131 resultados para Ferroelectric ordering


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We report optically induced phase transtions occurring in two different host ferroelectric liquid crystals; SCE13 a multicomponentmixture optimised for room temperature performance, and CE8 a single component liquid crystal. These act as host liquid crystals for a novel guest azo dye, which can be made to photoisomerise using low power density U.V. illumination, resulting in dramatic changes in sample properties. We have shown that the magnitude of spontaneous polarisation of systems can be isothermally and reversibly induced or reduced, with the consequent appearance or disappearance of optical switching hysteresis. We discuss the parameters controlling the behaviour of the systems under U.V. illumination and suggest mechansims by which the transitions may occur. © 1993, Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. All rights reserved.


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We demonstrate modulations of electrical conductance and hysteresis behavior in ZnO nanowire transistors via electrically polarized switching of ferroelectric liquid crystal (FLC). After coating a nanowire channel in the transistors with FLCs, we observed large increases in channel conductance and hysteresis width, and a strong dependence of hysteresis loops on the polarization states associated with the orientation of electric dipole moments along the direction of the gate electric field. Furthermore, the reversible switching and retention characteristics provide the feasibility of creating a hybrid system with switch and memory functions. © 2013 American Institute of Physics.


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The response to a local, tip-induced electric field of ferroelastic domains in thin polycrystalline lead zirconate titanate films with predominantly (110) orientation has been studied using Enhanced Piezoresponse Force Microscopy. Two types of reversible polytwin switching between well-defined orientations have been observed. When a-c domains are switched to other forms of a-c domains, the ferroelastic domain walls rotate in-plane by 109.5°, and when a-c domains are switched to c-c domains (or vice-versa), the walls rotate by 54.75°. © 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.


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The residual stresses in Pb(Zr0.3Ti0.7)O3thin films were measured by the \sin^{2}\Psi method using the normal X-ray incidence. The spacing of different planes (hkl) parallel to the film surface were converted to the spacing of a set of inclined planes (100). The angles between (100) and (hkl) were equivalent to the tilting angles of (100) from the normal of film surface. The residual stresses were extracted from the linear slope of the strain difference between the equivalent inclined direction and normal direction with respect to the \sin^{2}\Psi. The results were in consistency with that derived from the conventional \sin^{2}\Psi method.


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Ba1.6Ca2.3Y1.1Fe5O13 is an Fe3+ oxide adopting a complex perovskite superstructure, which is an ordered intergrowth between the Ca2Fe2O5 and YBa2Fe3O8 structures featuring octahedral, square pyramidal, and tetrahedral B sites and three distinct A site environments. The distribution of A site cations was evaluated by combined neutron and X-ray powder diffraction. Consistent with the Fe3+ charge state, the material is an antiferromagnetic insulator with a Néel temperature of 480-485 °C and has a relatively low d.c. conductivity of 2.06 S cm-1 at 700 °C. The observed area specific resistance in symmetrical cell cathodes with the samarium-doped ceria electrolyte is 0.87 Ω cm2 at 700 °C, consistent with the square pyramidal Fe3+ layer favoring oxide ion formation and mobility in the oxygen reduction reaction. Density functional theory calculations reveal factors favoring the observed cation ordering and its influence on the electronic structure, in particular the frontier occupied and unoccupied electronic states. © 2010 American Chemical Society.


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Significant reduction of the bulk resistivity in a ferroelectric Pb(Zr 0.45Ti0.55)O3 thin film is observed before the remnant polarization started to decrease noticeably at the onset of its fatigue switching process. It is associated with the increase of charge carriers within the central bulk region of the film. The decrease of bulk resistivity would result in the increase of Joule heating effect, improving the temperature of the thin film, which is evaluated by the heat conduction analysis. The Joule heating effect in turn accelerates the polarization reduction, i.e. fatigue. Enhancing the heat dissipation of a ferroelectric capacitor is shown to be able to improve the device's fatigue endurance effectively. © 2013 Chinese Physical Society and IOP Publishing Ltd.


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The residual stresses in Pb(Zr0.3Ti0.7)O3 thin films were measured by the sin2 Ψ method using the normal X-ray incidence. The spacing of different planes (hkl) parallel to the film surface were converted to the spacing of a set of inclined planes (100). The angles between (100) and (hkl) were equivalent to the tilting angles of (100) from the normal of film surface. The residual stresses were extracted from the linear slope of the strain difference between the equivalent inclined direction and normal direction with respect to the sin2 Ψ. The results were in consistency with that derived from the conventional sin2 Ψ method. © 2013 The Japan Society of Applied Physics.


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A high performance ferroelectric non-volatile memory device based on a top-gate ZnO nanowire (NW) transistor fabricated on a glass substrate is demonstrated. The ZnO NW channel was spin-coated with a poly (vinylidenefluoride-co-trifluoroethylene) (P(VDF-TrFE)) layer acting as a top-gate dielectric without buffer layer. Electrical conductance modulation and memory hysteresis are achieved by a gate electric field induced reversible electrical polarization switching of the P(VDF-TrFE) thin film. Furthermore, the fabricated device exhibits a memory window of ∼16.5 V, a high drain current on/off ratio of ∼105, a gate leakage current below ∼300 pA, and excellent retention characteristics for over 104 s. © 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Ferroelectric thin films have been intensively studied at the nanometre scale due to the application in many fields, such as non-volatile memories. Enhanced piezo-response force microscopy (E-PFM) was used to investigate the evolution of ferroelectric and ferroelastic nanodomains in a polycrystalline thin film of the simple multi-ferroic PbZr0.3Ti0.7O 3 (PZT). By applying a d.c. voltage between the atomic force microscopy (AFM) tip and the bottom substrate of the sample, we created an electric field to switch the domain orientation. Reversible switching of both ferroelectric and ferroelastic domains towards particular directions with predominantly (111) domain orientations are observed. We also showed that along with the ferroelectric/ferroelastic domain switch, there are defects that also switch. Finally, we proposed the possible explanation of this controllable defect in terms of flexoelectricity and defect pinning. © 2013 IEEE.


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Surface acoustic wave devices are extensively used in contemporary wireless communication devices. We used atomic force microscopy to form periodic macroscopic ferroelectric domains in sol-gel deposited lead zirconate titanate, where each ferroelectric domain is composed of many crystallites, each of which contains many microscopic ferroelastic domains. We examined the electro-acoustic characteristics of the apparatus and found a resonator behavior similar to that of an equivalent surface or bulk acoustic wave device. We show that the operational frequency of the device can be tailored by altering the periodicity of the engineered domains and demonstrate high-frequency filter behavior (>8GHz), allowing low-cost programmable high-frequency resonators. © 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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A free-space, board-to-board, adaptive optical interconnect demonstrator has been developed. Binary phase gratings displayed on a Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal Spatial Light Modulator are used to maintain data transfer at 1.25Gbps, given varying optical misalignment.© 2005 Optical Society of America.