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The potential use of YBa2j as an active component in a magnetic bearing is being investigated. Although the load bearing capacity is high and increases with the square of the magnetic field trapped, the stiffness is low. Both the stiffness and the lévitation height are a function of the loading history of the bearing. At Cambridge we have been investigating the effects of dynamic loading such as single large excursions from steady state loads and cyclically applied loads such as vibrations. Since a superconducting bearing has little inherent damping cyclic loads applied at or near its natural frequency can have catastrophic effects. The information being gathered at Cambridge will be used to enable these effects to be mitigated in the bearing design process. © 1997 IEEE.


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A variety of hydrogenated and non-hydrogenated amorphous carbon thin films have been characterized by means of grazing-incidence X-ray reflectivity (XRR) to give information about their density, thickness, surface roughness and layering. We used XRR to validate the density of ta-C, ta-C:H and a-C:H films derived from the valence plasmon in electron energy loss spectroscopy measurements, up to 3.26 and 2.39 g/cm3 for ta-C and ta-C:H, respectively. By comparing XRR and electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) data, we have been able for the first time to fit a common electron effective mass of m*/me = 0.87 for all amorphous carbons and diamond, validating the `quasi-free' electron approach to density from valence plasmon energy. While hydrogenated films are found to be substantially uniform in density across the film, ta-C films grown by the filtered cathodic vacuum arc (FCVA) show a multilayer structure. However, ta-C films grown with an S-bend filter show a high uniformity and only a slight dependence on the substrate bias of both sp3 and layering.


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Tetrahedrally bonded amorphous carbon (ta-C) and nitrogen doped (ta-C:N) films were obtained at room temperature in a filtered cathodic vacuum arc (FCVA) system incorporating an off-plane double bend (S-bend) magnetic filter. The influence of the negative bias voltage applied to substrates (from -20 to -350 V) and the nitrogen background pressure (up to 10-3 Torr) on film properties was studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS), Raman spectroscopy, X-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS), secondary ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS) and X-ray reflectivity (XRR). The ta-C films showed sp3 fractions between 84% and 88%, and mass densities around 3.2 g/cm3 in the wide range of bias voltage studied. In contrast, the compressive stress showed a maximum value of 11 GPa for bias voltages around -90 V, whereas for lower and higher bias voltages the stress decreased to 6 GPa. As for the ta-C:N films grown at bias voltages below -200 V and with N contents up to 7%, it has been found that the N atoms were preferentially sp3 bonded to the carbon network with a reduction in stress below 8 GPa. Further increase in bias voltage or N content increased the sp2 fraction, leading to a reduction in film density to 2.7 g/cm3.


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Superconducting journal bearings have been investigated for use in flywheel systems. We report on the zero-field cooled and field-cooled stiffness of these bearings. They are made up of radial magnet rings with alternating polarities, a pole pitch of 11 mm and a surface field of 0.1 T. Field-cooled stiffness of the journal bearings increased four times over the zero-field-cooled stiffness. © 2005 IEEE.


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The use of a superconducting magnetic bearing in an Urenco Power Technologies (UPT) 100kW flywheel is being studied. The dynamics of a conventional flywheel energy storage system have been studied at low frequencies. We show that the main design consideration is overcoming drag friction losses and parasitic resonances. We propose an original superconducting magnetic bearing design and improved cryogenic motor cooling to increase stability and decrease energy losses in the system. © 2008 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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Wind power generation as one of the most popular renewable energy applications is absorbing more and more attention all over the world. However, output power fluctuations of wind farm due to random variations of wind speed can cause network frequency and voltage flicker in power systems. The power quality consequently declines, particularly in an isolated power system such as the power system in a remote community or a small island. This paper proposes an application of superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES) to minimize output fluctuations of an isolated power system with wind farm. The isolated power system is fed by a diesel generator and a wind generator consisting of a wind turbine and squirrel cage induction machine. The control strategy is detailed and the proposed system is evaluated by simulation in Matlab/Simulink.


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High-temperature superconductors have created the opportunity for a step change in the technology of power applications. Racetrack superconducting coils made from YBCO coated conductors have been used in several engineering applications including SMES, rotor or stator windings of electric machines. AC loss is one of the most important factors that determine the design and performance of superconducting devices. In this paper, a numerical model is developed to calculate the AC losses in superconducting racetrack coils in different magnetic conditions. This paper first discusses the AC losses of the coils in self-field or external field only. It then goes to investigate the AC losses of the coils being exposed to AC ripple field and a DC background field. Finally, the AC losses of the coils carrying DC current and being exposed to AC field are calculated. These two scenarios correspond to using superconducting coils as the rotor field winding of an electric machine. © 2010 IEEE.


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The seeded infiltration and growth (SIG) technique offers near-net shape processing of bulk superconductors with significant improvement in reduced Y2BaCuO5 (Y-211) inclusion size, reduced shrinkage, reduced porosity and improved current density compared to samples fabricated by top seeded melt growth (TSMG). Y2Ba4CuMOy phases where M=Nb, Mo, W, Ta, etc., have been shown to form nano-scale inclusions in the YBa2Cu3Oy (Y-123) phase matrix and to contribute to enhanced magnetic flux pinning in these materials. In this paper, we describe the introduction of Y2Ba 4CuWOy nano-scale inclusions into bulk superconductors processed by the seeded infiltration growth process. Critical current density, Jc, in excess of 105 A/cm2 at 77 K in self-field is observed for samples containing Y2Ba 4CuWOy. © 2011 IEEE.


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YBaCuO-coated conductors offer great potential in terms of performance and cost-saving for superconducting fault current limiter (SFCL). A resistive SFCL based on coated conductors can be made from several tapes connected in parallel or in series. Ideally, the current and voltage are shared uniformly by the tapes when quench occurs. However, due to the non-uniformity of property of the tapes and the relative positions of the tapes, the currents and the voltages of the tapes are different. In this paper, a numerical model is developed to investigate the current and voltage sharing problem for the resistive SFCL. This model is able to simulate the dynamic response of YBCO tapes in normal and quench conditions. Firstly, four tapes with different Jc 's and n values in E-J power law are connected in parallel to carry the fault current. The model demonstrates how the currents are distributed among the four tapes. These four tapes are then connected in series to withstand the line voltage. In this case, the model investigates the voltage sharing between the tapes. Several factors that would affect the process of quenches are discussed including the field dependency of Jc, the magnetic coupling between the tapes and the relative positions of the tapes. © 2010 IEEE.


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In order to design a High Temperature Superconducting (HTS) machine that is able to operate safely and reliably, studies on the characterization of Second Generation (2G) HTS tapes are of paramount importance. This paper presents an experimental setup to measure critical current of 2G HTS tapes in high DC magnetic fields (up to 5 Tesla) with an AC current ripple superimposed, as well as various temperatures ranging from 25 K to 77 K. The 2G tape measured is the SGS12050 coated conductor made by SuperPower. The critical current is measured by a flux vector with reference to the widest sample face from 0 to 90 degrees in 10 degree steps. Smaller steps are required close to 0 . A Variable Temperature Insert (VTI) is utilized to control temperature change. © 2010 IEEE.


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AC loss can be a significant problem for any applications that utilize or produce an AC current or magnetic field, such as an electric machine. The authors are currently investigating the electromagnetic properties of high temperature superconductors with a particular focus on the AC loss in coils made from YBCO superconductors. In this paper, a 2D finite element model based on the H formulation is introduced. The model is then used to calculate the transport AC loss using both a bulk approximation and modeling the individual turns in a racetrack-shaped coil. The coil model is based on the superconducting stator coils used in the University of Cambridge EPEC Superconductivity Group's superconducting permanent magnet synchronous motor design. The transport AC loss of a stator coil is measured using an electrical method based on inductive compensation using a variable mutual inductance. The simulated results are compared with the experimental results, verifying the validity of the model, and ways to improve the accuracy of the model are discussed. © 2010 IEEE.


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As we known, the high temperature (77 K) superconducting (HTS) motor is considered as a competitive electrical machine by more and more people. There have been various of designs for HTS motor in the world. However, most of them focus on HTS tapes rather than bulks. Therefore, in order to investigate possibility of HTS bulks on motor application, a HTS magnet synchronous motor which has 75 pieces of YBCO bulks surface mounted on the rotor has been designed and developed in Cambridge University. After pulsed field magnetization (PFM) process, the rotor can trap a 4 poles magnetic field of 375 mT. The magnetized rotor can provide a maximum torque of 49.5 Nm and a maximum power of 7.8 kW at 1500 rpm. © 2010 IEEE.


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High temperature superconductors, such as melt-processed YBCO bulks, have great advantages on trapping strong magnetic fields in liquid nitrogen. To enable them to function well, there are some traditional ways of magnetizing them, in which the YBCO bulks are magnetized instantly under a very strong source of magnetic field. These ways would consume great amounts of power to make the superconductors trap as much field as possible. Thermally Actuated Magnetization (TAM) Flux pump has been proved a perfect substitution for these expensive methods by using a relatively small magnet as the source. In this way, the field is developed gradually over many pulses. Unlike conventional flux pumping ways, the TAM does not drive the superconductor normal during the process of magnetization. In former experiments for the flux pump, some fundamental tests were done. In this paper, the experiment system is advanced to a new level with better temperature control to the thermal waves moving in the Gadolinium and with less air gap for the flux lines sweeping through the superconductor. This experiment system F leads to a stronger accumulation of the magnetic field trapped in the YBCO bulk. We also tried different ways of sending the thermal waves and found out that the pumping effect is closely related to the power of the heaters and the on and off time. © 2010 IEEE.


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High Temperature superconductors are able to carry very high current densities, and thereby sustain very high magnetic fields. There are many projects which use the first property and these have concentrated on power generation, transmission and utilization, however there are relatively few which are currently exploiting the ability to sustain high magnetic fields. There are two main reasons for this: high field wound magnets can and have been made from both BSCCO and YBCO but currently their cost is much higher than the alternative provided by low Tc materials such as Nb3Sn and NbTi. An alternative form of the material is the bulk form which can be magnetized to high fields and using flux pumping this can be done in situ. This paper explores some of the applications of bulk superconductors and describes methods of producing field patterns using the highly uniform magnetic fields required for MRI and accelerator magnets as the frame of reference. The patterns are not limited to uniform fields and it is entirely possible to produce a field varying sinusoidally in space such as would be required for a motor or a generator. The scheme described in this paper describes a dipole magnet such as is found in an accelerator magnet. The tunnel is 30 × 50 × 1000 mm and we achieve a uniformity of better than 200 ppm over the 1000 mm length and better than 1 ppm over the central 500 mm region. The paper presents results for both the overall uniformity and the integrated uniformity which is 302 ppm over the 1000 mm length. © 2010 IEEE.


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Y-Ba-Cu-O (YBCO) single grains have the potential to generate large trapped magnetic fields for engineering applications, and research on the processing and properties of this material has attracted interest world-wide over the past 20 years. In particular, the introduction of flux pinning centers to the large grain microstructure to improve its current density Jc, and hence trapped field, has been investigated extensively. Y2Ba 4CuMO2 [Y-2411(M)], where M = Nb, Ta, Mo, W, Ru, Zr, Bi and Ag, has been discovered recently to form very effective flux pinning centers due primarily to its ability to form nano-size inclusions in the superconducting phase matrix. However, the addition of the Y-2411(M) phase to the precursor composition complicates the melt-processing of single grains. The addition of Y2O3 to the precursor composition, however, broadens the growth window of single YBCO grains containing Y-2411 (M). We report an investigation of the microstructures and superconducting properties of single grains of this composition grown by top seeded melt growth (TSMG). © 2010 IEEE.