89 resultados para Soil structure interaction


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Three-dimensional bumps have been developed and investigated, aiming at the two major objectives of shock-wave / boundary-layer interaction control, i.e. drag reduction and suppression of separation, simultaneously. An experimental investigation has been conducted for a default rounded bump in channel now at University of Cambridge and a computational study has been performed for a spanwise series of rounded bumps mounted on a transonic aerofoil at University of Stuttgart. Observed in both cases are wave drag reduction owing to A-shock structures produced by three-dimensional surface bumps and mild control effects on the boundary layer. The effects of rough surface and tall extension have been investigated as well as several geometric variations and multiple bump configurations. A double configuration of narrow rounded bumps has been found to best perform amongst the tested, considerably reducing wave drag through a well-established A-shock structure with little viscous penalty and thus achieving substantial overall drag reduction. Counter-rotating streamwise vortex pairs have been produced by some configurations as a result of local flow separation, but they have been observed to be confined in relatively narrow wake regions, expected to be beneficial in suppressing large-scale separation under off-design condition despite increase of viscous drag. On the whole a large potential of three-dimensional control with discrete rounded bumps has been demonstrated both experimentally and numerically, and experimental investigation of bumps fitted on a transonic aerofoil or wing is suggested toward practical application.


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A novel supersonic wind tunnel setup is proposed to enable the investigation of control on a normal shock wave. Previous experimental arrangements were found to suffer from shock instability. Wind tunnel tests with and without control have confirmed the capability of the new setup to stabilise a shock structure at a target position without changing the nature of the shock wave / boundary layer interaction flow at M∞ = 1.3 and M ∞ = 1.5. Flow visualisation and pressure measurements with the new setup have revealed detailed characteristics of shock wave / boundary layer interactions and a λ-shock structure as well as benefits of control in total drag reduction in the presence of 3D bump control.


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A strategy to extract turbulence structures from direct numerical simulation (DNS) data is described along with a systematic analysis of geometry and spatial distribution of the educed structures. A DNS dataset of decaying homogeneous isotropic turbulence at Reynolds number Reλ = 141 is considered. A bandpass filtering procedure is shown to be effective in extracting enstrophy and dissipation structures with their smallest scales matching the filter width, L. The geometry of these educed structures is characterized and classified through the use of two non-dimensional quantities, planarity' and filamentarity', obtained using the Minkowski functionals. The planarity increases gradually by a small amount as L is decreased, and its narrow variation suggests a nearly circular cross-section for the educed structures. The filamentarity increases significantly as L decreases demonstrating that the educed structures become progressively more tubular. An analysis of the preferential alignment between the filtered strain and vorticity fields reveals that vortical structures of a given scale L are most likely to align with the largest extensional strain at a scale 3-5 times larger than L. This is consistent with the classical energy cascade picture, in which vortices of a given scale are stretched by and absorb energy from structures of a somewhat larger scale. The spatial distribution of the educed structures shows that the enstrophy structures at the 5η scale (where η is the Kolmogorov scale) are more concentrated near the ones that are 3-5 times larger, which gives further support to the classical picture. Finally, it is shown by analysing the volume fraction of the educed enstrophy structures that there is a tendency for them to cluster around a larger structure or clusters of larger structures. Copyright © 2012 Cambridge University Press.


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The structural changes occurring in supercooled liquid water upon moving from one coexisting liquid phase to the other have been investigated by computer simulation using a polarizable interaction potential model. The obtained results favorably compare with recent neutron scattering data of high and low density water. In order to assess the physical origin of the observed structural changes, computer simulation of several ice polymorphs has also been carried out. Our results show that there is a strict analogy between the structure of various disordered (supercooled) and ordered (ice) phases of water, suggesting that the occurrence of several different phases of supercooled water is rooted in the same physical origin that is responsible for ice polymorphism.


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In an earthquake, underground structures located in liquefiable soil deposits are susceptible to floatation following an earthquake event due to their lower unit weight relative to the surrounding saturated soil. Such uplift response of the buoyant structure is influenced by the soil it is buried in. In the case of a liquefiable soil deposit, the soil can lose its shear strength significantly in the event of an earthquake. If the soil liquefies fully, the buoyant structure can float towards the soil surface. However, a partly liquefied soil deposit retains some of its initial shear strength and resists the uplift. This paper discusses the different soil conditions and their influence on the uplift response of buoyant structures. © 2012 World Scientific Publishing Company.


