9 resultados para Amyloid Beta-protein

em Cambridge University Engineering Department Publications Database


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Chemical control of surface functionality and topography is an essential requirement for many technological purposes. In particular, the covalent attachment of monomeric proteins to surfaces has been the object of intense studies in recent years, for applications as varied as electrochemistry, immuno-sensing, and the production of biocompatible coatings. Little is known, however, about the characteristics and requirements underlying surface attachment of supramolecular protein nanostructures. Amyloid fibrils formed by the self-assembly of peptide and protein molecules represent one important class of such structures. These highly organized beta-sheet-rich assemblies are a hallmark of a range of neurodegenerative disorders, including Alzheimer's disease and type II diabetes, but recent findings suggest that they have much broader significance, potentially representing the global free energy minima of the energy landscapes of proteins and having potential applications in material science. In this paper, we describe strategies for attaching amyloid fibrils formed from different proteins to gold surfaces under different solution conditions. Our methods involve the reaction of sulfur containing small molecules (cystamine and 2-iminothiolane) with the amyloid fibrils, enabling their covalent linkage to gold surfaces. We demonstrate that irreversible attachment using these approaches makes possible quantitative analysis of experiments using biosensor techniques, such as quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) assays that are revolutionizing our understanding of the mechanisms of amyloid growth and the factors that determine its kinetic behavior. Moreover, our results shed light on the nature and relative importance of covalent versus noncovalent forces acting on protein superstructures at metal surfaces.


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Amyloid nanofibers derived from hen egg white lysozyme were processed into macroscopic fibers in a wet-spinning process based on interfacial polyion complexation using a polyanionic polysaccharide as cross-linker. As a result of their amyloid nanostructure, the hierarchically self-assembled protein fibers have a stiffness of up to 14 GPa and a tensile strength of up to 326 MPa. Fine-tuning of the polyelectrolytic interactions via pH allows to trigger the release of small molecules, as demonstrated with riboflavin-5'-phophate. The amyloid fibrils, highly oriented within the gellan gum matrix, were mineralized with calcium phosphate, mimicking the fibrolamellar structure of bone. The formed mineral crystals are highly oriented along the nanofibers, thus resulting in a 9-fold increase in fiber stiffness.


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Self-assembled structures capable of mediating electron transfer are an attractive scientific and technological goal. Therefore, systematic variants of SH3-Cytochrome b(562) fusion proteins were designed to make amyloid fibers displaying heme-b(562) electron transfer complexes. TEM and AFM data show that fiber morphology responds systematically to placement of b(562) within the fusion proteins. UV-vis spectroscopy shows that, for the fusion proteins under test, only half the fiber-borne b(562) binds heme with high affinity. Cofactor binding also improves the AFM imaging properties and changes the fiber morphology through changes in cytochrome conformation. Systematic observations and measurements of fiber geometry suggest that longitudinal registry of subfilaments within the fiber, mediated by the interaction and conformation of the displayed proteins and their interaction with surfaces, gives rise to the observed morphologies, including defects and kinks. Of most interest is the role of small molecule modulation of fiber structure and mechanical stability. A minimum complexity model is proposed to capture and explain the fiber morphology in the light of these results. Understanding the complex interplay between these factors will enable a fiber design that supports longitudinal electron transfer.


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Polypeptide sequences have an inherent tendency to self-assemble into filamentous nanostructures commonly known as amyloid fibrils. Such self-assembly is used in nature to generate a variety of functional materials ranging from protective coatings in bacteria to catalytic scaffolds in mammals. The aberrant self-assembly of misfolded peptides and proteins is also, however, implicated in a range of disease states including neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. It is increasingly evident that the intrinsic material properties of these structures are crucial for understanding the thermodynamics and kinetics of the pathological deposition of proteins, particularly as the mechanical fragmentation of aggregates enhances the rate of protein deposition by exposing new fibril ends which can promote further growth. We discuss here recent advances in physical techniques that are able to characterise the hierarchical self-assembly of misfolded protein molecnles and define their properties. © 2010 Materials Research Society.


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The propensity of protein molecules to self-assemble into highly ordered, fibrillar aggregates lies at the heart of understanding many disorders ranging from Alzheimer's disease to systemic lysozyme amyloidosis. In this paper we use highly accurate kinetic measurements of amyloid fibril growth in combination with spectroscopic tools to quantify the effect of modifications in solution conditions and in the amino acid sequence of human lysozyme on its propensity to form amyloid fibrils under acidic conditions. We elucidate and quantify the correlation between the rate of amyloid growth and the population of nonnative states, and we show that changes in amyloidogenicity are almost entirely due to alterations in the stability of the native state, while other regions of the global free-energy surface remain largely unmodified. These results provide insight into the complex dynamics of a macromolecule on a multidimensional energy landscape and point the way for a better understanding of amyloid diseases.


