17 resultados para Auto, organizzazione, sistemi, MAS, design pattern, TuCSoN, respect

em Cambridge University Engineering Department Publications Database


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In order to disign an airfoil of which maximum lift coefficient (CL max) is not sensitive to location of forced top boundary layer transition. Taking maximizing mean value of CL max and minimizing standard deviation as biobjective, leading edge radius, manximum thickness and its location, maximum camber and its location as deterministic design variables, location of forced top boundary layer transition as stochastic variable, XFOIL as deterministic CFD solver, non-intrusive polynomial chaos as substitute of Monte Carlo method, we completed a robust airfoil design problem. Results demonstrate performance of initial airfoil is enhanced through reducing standard deviation of CL max. Besides, we also know maximum thickness has the most dominating effect on mean value of CL max, location of maximum thickness has the most dominating effect on standard deviation of CL max, maximum camber has a little effect on both mean value and standard deviation, and maximum camber is the only element of which increase can lead increase of mean value and standard deviation at the same time. Copyright © 2009 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.


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Several options of fuel assembly design are investigated for a BWR core operating in a closed self-sustainable Th-233U fuel cycle. The designs rely on an axially heterogeneous fuel assembly structure consisting of a single axial fissile zone "sandwiched" between two fertile blanket zones, in order to improve fertile to fissile conversion ratio. The main objective of the study was to identify the most promising assembly design parameters, dimensions of fissile and fertile zones, for achieving net breeding of 233U. The design challenge, in this respect, is that the fuel breeding potential is at odds with axial power peaking and the core minimum critical power ratio (CPR), hence limiting the maximum achievable core power rating. Calculations were performed with the BGCore system, which consists of the MCNP code coupled with fuel depletion and thermo-hydraulic feedback modules. A single 3-dimensional fuel assembly having reflective radial boundaries was modeled applying simplified restrictions on the maximum centerline fuel temperature and the CPR. It was found that axially heterogeneous fuel assembly design with a single fissile zone can potentially achieve net breeding, while matching conventional BWR core power rating under certain restrictions to the core loading pattern design. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Position-dependent gene expression is a critical aspect of the development and behaviour of multicellular organisms. It requires a complex series of interactions to occur between different cell types in addition to intracellular signalling cascades. We used Escherichia coli to study the properties of an artificial signalling system at the interface between two expanding cell populations. We genetically engineered one population to produce a diffusible acyl-homoserine lactone (AHL) signal, and another population to respond to it. Our experiments demonstrate how such a signal can be used to reproducibly generate simple visible patterns with high accuracy in swimming agar. The producing and responding cassettes of two such signalling systems can be linked to produce a symmetric interface for bidirectional communication that can be used to visualise molecular logic. Intracellular feedback between these two cassettes would then create a framework for self-organised patterning of higher complexity. Adapting the experiments of Basu et al. (Basu et al., 2005) using cell motility, rather than a differential response to AHL concentrations as a way to define zones of response, we noted how the interaction of sender and receiver cell populations on a swimming plate could lead to complex pattern formation. Equipping highly motile strains such as E. coli MC1000 with AHL-mediated auto-inducing systems based on Vibrio fischeri luxI/luxR and Pseudomonas aeruginosa lasI/lasR cassettes would allow the amplification of a response to an AHL signal and its propagation. We designed and synthesised codon-optimised auto-inducing luxI/R and lasI/R cassettes as optimal gene expression is crucial for the generation of robust patterns. We still have to complete and test the entire genetic circuitry, although by modelling the system we were able to demonstrate its feasibility. © 2007 The Institution of Engineering and Technology.


