11 resultados para Body and feminism

em Cambridge University Engineering Department Publications Database


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Standard forms of density-functional theory (DFT) have good predictive power for many materials, but are not yet fully satisfactory for cluster, solid, and liquid forms of water. Recent work has stressed the importance of DFT errors in describing dispersion, but we note that errors in other parts of the energy may also contribute. We obtain information about the nature of DFT errors by using a many-body separation of the total energy into its 1-body, 2-body, and beyond-2-body components to analyze the deficiencies of the popular PBE and BLYP approximations for the energetics of water clusters and ice structures. The errors of these approximations are computed by using accurate benchmark energies from the coupled-cluster technique of molecular quantum chemistry and from quantum Monte Carlo calculations. The systems studied are isomers of the water hexamer cluster, the crystal structures Ih, II, XV, and VIII of ice, and two clusters extracted from ice VIII. For the binding energies of these systems, we use the machine-learning technique of Gaussian Approximation Potentials to correct successively for 1-body and 2-body errors of the DFT approximations. We find that even after correction for these errors, substantial beyond-2-body errors remain. The characteristics of the 2-body and beyond-2-body errors of PBE are completely different from those of BLYP, but the errors of both approximations disfavor the close approach of non-hydrogen-bonded monomers. We note the possible relevance of our findings to the understanding of liquid water.


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Preferential species diffusion is known to have important effects on local flame structure in turbulent premixed flames, and differential diffusion of heat and mass can have significant effects on both local flame structure and global flame parameters, such as turbulent flame speed. However, models for turbulent premixed combustion normally assume that atomic mass fractions are conserved from reactants to fully burnt products. Experiments reported here indicate that this basic assumption may be incorrect for an important class of turbulent flames. Measurements of major species and temperature in the near field of turbulent, bluff-body stabilized, lean premixed methane-air flames (Le=0.98) reveal significant departures from expected conditional mean compositional structure in the combustion products as well as within the flame. Net increases exceeding 10% in the equivalence ratio and the carbon-to-hydrogen atom ratio are observed across the turbulent flame brush. Corresponding measurements across an unstrained laminar flame at similar equivalence ratio are in close agreement with calculations performed using Chemkin with the GRI 3.0 mechanism and multi-component transport, confirming accuracy of experimental techniques. Results suggest that the large effects observed in the turbulent bluff-body burner are cause by preferential transport of H 2 and H 2O through the preheat zone ahead of CO 2 and CO, followed by convective transport downstream and away from the local flame brush. This preferential transport effect increases with increasing velocity of reactants past the bluff body and is apparently amplified by the presence of a strong recirculation zone where excess CO 2 is accumulated. © 2011 The Combustion Institute.


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We present the results of an experimental investigation across a broad range of source Froude numbers, 0. 4 ≤ Fr 0 ≤ 45, into the dynamics, morphology and rise heights of Boussinesq turbulent axisymmetric fountains in quiescent uniform environments. Typically, these fountains are thought to rise to an initial height, z i, before settling back and fluctuating about a lesser (quasi-) steady height, z ss. Our measurements show that this is not always the case and the ratio of the fountain's initial rise height to steady rise height, λ = z i/z ss, varies widely, 0. 5 ≈ λ ≈ 2, across the range of Fr 0 investigated. As a result of near-ideal start-up conditions provided by the experimental set-up we were consistently able to form a vortex at the fountain's front. This enabled new insights into two features of the initial rise of turbulent fountains. Firstly, for 1. 0 ≈ Fr 0 ≈ 1. 7 the initial rise height is less than the steady rise height. Secondly, for Fr 0 ≈ 5. 5, the vortex formed at the fountain's front pinches off, separates from the main body and rises high above the fountain; there is thus a third rise height to consider, namely, the maximum vortex rise height, z v. From our observations we propose classifying turbulent axisymmetric fountains into five regimes (as opposed to the current three regimes) and present detailed descriptions of the flow in each. Finally, based on an analysis of the rise height fluctuations and the width of fountains in (quasi-) steady state we provide further insight into the physical cause of height fluctuations. © 2011 Cambridge University Press.


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This paper presents flow field measurements for the turbulent stratified burner introduced in two previous publications in which high resolution scalar measurements were made by Sweeney et al. [1,2] for model validation. The flow fields of the series of premixed and stratified methane/air flames are investigated under turbulent, globally lean conditions (φg=0.75). Velocity data acquired with laser Doppler anemometry (LDA) and particle image velocimetry (PIV) are presented and discussed. Pairwise 2-component LDA measurements provide profiles of axial velocity, radial velocity, tangential velocity and corresponding fluctuating velocities. The LDA measurements of axial and tangential velocities enable the swirl number to be evaluated and the degree of swirl characterized. Power spectral density and autocorrelation functions derived from the LDA data acquired at 10kHz are optimized to calculate the integral time scales. Flow patterns are obtained using a 2-component PIV system operated at 7Hz. Velocity profiles and spatial correlations derived from the PIV and LDA measurements are shown to be in very good agreement, thus offering 3D mapping of the velocities. A strong correlation was observed between the shape of the recirculation zones above the central bluff body and the effects of heat release, stoichiometry and swirl. Detailed analyses of the LDA data further demonstrate that the flow behavior changes significantly with the levels of swirl and stratification, which combines the contributions of dilatation, recirculation and swirl. Key turbulence parameters are derived from the total velocity components, combining axial, radial and tangential velocities. © 2013 The Combustion Institute.


