13 resultados para (Pb,Zr)TiO3

em Cambridge University Engineering Department Publications Database


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The residual stresses in Pb(Zr0.3Ti0.7)O3thin films were measured by the \sin^{2}\Psi method using the normal X-ray incidence. The spacing of different planes (hkl) parallel to the film surface were converted to the spacing of a set of inclined planes (100). The angles between (100) and (hkl) were equivalent to the tilting angles of (100) from the normal of film surface. The residual stresses were extracted from the linear slope of the strain difference between the equivalent inclined direction and normal direction with respect to the \sin^{2}\Psi. The results were in consistency with that derived from the conventional \sin^{2}\Psi method.


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The residual stresses in Pb(Zr0.3Ti0.7)O3 thin films were measured by the sin2 Ψ method using the normal X-ray incidence. The spacing of different planes (hkl) parallel to the film surface were converted to the spacing of a set of inclined planes (100). The angles between (100) and (hkl) were equivalent to the tilting angles of (100) from the normal of film surface. The residual stresses were extracted from the linear slope of the strain difference between the equivalent inclined direction and normal direction with respect to the sin2 Ψ. The results were in consistency with that derived from the conventional sin2 Ψ method. © 2013 The Japan Society of Applied Physics.


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Significant reduction of the bulk resistivity in a ferroelectric Pb(Zr 0.45Ti0.55)O3 thin film is observed before the remnant polarization started to decrease noticeably at the onset of its fatigue switching process. It is associated with the increase of charge carriers within the central bulk region of the film. The decrease of bulk resistivity would result in the increase of Joule heating effect, improving the temperature of the thin film, which is evaluated by the heat conduction analysis. The Joule heating effect in turn accelerates the polarization reduction, i.e. fatigue. Enhancing the heat dissipation of a ferroelectric capacitor is shown to be able to improve the device's fatigue endurance effectively. © 2013 Chinese Physical Society and IOP Publishing Ltd.


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One-dimensional ferroelectric nanostructures, carbon nanotubes (CNT) and CNTinorganic oxides have recently been studied due to their potential applications for microelectronics. Here, we report coating of a registered array of aligned multi-wall carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) grown on silicon substrates by functional ferroelectric Pb(Zr,Ti)O 3 (PZT) which produces structures suitable for commercial prototype memories. Microstructural analysis reveals the crystalline nature of PZT with small nanocrystals aligned in different directions. First-order Raman modes of MWCNT and PZT/MWCNT/n-Si show the high structural quality of CNT before and after PZT deposition at elevated temperature. PZT exists mostly in the monoclinic Cc/Cm phase, which is the origin of the high piezoelectric response in the system. Lowloss square piezoelectric hysteresis obtained for the 3D bottom-up structure confirms the switchability of the device. Currentvoltage mapping of the device by conducting atomic force microscopy (c-AFM) indicates very low transient current. Fabrication and functional properties of these hybrid ferroelectriccarbon nanotubes is the first step towards miniaturization for future nanotechnology sensors, actuators, transducers and memory devices. © 2012 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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Reprocessing of Light Water Reactor (LWR) spent fuel to recover plutonium or transuranics for use in Sodium cooled Fast Reactors (SFRs) is a distant prospect in the U.S.A. This has motivated our evaluation of potentially cost-effective operation of uranium startup fast reactors (USFRs) in a once-through mode. This review goes beyond findings reported earlier based on a UC fueled MgO reflected SFR to describe a broader parametric study of options. Cores were evaluated for a variety of fuel/coolant/reflector combinations: UC/UZr/UO 2/UN;Na/Pb; MgO/SS/Zr. The challenge is achieving high burnup while minimizing enrichment and respecting both cladding fluence/dpa and reactivity lifetime limits. These parametric studies show that while UC fuel is still the leading contender, UO 2 fuel and ZrH 1.7 moderated metallic fuel are also attractive if UC proves to be otherwise inadequate. Overall, these findings support the conclusion that a competitive fuel cycle cost and uranium utilization compared to LWRs is possible for SFRs operated on a once-through uranium fueled fuel cycle. In addition, eventual transition to TRU recycle mode is studied, as is a small test reactor to demonstrate key features.