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The self-assembly of proteins and peptides into polymeric amyloid fibrils is a process that has important implications ranging from the understanding of protein misfolding disorders to the discovery of novel nanobiomaterials. In this study, we probe the stability of fibrils prepared at pH 2.0 and composed of the protein insulin by manipulating electrostatic interactions within the fibril architecture. We demonstrate that strong electrostatic repulsion is sufficient to disrupt the hydrogen-bonded, cross-β network that links insulin molecules and ultimately results in fibril dissociation. The extent of this dissociation correlates well with predictions for colloidal models considering the net global charge of the polypeptide chain, although the kinetics of the process is regulated by the charge state of a single amino acid. We found the fibrils to be maximally stable under their formation conditions. Partial disruption of the cross-β network under conditions where the fibrils remain intact leads to a reduction in their stability. Together, these results support the contention that a major determinant of amyloid stability stems from the interactions in the structured core, and show how the control of electrostatic interactions can be used to characterize the factors that modulate fibril stability.


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The molecular chaperone αB-crystallin is a small heat-shock protein that is upregulated in response to a multitude of stress stimuli, and is found colocalized with Aβ amyloid fibrils in the extracellular plaques that are characteristic of Alzheimer's disease. We investigated whether this archetypical small heat-shock protein has the ability to interact with Aβ fibrils in vitro. We find that αB-crystallin binds to wild-type Aβ(42) fibrils with micromolar affinity, and also binds to fibrils formed from the E22G Arctic mutation of Aβ(42). Immunoelectron microscopy confirms that binding occurs along the entire length and ends of the fibrils. Investigations into the effect of αB-crystallin on the seeded growth of Aβ fibrils, both in solution and on the surface of a quartz crystal microbalance biosensor, reveal that the binding of αB-crystallin to seed fibrils strongly inhibits their elongation. Because the lag phase in sigmoidal fibril assembly kinetics is dominated by elongation and fragmentation rates, the chaperone mechanism identified here represents a highly effective means to inhibit fibril proliferation. Together with previous observations of αB-crystallin interaction with α-synuclein and insulin fibrils, the results suggest that this mechanism is a generic means of providing molecular chaperone protection against amyloid fibril formation.


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Much effort has focussed in recent years on probing the interactions of small molecules with amyloid fibrils and other protein aggregates. Understanding and control of such interactions are important for the development of diagnostic and therapeutic strategies in situations where protein aggregation is associated with disease. In this perspective article we give an overview over the toolbox of biophysical methods for the study of such amyloid-small molecule interactions. We discuss in detail two recently developed techniques within this framework: linear dichroism, a promising extension of the more traditional spectroscopic techniques, and biosensing methods, where surface-bound amyloid fibrils are exposed to solutions of small molecules. Both techniques rely on the measurement of physical properties that are very directly linked to the binding of small molecules to amyloid aggregates and therefore provide an attractive route to probe these important interactions.


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Amyloid fibres displaying cytochrome b562 were probed using scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) in vacuo. The cytochromes are electron transfer proteins containing a haem cofactor and could, in principle, mediate electron transfer between the tip and the gold substrate. If the core fibres were insulating and electron transfer within the 3D haem network was detected, then the electron transport properties of the fibre could be controlled by genetic engineering. Three kinds of STM images were obtained. At a low bias (<1.5 V) the fibres appeared as regions of low conductivity with no evidence of cytochrome mediated electron transfer. At a high bias, stable peaks in tunnelling current were observed for all three fibre species containing haem and one species of fibre that did not contain haem. In images of this kind, some of the current peaks were collinear and spaced around 10 nm apart over ranges longer than 100 nm, but background monomers complicate interpretation. Images of the third kind were rare (1 in 150 fibres); in these, fully conducting structures with the approximate dimensions of fibres were observed, suggesting the possibility of an intermittent conduction mechanism, for which a precedent exists in DNA. To test the conductivity, some fibres were immobilized with sputtered gold, and no evidence of conduction between the grains of gold was seen. In control experiments, a variation of monomeric cytochrome b562 was not detected by STM, which was attributed to low adhesion, whereas a monomeric multi-haem protein, GSU1996, was readily imaged. We conclude that the fibre superstructure may be intermittently conducting, that the cytochromes have been seen within the fibres and that they are too far apart for detectable current flow between sites to occur. We predict that GSU1996, being 10 nm long, is more likely to mediate successful electron transfer along the fibre as well as being more readily detectable when displayed from amyloid.