181 resultados para Jet propulsion


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The paper is devoted to extending the new efficient frequency-domain method of adjoint Green's function calculation to curvilinear multi-block RANS domains for middle and farfield sound computations. Numerical details of the method such as grids, boundary conditions and convergence acceleration are discussed. Two acoustic source models are considered in conjunction with the method and acoustic modelling results are presented for a benchmark low-Reynolds-number jet case.


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The probabilistic nature of ignition of premixed and non-premixecl turbulent opposed-jet flames has been examined and the flame structures following ignition have been visualized directly and with OH-PLIF. It has been found that high bulk velocities decrease the ignition probability in all locations and for all flames. Ignition is sometimes possible even in locations where there is negligible probability of finding flammable mixture and is sometimes impossible in locations with high probability of flammable fluid. The edge flame propagation speed is also estimated.


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This paper presents an assessment of the performance of an embedded propulsion system in the presence of distortion associated with boundary layer ingestion. For fan pressure ratios of interest for civil transports, the benefits of boundary layer ingestion are shown to be very sensitive to the magnitude of fan and duct losses. The distortion transfer across the fan, basically the comparison of the stagnation pressure non-uniformity downstream of the fan to that upstream of the fan, has a major role in determining the impact of boundary layer ingestion on overall fuel burn. This, in turn, puts requirements on the fidelity with which one needs to assess the distortion transfer, and thus the type of models that need to be used in such assessment. For the three-dimensional distortions associated with fuselage boundary layers ingested into a subsonic diffusing inlet, it is found that boundary layer ingestion can provide decreases in fuel burn of several per cent. It is also shown that a promising avenue for mitigating the risks (aerodynamic as well as aeromechanical) in boundary layer ingestion is to mix out the flow before it reaches the engine face.


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This work explored the use of industrial drop-on-demand inkjet printing for masking steel surfaces on engineering components, followed by chemical etching, to produce patterned surfaces. A solvent-based ink was printed on to mild steel samples and the influences of substrate topography and substrate temperature were investigated. Contact angle measurements were used to assess wettability. Regular patterns of circular spots (∼60 /on diameter) and more complex mask patterns were printed. Variation of the substrate temperature had negligible effect on the final size of the printed drops or on the resolution achieved. Colored optical interference fringes were observed on the dried ink deposits and correlated with film thickness measurements by whitelight interferometry.


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Progress in simulating chevron nozzle jet flows using ILES/RANS-ILES approaches and using the Ffowcs Williams and Hawkings (FW-H) surface integral method to predict the radiated far field sound is presented in this paper. With the focus on the realistic chevron geometries, SMC001 and SMC006, coarse and fine meshes are generated in the range of 3∼13 million mesh cells. Throughout this work, to minimize numerical dissipation introduced by mesh quality issues, the hexahedral cell type is used. Numerical simulations are then carried out with cell-vertex and cell-centered codes. Despite the modest grids, mean velocities and turbulent statistics are found to be in reasonable accord with measurements. Also, far field sound levels predicted by the FW-H post processor are encouraging. Copyright © 2008 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.


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We derive a closed system of equations that relates the acoustically radiating flow variables to the sources of sound for homentropic flows. We use radiating density, momentum density and modified pressure as the dependent variables which leads to simple source terms for the momentum equations. The source terms involve the non-radiating parts of the density and momentum density fields. These non-radiating components are obtained by removing the radiating wavenumbers in the Fourier domain. We demonstrate the usefulness of this new technique on an axi-symmetric jet solution of the Navier-Stokes equations, obtained by direct numerical simulation (DNS). The dominant source term is proportional to the square of the non-radiating part of the axial momentum density. We compare the sound sources to that obtained by an acoustic analogy and find that they have more realistic physical properties. Their frequency content and amplitudes are consistent with. We validate the sources by computing the radiating sound field and comparing it to the DNS solution. © 2010 by S. Sinayoko, A. Agarwal.


