em Cambridge University Engineering Department Publications Database


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Large area uniform nanocrystalline graphene is grown by chemical vapor deposition on arbitrary insulating substrates that can survive ∼1000°C. The as-synthesized graphene is nanocrystalline with a domain size in the order of ∼10 nm. The material possesses a transparency and conductivity similar to standard graphene fabricated by exfoliation or catalysis. A noncatalytic mechanism is proposed to explain the experimental phenomena. The developed technique is scalable and reproducible, compatible with the existing semiconductor technology, and thus can be very useful in nanoelectronic applications such as transparent electronics, nanoelectromechanical systems, as well as molecular electronics. © 2012 IEEE.


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Fluids with a controllable viscosity gained a lot of interest throughout the last years. One of the advantages of these fluids is that they allow to fabricate hydraulic components such as valves with a very simple structure. Although the properties of these fluids are very interesting for microsystems, their applicability is limited at microscale since the particles suspended in these fluids tend to obstruct microchannels. This paper investigates the applicability of electrorheologic Liquid Crystals (LCs) in microsystems. Since LC's do not contain suspended particles, they show intrinsic advantages over classic rheologic active fluids in microapplications. As a matter of fact, LC molecules are usually only a few nanometers long, and therefore, they can probably be used in systems with sub-micrometer channels or other nanoscale applications. This paper presents a novel model describing the electrorheologic behavior of these nanoscale molecules. This model is used to simulate a microvalve controlled by LC's. By comparing measurements and simulations performed on this microvalve it is possible to prove that the model developed in this paper is very accurate. In addition, these simulations and measurements revealed other remarkable properties of LC's, such as high bandwidths and high changes in flow resistance. © 2006 IEEE.


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We have investigated the structural and optical properties of III-V nanowires, and axial and radial nanowire heterostructures, fabricated by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition. In addition to binary nanowires, such as GaAs, InAs, and InP, we have demonstrated ternary InGaAs and AlGaAs nanowires. Core-shell nanowires consisting of GaAs cores with AlGaAs shells, and core-multishell nanowires with alternating shells of AlGaAs and GaAs, exhibit strong photoluminescence. Axial segments of InGaAs have been incorporated within GaAs nanowires to form GaAs/InGaAs nanowire superlattices. We have developed a two-temperature growth procedure to optimize nanowire morphology. An initial high temperature step promotes nucleation and epitaxial growth of straight (111)B-oriented nanowires. Lower temperatures are employed subsequently, to minimise radial growth. © 2007 IEEE.


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Two recent studies provide important insights into the organization of premotor circuitries, showing that control of highly-specific skilled forelimb movements, such as reaching and grasping, requires activation of specific subpopulations of neurons in the brainstem and spinal cord.


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Peptides and proteins possess an inherent propensity to self-assemble into generic fibrillar nanostructures known as amyloid fibrils, some of which are involved in medical conditions such as Alzheimer disease. In certain cases, such structures can self-propagate in living systems as prions and transmit characteristic traits to the host organism. The mechanisms that allow certain amyloid species but not others to function as prions are not fully understood. Much progress in understanding the prion phenomenon has been achieved through the study of prions in yeast as this system has proved to be experimentally highly tractable; but quantitative understanding of the biophysics and kinetics of the assembly process has remained challenging. Here, we explore the assembly of two closely related homologues of the Ure2p protein from Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Saccharomyces paradoxus, and by using a combination of kinetic theory with solution and biosensor assays, we are able to compare the rates of the individual microscopic steps of prion fibril assembly. We find that for these proteins the fragmentation rate is encoded in the structure of the seed fibrils, whereas the elongation rate is principally determined by the nature of the soluble precursor protein. Our results further reveal that fibrils that elongate faster but fracture less frequently can lose their ability to propagate as prions. These findings illuminate the connections between the in vitro aggregation of proteins and the in vivo proliferation of prions, and provide a framework for the quantitative understanding of the parameters governing the behavior of amyloid fibrils in normal and aberrant biological pathways.


