88 resultados para Spatio-numerical modelling


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This work presents active control of high-frequency vibration using skyhook dampers. The choice of the damper gain and its optimal location is crucial for the effective implementation of active vibration control. In vibration control, certain sensor/actuator locations are preferable for reducing structural vibration while using minimum control effort. In order to perform optimisation on a general built-up structure to control vibration, it is necessary to have a good modelling technique to predict the performance of the controller. The present work exploits the hybrid modelling approach, which combines the finite element method (FEM) and statistical energy analysis (SEA) to provide efficient response predictions at medium to high frequencies. The hybrid method is implemented here for a general network of plates, coupled via springs, to allow study of a variety of generic control design problems. By combining the hybrid method with numerical optimisation using a genetic algorithm, optimal skyhook damper gains and locations are obtained. The optimal controller gain and location found from the hybrid method are compared with results from a deterministic modelling method. Good agreement between the results is observed, whereas results from the hybrid method are found in a significantly reduced amount of time. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A series of dynamic centrifuge tests on reduced scale models of flexible retaining structures were conducted on the Turner beam centrifuge at the Schofield Centre of the University of Cambridge. The paper illustrates the main results of the experimental work in terms of observed amplifications of ground motion and mobilised shear stiffness and damping ratio for all tests. The experimental results for one test on a pair of cantilevered walls in dense sand are also presented in terms of measured bending moments and horizontal displacements of the walls during (maximum values) and at the end of (residual values) each seismic event. Finally, the experimental data are discussed in the light of the results obtained from dynamic numerical analyses of the behaviour of cantilevered walls under real seismic actions. © 2010 Taylor & Francis Group, London.


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The paper presents centrifuge test data of the problem of tunnelling effects on buried pipelines and compares them to predictions made using DEM simulations. The paper focuses on the examination of pipeline bending moments, their distribution along the pipe, and their development with tunnel volume loss. Centrifuge results are obtained by PIV analysis and compared to results obtained using the DEM model. The DEM model was built to replicate the centrifuge model as closely as possible and included numerical features formulated specially for this task, such as structural elements to replicate the tunnel and pipeline. Results are extremely encouraging, with deviations between DEM and centrifuge test bending moment results being very small. © 2010 Taylor & Francis Group, London.


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Numerous in-vitro studies have established that cells react to their physical environment and to applied mechanical loading. However, the mechanisms underlying such phenomena are poorly understood. Previous modelling of cell compression considered the cell as a passive homogenous material, requiring an artificial increase in the stiffness of spread cells to replicate experimentally measured forces. In this study, we implement a fully 3D active constitutive formulation that predicts the distribution, remodelling, and contractile behaviour of the cytoskeleton. Simulations reveal that polarised and axisymmetric spread cells contain stress fibres which form dominant bundles that are stretched during compression. These dominant fibres exert tension; causing an increase in computed compression forces compared to round cells. In contrast, fewer stress fibres are computed for round cells and a lower resistance to compression is predicted. The effect of different levels of cellular contractility associated with different cell phenotypes is also investigated. Highly contractile cells form more dominant circumferential stress fibres and hence provide greater resistance to compression. Computed predictions correlate strongly with published experimentally observed trends of compression resistance as a function of cellular contractility and offer an insight into the link between cell geometry, stress fibre distribution and contractility, and cell deformability. Importantly, it is possible to capture the behaviour of both round and spread cells using a given, unchanged set of material parameters for each cell type. Finally, it is demonstrated that stress distributions in the cell cytoplasm and nucleus computed using the active formulation differ significantly from those computed using passive material models.