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A pair of blades were constructed following a Tapered Chord, Zero Twist pattern after Anderson. The construction uses the Wood Epoxy Saturation Technique, with a solid Beech main spar and leading edge joined together with laminated veneers of beech forming a D-section; the trailing edge is formed from millimetre ply skins, foam filled to resist compressive loads. This construction leads to an extremely light, flexible blade, with the centres of gravity and torsion well forward, giving good stability. Each blade has three built-in strain gauges, alowing flapwise bending to be measured. Stiffness, and natural frequencies, were measured, to input to a numerical computer model to calculate blade deformation during operation, and to determine stability boundaries of the blade. Preliminary aerodynamic performance measurements are presented and close agreement is found with theory.


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An advanced beam propagation model was developed to show that the far field narrows with good suppression of higher order modes for an appropriate temperature rise, without significant power penalty. To verify the accuracy of the model, the dependence of far field pattern on bias conditions were assessed both experimentally and theoretically, initially under pulsed conditions to reduce thermal effects. The results highlight the optimum taper angle and the role of local heating effects.


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For increasing the usability of a medical device the usability engineering standards IEC 60601-1-6 and IEC 62366 suggest incorporating user information in the design and development process. However, practice shows that integrating user information and the related investigation of users, called user research, is difficult in the field of medical devices. In particular, identifying the most appropriate user research methods is a difficult process. This difficulty results from the complexity of the medical device industry, especially with respect to regulations and standards, the characteristics of this market and the broad range of potential user research methods available from various research disciplines. Against this background, this study aimed at guiding designers and engineers in selecting effective user research methods according to their stage in the design process. Two approaches are described which reduce the complexity of method selection by summarizing the high number of methods into homogenous method classes. These approaches are closely connected to the medical device industry characteristic design phases and therefore provide the possibility of selecting design-phase- specific user research methods. In the first approach potential user research methods are classified after their characteristics in the design process. The second approach suggests a method summarization according to their similarity in the data collection techniques and provides an additional linkage to design phase characteristics. Both approaches have been tested in practice and the results show that both approaches facilitate user research method selection. © 2009 Springer-Verlag.


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Piezocomposites that can operate at frequencies above 30 MHz without spurious modes are required in order to develop sufficiently sensitive high frequency arrays for high resolution imaging. However, scaling down of conventional piezocomposite fabrication techniques becomes increasingly difficult as dimensions decrease with increasing frequency. The approach presented here is to use micro-moulded 1-3 piezocomposites and a distribution of piezoelectric segment size and separation. Innovative approaches to composite pattern design, based on a randomized spatial distribution, are presented. Micro-moulding techniques are shown to be suitable for fabricating composites with dimensions required for high frequency composites. Randomized piezocomposite patterns are modeled and are shown to suppress spurious modes.


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In order to minimize the number of iterations to a turbine design, reasonable choices of the key parameters must be made at the earliest possible opportunity. The choice of blade loading is of particular concern in the low pressure (LP) turbine of civil aero engines, where the use of high-lift blades is widespread. This paper presents an analytical mean-line design study for a repeating-stage, axial-flow Low Pressure (LP) turbine. The problem of how to measure blade loading is first addressed. The analysis demonstrates that the Zweifel coefficient [1] is not a reasonable gauge of blade loading because it inherently depends on the flow angles. A more appropriate coefficient based on blade circulation is proposed. Without a large set of turbine test data it is not possible to directly evaluate the accuracy of a particular loss correlation. The analysis therefore focuses on the efficiency trends with respect to flow coefficient, stage loading, lift coefficient and Reynolds number. Of the various loss correlations examined, those based on Ainley and Mathieson ([2], [3], [4]) do not produce realistic trends. The profile loss model of Coull and Hodson [5] and the secondary loss models of Craig and Cox [6] and Traupel [7] gave the most reasonable results. The analysis suggests that designs with the highest flow turning are the least sensitive to increases in blade loading. The increase in Reynolds number lapse with loading is also captured, achieving reasonable agreement with experiments. Copyright © 2011 by ASME.


