146 resultados para Series compensation


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Two series of ferroelectric liquid crystalline organo-siloxanes containing a laterally attached halogen on the phenyl ring have been synthesised and characterised to determine the impact of the siloxane group and the halogen on the mesomorphism and electro-optic switching properties. Both monomesogenic and bimesogenic compounds have been studied. The monomesogenic derivatives were found to be ferroelectric with high tilt and Ps. The tilt angle of 45° and the Ps of 95nC/cm2 are almost temperature independent. The bimesogenic bromo substituted derivatives showed mainly ferroelectric phases about 60°C wide. Maximum values for the spontaneous polarisation and the tilt angle were only slightly influenced by the length of the siloxane spacer. Altering the halogen to a fluorine shifted the liquid cystalline phase slightly to higher temperatures whilst maintaining the mesophase range of 60°C.


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A new thermal model based on Fourier series expansion method has been presented for dynamic thermal analysis on power devices. The thermal model based on the Fourier series method has been programmed in MATLAB SIMULINK and integrated with a physics-based electrical model previously reported. The model was verified for accuracy using a two-dimensional Fourier model and a two-dimensional finite difference model for comparison. To validate this thermal model, experiments using a 600V 50A IGBT module switching an inductive load, has been completed under high frequency operation. The result of the thermal measurement shows an excellent match with the simulated temperature variations and temperature time-response within the power module. ©2008 IEEE.


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The purpose of this paper is to continue to develop the recently introduced concept of a regular positive-real function and its application to the classification of low-complexity two-terminal networks. This paper studies five- and six-element series-parallel networks with three reactive elements and presents a complete characterisation and graphical representation of the realisability conditions for these networks. The results are motivated by an approach to passive mechanical control which makes use of the inerter device. ©2009 IEEE.


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In this paper an Active Voltage Control (AVC) technique is presented, for series connection of insulated-gate-bipolar-transistors (IGBT) and control of diode recovery. The AVC technique can control the switching trajectory of an IGBT according to a pre-set reference signal. In series connections, every series connected IGBT follows the reference and so that the dynamic voltage sharing is achieved. Another key advantage for AVC is that by changing the reference signal at turn-on, the diode recovery can be optimised. © 2010 IEEE.


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Model compensation is a standard way of improving the robustness of speech recognition systems to noise. A number of popular schemes are based on vector Taylor series (VTS) compensation, which uses a linear approximation to represent the influence of noise on the clean speech. To compensate the dynamic parameters, the continuous time approximation is often used. This approximation uses a point estimate of the gradient, which fails to take into account that dynamic coefficients are a function of a number of consecutive static coefficients. In this paper, the accuracy of dynamic parameter compensation is improved by representing the dynamic features as a linear transformation of a window of static features. A modified version of VTS compensation is applied to the distribution of the window of static features and, importantly, their correlations. These compensated distributions are then transformed to distributions over standard static and dynamic features. With this improved approximation, it is also possible to obtain full-covariance corrupted speech distributions. This addresses the correlation changes that occur in noise. The proposed scheme outperformed the standard VTS scheme by 10% to 20% relative on a range of tasks. © 2006 IEEE.


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The phenomenon of fracturing in sand as a result of compensation grouting was studied. Processes of fracture initiation and propagation were explained and a parametric study was conducted in order to investigate the factors that cause sand fracturing to occur. Experimental results indicate that fracture initiation requires the existence of a local inhomogeneity around the injection position. Grout mixture in terms of water-cement ratio and fines content had major roles in sand fracturing, whereas injection rate had a minor influence under the tested conditions. © 2009 Taylor & Francis Group.


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Model based compensation schemes are a powerful approach for noise robust speech recognition. Recently there have been a number of investigations into adaptive training, and estimating the noise models used for model adaptation. This paper examines the use of EM-based schemes for both canonical models and noise estimation, including discriminative adaptive training. One issue that arises when estimating the noise model is a mismatch between the noise estimation approximation and final model compensation scheme. This paper proposes FA-style compensation where this mismatch is eliminated, though at the expense of a sensitivity to the initial noise estimates. EM-based discriminative adaptive training is evaluated on in-car and Aurora4 tasks. FA-style compensation is then evaluated in an incremental mode on the in-car task. © 2011 IEEE.


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For many realistic scenarios, there are multiple factors that affect the clean speech signal. In this work approaches to handling two such factors, speaker and background noise differences, simultaneously are described. A new adaptation scheme is proposed. Here the acoustic models are first adapted to the target speaker via an MLLR transform. This is followed by adaptation to the target noise environment via model-based vector Taylor series (VTS) compensation. These speaker and noise transforms are jointly estimated, using maximum likelihood. Experiments on the AURORA4 task demonstrate that this adaptation scheme provides improved performance over VTS-based noise adaptation. In addition, this framework enables the speech and noise to be factorised, allowing the speaker transform estimated in one noise condition to be successfully used in a different noise condition. © 2011 IEEE.


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For speech recognition, mismatches between training and testing for speaker and noise are normally handled separately. The work presented in this paper aims at jointly applying speaker adaptation and model-based noise compensation by embedding speaker adaptation as part of the noise mismatch function. The proposed method gives a faster and more optimum adaptation compared to compensating for these two factors separately. It is also more consistent with respect to the basic assumptions of speaker and noise adaptation. Experimental results show significant and consistent gains from the proposed method. © 2011 IEEE.


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Model-based approaches to handle additive and convolutional noise have been extensively investigated and used. However, the application of these schemes to handling reverberant noise has received less attention. This paper examines the extension of two standard additive/convolutional noise approaches to handling reverberant noise. The first is an extension of vector Taylor series (VTS) compensation, reverberant VTS, where a mismatch function including reverberant noise is used. The second scheme modifies constrained MLLR to allow a wide-span of frames to be taken into account and projected into the required dimensionality. To allow additive noise to be handled, both these schemes are combined with standard VTS. The approaches are evaluated and compared on two tasks, MC-WSJ-AV, and a reverberant simulated version of AURORA-4. © 2011 IEEE.


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The autonomous pathway functions to promote flowering in Arabidopsis by limiting the accumulation of the floral repressor FLOWERING LOCUS C (FLC). Within this pathway FCA is a plant-specific, nuclear RNA-binding protein, which interacts with FY, a highly conserved eukaryotic polyadenylation factor. FCA and FY function to control polyadenylation site choice during processing of the FCA transcript. Null mutations in the yeast FY homologue Pfs2p are lethal. This raises the question as to whether these essential RNA processing functions are conserved in plants. Characterisation of an allelic series of fy mutations reveals that null alleles are embryo lethal. Furthermore, silencing of FY, but not FCA, is deleterious to growth in Nicotiana. The late-flowering fy alleles are hypomorphic and indicate a requirement for both intact FY WD repeats and the C-terminal domain in repression of FLC. The FY C-terminal domain binds FCA and in vitro assays demonstrate a requirement for both C-terminal FY-PPLPP repeats during this interaction. The expression domain of FY supports its roles in essential and flowering-time functions. Hence, FY may mediate both regulated and constitutive RNA 3'-end processing.


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