141 resultados para CHARGE INJECTION


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A Stochastic Reactor Model (SRM) has been used to simulate the transition from Spark Ignition (SI) mode to Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) mode in a four cylinder in-line four-stroke naturally aspirated direct injection SI engine with cam profile switching. The SRM is coupled with GT-Power, a one-dimensional engine simulation tool used for modelling engine breathing during the open valve portion of the engine cycle, enabling multi-cycle simulations. The model is initially calibrated in both modes using steady state data from SI and HCCI operation. The mode change is achieved by switching the cam profiles and phasing, resulting in a Negative Valve Overlap (NVO), opening the throttle, advancing the spark timing and reducing the fuel mass as well as utilising a pilot injection. Experimental data is presented along with the simulation results. The model is used to investigate key control parameters and their effects on parameters that are difficult to measure experimentally. The effect of the spark in the first HCCI cycles is found to have a major impact on the stability of the transition. Copyright © 2010 SAE International.


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Partially premixed compression ignition (PPCI) engines operating with a low temperature highly homogeneous charge have been demonstrated previously using conventional diesel fuel. The short ignition delay of conventional diesel fuel requires high fuel injection pressures to achieve adequate premixing along with high levels of EGR (exhaust gas recirculation) to achieve low NOx emissions. Low load operating regions are typified by substantial emissions of CO and HC and there exists an upper operating load limitation due to very high rates of in-cylinder gas pressure rise. In this study mixtures of gasoline and diesel fuel were investigated using a multi-cylinder light duty diesel engine. It was found that an increased proportion of gasoline fuel reduced smoke emissions at higher operating loads through an increase in charge premixing resulting from an increase in ignition delay and higher fuel volatility. The results of this investigation confirm that a combination of fuel properties, exhibiting higher volatility and increased ignition delay, would enable a widening of the low emission operating regime, but that consideration must be given to combustion stability at low operating loads. Copyright © 2007 SAE International.


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Simple air-path models for modern (VGT/EGR equipped) diesel engines are in common use, and have been reported in the literature. This paper addresses some of the shortcomings of control-oriented models to allow better prediction of the cylinder charge properties. A fast response CO2 analyzer is used to validate the model by comparing the recorded and predicted CO2 concentrations in both the intake port and exhaust manifold of one of the cylinders. Data showing the recorded NOx emissions and exhaust gas opacity during a step change in engine load illustrate the spikes in both NOx and smoke seen during transient conditions. The predicted cylinder charge properties from the model are examined and compared with the measured NOx and opacity. Together, the emissions data and charge properties paint a consistent picture of the phenomena occurring during the transient. Alternative strategies for the fueling and cylinder charge during these load transients are investigated and discussed. Experimental results are presented showing that spikes in both NOx and smoke can be avoided at the expense of some loss in torque response. Even if the torque response must be maintained, it is demonstrated that it is still possible to eliminate spikes in NOx emissions for the transient situation being examined. Copyright © 2006 SAE International.


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The ultrafast charge carrier dynamics in GaAs/conjugated polymer type II heterojunctions are investigated using time-resolved photoluminescence spectroscopy at 10 K. By probing the photoluminescence at the band edge of GaAs, we observe strong carrier lifetime enhancement for nanowires blended with semiconducting polymers. The enhancement is found to depend crucially on the ionization potential of the polymers with respect to the Fermi energy level at the surface of the GaAs nanowires. We attribute these effects to electron doping by the polymer which reduces the unsaturated surface-state density in GaAs. We find that when the surface of nanowires is terminated by native oxide, the electron injection across the interface is greatly reduced and such surface doping is absent. Our results suggest that surface engineering via π-conjugated polymers can substantially improve the carrier lifetime in nanowire hybrid heterojunctions with applications in photovoltaics and nanoscale photodetectors.


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The first noncontact photoconductivity measurements of gallium nitride nanowires (NWs) are presented, revealing a high crystallographic and optoelectronic quality achieved by use of catalyst-free molecular beam epitaxy. In comparison with bulk material, the NWs exhibit a long conductivity lifetime (>2 ns) and a high mobility (820 ± 120 cm 2/(V s)). This is due to the weak influence of surface traps with respect to other III-V semiconducting NWs and to the favorable crystalline structure of the NWs achieved via strain-relieved growth. © 2012 American Chemical Society.


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A key challenge in achieving good transient performance of highly boosted engines is the difficulty of accelerating the turbocharger from low air flow conditions (turbo lag). Multi-stage turbocharging, electric turbocharger assistance, electric compressors and hybrid powertrains are helpful in the mitigation of this deficit, but these technologies add significant cost and integration effort. Air-assist systems have the potential to be more cost-effective. Injecting compressed air into the intake manifold has received considerable attention, but the performance improvement offered by this concept is severely constrained by the compressor surge limit. The literature describes many schemes for generating the compressed gas, often involving significant mechanical complexity and/or cost. In this paper we demonstrate a novel exhaust assist system in which a reservoir is charged during braking. Experiments have been conducted using a 2.0 litre light-duty Diesel engine equipped with exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) and variable geometry turbine (VGT) coupled to an AC transient dynamometer, which was controlled to mimic engine load during in-gear braking and acceleration. The experimental results confirm that the proposed system reduces the time to torque during the 3rd gear tip-in by around 60%. Such a significant improvement was possible due to the increased acceleration of turbocharger immediately after the tip-in. Injecting the compressed gas into the exhaust manifold circumvents the problem of compressor surge and is the key enabler of the superior performance of the proposed concept. Copyright © 2013 SAE International.


