22 resultados para 3D point cloud file as 3Ddxf

em Cambridge University Engineering Department Publications Database


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The commercial far-range (>10 m) spatial data collection methods for acquiring infrastructure’s geometric data are not completely automated because of the necessary manual pre- and/or post-processing work. The required amount of human intervention and, in some cases, the high equipment costs associated with these methods impede their adoption by the majority of infrastructure mapping activities. This paper presents an automated stereo vision-based method, as an alternative and inexpensive solution, to producing a sparse Euclidean 3D point cloud of an infrastructure scene utilizing two video streams captured by a set of two calibrated cameras. In this process SURF features are automatically detected and matched between each pair of stereo video frames. 3D coordinates of the matched feature points are then calculated via triangulation. The detected SURF features in two successive video frames are automatically matched and the RANSAC algorithm is used to discard mismatches. The quaternion motion estimation method is then used along with bundle adjustment optimization to register successive point clouds. The method was tested on a database of infrastructure stereo video streams. The validity and statistical significance of the results were evaluated by comparing the spatial distance of randomly selected feature points with their corresponding tape measurements.


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Most of the manual labor needed to create the geometric building information model (BIM) of an existing facility is spent converting raw point cloud data (PCD) to a BIM description. Automating this process would drastically reduce the modeling cost. Surface extraction from PCD is a fundamental step in this process. Compact modeling of redundant points in PCD as a set of planes leads to smaller file size and fast interactive visualization on cheap hardware. Traditional approaches for smooth surface reconstruction do not explicitly model the sparse scene structure or significantly exploit the redundancy. This paper proposes a method based on sparsity-inducing optimization to address the planar surface extraction problem. Through sparse optimization, points in PCD are segmented according to their embedded linear subspaces. Within each segmented part, plane models can be estimated. Experimental results on a typical noisy PCD demonstrate the effectiveness of the algorithm.


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Computer generated holography is an extremely demanding and complex task when it comes to providing realistic reconstructions with full parallax, occlusion, and shadowing. We present an algorithm designed for data-parallel computing on modern graphics processing units to alleviate the computational burden. We apply Gaussian interpolation to create a continuous surface representation from discrete input object points. The algorithm maintains a potential occluder list for each individual hologram plane sample to keep the number of visibility tests to a minimum.We experimented with two approximations that simplify and accelerate occlusion computation. It is observed that letting several neighboring hologramplane samples share visibility information on object points leads to significantly faster computation without causing noticeable artifacts in the reconstructed images. Computing a reduced sample set via nonuniform sampling is also found to be an effective acceleration technique. © 2009 Optical Society of America.


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A number of methods are commonly used today to collect infrastructure's spatial data (time-of-flight, visual triangulation, etc.). However, current practice lacks a solution that is accurate, automatic, and cost-efficient at the same time. This paper presents a videogrammetric framework for acquiring spatial data of infrastructure which holds the promise to address this limitation. It uses a calibrated set of low-cost high resolution video cameras that is progressively traversed around the scene and aims to produce a dense 3D point cloud which is updated in each frame. It allows for progressive reconstruction as opposed to point-and-shoot followed by point cloud stitching. The feasibility of the framework is studied in this paper. Required steps through this process are presented and the unique challenges of each step are identified. Results specific to each step are also presented.


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The commercial far-range (>10m) infrastructure spatial data collection methods are not completely automated. They need significant amount of manual post-processing work and in some cases, the equipment costs are significant. This paper presents a method that is the first step of a stereo videogrammetric framework and holds the promise to address these issues. Under this method, video streams are initially collected from a calibrated set of two video cameras. For each pair of simultaneous video frames, visual feature points are detected and their spatial coordinates are then computed. The result, in the form of a sparse 3D point cloud, is the basis for the next steps in the framework (i.e., camera motion estimation and dense 3D reconstruction). A set of data, collected from an ongoing infrastructure project, is used to show the merits of the method. Comparison with existing tools is also shown, to indicate the performance differences of the proposed method in the level of automation and the accuracy of results.