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mark Unsteady ejectors can be driven by a wide range of driver jets. These vary from pulse detonation engines, which typically have a long gap between each slug of fluid exiting the detonation tube (mark-space ratios in the range 0.1-0.2) to the exit of a pulsejet where the mean mass flow rate leads to a much shorter gap between slugs (mark-space ratios in the range 2-3). The aim of this paper is to investigate the effect of mark-space ratio on the thrust augmentation of an unsteady ejector. Experimental testing was undertaken using a driver jet with a sinusoidal exit velocity profile. The mean value, amplitude and frequency of the velocity profile could be changed allowing the length to diameter ratio of the fluid slugs L/D and the mark-space ratio (the ratio of slug length to the spacing between slugs) L/S to be varied. The setup allowed L/S of the jet to vary from 0.8 to 2.3, while the L/D ratio of the slugs could take any values between 3.5 and 7.5. This paper shows that as the mark-space ratio of the driver jet is increased the thrust augmentation drops. Across the range of mark-space ratios tested, there is shown to be a drop in thrust augmentation of 0.1. The physical cause of this reduction in thrust augmentation is shown to be a decrease in the percentage time over which the ejector entrains ambient fluid. This is the direct result ofthe space between consecutive slugs in the driver jet decreasing. The one dimensional model reported in Heffer et al. [1] is extended to include the effect of varying L/S and is shown to accurately capture the experimentally measured behavior ofthe ejector. Copyright © 2010 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.


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Several turbulent jet noise models starting from the classical Lighthill acoustic analogy to state-of-the art models are considered. No attempt is made to present any complete overview of jet noise theories. Instead, the aim is to emphasise the importance of sound generation and meanflow effects for the understanding and prediction of jet noise. For a recent acoustic analogy model, the consequences of jet flow simplification on the predicted sound spectra shape and the effective noise source location in the jet are discussed. © 2010 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.


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The effects of varying corona surface treatment on ink drop impact and spreading on a polymer substrate have been investigated. The surface energy of substrates treated with different levels of corona was determined from static contact angle measurement by the Owens and Wendt method. A drop-on-demand print-head was used to eject 38 μm diameter drops of UV-curable graphics ink travelling at 2.7 m/s on to a flat polymer substrate. The kinematic impact phase was imaged with a high speed camera at 500k frames per second, while the spreading phase was imaged at 20k frames per secoiui. The resultant images were analyzed to track the changes in the drop diameter during the different phases of drop spreading. Further experiments were carried out with white-light intetferometry to accurately measure the final diameter of drops which had been printed on different corona treated substrates and UV cured. The results are correlated to characterize the effects of corona treatment on drop impact behavior and final print quality.


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Many aerospace companies are currently making the transition to providing fully-integrated product-service offerings in which their products are designed from the outset with life-cycle considerations in mind. Based on a case study at Rolls-Royce, Civil Aerospace, this paper demonstrates how an interactive approach to process simulation can be used to support the redesign of existing design processes in order to incorporate life-cycle engineering (LCE) considerations. The case study provides insights into the problems of redesigning the conceptual stages of a complex, concurrent engineering design process and the practical value of process simulation as a tool to support the specification of process changes in the context of engineering design. The paper also illustrates how development of a simulation model can provide significant benefit to companies through the understanding of process behaviour that is gained through validating the behaviour of the model using different design and iteration scenarios. Keywords: jet engine design; life-cycle engineering; LCE; process change; design process simulation; applied signposting model; ASM. Copyright © 2011 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.


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Multi-objective Genetic Algorithms have become a popular choice to aid in optimising the size of the whole hybrid power train. Within these optimisation processes, other optimisation techniques for the control strategy are implemented. This optimisation within an optimisation requires many simulations to be run, so reducing the computational cost is highly desired. This paper presents an optimisation framework consisting of a series hybrid optimisation algorithm, in which a global search optimizes a submarine propulsion system using low-fidelity models and, in order to refine the results, a local search is used with high-fidelity models. The effectiveness of the Hybrid optimisation algorithm is demonstrated with the optimisation of a submarine propulsion system. © 2011 EPE Association - European Power Electr.