119 resultados para Passive migration


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In this paper, we develop a linear technique that predicts how the stability of a thermo-acoustic system changes due to the action of a generic passive feedback device or a generic change in the base state. From this, one can calculate the passive device or base state change that most stabilizes the system. This theoretical framework, based on adjoint equations, is applied to two types of Rijke tube. The first contains an electrically-heated hot wire and the second contains a diffusion flame. Both heat sources are assumed to be compact so that the acoustic and heat release models can be decoupled. We find that the most effective passive control device is an adiabatic mesh placed at the downstream end of the Rijke tube. We also investigate the effects of a second hot wire and a local variation of the cross-sectional area but find that both affect the frequency more than the growth rate. This application of adjoint sensitivity analysis opens up new possibilities for the passive control of thermo-acoustic oscillations. For example, the influence of base state changes can be combined with other constraints, such as that the total heat release rate remains constant, in order to show how an unstable thermo-acoustic system should be changed in order to make it stable. Copyright © 2013 by ASME.


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BACKGROUND: Neuronal migration, the process by which neurons migrate from their place of origin to their final position in the brain, is a central process for normal brain development and function. Advances in experimental techniques have revealed much about many of the molecular components involved in this process. Notwithstanding these advances, how the molecular machinery works together to govern the migration process has yet to be fully understood. Here we present a computational model of neuronal migration, in which four key molecular entities, Lis1, DCX, Reelin and GABA, form a molecular program that mediates the migration process. RESULTS: The model simulated the dynamic migration process, consistent with in-vivo observations of morphological, cellular and population-level phenomena. Specifically, the model reproduced migration phases, cellular dynamics and population distributions that concur with experimental observations in normal neuronal development. We tested the model under reduced activity of Lis1 and DCX and found an aberrant development similar to observations in Lis1 and DCX silencing expression experiments. Analysis of the model gave rise to unforeseen insights that could guide future experimental study. Specifically: (1) the model revealed the possibility that under conditions of Lis1 reduced expression, neurons experience an oscillatory neuron-glial association prior to the multipolar stage; and (2) we hypothesized that observed morphology variations in rats and mice may be explained by a single difference in the way that Lis1 and DCX stimulate bipolar motility. From this we make the following predictions: (1) under reduced Lis1 and enhanced DCX expression, we predict a reduced bipolar migration in rats, and (2) under enhanced DCX expression in mice we predict a normal or a higher bipolar migration. CONCLUSIONS: We present here a system-wide computational model of neuronal migration that integrates theory and data within a precise, testable framework. Our model accounts for a range of observable behaviors and affords a computational framework to study aspects of neuronal migration as a complex process that is driven by a relatively simple molecular program. Analysis of the model generated new hypotheses and yet unobserved phenomena that may guide future experimental studies. This paper thus reports a first step toward a comprehensive in-silico model of neuronal migration.


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Directed migration of groups of cells is a critical aspect of tissue morphogenesis that ensures proper tissue organization and, consequently, function. Cells moving in groups, unlike single cells, must coordinate their migratory behavior to maintain tissue integrity. During directed migration, cells are guided by a combination of mechanical and chemical cues presented by neighboring cells and the surrounding extracellular matrix. One important class of signals that guide cell migration includes topographic cues. Although the contact guidance response of individual cells to topographic cues has been extensively characterized, little is known about the response of groups of cells to topographic cues, the impact of such cues on cell-cell coordination within groups, and the transmission of nonautonomous contact guidance information between neighboring cells. Here, we explore these phenomena by quantifying the migratory response of confluent monolayers of epithelial and fibroblast cells to contact guidance cues provided by grooved topography. We show that, in both sparse clusters and confluent sheets, individual cells are contact-guided by grooves and show more coordinated behavior on grooved versus flat substrates. Furthermore, we demonstrate both in vitro and in silico that the guidance signal provided by a groove can propagate between neighboring cells in a confluent monolayer, and that the distance over which signal propagation occurs is not significantly influenced by the strength of cell-cell junctions but is an emergent property, similar to cellular streaming, triggered by mechanical exclusion interactions within the collective system.


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We studied the magnetisation of a 2 in. diameter YBCO thin film in the presence of traveling magnetic waves with six hall sensors. Simulation based on finite element method was conducted to reproduce the process of magnetisation. We discovered that the magnetisation of YBCO thin film based on traveling waves does not follow the constant current density assumption as used in the standing wave condition. We have shown that the traveling wave is more efficient in transporting the flux into the YBCO thin film, which suggests the potential of a flux injection device for high temperature superconducting coils. © 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Optical switching functionality is demonstrated in PCB integrated multimode passive polymer waveguides using a localised liquid-crystal cladding structure. Waveguide switching contrast of 15 dB is achieved with only 0.5 dB of on-state excess loss. © 2009 OSA.


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We propose a new practical multimode fiber optical launch scheme, providing near single mode group excitation for >5 times transmission bandwidth improvement. Equalization-free transmission of a 10-Gb/s signal over 220-m fiber is achieved in experimental demonstrations. © 2010 Optical Society of America.


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We present a novel vertically-coupled active-passive integration architecture that provides an order of magnitude reduction in coupling coefficient variation between misaligned waveguides when compared with a conventional vertically-coupled structure. © 2005 Optical Society of America.


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We present a novel vertically-coupled active-passive integration architecture that provides an order of magnitude reduction in coupling coefficient variation between misaligned waveguides when compared with a conventional vertically-coupled structure. © 2005 Optical Society of America.


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We present a novel vertically-coupled active-passive integration architecture that provides an order of magnitude reduction in coupling coefficient variation between misaligned waveguides when compared with a conventional vertically-coupled structure. © 2005 Optical Society of America.


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Throwing is a complex and highly dynamic task. Humans usually exploit passive dynamics of their limbs to optimize their movement and muscle activation. In order to approach human throwing, we developed a double pendulum robotic platform. To introduce passivity into the actuated joints, clutches were included in the drive train. In this paper, we demonstrate the advantage of exploiting passive dynamics in reducing the mechanical work. However, engaging and disengaging the clutches are done in discrete fashions. Therefore, we propose an optimization approach which can deal with such discontinuities. It is shown that properly engaging/disengaging the clutches can reduce the mechanical work of a throwing task. The result is compared to the solution of fully actuated double pendulum, both in simulation and experiment. © 2012 IEEE.


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There is an increasing attention of exploiting compliant materials for the purpose of legged locomotion, because they provide significant advantages in locomotion performance with respect to energy efficiency and stability. Toward establishing a fundamental basis for this line of research, a minimalistic locomotion model of a single legged system is explored in this paper. By analyzing the dynamic behavior of the system in simulation and a physical robotic platform, it is shown that a stable locomotion process can be achieved without the necessity of sensory feedback. In addition, further analysis characterizes the relation between motor control and the natural body dynamics determined by morphological properties such as body mass and spring constant. © 2006 The authors.


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This paper introduces the problem of passive control of a chain of N identical masses in which there is an identical passive connection between neighbouring masses and a similar connection to a movable point. The problem arises in the design of multi-storey buildings which are subjected to earthquake disturbances, but applies in other situations, for example vehicle platoons. The paper will study the scalar transfer functions from the disturbance to a given intermass displacement. It will be shown that these transfer functions can be conveniently represented in the form of complex iterative maps and that these maps provide a method to establish boundedness in N of the H ∞-norm of these transfer functions for certain choices of interconnection impedance. © 2013 IEEE.