116 resultados para Lift (Aerodynamics)


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This paper deals with particle deposition onto solid walls from turbulent flows. The aim of the study is to model particle deposition in industrial flows, such as the one in gas turbines. The numerical study has been carried out with a two fluid approach. The possible contribution to the deposition from Brownian diffusion, turbulent diffusion and shear-induced lift force are considered in the study. Three types of turbulent two-phase flows have been studied: turbulent channel flow, turbulent flow in a bent duct and turbulent flow in a turbine blade cascade. In the turbulent channel flow case, the numerical results from a two-dimensional code show good agreement with numerical and experimental results from other resources. Deposition problem in a bent duct flow is introduced to study the effect of curvature. Finally, the deposition of small particles on a cascade of turbine blades is simulated. The results show that the current two fluid models are capable of predicting particle deposition rates in complex industrial flows.


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This paper describes a program of work, largely experimental, which was undertaken with the objective of developing an improved blade profile for the low-pressure turbine in aero-engine applications. Preliminary experiments were conducted using a novel technique. An existing cascade of datum blades was modified to enable the pressure distribution on the suction surface of one of the blades to be altered. Various means, such as shaped inserts, an adjustable flap at the trailing edge, and changing stagger were employed to change the geometry of the passage. These experiments provided boundary layer and lift data for a wide range of suction surface pressure distributions. The data was then used as a guide for the development of new blade profiles. The new blade profiles were then investigated in a low-speed cascade that included a set of moving bars upstream of the cascade of blades to simulate the effect of the incoming wakes from the previous blade row in a multistage turbine environment.


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A method to fabricate polymer field-effect transistors with submicron channel lengths is described. A thin polymer film is spin coated on a prepatterned resist with a low resolution to create a thickness contrast in the overcoated polymer layer. After plasma and solvent etching, a submicron-sized line structure, which templates the contour of the prepattern, is obtained. A further lift-off process is applied to define source-drain electrodes of transistors. With a combination of ink-jet printing, transistors with channel length down to 400 nm have been fabricated by this method. We show that drive current density increases as expected, while the on/off current ratio 106 is achieved. © 2005 American Institute of Physics.


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Experiments have been performed in a blowdown supersonic wind tunnel to investigate the effect of arrays of sub-boundary layer vortex generators placed upstream of a normal shock/ boundary layer interaction. The investigation makes use of a recovery shock wave and the naturally grown turbulent boundary layer on the wind tunnel floor. Experiments were performed at Mach numbers of 1.5 and 1.3 and a freestream Reynolds number of 28 × 106. Two types of vortex generators were investigated - wedge-shaped and arrays of counter-rotating vanes. It was found that at Mach 1.5 the vane-type VGs eliminated and the wedge-type VGs greatly reduced the separation bubble under the shock. When placed in the supersonic part of the flow both VGs caused a wave pattern consisting of a shock, re-expansion and shock. The re-expansion and double shocks are undesirable features since they equate to increased total pressure losses and hence increased -wave drag. Furthermore there are indications that the vortex intensity is reduced by the normal shock/ boundary layer interaction. When the shock was located directly over the VGs there was no re-expansion present, but the 'damping' effect of the shock on the vortex persisted. It appears that the vortices produced by the wedge-shaped VGs lift off the surface more rapidly. Similar results were observed at Mach 1.3, where the flow was unseparated.


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Like large insects, micro air vehicles operate at low Reynolds numbers O(1; 000 - 10; 000) in a regime characterized by separated flow and strong vortices. The leading-edge vortex has been identified as a significant source of high lift on insect wings, but the conditions required for the formation of a stably attached leading-edge vortex are not yet known. The waving wing is designed to model the translational phase of an insect wing stroke by preserving the unsteady starting and stopping motion as well as three-dimensionality in both wing geometry (via a finite-span wing) and kinematics (via wing rotation). The current study examines the effect of the spanwise velocity gradient on the development of the leading-edge vortex along the wing as well as the effects of increasing threedimensionalityby decreasing wing aspect ratio from four to two. Dye flow visualization and particle image velocimetry reveal that the leading-edge vortices that form on a sliding or waving wing have a very high aspect ratio. The structure of the flow is largely two-dimensional on both sliding and waving wings and there is minimal interaction between the leading-edge vortices and the tip vortex. Significant spanwise flow was observed on the waving wing but not on the sliding wing. Despite the increased three-dimensionality on the aspect ratio 2 waving wing, there is no evidence of an attached leading-edge vortex and the structure of the flow is very similar to that on the higher-aspect-ratio wing and sliding wing. © Copyright 2010.