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Results of X-ray absorption fine structure measurements in manganites (La1-xHox)2/3Ca1/3MnO3 with 0.15 < x < 0.50 are presented. When LaMnO3 is doped with a, divalent element such as Ca2+, substituting for La3+, holes are induced in the filled Mn d orbitais. This leads to a, strong ferromagnetic coupling between Mn sites. Ca ions in La1-xCa xMnO3 introduce a distortion of the crystal lattice and mixed valence Mn ions (Mn3+ and Mn4+). On the other hand, in manganites (La1-xHox)2/3Ca 1/3MnO3 the substitution of La for Ho causes a lattice distortion and induces a disorder, which reduces a magnetic interaction. The ferromagnetic transition temperature and conductivity decrease very quickly with increasing x. The magnetic and transport properties of compounds depend on the local atomic structure around Mn ions. The information on the bond lengths and Debye-Waller factor are obtained from the extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) data analysis. The charge state of Mn is determined from the position of the absorption edge in X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) data. XAFS results are in good agreement with magnetic characteristics of the studied materials.


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Fatigue stresses associated with extreme storms, vessel movements, and vortex-induced vibrations are critical to the performance of steel catenary risers. The critical location for fatigue damage often occurs within the touchdown zone, where cyclic interaction of the riser with the seabed occurs. Developing a model for seabed stiffness requires characterization of a number of complex nonlinear processes including trench formation, nonlinear soil stiffness, soil suction, and breakaway of the riser from the seafloor. The analytical framework utilized in this research considers the riser-seafloor interaction problem in terms of a pipe resting on a bed of springs, the stiffness characteristics of which are described by nonlinear load-deflection (P-y) curves. The P-y model allows for first penetration and uplift, as well as repenetration and small range motions within the bounding loop defined by extreme loading. The backbone curve is constructed from knowledge of the soil strength, the rate of strength increase with depth, trench width, and two additional parameters, while three parameters are necessary for the cyclic response. © ASCE 2009.


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This paper describes the key features of a seafloor-riser interaction model. The soil is represented in terms of non-linear load-deflection (P- y) relationships, which are also able to account for soil stiffness degradation due to cyclic loading. The analytical framework considers the riser-seafloor interaction problem in terms of a pipe resting on a bed of springs, and requires the iterative solution of a fourth-order ordinary differential equation. A series of simulations is used to illustrate the capabilities of the model. Thanks to the non-linear soil springs with stiffness degradation it is possible to simulate the trench formation process and estimate moments in a riser. Copyright © 2008 by The International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers (ISOPE).


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The use of catenary steel-compliant-riser (SCR) systems has increased as hydrocarbon production has moved progressively farther offshore and into deeper waters. The issue of fatigue damage caused by cyclic interaction of a riser with the seabed has gained prominence with the widespread use of SCRs and with the lengthening of the spans. The problem involves a number of complex factors, including trench configuration, nonlinear soil stiffness, breakaway of the riser from the seafloor, and degradation of soil resistance during cyclic loading. This paper presents a soilinteraction model capable of modeling these complexities, using input parameters that can be obtained with reasonable expenditure. Model simulations for typical offshore soft-soil conditions indicate that the model is capable of realistic predictions of cyclic bending moments. The degradation of soil resistance has a major effect on cyclic bending moments, particularly when uplift motions at the riser touchdown point (TDP) are large. © 2008 Society of Petroleum Engineers.


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The vibration behavior of piled foundations is an important consideration in fields such as earthquake engineering, construction, machine-foundation design, offshore structures, nuclear energy, and road and rail development. This paper presents a review of the past 40 years' literature on modeling the frequency-dependent behavior of pile foundations. Beginning with the earliest model of a single pile, adapted from those for embedded footings, it charts the development of the four pile-modeling techniques: the "dynamic Winkler-foundation" approach that uses springs to represent the effect of the soil; elasticcontinuum-type formulations involving the analytical solutions for displacements due to a subsurface disk, cylinder, or other element; boundary element methods; and dynamic finite-element formulations with special nonreflecting boundaries. The modeling of pile groups involves accounting for pile-soil-pile interactions, and four such methods exist: interaction factors; complete pile models; the equivalent pier method; and periodic structure theory. Approaches for validating pile models are also explored. Copyright © 2013 by ASME.


