103 resultados para normal probability


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A near-field optical microscope (NFOM) has been developed that combines the features of a near-field optical microscope and an atomic force microscope. Improved control over tip-sample separation has led to improved optical imaging and independent surface topography information. The tip oscillation is normal to the sample plane thereby reducing lateral forces - important for nonperturbative imaging of soft samples. Both topographic images and reflection near-field optical images are presented which demonstrate the capability of the system. © 1996 American Institute of Physics.


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New types of vortex generators for boundary layer control were investigated experimentally in a flow field which contains a Mach 1.4 normal Shockwave followed by a subsonic diffuser. A parametric study of device height and distance upstream of the normal shock was undertaken with two novel devices: ramped-vanes and split-ramps. Flowfield diagnostics included high-speed Schlieren, oil flow visualization, and pitot-static pressure measurements. A number of flowfield parameters including flow separation, pressure recovery, centerline incompressible boundary layer shape factor, and shock stability were analyzed and compared to the baseline. All configurations tested yielded an elimination of centerline flow separation with the presence of the vortex generators. However, the devices also tended to increase the three-dimensionality of the flow with increased side-wall interaction. When located 25δo upstream of the normal shock, the largest ramped-vane device (whose height was about 0.75 the incoming uncontrolled boundary layer thickness, δo) yielded the smallest centerline incompressible shape factor and the least streamwise oscillations of the normal shock. However, additional studies are needed to better understand the corner interaction effects, which are substantial. © 2010 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.


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The flow through a terminating shock wave and the subsequent subsonic diffuser typically found in supersonic inlets has been simulated using a small-scale wind tunnel. Experiments have been conducted at an inflow Mach number of 1.4 using a dual-channel working section to produce a steady near-normal shock wave. The setup was designed so that the location of the shock wave could be varied relative to the diffuser. As the near-normal shock wave was moved downstream and into the diffuser, an increasingly distorted, three-dimensional, and separated flow was observed. Compared with the interaction of a normal shock wave in a constant area duct, the addition of the diffuser resulted in more prominent corner interactions. Microvortex generators were added to determine their potential for removing flow separation. Although these devices were found to reduce the extent of separation, they significantly increased three-dimensionality and even led to a large degree of flow asymmetry in some configurations. Copyright © 2011 by Neil Titchener and Holger Babinsky.


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The vibro-acoustic response of built-up structures, consisting of stiff components with low modal density and flexible components with high modal density, is sensitive to small imperfections in the flexible components. In this paper, the uncertainty of the response is considered by modeling the low modal density master system as deterministic and the high modal density subsystems in a nonparametric stochastic way, i.e., carrying a diffuse wave field, and by subsequently computing the response probability density function. The master system's mean squared response amplitude follows a singular noncentral complex Wishart distribution conditional on the subsystem energies. For a single degree of freedom, this is equivalent to a chi-square or an exponential distribution, depending on the loading conditions. The subsystem energies follow approximately a chi-square distribution when their relative variance is smaller than unity. The results are validated by application to plate structures, and good agreement with Monte Carlo simulations is found. © 2012 Acoustical Society of America.


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Atmospheric effects can significantly degrade the reliability of free-space optical communications. One such effect is scintillation, caused by atmospheric turbulence, refers to random fluctuations in the irradiance and phase of the received laser beam. In this paper we inv stigate the use of multiple lasers and multiple apertures to mitigate scintillation. Since the scintillation process is slow, we adopt a block fading channel model and study the outage probability under the assumptions of orthogonal pulse-position modulation and non-ideal photodetection. Assuming perfect receiver channel state information (CSI), we derive the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) exponents for the cases when the scintillation is lognormal, exponential and gammagamma distributed, which cover a wide range of atmospheric turbulence conditions. Furthermore, when CSI is also available at the transmitter, we illustrate very large gains in SNR are possible (in some cases larger than 15 dB) by adapting the transmitted power. Under a long-term power constraint, we outline fundamental design criteria via a simple expression that relates the required number of lasers and apertures for a given code rate and number of codeword blocks to completely remove system outages. Copyright © 2009 IEEE.