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The present study aims to provide insight into the parameters affecting practical laminar-flow-control suction power requirements for a commercial laminar-flying-wing transport aircraft. It is shown that there is a minimum power requirement independent of the suction system design, associated with the stagnation pressure loss in the boundary layer. This requirement increases with aerofoil section thickness, but depends only weakly on Mach number and (for a thick, lightly loaded laminar flying wing) lift coefficient. Deviation from the optimal suction distribution, due to a practical chamber-based architecture, is found to have very little effect on the overall suction coefficient; hence, to a good approximation, the power penalty is given by the product of the optimal suction flow rate coefficient and the average skin pressure drop. In the spanwise direction, through suitable choice of chamber depth, the pressure drop due to frictional and inertial effects may be rendered negligible. Finally, if there are fewer pumps than chambers, the average pressure drop from the aerofoil surface to the pump collector ducts, rather than to the chambers, determines the power penalty. For the representative laminar-flying-wing aircraft parameters considered here, the minimum power associated with boundary-layer losses alone contributes some 80-90% of the total power requirement. © 2011 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.


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Simulations of an n-heptane spray autoigniting under conditions relevant to a diesel engine are performed using two-dimensional, first-order conditional moment closure (CMC) with full treatment of spray terms in the mixture fraction variance and CMC equations. The conditional evaporation term in the CMC equations is closed assuming interphase exchange to occur at the droplet saturation mixture fraction values only. Modeling of the unclosed terms in themixture fraction variance equation is done accordingly. Comparison with experimental data for a range of ambient oxygen concentrations shows that the ignition delay is overpredicted. The trend of increasing ignition delay with decreasing oxygen concentration, however, is correctly captured. Good agreement is found between the computed and measured flame lift-off height for all conditions investigated. Analysis of source terms in the CMC temperature equation reveals that a convective-reactive balance sets in at the flame base, with spatial diffusion terms being important, but not as important as in lifted jet flames in cold air. Inclusion of droplet terms in the governing equations is found to affect the mixture fraction variance field in the region where evaporation is the strongest, and to slightly increase the ignition delay time due to the cooling associated with the evaporation. Both flame propagation and stabilization mechanisms, however, remain unaffected. © 2011 Taylor & Francis.


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We present the results of a computational study of the post-processed Galerkin methods put forward by Garcia-Archilla et al. applied to the non-linear von Karman equations governing the dynamic response of a thin cylindrical panel periodically forced by a transverse point load. We spatially discretize the shell using finite differences to produce a large system of ordinary differential equations (ODEs). By analogy with spectral non-linear Galerkin methods we split this large system into a 'slowly' contracting subsystem and a 'quickly' contracting subsystem. We then compare the accuracy and efficiency of (i) ignoring the dynamics of the 'quick' system (analogous to a traditional spectral Galerkin truncation and sometimes referred to as 'subspace dynamics' in the finite element community when applied to numerical eigenvectors), (ii) slaving the dynamics of the quick system to the slow system during numerical integration (analogous to a non-linear Galerkin method), and (iii) ignoring the influence of the dynamics of the quick system on the evolution of the slow system until we require some output, when we 'lift' the variables from the slow system to the quick using the same slaving rule as in (ii). This corresponds to the post-processing of Garcia-Archilla et al. We find that method (iii) produces essentially the same accuracy as method (ii) but requires only the computational power of method (i) and is thus more efficient than either. In contrast with spectral methods, this type of finite-difference technique can be applied to irregularly shaped domains. We feel that post-processing of this form is a valuable method that can be implemented in computational schemes for a wide variety of partial differential equations (PDEs) of practical importance.