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This paper proposes a magnetic circuit model (MCM) for the design of a brushless doubly-fed machine (BDFM). The BDFM possesses advantages in terms of high reliability and reduced gearbox stages, and it requires a fractionally-rated power converter. This makes it suitable for utilization in offshore wind turbines. It is difficult for conventional design methods to calculate the flux in the stator because the two sets of stator windings, which have different pole number, form a complex flux pattern which is not easily determined using common analytical approaches. However, it is advantageous to predict the flux density in the teeth and air-gap at the initial design stage for sizing purposes without recourse finite element analysis. Therefore a magnetic circuit model is developed in this paper to calculate the flux density. A BDFM is used as a case study with FEA validation. © 1965-2012 IEEE.


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In this work, we investigate a number of fuel assembly design options for a BWR core operating in a closed self-sustainable Th-233U fuel cycle. The designs rely on axially heterogeneous fuel assembly structure in order to improve fertile to fissile conversion ratio. One of the main assumptions of the current study was to restrict the fuel assembly geometry to a single axial fissile zone "sandwiched" between two fertile blanket zones. The main objective was to study the effect of the most important design parameters, such as dimensions of fissile and fertile zones and average void fraction, on the net breeding of 233U. The main design challenge in this respect is that the fuel breeding potential is at odds with axial power peaking and therefore limits the maximum achievable core power rating. The calculations were performed with BGCore system, which consists of MCNP code coupled with fuel depletion and thermo-hydraulic feedback modules. A single 3-dimensional fuel assembly with reflective radial boundaries was modeled applying simplified restrictions on maximum central line fuel temperature and Critical Power Ratio. It was found that axially heterogeneous fuel assembly design with single fissile zone can potentially achieve net breeding. In this case however, the achievable core power density is roughly one third of the reference BWR core.


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The growing interest in innovative reactors and advanced fuel cycle designs requires more accurate prediction of various transuranic actinide concentrations during irradiation or following discharge because of their effect on reactivity or spent-fuel emissions, such as gamma and neutron activity and decay heat. In this respect, many of the important actinides originate from the 241Am(n,γ) reaction, which leads to either the ground or the metastable state of 242Am. The branching ratio for this reaction depends on the incident neutron energy and has very large uncertainty in the current evaluated nuclear data files. This study examines the effect of accounting for the energy dependence of the 241Am(n,γ) reaction branching ratio calculated from different evaluated data files for different reactor and fuel types on the reactivity and concentrations of some important actinides. The results of the study confirm that the uncertainty in knowing the 241Am(n,γ) reaction branching ratio has a negligible effect on the characteristics of conventional light water reactor fuel. However, in advanced reactors with large loadings of actinides in general, and 241Am in particular, the branching ratio data calculated from the different data files may lead to significant differences in the prediction of the fuel criticality and isotopic composition. Moreover, it was found that neutron energy spectrum weighting of the branching ratio in each analyzed case is particularly important and may result in up to a factor of 2 difference in the branching ratio value. Currently, most of the neutronic codes have a single branching ratio value in their data libraries, which is sometimes difficult or impossible to update in accordance with the neutron spectrum shape for the analyzed system.


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In this paper, the authors investigate a number of design and market considerations for an axial flux superconducting electric machine design that uses high temperature superconductors. The axial flux machine design is assumed to utilise high temperature superconductors in both wire (stator winding) and bulk (rotor field) forms, to operate over a temperature range of 65-77 K, and to have a power output in the range from 10s of kW up to 1 MW (typical for axial flux machines), with approximately 2-3 T as the peak trapped field in the bulk superconductors. The authors firstly investigate the applicability of this type of machine as a generator in small- and medium-sized wind turbines, including the current and forecasted market and pricing for conventional turbines. Next, a study is also carried out on the machine's applicability as an in-wheel hub motor for electric vehicles. Some recommendations for future applications are made based on the outcome of these two studies. Finally, the cost of YBCO-based superconducting (2G HTS) wire is analysed with respect to competing wire technologies and compared with current conventional material costs and current wire costs for both 1G and 2G HTS are still too great to be economically feasible for such superconducting devices.