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Automating the model generation process of infrastructure can substantially reduce the modeling time and cost. This paper presents a method to generate a sparse point cloud of an infrastructure scene using a single video camera under practical constraints. It is the first step towards establishing an automatic framework for object-oriented as-built modeling. Motion blur and key frame selection criteria are considered. Structure from motion and bundle adjustment are explored. The method is demonstrated in a case study where the scene of a reinforced concrete bridge is videotaped, reconstructed, and metrically validated. The result indicates the applicability, efficiency, and accuracy of the proposed method.


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We present a video-based system which interactively captures the geometry of a 3D object in the form of a point cloud, then recognizes and registers known objects in this point cloud in a matter of seconds (fig. 1). In order to achieve interactive speed, we exploit both efficient inference algorithms and parallel computation, often on a GPU. The system can be broken down into two distinct phases: geometry capture, and object inference. We now discuss these in further detail. © 2011 IEEE.


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We present Multi Scale Shape Index (MSSI), a novel feature for 3D object recognition. Inspired by the scale space filtering theory and Shape Index measure proposed by Koenderink & Van Doorn [6], this feature associates different forms of shape, such as umbilics, saddle regions, parabolic regions to a real valued index. This association is useful for representing an object based on its constituent shape forms. We derive closed form scale space equations which computes a characteristic scale at each 3D point in a point cloud without an explicit mesh structure. This characteristic scale is then used to estimate the Shape Index. We quantitatively evaluate the robustness and repeatability of the MSSI feature for varying object scales and changing point cloud density. We also quantify the performance of MSSI for object category recognition on a publicly available dataset. © 2013 Springer-Verlag.


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We propose an algorithm for semantic segmentation based on 3D point clouds derived from ego-motion. We motivate five simple cues designed to model specific patterns of motion and 3D world structure that vary with object category. We introduce features that project the 3D cues back to the 2D image plane while modeling spatial layout and context. A randomized decision forest combines many such features to achieve a coherent 2D segmentation and recognize the object categories present. Our main contribution is to show how semantic segmentation is possible based solely on motion-derived 3D world structure. Our method works well on sparse, noisy point clouds, and unlike existing approaches, does not need appearance-based descriptors. Experiments were performed on a challenging new video database containing sequences filmed from a moving car in daylight and at dusk. The results confirm that indeed, accurate segmentation and recognition are possible using only motion and 3D world structure. Further, we show that the motion-derived information complements an existing state-of-the-art appearance-based method, improving both qualitative and quantitative performance. © 2008 Springer Berlin Heidelberg.


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Videogrammetry is an inexpensive and easy-to-use technology for spatial 3D scene recovery. When applied to large scale civil infrastructure scenes, only a small percentage of the collected video frames are required to achieve robust results. However, choosing the right frames requires careful consideration. Videotaping a built infrastructure scene results in large video files filled with blurry, noisy, or redundant frames. This is due to frame rate to camera speed ratios that are often higher than necessary; camera and lens imperfections and limitations that result in imaging noise; and occasional jerky motions of the camera that result in motion blur; all of which can significantly affect the performance of the videogrammetric pipeline. To tackle these issues, this paper proposes a novel method for automating the selection of an optimized number of informative, high quality frames. According to this method, as the first step, blurred frames are removed using the thresholds determined based on a minimum level of frame quality required to obtain robust results. Then, an optimum number of key frames are selected from the remaining frames using the selection criteria devised by the authors. Experimental results show that the proposed method outperforms existing methods in terms of improved 3D reconstruction results, while maintaining the optimum number of extracted frames needed to generate high quality 3D point clouds.© 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Most of the existing automated machine vision-based techniques for as-built documentation of civil infrastructure utilize only point features to recover the 3D structure of a scene. However it is often the case in man-made structures that not enough point features can be reliably detected (e.g. buildings and roofs); this can potentially lead to the failure of these techniques. To address the problem, this paper utilizes the prominence of straight lines in infrastructure scenes. It presents a hybrid approach that benefits from both point and line features. A calibrated stereo set of video cameras is used to collect data. Point and line features are then detected and matched across video frames. Finally, the 3D structure of the scene is recovered by finding 3D coordinates of the matched features. The proposed approach has been tested on realistic outdoor environments and preliminary results indicate its capability to deal with a variety of scenes.