15 resultados para CMC

em Cambridge University Engineering Department Publications Database


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A multi-dimensional combustion code implementing the Conditional Moment Closure turbulent combustion model interfaced with a well-established RANS two- phase flow field solver has been employed to study a broad range of operating conditions for a heavy duty direct-injection common-rail Diesel engine. These conditions include different loads (25%, 50%, 75% and full load) and engine speeds (1250 and 1830 RPM) and, with respect to the fuel path, different injection timings and rail pressures. A total of nine cases have been simulated. Excellent agreement with experimental data has been found for the pressure traces and the heat release rates, without adjusting any model constants. The chemical mechanism used contains a detailed NOx sub-mechanism. The predicted emissions agree reasonably well with the experimental data considering the range of operating points and given no adjustments of any rate constants have been employed. In an effort to identify CPU cost reduction potential, various dimensionality reduction strategies have been assessed. Furthermore, the sensitivity of the predictions with respect to resolution in particular relating to the CMC grid has been investigated. Overall, the results suggest that the presented modelling strategy has considerable predictive capability concerning Diesel engine combustion without requiring model constant calibration based on experimental data. This is true particularly for the heat release rates predictions and, to a lesser extent, for NOx emissions where further progress is still necessary. © 2009 SAE International.


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Simulations of an n-heptane spray autoigniting under conditions relevant to a diesel engine are performed using two-dimensional, first-order conditional moment closure (CMC) with full treatment of spray terms in the mixture fraction variance and CMC equations. The conditional evaporation term in the CMC equations is closed assuming interphase exchange to occur at the droplet saturation mixture fraction values only. Modeling of the unclosed terms in themixture fraction variance equation is done accordingly. Comparison with experimental data for a range of ambient oxygen concentrations shows that the ignition delay is overpredicted. The trend of increasing ignition delay with decreasing oxygen concentration, however, is correctly captured. Good agreement is found between the computed and measured flame lift-off height for all conditions investigated. Analysis of source terms in the CMC temperature equation reveals that a convective-reactive balance sets in at the flame base, with spatial diffusion terms being important, but not as important as in lifted jet flames in cold air. Inclusion of droplet terms in the governing equations is found to affect the mixture fraction variance field in the region where evaporation is the strongest, and to slightly increase the ignition delay time due to the cooling associated with the evaporation. Both flame propagation and stabilization mechanisms, however, remain unaffected. © 2011 Taylor & Francis.


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The conditional moment closure (CMC) method has been successfully applied to various non-premixed combustion systems in the past, but its application to premixed flames is not fully tested and validated. The main difficulty is associated with the modeling of conditional scalar dissipation rate of the conditioning scalar, the progress variable. A simple algebraic model for the conditional dissipation rate is validated using DNS results of a V-flame. This model along with the standard k- turbulence modeling is used in computations of stoichiometric pilot stabilized Bunsen flames using the RANS-CMC method. A first-order closure is used for the conditional mean reaction rate. The computed non reacting and reacting scalars are in reasonable agreement with the experimental measurements and are consistent with earlier computations using flamelets and transported PDF methods. Sensitivity to chemical kinetic mechanism is also assessed. The results suggest that the CMC may be applied across the regimes of premixed combustion.


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The conditional moment closure (CMC) method has been successfully applied to various non-premixed combustion systems in the past, but its application to premixed flames is not fully tested and validated. The main difficulty is associated with the modeling of conditional scalar dissipation rate of the conditioning scalar, the progress variable. A simple algebraic model for the conditional dissipation rate is validated using DNS results of a V-flame. This model along with the standard k- turbulence modeling is used in computations of stoichiometric pilot stabilized Bunsen flames using the RANS-CMC method. A first-order closure is used for the conditional mean reaction rate. The computed non reacting and reacting scalars are in reasonable agreement with the experimental measurements and are consistent with earlier computations using flamelets and transported PDF methods. Sensitivity to chemical kinetic mechanism is also assessed. The results suggest that the CMC may be applied across the regimes of premixed combustion.


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Direct Numerical Simulations (DNS) of turbulent n-heptane sprays autoigniting at high pressure (P=24bar) and intermediate air temperature (Tair=1000K) have been performed to investigate the physical mechanisms present under conditions where low-temperature chemistry is expected to be important. The initial turbulence in the carrier gas, the global equivalence ratio in the spray region, and the initial droplet size distribution of the spray were varied. Results show that spray ignition exhibits a spotty nature, with several kernels developing independently in those regions where the mixture fraction is close to its most reactive value ξMR (as determined from homogeneous reactor calculations) and the scalar dissipation rate is low. Turbulence reduces the ignition delay time as it promotes mixing between air and the fuel vapor, eventually resulting in lower values of scalar dissipation. High values of the global equivalence ratio are responsible for a larger number of ignition kernels, due to the higher probability of finding regions where ξ=ξMR. Spray polydispersity results in the occurrence of ignition over a wider range of mixture fraction values. This is a consequence of the inhomogeneities in the mixing field that characterize these sprays, where poorly mixed rich spots are seen to alternate with leaner ones which are well-mixed. The DNS simulations presented in this work have also been used to assess the applicability of the Conditional Moment Closure (CMC) method to the simulation of spray combustion. CMC is found to be a valid method for capturing spray autoignition, although care should be taken in the modelling of the unclosed terms appearing in the CMC equations. © 2013 The Combustion Institute.


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Conditional Moment Closure (CMC) is a suitable method for predicting scalars such as carbon monoxide with slow chemical time scales in turbulent combustion. Although this method has been successfully applied to non-premixed combustion, its application to lean premixed combustion is rare. In this study the CMC method is used to compute piloted lean premixed combustion in a distributed combustion regime. The conditional scalar dissipation rate of the conditioning scalar, the progress variable, is closed using an algebraic model and turbulence is modelled using the standard k-e{open} model. The conditional mean reaction rate is closed using a first order CMC closure with the GRI-3.0 chemical mechanism to represent the chemical kinetics of methane oxidation. The PDF of the progress variable is obtained using a presumed shape with the Beta function. The computed results are compared with the experimental measurements and earlier computations using the transported PDF approach. The results show reasonable agreement with the experimental measurements and are consistent with the transported PDF computations. When the compounded effects of shear-turbulence and flame are strong, second order closures may be required for the CMC. © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.