134 resultados para visual metrics


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This paper explores the current state-of-the-art in performance indicators and use of probabilistic approaches used in climate change impact studies. It presents a critical review of recent publications in this field, focussing on (1) metrics for energy use for heating and cooling, emissions, overheating and high-level performance aspects, and (2) uptake of uncertainty and risk analysis. This is followed by a case study, which is used to explore some of the contextual issues around the broader uptake of climate change impact studies in practice. The work concludes that probabilistic predictions of the impact of climate change are feasible, but only based on strict and explicitly stated assumptions. © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Climate change is expected to have significant impact on the future thermal performance of buildings. Building simulation and sensitivity analysis can be employed to predict these impacts, guiding interventions to adapt buildings to future conditions. This article explores the use of simulation to study the impact of climate change on a theoretical office building in the UK, employing a probabilistic approach. The work studies (1) appropriate performance metrics and underlying modelling assumptions, (2) sensitivity of computational results to identify key design parameters and (3) the impact of zonal resolution. The conclusions highlight the importance of assumptions in the field of electricity conversion factors, proper management of internal heat gains, and the need to use an appropriately detailed zonal resolution. © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Biological sensing is explored through novel stable colloidal dispersions of pyrrole-benzophenone and pyrrole copolymerized silica (PPy-SiO(2)-PPyBPh) nanocomposites, which allow covalent linking of biological molecules through light mediation. The mechanism of nanocomposite attachment to a model protein is studied by gold labeled cholera toxin B (CTB) to enhance the contrast in electron microscopy imaging. The biological test itself is carried out without gold labeling, i.e., using CTB only. The protein is shown to be covalently bound through the benzophenone groups. When the reactive PPy-SiO(2)-PPyBPh-CTB nanocomposite is exposed to specific recognition anti-CTB immunoglobulins, a qualitative visual agglutination assay occurs spontaneously, producing as a positive test, PPy-SiO(2)-PPyBPh-CTB-anti-CTB, in less than 1 h, while the control solution of the PPy-SiO(2)-PPyBPh-CTB alone remained well-dispersed during the same period. These dispersions were characterized by cryogenic transmission microscopy (cryo-TEM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), FTIR and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS).


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We present a new co-clustering problem of images and visual features. The problem involves a set of non-object images in addition to a set of object images and features to be co-clustered. Co-clustering is performed in a way that maximises discrimination of object images from non-object images, thus emphasizing discriminative features. This provides a way of obtaining perceptual joint-clusters of object images and features. We tackle the problem by simultaneously boosting multiple strong classifiers which compete for images by their expertise. Each boosting classifier is an aggregation of weak-learners, i.e. simple visual features. The obtained classifiers are useful for object detection tasks which exhibit multimodalities, e.g. multi-category and multi-view object detection tasks. Experiments on a set of pedestrian images and a face data set demonstrate that the method yields intuitive image clusters with associated features and is much superior to conventional boosting classifiers in object detection tasks.


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The safety of post-earthquake structures is evaluated manually through inspecting the visible damage inflicted on structural elements. This process is time-consuming and costly. In order to automate this type of assessment, several crack detection methods have been created. However, they focus on locating crack points. The next step, retrieving useful properties (e.g. crack width, length, and orientation) from the crack points, has not yet been adequately investigated. This paper presents a novel method of retrieving crack properties. In the method, crack points are first located through state-of-the-art crack detection techniques. Then, the skeleton configurations of the points are identified using image thinning. The configurations are integrated into the distance field of crack points calculated through a distance transform. This way, crack width, length, and orientation can be automatically retrieved. The method was implemented using Microsoft Visual Studio and its effectiveness was tested on real crack images collected from Haiti.


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The commercial far-range (>10 m) spatial data collection methods for acquiring infrastructure’s geometric data are not completely automated because of the necessary manual pre- and/or post-processing work. The required amount of human intervention and, in some cases, the high equipment costs associated with these methods impede their adoption by the majority of infrastructure mapping activities. This paper presents an automated stereo vision-based method, as an alternative and inexpensive solution, to producing a sparse Euclidean 3D point cloud of an infrastructure scene utilizing two video streams captured by a set of two calibrated cameras. In this process SURF features are automatically detected and matched between each pair of stereo video frames. 3D coordinates of the matched feature points are then calculated via triangulation. The detected SURF features in two successive video frames are automatically matched and the RANSAC algorithm is used to discard mismatches. The quaternion motion estimation method is then used along with bundle adjustment optimization to register successive point clouds. The method was tested on a database of infrastructure stereo video streams. The validity and statistical significance of the results were evaluated by comparing the spatial distance of randomly selected feature points with their corresponding tape measurements.