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This paper reports the design and numerical analysis of a three-dimensional biochip plasma blood separator using computational fluid dynamics techniques. Based on the initial configuration of a two-dimensional (2D) separator, five three-dimensional (3D) microchannel biochip designs are categorically developed through axial and plenary symmetrical expansions. These include the geometric variations of three types of the branch side channels (circular, rectangular, disc) and two types of the main channel (solid and concentric). Ignoring the initial transient behaviour and assuming that steady-state flow has been established, the behaviour of the blood fluid in the devices is algebraically analysed and numerically modelled. The roles of the relevant microchannel mechanisms, i.e. bifurcation, constriction and bending channel, on promoting the separation process are analysed based on modelling results. The differences among the different 3D implementations are compared and discussed. The advantages of 3D over 2D separator in increasing separation volume and effectively depleting cell-free layer fluid from the whole cross section circumference are addressed and illustrated. © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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This paper describes the design and development cycle of a 3D biochip separator and the modelling analysis of flow behaviour in the biochip microchannel features. The focus is on identifying the difference between 2D and 3D implementations as well as developing basic forms of 3D microfluidic separators. Five variants, based around the device are proposed and analysed. These include three variations of the branch channels (circular, rectangular, disc) and two variations of the main channel (solid and concentric). Ignoring the initial transient behaviour and assuming steady state flow has been established, the efficiencies of the flow between the main and side channels for the different designs are analysed and compared with regard to relevant biomicrofluidic laws or effects (bifurcation law, Fahraeus effect, cell-free phenomenon, bending channel effect and laminar flow behaviour). The modelling results identify flow features in microchannels, a constriction and bifurcations and show detailed differences in flow fields between the various designs. The manufacturing process using injection moulding for the initial base case design is also presented and discussed. The work reported here is supported as part of the UK funded 3D-MINTEGRATION project. © 2010 IEEE.


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Superconductors, such as YBCO bulks, have extremely high potential magnetic flux densities, comparing to rare earth magnets. Therefore, the magnetization of superconductors has attracted broad attention and contribution from both academic research and industry. In this paper, a novel technique is proposed to magnetize superconductors. Unusually, instead of using high magnetic fields and pulses, repeatedly magnetic waves with strength of as low as rare earth magnets are applied. These magnetic waves, generated by thermally controlling a Gadolinium (Gd) bulk with a rare earth magnet underneath, travel over the flat surface of a YBCO bulk and get trapped little by little. Thus, a very small magnetic field can be used to build up a very large magnetic field. In this paper, the modelling results of thermally actuated magnetic waves are presented showing how to transfer sequentially applied thermal pulses into magnetic waves. The experiment results of the magnetization of YBCO bulk are also presented to demonstrate how superconductors are progressively magnetized by small magnetic field © 2010 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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This work presents an experimental and numerical investigation to characterise the fracture properties of pure bitumen (the binder in asphalt paving materials). The paper is divided into two parts. The first part describes an experimental study of fracture characterisation parameters of pure bitumen as determined by three-point bend tests. The second part deals with modelling of fracture and failure of bitumen by Finite Element analysis. Fracture mechanics parameters, stress intensity factor, KIC, fracture energy, GIC, and J-integral, JIC, are used for evaluation of bitumen's fracture properties. The material constitutive model developed by Ossa et al. [40,41] which was implemented into a FE code by Costanzi [18] is combined with cohesive zone models (CZM) to simulate the fracture behaviour of pure bitumen. Experimental and numerical results are presented in the form of failure mechanism maps where ductile, brittle and brittle-ductile transition regimes of fracture behaviour are classified. The FE predictions of fracture behaviour match well with experimental results. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.


