flow is maintained, the stratification is destroyed and mixing ventilation occurs. Further increases in wind speed increase the ventilation rate and decrease the interior temperature. The transitions between the two ventilation flow patterns exhibit hysteresis. The change from displacement ventilation to mixing ventilation occurs at a higher F than the transition from mixing to displacement. Further, we find that the transition from mixing to displacement ventilation occurs at a fixed value of F, whereas the transition from displacement to mixing flow is dependent on the details of the time history of the flow and the geometry of the openings, and is not determined solely by the value of F. Theoretical models that predic t the steady stratification profiles and flow rates for the displacement and mixing ventilation, and the transitions between them, are presented and compared with measurements from laboratory experiments. The transition between these ventilation patterns completely changes the internal environment, and we discuss some of the implications for the natural ventilation of buildings. © 2004 Cambridge University Press.


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We examine the fluid mechanics of night purging in a two-storey naturally ventilated atrium building. We develop a mathematical model of a simplified atrium building and focus on the rate at which warm air purges from each storey and the atrium by displacement ventilation into a still cool night environment of a constant temperature. To develop a first insight into how the geometry of the building influences the rate at which warm air purges from each storey via the atrium we neglect heat exchange with the fabric (so there is no thermal buffering) and furthermore assume that the warm air layers in each storey and the atrium are of uniform temperature. The plumes of warm air that rise from the storeys into the atrium, causing the atrium to fill with warm air, have a very strong influence on the night purge. Modelling these as axisymmetric turbulent plumes, we identify three forms of purging behaviour. Each purge is characterised by five key times identified in the progression of the night purge and physical rationale for these differing behaviours is given. An interface velocity deficit and volumetric purge deficit are introduced as measures of the efficiency of a night purge. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd.


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The airflow and thermal stratification produced by a localised heat source located at floor level in a closed room is of considerable practical interest and is commonly referred to as a 'filling box'. In rooms with low aspect ratios H/R ≲ 1 (room height H to characteristic horizontal dimension R) the thermal plume spreads laterally on reaching the ceiling and a descending horizontal 'front' forms separating a stably stratified, warm upper region from cooler air below. The stratification is well predicted for H/R ≲ 1 by the original filling box model of Baines and Turner (J. Fluid. Mech. 37 (1968) 51). This model represents a somewhat idealised situation of a plume rising from a point source of buoyancy alone-in particular the momentum flux at the source is zero. In practical situations, real sources of heating and cooling in a ventilation system often include initial fluxes of both buoyancy and momentum, e.g. where a heating system vents warm air into a space. This paper describes laboratory experiments to determine the dependence of the 'front' formation and stratification on the source momentum and buoyancy fluxes of a single source, and on the location and relative strengths of two sources from which momentum and buoyancy fluxes were supplied separately. For a single source with a non-zero input of momentum, the rate of descent of the front is more rapid than for the case of zero source momentum flux and increases with increasing momentum input. Increasing the source momentum flux effectively increases the height of the enclosure, and leads to enhanced overturning motions and finally to complete mixing for highly momentum-driven flows. Stratified flows may be maintained by reducing the aspect ratio of the enclosure. At these low aspect ratios different long-time behaviour is observed depending on the nature of the heat input. A constant heat flux always produces a stratified interior at large times. On the other hand, a constant temperature supply ultimately produces a well-mixed space at the supply temperature. For separate sources of momentum and buoyancy, the developing stratification is shown to be strongly dependent on the separation of the sources and their relative strengths. Even at small separation distances the stratification initially exhibits horizontal inhomogeneity with localised regions of warm fluid (from the buoyancy source) and cool fluid. This inhomogeneity is less pronounced as the strength of one source is increased relative to the other. Regardless of the strengths of the sources, a constant buoyancy flux source dominates after sufficiently large times, although the strength of the momentum source determines whether the enclosure is initially well mixed (strong momentum source) or stably stratified (weak momentum source). © 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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BACKGROUND: A large proportion of students identify statistics courses as the most anxiety-inducing courses in their curriculum. Many students feel impaired by feelings of state anxiety in the examination and therefore probably show lower achievements. AIMS: The study investigates how statistics anxiety, attitudes (e.g., interest, mathematical self-concept) and trait anxiety, as a general disposition to anxiety, influence experiences of anxiety as well as achievement in an examination. SAMPLE: Participants were 284 undergraduate psychology students, 225 females and 59 males. METHODS: Two weeks prior to the examination, participants completed a demographic questionnaire and measures of the STARS, the STAI, self-concept in mathematics, and interest in statistics. At the beginning of the statistics examination, students assessed their present state anxiety by the KUSTA scale. After 25 min, all examination participants gave another assessment of their anxiety at that moment. Students' examination scores were recorded. Structural equation modelling techniques were used to test relationships between the variables in a multivariate context. RESULTS: Statistics anxiety was the only variable related to state anxiety in the examination. Via state anxiety experienced before and during the examination, statistics anxiety had a negative influence on achievement. However, statistics anxiety also had a direct positive influence on achievement. This result may be explained by students' motivational goals in the specific educational setting. CONCLUSIONS: The results provide insight into the relationship between students' attitudes, dispositions, experiences of anxiety in the examination, and academic achievement, and give recommendations to instructors on how to support students prior to and in the examination.


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The spallation resistance of an air plasma sprayed (APS) thermal barrier coating (TBC) to cool-down/reheat is evaluated for a pre-existing delamination crack. The delamination emanates from a vertical crack through the coating and resides at the interface between coating and underlying thermally grown oxide layer (TGO). The coating progressively sinters during engine operation, and this leads to a depth-dependent increase in modulus. Following high temperature exposure, the coating is subjected to a cooling/reheating cycle representative of engine shut-down and start-up. The interfacial stress intensity factors are calculated for the delamination crack over this thermal cycle and are compared with the mode-dependent fracture toughness of the interface between sintered APS and TGO. The study reveals the role played by microstructural evolution during sintering in dictating the spallation life of the thermal barrier coating, and also describes a test method for the measurement of delamination toughness of a thin coating. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd.