136 resultados para pneumatic vehicle


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An existing driver-vehicle model with neuromuscular dynamics is improved in the areas of cognitive delay, intrinsic muscle dynamics and alpha-gamma co-activation. The model is used to investigate the influence of steering torque feedback and neuromuscular dynamics on the vehicle response to lateral force disturbances. When steering torque feedback is present, it is found that the longitudinal position of the lateral disturbance has a significant influence on whether the drivers reflex response reinforces or attenuates the effect of the disturbance. The response to angle and torque overlay inputs to the steering system is also investigated. The presence of the steering torque feedback reduced the disturbing effect of torque overlay and angle overlay inputs. Reflex action reduced the disturbing effect of a torque overlay input, but increased the disturbing effect of an angle overlay input. Experiments on a driving simulator showed that measured handwheel angle response to an angle overlay input was consistent with the response predicted by the model with reflex action. However, there was significant intra-and inter-subject variability. The results highlight the significance of a drivers neuromuscular dynamics in determining the vehicle response to disturbances. © 2012 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.


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A driver model is presented capable of optimising the trajectory of a simple dynamic nonlinear vehicle, at constant forward speed, so that progression along a predefined track is maximised as a function of time. In doing so, the model is able to continually operate a vehicle at its lateral-handling limit, maximising vehicle performance. The technique used forms a part of the solution to the motor racing objective of minimising lap time. A new approach of formulating the minimum lap time problem is motivated by the need for a more computationally efficient and robust tool-set for understanding on-the-limit driving behaviour. This has been achieved through set point-dependent linearisation of the vehicle model and coupling the vehicle-track system using an intrinsic coordinate description. Through this, the geometric vehicle trajectory had been linearised relative to the track reference, leading to new path optimisation algorithm which can be formed as a computationally efficient convex quadratic programming problem. © 2012 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.


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This article introduces Periodically Controlled Hybrid Automata (PCHA) for modular specification of embedded control systems. In a PCHA, control actions that change the control input to the plant occur roughly periodically, while other actions that update the state of the controller may occur in the interim. Such actions could model, for example, sensor updates and information received from higher-level planning modules that change the set point of the controller. Based on periodicity and subtangential conditions, a new sufficient condition for verifying invariant properties of PCHAs is presented. For PCHAs with polynomial continuous vector fields, it is possible to check these conditions automatically using, for example, quantifier elimination or sum of squares decomposition. We examine the feasibility of this automatic approach on a small example. The proposed technique is also used to manually verify safety and progress properties of a fairly complex planner-controller subsystem of an autonomous ground vehicle. Geometric properties of planner-generated paths are derived which guarantee that such paths can be safely followed by the controller. © 2012 ACM.


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This paper introduces Periodically Controlled Hybrid Automata (PCHA) for describing a class of hybrid control systems. In a PCHA, control actions occur roughly periodically while internal and input actions may occur in the interim changing the discrete-state or the setpoint. Based on periodicity and subtangential conditions, a new sufficient condition for verifying invariance of PCHAs is presented. This technique is used in verifying safety of the planner-controller subsystem of an autonomous ground vehicle, and in deriving geometric properties of planner generated paths that can be followed safely by the controller under environmental uncertainties.


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Work presented in this paper studies the potential of employing inerters -a novel mechanical device used successfully in racing cars- in active suspension configurations with the aim to enhance railway vehicle system performance. The particular element of research in this paper concerns railway wheelset lateral stability control. Controlled torques are applied to the wheelsets using the concept of absolute stiffness. The effects of a reduced set of arbitrary passive structures using springs, dampers and inerters integrated to the active solution are discussed. A multi-objective optimisation problem is defined for tuning the parameters of the proposed configurations. Finally, time domain simulations are assessed for the railway vehicle while negotiating a curved track. A simplification of the design problem for stability is attained with the integration of inerters to the active solutions. © 2012 IEEE.


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This paper is concerned with time-domain optimal control of active suspensions. The optimal control problem formulation has been generalised by incorporating both road disturbances (ride quality) and a representation of driver inputs (handling quality) into the optimal control formulation. A regular optimal control problem as well as a risk-sensitive exponential optimal control performance index is considered. Emphasis has been given to practical considerations including the issue of state estimation in the presence of load disturbances (driver inputs). © 2012 IEEE.


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Compliant pneumatic micro-actuators are interesting for applications requiring large strokes and forces in delicate environments. These include for instance minimally invasive surgery and assembly of microcomponents. This paper presents a theoretical and experimental analysis of a balloon-type compliant micro-actuator. Finite element modeling is used to describe the complex behavior of these actuators, which is validated through prototype experiments. Prototypes with dimensions ranging from 11mm × 2mm × 0.24mm to 4mm × 1mm × 0.12mm are fabricated by a newly developed production process based on micromilling and micromolding. The larger actuators are capable of delivering out-of-plane strokes of up to 7mm. Further, they have been integrated in a platform with two rotational and one translational degree of freedom. © 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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This paper presents a theoretical and experimental analysis of a biologically inspired balloon-type pneumatic microactuator. The operation principle of pneumatic balloon actuators (PBA's) is based on an asymmetric deflection of two PDMS layers with different thicknesses or different Young's moduli that are bonded together. A new analytical 2D model that describes the complex behavior of these actuators is presented and validated using both 3D FEM models and measurements. The actuators have dimensions ranging from 11 mm × 2 mm × 0.24 mm to 4 mm × 1 mm × 0.12 mm. Their fabrication is based on micromolding of PDMS, and can therefore easily be fabricated in high throughput. Measurements showed that the analytical model provides a qualitative description of the actuator behavior, and showed that the larger actuators are capable of delivering a 7 mm stroke at a supply pressure of 70 kPa and a force of max 22 mN at a supply pressure of 105 kPa. © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The development of MEMS actuators is rapidly evolving and continuously new progress in terms of efficiency, power and force output is reported. Pneumatic and hydraulic are an interesting class of microactuators that are easily overlooked. Despite the 20 years of research, and hundreds of publications on this topic, these actuators are only popular in microfluidic systems. In other MEMS applications, pneumatic and hydraulic actuators are rare in comparison with electrostatic, thermal or piezo-electric actuators. However, several studies have shown that hydraulic and pneumatic actuators deliver among the highest force and power densities at microscale. It is believed that this asset is particularly important in modern industrial and medical microsystems, and therefore, pneumatic and hydraulic actuators could start playing an increasingly important role. This paper shows an in-depth overview of the developments in this field ranging from the classic inflatable membrane actuators to more complex piston-cylinder and drag-based microdevices. © 2010 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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Future microrobotic applications require actuators that can generate a high actuation force in a limited volume. Up to now, little research has been performed on the development of pneumatic or hydraulic microactuators, although they offer great prospects in achieving high force densities. In addition, large actuation strokes and high actuation speeds can be achieved by these actuators. This paper describes a fabrication process for piston-cylinder pneumatic and hydraulic actuators based on etching techniques, UV-definable polymers, and low-temperature bonding. Prototype actuators with a piston area of 0.15 mm2 have been fabricated in order to validate the production process. These actuators achieve actuation forces of more than 0.1 N and strokes of 750 μm using pressurized air or water as driving fluid. © 2009 IEEE.


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Future microrobotic applications require actuators that can generate a high actuation force and stroke in a limited volume. Up to now, little research has been performed on the development of pneumatic and hydraulic microactuators, although they offer great prospects in achieving high force densities. One of the main technological barriers in the development of these actuators is the fabrication of powerful seals with low leakage. This paper presents a seal technology for linear fluidic microactuators based on ferrofluids. A design and simulation method for these seals has been developed and validated by measurements on miniaturized actuator prototypes. These actuators have an outside diameter of 2 mm, a length of 13 mm and have been tested using both pressurized air and water. Our current actuator prototypes are able to operate at pressures up to 1.6 MPa without leakage. At these pressures, forces up to 0.65 N have been achieved. The stroke of the actuators is 10 mm. © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.