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We have investigated the dynamics of hot charge carriers in InP nanowire ensembles containing a range of densities of zinc-blende inclusions along the otherwise wurtzite nanowires. From time-dependent photoluminescence spectra, we extract the temperature of the charge carriers as a function of time after nonresonant excitation. We find that charge-carrier temperature initially decreases rapidly with time in accordance with efficient heat transfer to lattice vibrations. However, cooling rates are subsequently slowed and are significantly lower for nanowires containing a higher density of stacking faults. We conclude that the transfer of charges across the type II interface is followed by release of additional energy to the lattice, which raises the phonon bath temperature above equilibrium and impedes the carrier cooling occurring through interaction with such phonons. These results demonstrate that type II heterointerfaces in semiconductor nanowires can sustain a hot charge-carrier distribution over an extended time period. In photovoltaic applications, such heterointerfaces may hence both reduce recombination rates and limit energy losses by allowing hot-carrier harvesting.


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An experimental technique has been developed in order to mimic the effect of landmine loading on materials and structures to be studied in a laboratory setting, without the need for explosives. Compressed gas is discharged beneath a sand layer, simulating the dynamic flow generated by a buried explosive. High speed photography reveals that the stages of soil motion observed during a landmine blast are replicated. The effect of soil saturation and the depth of the sand layer on sand motion are evaluated. Two series of experiments have been performed with the buried charge simulator to characterise subsequent impact of the sand. First, the time variation in pressure and impulse during sand impact on a stationary target is evaluated using a Kolsky bar apparatus. It is found that the pressure pulse imparted to the Kolsky bar consists of two phases: an initial transient phase of high pressure (attributed to wave propagation effects in the impacting sand), followed by a lower pressure phase of longer duration (due to lateral flow of the sand against the Kolsky bar). Both phases make a significant contribution to the total imparted impulse. It is found that wet sand exerts higher peak pressures and imparts a larger total impulse than dry sand. The level of imparted impulse is determined as a function of sand depth, and of stand-off distance between the sand and the impacted end of the Kolsky bar. The second study uses a vertical impulse pendulum to measure the momentum imparted by sand impact to a target which is free to move vertically. The effect of target mass upon imparted momentum is investigated. It is concluded that the laboratory-scale sand impact apparatus is a flexible tool for investigating the interactions between structures and dynamic sand flows. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper reports on an extensive analysis of the electroluminescence characteristics of InGaN-based LEDs with color-coded structure, i.e., with a triple quantum well structure in which each quantum well has a different indium content. The analysis is based on combined electroluminescence measurements and two-dimensional simulations, carried out at different current and temperature levels. Results indicate that (i) the efficiency of each of the quantum wells strongly depends on device operating conditions (current and temperature); (ii) at low current and temperature levels, only the quantum well closer to the p-side has a significant emission; (iii) emission from the other quantum wells is favored at high current levels. The role of carrier injection, hole mobility, carrier density and non-radiative recombination in determining the relative intensity of the quantum wells is discussed in the text. © 2013 The Japan Society of Applied Physics.


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A mode for generating a sequence of spectrally limited pulses with a duration of 2 nsec and a repetition frequency of approximately 100 GHz in AlGaAs/GaAs by an injection heterolaser, which has amplifying and absorbing parts combined in a common resonator, is discussed.


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A new dynamic regime in a multisegmented AlGaAs/GaAs DH injection laser has been realised. Generation of bandwidth-limited 100 GHz repetition rate pulses has been demonstrated. This value is claimed to be the largest ever reported for an ultrashort pulse repetition frequency obtained directly from a laser.


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Breakdown of the optical spectrum of a train of picosecond pulses into components with a distance which exceeds kT (200 cm-1 at λ = 955 nm and T = 300 K) is discovered for the first time in an injection laser. The effect may be caused by combined interaction between photons and phonons, with collective excitations in the degraded electron-hole GaAs plasma, and with the stream of drifting carriers in the active medium of the laser.


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An Agat-SF linear-scan streak image-converter camera was used to record output pulses of 2. 7 psec duration generated by an injection laser with an external dispersive resonator operated in the active mode-locking regime. The duration of the pulses was determined by the reciprocal of the spectral width and the product of the duration and the spectral width was 0. 30.


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Pulses of 15 psec duration were generated by an injection laser with an external dispersive resonator operating in the active mode-locking regime. This regime was attained by subjecting the laser diode to a current of high frequency equal to the intermode interval in the external resonator. The duration of the pulses was determined by an autocorrelation method in which the second harmonic was generated in an LiIO//3 crystal.