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Negative feedback is common in biological processes and can increase a system's stability to internal and external perturbations. But at the molecular level, control loops always involve signalling steps with finite rates for random births and deaths of individual molecules. Here we show, by developing mathematical tools that merge control and information theory with physical chemistry, that seemingly mild constraints on these rates place severe limits on the ability to suppress molecular fluctuations. Specifically, the minimum standard deviation in abundances decreases with the quartic root of the number of signalling events, making it extremely expensive to increase accuracy. Our results are formulated in terms of experimental observables, and existing data show that cells use brute force when noise suppression is essential; for example, regulatory genes are transcribed tens of thousands of times per cell cycle. The theory challenges conventional beliefs about biochemical accuracy and presents an approach to the rigorous analysis of poorly characterized biological systems.


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The photoisomerisation of a flexoelectric chiral nematic bimesogen system dyed with an azo dye has been investigated. The host material has a pitch and field dependent tilt angle that are temperature independent. Upon illumination by ultra violet, the azo dye molecules undergo a shape change from their trans to cis isomer. The effect of the shape change of the dye on the mixture is to decrease the I-N* transition temperatures, to increase the response times and to decrease the transmitted optical intensity. For the same reduced temperatures, the tilt angles, pitch and threshold voltages for the transition from focal conic to homeotropic textures are unchanged. The macroscopic parameters observed suggest that the orientational order parameter of the system is reduced by UV illumination. The cis isomers do not appear to separate from the host material or significantly change the flexoelectric coefficient. © 2001 OPA (Overseas Publishers Association) N.V. Published by license under the Gordon and Breach Science Publishers imprint, a member of the Taylor & Francis Group.


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New 2-arylidene-p-menthane-3-ones containing the ether bridging group in the arylidene fragment have been synthesized and studied as chiral dopants in ferroelectric liquid crystal mixtures. The ferroelectric properties of these compositions were compared with those for compositions including chiral dopants that do not contain any bridging group. The influence of bridging group and terminal alkyl substituent length in the dopant molecule on the ferroelectric parameters of systems studied is discussed. © 2001 OPA (Overseas Publishers Association) N.V. Published by license under the Gordon and Breach Science Publishers imprint, a member of the Taylor & Francis Group,.


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The excitation as well as relaxation dynamics of dye-doped nematic liquid crystal cells has been explored both experimentally and theoretically. Overshoots in the build up of the probe signal diffracted from gratings written onto dye-doped liquid crystal systems have often been observed. The overshoot behaviour makes the accurate measurement of nonlinear optical (NLO) response magnitude difficult and ambiguous. Moreover, it complicates the understanding of the dynamics and the physics of the NLO processes. On the basis of the system with trans-cis isomerisation as a mechanism of the NLO effect the quantitative model has been built to describe the experimental results which we observe. The two unknown material parameters: diffusion coefficient and cis species lifetime are calculated from the relaxation data. A quantitative model of the signal build-up uses these parameters. The calculated dynamic behaviour based on this model correlates very well with the experimental data. The model is used to predict the performance of the system with various dopant diffusion properties.


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The effect of displaying cytochromes from an amyloid fibre is modelled as perturbation of -strands in a bilayer of helical -sheets, thereby explaining the spiral morphology of decorated amyloid and the dynamic response of morphology to cytochrome conformation. The morphology of the modelled fibre, which consists of minimal energy assemblies of rigid building blocks containing two anisotropic interacting units, depends primarily on the rigid constraints between units rather than the soft interactions between them. The framework is a discrete version of the bilayered frustration principle that drives morphology in Bauhinia seedpods. We show that self-assembly of frustrated long range structures can occur if the building blocks themselves are internally frustrated, e.g. amyloid morphology is governed by the conformation of the misfolded protein nucleating the fibre. Our model supports the idea that any peptide sequence can form amyloid if bilayers can form first, albeit stabilised by additional material such as chaperones or cytochromes. Analysis of experimentally derived amyloid structures supports our conclusions and suggests a range of frustration effects, which natural amyloid fibres may exploit. From this viewpoint, amyloid appears as a molecular example of a more general universal bilayered frustration principle, which may have profound implications for materials design using fibrous systems. Our model provides quantitative guidance for such applications. The relevance to longer length scales was proved by designing the morphology of a series of macroscopic magnetic stacks. Finally, this work leads to the idea of mixing controlled morphologically defined species to generate higher-order assembly and complex functional behaviour. The systematic kinking of decorated fibres and the nested frustration of the Bauhinia seed pod are two outstanding examples.