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The response of back-supported buffer plates comprising a solid face sheet and foam core backing impacted by a column of high velocity particles (sand slug) is investigated via a lumped parameter model and coupled discrete/continuum simulations. The buffer plate is either resting on (unattached) or attached to a rigid stationary foundation. The lumped parameter model is used to construct maps of the regimes of behaviour with axes of the ratio of the height of the sand slug to core thickness and the normalised core strength. Four regimes of behaviour are identified based on whether the core compression ends prior to the densification of the sand slug or vice versa. Coupled discrete/continuum simulations are also reported and compared with the lumped parameter model. While the model predicted regimes of behaviour are in excellent agreement with numerical simulations, the lumped parameter model is unable to predict the momentum transmitted to the supports as it neglects the role of elasticity in both the buffer plate and the sand slug. The numerical calculations show that the momentum transfer is minimised for intermediate values of the core strength when the so-called "soft-catch" mechanism is in play. In this regime the bounce-back of the sand slug is minimised which reduces the momentum transfer. However, in this regime, the impulse reduction is small (less than 10% of that transferred to a rigid structure). For high values of the core strength, the response of the buffer plate resembles a rigid plate with nearly no impulse mitigation while at low values of core strength, a slap event occurs when the face sheet impinges against the foundation due to full densification of the foam core. This slap event results in a significant enhancement of the momentum transfer to the foundation. The results demonstrate that appropriately designed buffer plates have potential as impulse mitigators in landmine loading situations. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Liquefaction-induced lateral spreading has been responsible for widespread damage to pile foundations in many large earthquakes. The specification of inertial and kinematic pile and pile cap demands is a particularly challenging aspect of the analysis of pile foundations in laterally spreading soils. This paper presents and examines the results from a pair of dynamic centrifuge tests focusing on pile and pile cap demands for small pile groups with different pile spacings. Inertial and kinematic pile cap forces and lateral pile group interaction are examined with regard to the overturning mechanism that dominated the pile group response. © 2014 Taylor & Francis Group.


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The effect of streamwise slots on the interaction of a normal shock wave / turbulent boundary layer has been investigated experimentally at a Mach number of 1.3. The surface pressure distribution for the controlled interaction was found to be significantly smeared, featuring a distinct plateau. This was due to a change in shock structure from a typical unseparated normal shock wave boundary layer interaction to a large bifurcated Lambda type shock pattern. Boundary layer velocity measurements downstream of the slots revealed a strong spanwise variation of boundary layer properties whereas the modified shock structure was relatively twodimensional. Oil flow visualisation indicated that in the presence of slots the boundary layer surface flow was highly three dimensional and confirmed that the effect of slots was mainly due to suction and blowing similar to that for passive control with uniform surface ventilation. Three hole probe measurements confirmed that the boundary layer was three dimensional and that the slots introduced vortical motion into the flowfield. Results indicate that when applied to an aerofoil, the control device has the potential to reduce wave drag while incurring only small viscous penalties. The introduction of streamwise vorticity may also be beneficial to delay trailing edge separation and the device is thought to be capable of postponing buffet onset. © 2001 by A N Smith.


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The influence of the turbulence-chemistry interaction (TCI) for n-heptane sprays under diesel engine conditions has been investigated by means of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations. The conditional moment closure approach, which has been previously validated thoroughly for such flows, and the homogeneous reactor (i.e. no turbulent combustion model) approach have been compared, in view of the recent resurgence of the latter approaches for diesel engine CFD. Experimental data available from a constant-volume combustion chamber have been used for model validation purposes for a broad range of conditions including variations in ambient oxygen (8-21% by vol.), ambient temperature (900 and 1000 K) and ambient density (14.8 and 30 kg/m3). The results from both numerical approaches have been compared to the experimental values of ignition delay (ID), flame lift-off length (LOL), and soot volume fraction distributions. TCI was found to have a weak influence on ignition delay for the conditions simulated, attributed to the low values of the scalar dissipation relative to the critical value above which auto-ignition does not occur. In contrast, the flame LOL was considerably affected, in particular at low oxygen concentrations. Quasi-steady soot formation was similar; however, pronounced differences in soot oxidation behaviour are reported. The differences were further emphasised for a case with short injection duration: in such conditions, TCI was found to play a major role concerning the soot oxidation behaviour because of the importance of soot-oxidiser structure in mixture fraction space. Neglecting TCI leads to a strong over-estimation of soot oxidation after the end of injection. The results suggest that for some engines, and for some phenomena, the neglect of turbulent fluctuations may lead to predictions of acceptable engineering accuracy, but that a proper turbulent combustion model is needed for more reliable results. © 2014 Taylor & Francis.