123 resultados para JP-10


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The characteristics and dispersion of the distinct surface acoustic waves (SAWs) propagating in ZnO/GaAs heterostructures have been studied experimentally and theoretically. Besides the Rayleigh mode, strong Sezawa modes, which propagate confined in the overlayer, arise due to the smaller sound velocity in ZnO than in the substrate. The design parameters of the structure providing the strongest piezoelectric field at a given depth within the layered system for the different modes have been determined. The piezoelectric field of the Rayleigh mode is shown to be more than 10 times stronger at the interface region of the tailored ZnO/GaAs structure than at the surface region of the bulk GaAs, whereas the same comparison for the first Sezawa mode yields a factor of 2. This enhancement, together with the capacity of selecting waves with different piezoelectric and strain field depth profiles, will facilitate the development of SAW-modulated optoelectronic applications in GaAs-based systems. © 2011 American Institute of Physics.


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Board-level optical links are an attractive alternative to their electrical counterparts as they provide higher bandwidth and lower power consumption at high data rates. However, on-board optical technology has to be cost-effective to be commercially deployed. This study presents a chip-to-chip optical interconnect formed on an optoelectronic printed circuit board that uses a simple optical coupling scheme, cost-effective materials and is compatible with well-established manufacturing processes common to the electronics industry. Details of the link architecture, modelling studies of the link's frequency response, characterisation of optical coupling efficiencies and dynamic performance studies of this proof-of-concept chip-to-chip optical interconnect are reported. The fully assembled link exhibits a -3 dBe bandwidth of 9 GHz and -3 dBo tolerances to transverse component misalignments of ±25 and ±37 μm at the input and output waveguide interfaces, respectively. The link has a total insertion loss of 6 dBo and achieves error-free transmission at a 10 Gb/s data rate with a power margin of 11.6 dBo for a bit-error-rate of 10 -12. The proposed architecture demonstrates an integration approach for high-speed board-level chip-to-chip optical links that emphasises component simplicity and manufacturability crucial to the migration of such technology into real-world commercial systems. © 2012 The Institution of Engineering and Technology.


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Numerous in-vitro studies have established that cells react to their physical environment and to applied mechanical loading. However, the mechanisms underlying such phenomena are poorly understood. Previous modelling of cell compression considered the cell as a passive homogenous material, requiring an artificial increase in the stiffness of spread cells to replicate experimentally measured forces. In this study, we implement a fully 3D active constitutive formulation that predicts the distribution, remodelling, and contractile behaviour of the cytoskeleton. Simulations reveal that polarised and axisymmetric spread cells contain stress fibres which form dominant bundles that are stretched during compression. These dominant fibres exert tension; causing an increase in computed compression forces compared to round cells. In contrast, fewer stress fibres are computed for round cells and a lower resistance to compression is predicted. The effect of different levels of cellular contractility associated with different cell phenotypes is also investigated. Highly contractile cells form more dominant circumferential stress fibres and hence provide greater resistance to compression. Computed predictions correlate strongly with published experimentally observed trends of compression resistance as a function of cellular contractility and offer an insight into the link between cell geometry, stress fibre distribution and contractility, and cell deformability. Importantly, it is possible to capture the behaviour of both round and spread cells using a given, unchanged set of material parameters for each cell type. Finally, it is demonstrated that stress distributions in the cell cytoplasm and nucleus computed using the active formulation differ significantly from those computed using passive material models.


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Ten years ago the intelligent product model was introduced as a means of motivating a supply chain in which product or orders were central as opposed to the organizations that stored or delivered them. This notion of a physical product influencing its own movement through the supply chain was enabled by the evolution of low cost RFID systems which promised low cost connection between physical goods and networked information environments. In 2002 the notion of product intelligence was regarded as a useful but rather esoteric construct. However, in the intervening ten years there have been a number of technological advances coupled with an increasingly challenged business environment which make the prospects for intelligent product deployment seem more likely. This paper reviews a number of these developments and assesses their impact on the intelligent product approach. © 2012 IFAC.


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The conversion of silver nanoparticle (NP) paste films into highly conductive films at low sintering temperature is an important requirement for the developing areas of additive fabrication and printed electronics. Ag NPs with a diameter of ∼10 nm were prepared via an improved chemical process to produce viscous paste with a high wt%. The paste consisted of as-prepared Ag NP and an organic vehicle of ethylcellulose that was deposited on glass and Si substrates using a contact lithographic technique. The morphology and conductivity of the imprinted paste film were measured as a function of sintering temperature, sintering time and the percentage ratio of Ag NP and ethylcellulose. The morphology and conductivity were examined using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and a two-point probe electrical conductivity measurement. The results show that the imprinted films were efficiently converted into conducting states when exposed to sintering temperature in the range of 200-240 °C, this temperature is lower than the previously reported values for Ag paste. © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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High-resolution γ-ray spectroscopy is essential to fully exploit the unique, high-quality beams available at the next generation of radioactive ion beam facilities such as the TRIUMF isotope separator and accelerator (ISAC). The 8π spectrometer, which consists of 20 Compton-suppressed HPGe detectors, has recently been reconfigured for a vigorous research programme in weak interaction and nuclear structure physics. With the addition of a variety of ancillary detectors it has become the world's most powerful device dedicated to β-decay studies. This paper provides a brief overview of the apparatus and highlights from recent experiments. © 2005 IOP Publishing Ltd.