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MEMS resonators fabricated in silicon-on-insulator (SOI) technology must be clamped to the substrate via anchoring stems connected either from within the resonator or through the sides, with the side-clamped solution often employed due to manufacturing constraints. This paper examines the effect of two types of commonly used side-clamped, anchoring-stem geometries on the quality factor of three different laterally-driven resonator topologies. This study employs an analytical framework which considers the relative distribution of strain energies between the resonating body and clamping stems. The ratios of the strain energies are computed using ANSYS FEA and used to provide an indicator of the expected anchor-limited quality factors. Three MEMS resonator topologies have been fabricated and characterized in moderate vacuum. The associated measured quality factors are compared against the computed strain energy ratios, and the trends are shown to agree well with the experimental data. © 2011 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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The near-surface motility of bacteria is important in the initial formation of biofilms and in many biomedical applications. The swimming motion of Escherichia coli near a solid surface is investigated both numerically and experimentally. A boundary element method is used to predict the hydrodynamic entrapment of E. coli bacteria, their trajectories, and the minimum separation of the cell from the surface. The numerical results show the existence of a stable swimming distance from the boundary that depends only on the shape of the cell body and the flagellum. The experimental validation of the numerical approach allows one to use the numerical method as a predictive tool to estimate with reasonable accuracy the near-wall motility of swimming bacteria of known geometry. The analysis of the numerical database demonstrated the existence of a correlation between the radius of curvature of the near-wall circular trajectory and the separation gap. Such correlation allows an indirect estimation of either of the two quantities by a direct measure of the other without prior knowledge of the cell geometry. This result may prove extremely important in those biomedical and technical applications in which the near-wall behavior of bacteria is of fundamental importance.


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Synthesised acoustic guitar sounds based on a detailed physical model are used to provide input for psychoacoustical testing. Thresholds of perception are found for changes in the main parameters of the model. Using a three-alternative forced-choice procedure, just-noticeable differences are presented for changes in frequency and damping of the modes of the guitar body, and also for changes in the tension, bending stiffness and damping parameters of the strings. These are compared with measured data on the range of variation of these parameters in a selection of guitars. © S. Hirzel Verlag © EAA.


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A symmetry-adapted version of the Maxwell rule appropriate to periodic bar-and-joint frameworks is obtained, and is further extended to body-and-joint systems. The treatment deals with bodies and forces that are replicated in every unit cell, and uses the point group isomorphic to the factor group of the space group of the framework. Explicit expressions are found for the numbers and symmetries of detectable mechanisms and states of self-stress in terms of the numbers and symmetries of framework components. This approach allows detection and characterization of mechanisms and states of self-stress in microscopic and macroscopic materials and meta-materials. Illustrative examples are described. The notion of local isostaticity of periodic frameworks is extended to include point-group symmetry.


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While underactuated robotic systems are capable of energy efficient and rapid dynamic behavior, we still do not fully understand how body dynamics can be actively used for adaptive behavior in complex unstructured environment. In particular, we can expect that the robotic systems could achieve high maneuverability by flexibly storing and releasing energy through the motor control of the physical interaction between the body and the environment. This paper presents a minimalistic optimization strategy of motor control policy for underactuated legged robotic systems. Based on a reinforcement learning algorithm, we propose an optimization scheme, with which the robot can exploit passive elasticity for hopping forward while maintaining the stability of locomotion process in the environment with a series of large changes of ground surface. We show a case study of a simple one-legged robot which consists of a servomotor and a passive elastic joint. The dynamics and learning performance of the robot model are tested in simulation, and then transferred the results to the real-world robot. ©2007 IEEE.


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Guided self-organization can be regarded as a paradigm proposed to understand how to guide a self-organizing system towards desirable behaviors, while maintaining its non-deterministic dynamics with emergent features. It is, however, not a trivial problem to guide the self-organizing behavior of physically embodied systems like robots, as the behavioral dynamics are results of interactions among their controller, mechanical dynamics of the body, and the environment. This paper presents a guided self-organization approach for dynamic robots based on a coupling between the system mechanical dynamics with an internal control structure known as the attractor selection mechanism. The mechanism enables the robot to gracefully shift between random and deterministic behaviors, represented by a number of attractors, depending on internally generated stochastic perturbation and sensory input. The robot used in this paper is a simulated curved beam hopping robot: a system with a variety of mechanical dynamics which depends on its actuation frequencies. Despite the simplicity of the approach, it will be shown how the approach regulates the probability of the robot to reach a goal through the interplay among the sensory input, the level of inherent stochastic perturbation, i.e., noise, and the mechanical dynamics. © 2014 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.