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In order to disign an airfoil of which maximum lift coefficient (CL max) is not sensitive to location of forced top boundary layer transition. Taking maximizing mean value of CL max and minimizing standard deviation as biobjective, leading edge radius, manximum thickness and its location, maximum camber and its location as deterministic design variables, location of forced top boundary layer transition as stochastic variable, XFOIL as deterministic CFD solver, non-intrusive polynomial chaos as substitute of Monte Carlo method, we completed a robust airfoil design problem. Results demonstrate performance of initial airfoil is enhanced through reducing standard deviation of CL max. Besides, we also know maximum thickness has the most dominating effect on mean value of CL max, location of maximum thickness has the most dominating effect on standard deviation of CL max, maximum camber has a little effect on both mean value and standard deviation, and maximum camber is the only element of which increase can lead increase of mean value and standard deviation at the same time. Copyright © 2009 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.


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In order to minimize the number of iterations to a turbine design, reasonable choices of the key parameters must be made at the earliest possible opportunity. The choice of blade loading is of particular concern in the low pressure (LP) turbine of civil aero engines, where the use of high-lift blades is widespread. This paper presents an analytical mean-line design study for a repeating-stage, axial-flow Low Pressure (LP) turbine. The problem of how to measure blade loading is first addressed. The analysis demonstrates that the Zweifel coefficient [1] is not a reasonable gauge of blade loading because it inherently depends on the flow angles. A more appropriate coefficient based on blade circulation is proposed. Without a large set of turbine test data it is not possible to directly evaluate the accuracy of a particular loss correlation. The analysis therefore focuses on the efficiency trends with respect to flow coefficient, stage loading, lift coefficient and Reynolds number. Of the various loss correlations examined, those based on Ainley and Mathieson ([2], [3], [4]) do not produce realistic trends. The profile loss model of Coull and Hodson [5] and the secondary loss models of Craig and Cox [6] and Traupel [7] gave the most reasonable results. The analysis suggests that designs with the highest flow turning are the least sensitive to increases in blade loading. The increase in Reynolds number lapse with loading is also captured, achieving reasonable agreement with experiments. Copyright © 2011 by ASME.


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We have extended our previous work (Rawlings et al 2010 Phys. Rev. B 82 085404) on simulating magnetic force microscopy (MFM) images for magnetically soft samples to include an accurate representation of coated MFM tips. We used an array of square 500 nm nanomagnets to evaluate our improved MFM model. A quantitative comparison between model and experiment was performed for lift heights ranging from 20 to 100 nm. No fitting parameters were used in our comparison. For all lift heights the qualitative agreement between model and experiment was significantly improved. At low lift heights, where the magnetic signal was strong, the difference between theory and experiment was less than 30%.


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This paper presents the development and the application of a multi-objective optimization framework for the design of two-dimensional multi-element high-lift airfoils. An innovative and efficient optimization algorithm, namely Multi-Objective Tabu Search (MOTS), has been selected as core of the framework. The flow-field around the multi-element configuration is simulated using the commercial computational fluid dynamics (cfd) suite Ansys cfx. Elements shape and deployment settings have been considered as design variables in the optimization of the Garteur A310 airfoil, as presented here. A validation and verification process of the cfd simulation for the Garteur airfoil is performed using available wind tunnel data. Two design examples are presented in this study: a single-point optimization aiming at concurrently increasing the lift and drag performance of the test case at a fixed angle of attack and a multi-point optimization. The latter aims at introducing operational robustness and off-design performance into the design process. Finally, the performance of the MOTS algorithm is assessed by comparison with the leading NSGA-II (Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm) optimization strategy. An equivalent framework developed by the authors within the industrial sponsor environment is used for the comparison. To eliminate cfd solver dependencies three optimum solutions from the Pareto optimal set have been cross-validated. As a result of this study MOTS has been demonstrated to be an efficient and effective algorithm for aerodynamic optimizations. Copyright © 2012 Tech Science Press.