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In the field of vibration-based damage detection of concrete structures efficient damage models are needed to better understand changes in the vibration properties of cracked structures. These models should quantitatively replicate the damage mechanisms in concrete and easily be used as damage detection tools. In this paper, the flexural cracking behaviour of plain concrete prisms subject to monotonic and cyclic loading regimes under displacement control is tested experimentally and modelled numerically. Four-point bending tests on simply supported un-notched prisms are conducted, where the cracking process is monitored using a digital image correlation system. A numerical model, with a single crack at midspan, is presented where the cracked zone is modelled using the fictitious crack approach and parts outside that zone are treated in a linear-elastic manner. The model considers crack initiation, growth and closure by adopting cyclic constitutive laws. A multi-variate Newton-Raphson iterative solver is used to solve the non-linear equations to ensure equilibrium and compatibility at the interface of the cracked zone. The numerical results agree well with the experiments for both loading scenarios. The model shows good predictions of the degradation of stiffness with increasing load. It also approximates the crack-mouth-opening-displacement when compared with the experimental data of the digital image correlation system. The model is found to be computationally efficient as it runs full analysis for cyclic loading in less than 2. min, and it can therefore be used within the damage detection process. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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Reliable means of predicting ingestion in cavities adjacent to the main gas path are increasingly being sought by engineers involved in the design of gas turbines. In this paper, analysis is to be presented that results from an extended research programme, MAGPI, sponsored by the EU and several leading gas turbine manufactures and universities. Extensive use is made of CFD modelling techniques to understand the aerodynamic behaviour of a turbine stator well cavity, focusing on the interaction of cooling air supply with the main annulus gas. The objective of the study has been to benchmark a number of CFD codes and numerical techniques covering RANS and URANS calculations with different turbulence models in order to assess the suitability of the standard settings used in the industry for calculating the mechanics of the flow travelling between cavities in a turbine through the main gas path. The modelling methods employed have been compared making use of experimental data gathered from a dedicated two-stage turbine rig, running at engine representative conditions. Extensive measurements are available for a range of flow conditions and alternative cooling arrangements. The limitations of the numerical methods in calculating the interaction of the cooling flow egress and the main stream gas, and subsequent ingestion into downstream cavities in the engine (i.e. re-ingestion), have been exposed. This has been done without losing sight of the validation of the CFD for its use for predicting heat transfer, which was the main objective of the partners of the MAGPI Work- Package 1 consortium. Copyright © 2012 by ASME.


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Results of numerical investigations of the wet steam flow in a three stage low pressure steam turbine test rig are presented. The test rig is a scale model of a modern steam turbine design and provides flow measurements over a range of operating conditions which are used for detailed comparisons with the numerical results. For the numerical analysis a modern CFD code with user defined models for specific wet steam modelling is used. The effect of different theoretical models for nucleation and droplet growth are examined. It is shown that heterogeneous condensation is highly dependent on steam quality and, in this model turbine with high quality steam, a homogeneous theory appears to be the best choice. The homogeneous theory gives good agreement between the test rig traverse measurements and the numerical results. The differences in the droplet size distribution of the three stage turbine are shown for different loads and modelling assumptions. The different droplet growth models can influence the droplet size by a factor of two. An estimate of the influence of unsteady effects is made by means of an unsteady two-dimensional simulation. The unsteady modelling leads to a shift of nucleation into the next blade row. For the investigated three stage turbine the influence due to wake chopping on the condensation process is weak but to confirm this conclusion further investigations are needed in complete three dimensions and on turbines with more stages. Copyright © 2011 by ASME.


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This study focuses on the modelling of turbulent lifted jet flames using flamelets and a presumed Probability Density Function (PDF) approach with interest in both flame lift-off height and flame brush structure. First, flamelet models used to capture contributions from premixed and non-premixed modes of the partially premixed combustion in the lifted jet flame are assessed using a Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) data for a turbulent lifted hydrogen jet flame. The joint PDFs of mixture fraction Z and progress variable c, including their statistical correlation, are obtained using a copula method, which is also validated using the DNS data. The statistically independent PDFs are found to be generally inadequate to represent the joint PDFs from the DNS data. The effects of Z-c correlation and the contribution from the non-premixed combustion mode on the flame lift-off height are studied systematically by including one effect at a time in the simulations used for a posteriori validation. A simple model including the effects of chemical kinetics and scalar dissipation rate is suggested and used for non-premixed combustion contributions. The results clearly show that both Z-c correlation and non-premixed combustion effects are required in the premixed flamelets approach to get good agreement with the measured flame lift-off heights as a function of jet velocity. The flame brush structure reported in earlier experimental studies is also captured reasonably well for various axial positions. It seems that flame stabilisation is influenced by both premixed and non-premixed combustion modes, and their mutual influences. © 2014 Taylor & Francis.


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Settlements due to underground construction represent a risk for the architectural heritage, especially in The Netherlands, because of the combination of soft soil, fragile pile foundation and brittle, un-reinforced masonry façade. Modelling of soil-structure interaction is fundamental to assess the risk of building damage due to tunnelling. This paper presents results of finite element analyses carried out with different models for a simple masonry wall. Focus is paid on the comparison between coupled, uncoupled and semi-coupled analyses, in which the soil-structure interaction is represented in different ways. In particular, the implementation of a soil-structure interface model in the numerical analyses is analysed, in order to asses its validity. The aim of the research project is the development of a damage classification system for different building typologies.