96 resultados para Methane seep environments


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Experimental results are presented from a series of turbulent methane/air stratified flames stabilized on a swirl burner. Nine operating conditions are considered, systematically varying the level of stratification and swirl while maintaining a lean global mean equivalence ratio of φ̄=0.75. Scalar data are obtained from Rayleigh/Raman/CO laser induced fluorescence (CO-LIF) line measurements at 103μm resolution, allowing the behavior of the major combustion species-CH 4, CO 2, CO, H 2, H 2O and O 2-to be probed within the instantaneous flame front. The corresponding three-dimensional surface density function and thermal scalar dissipation rate are investigated, along with geometric characteristics of the flame such as curvature and flame thickness. Hydrogen and carbon monoxide levels within the flame brush are raised by stratification, indicating models with laminar premixed flame chemistry may not be suitable for stratified flames. However, flame surface density, scalar dissipation and curvature all appear insensitive to the degree of stratification in the flames surveyed. © 2012 The Combustion Institute.


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We review some recently published methods to represent atomic neighbourhood environments, and analyse their relative merits in terms of their faithfulness and suitability for fitting potential energy surfaces. The crucial properties that such representations (sometimes called descriptors) must have are differentiability with respect to moving the atoms, and invariance to the basic symmetries of physics: rotation, reflection, translation, and permutation of atoms of the same species. We demonstrate that certain widely used descriptors that initially look quite different are specific cases of a general approach, in which a finite set of basis functions with increasing angular wave numbers are used to expand the atomic neighbourhood density function. Using the example system of small clusters, we quantitatively show that this expansion needs to be carried to higher and higher wave numbers as the number of neighbours increases in order to obtain a faithful representation, and that variants of the descriptors converge at very different rates. We also propose an altogether new approach, called Smooth Overlap of Atomic Positions (SOAP), that sidesteps these difficulties by directly defining the similarity between any two neighbourhood environments, and show that it is still closely connected to the invariant descriptors. We test the performance of the various representations by fitting models to the potential energy surface of small silicon clusters and the bulk crystal.


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The performance of porous blocks containing three different reactive magnesia-based cements - namely magnesia alone, magnesium oxide: Portland cement (PC) in 1:1 ratio, cured in ambient conditions, and magnesia alone, cured at elevated carbon dioxide conditions, in hydrochloric acid and magnesium sulfate solution - was investigated. Different aggressive chemical solution conditions were used, to which the samples were exposed for up to 12 months and then tested for strength and microstructure. The performance was also compared with that of standard PC-based blocks. The results showed the significant resistance to chemical attack offered by magnesia, both alone and with PC blend in the porous blocks when cured under ambient carbon dioxide conditions, and confirmed the much poorer performance of blocks made from PC alone. The blocks of solely magnesia cured in elevated carbon dioxide conditions, at 20% concentration, showed slightly lower resistance to acid attack than PC; however, the resistance to sulfate attack was much higher. © 2012 Thomas Telford Ltd.


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In this study a 5-step reduced chemical kinetic mechanism involving nine species is developed for combustion of Blast Furnace Gas (BFG), a multi-component fuel containing CO/H2/CH4/CO2, typically with low hydrogen, methane and high water fractions, for conditions relevant for stationary gas-turbine combustion. This reduced mechanism is obtained from a 49-reaction skeletal mechanism which is a modified subset of GRI Mech 3.0. The skeletal and reduced mechanisms are validated for laminar flame speeds, ignition delay times and flame structure with available experimental data, and using computational results with a comprehensive set of elementary reactions. Overall, both the skeletal and reduced mechanisms show a very good agreement over a wide range of pressure, reactant temperature and fuel mixture composition. © 2012 The Combustion Institute..


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The effects of stratification on a series of highly swirling turbulent flames under globally lean conditions (φg=0.75) are investigated using a new high-spatial resolution multi-scalar dataset. This dataset features two key properties: high spatial resolution which approaches the 60 micron optical limit of the measurement system, and a wavelet oversampling methodology which significantly reduces the influence of noise. Furthermore, the very large number of realizations (30,000) acquired in the stratified cases permits statistically significant results to be obtained even after aggressive conditioning is applied. Data are doubly conditioned on equivalence ratio and the degree of stratification across the flame in each instantaneous realization. The influence of stoichiometry is limited by conditioning on the equivalence ratio at the location of peak CO mass fraction, which is shown to be a good surrogate for the location of peak heat release rate, while the stratification is quantified using a linear gradient in equivalence ratio across the instantaneous flame front. This advanced conditioning enables robust comparisons with the baseline lean premixed flame. Species mass fractions of both carbon monoxide and hydrogen are increased in temperature space under stratified conditions. Stratification is also shown to significantly increase thermal gradients, yet the derived three-dimensional flame surface density is shown to be relatively insensitive to stratification. Whilst the presence of instantaneous stratification broadens the curvature distribution relative to the premixed case, the degree of broadening is not significantly influenced by the range of global stratification ratios examined in this study. © 2012 The Combustion Institute.


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We present an alternative method of producing density stratifications in the laboratory based on the 'double-tank' method proposed by Oster (Sci Am 213:70-76, 1965). We refer to Oster's method as the 'forced-drain' approach, as the volume flow rates between connecting tanks are controlled by mechanical pumps. We first determine the range of density profiles that may be established with the forced-drain approach other than the linear stratification predicted by Oster. The dimensionless density stratification is expressed analytically as a function of three ratios: the volume flow rate ratio n, the ratio of the initial liquid volumes λ and the ratio of the initial densities ψ. We then propose a method which does not require pumps to control the volume flow rates but instead allows the connecting tanks to drain freely under gravity. This is referred to as the 'free-drain' approach. We derive an expression for the density stratification produced and compare our predictions with saline stratifications established in the laboratory using the 'free-drain' extension of Oster's method. To assist in the practical application of our results we plot the region of parameter space that yield concave/convex or linear density profiles for both forced-drain and free-drain approaches. The free-drain approach allows the experimentalist to produce a broad range of density profiles by varying the initial liquid depths, cross-sectional and drain opening areas of the tanks. One advantage over the original Oster approach is that density profiles with an inflexion point can now be established. © 2008 Springer-Verlag.


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Flames propagating through a mixture with a gradient of equivalence ratio have been previously demonstrated to travel faster or slower than their equivalent premixed flames. The present study aims to numerically investigate the response of strained laminar methane-air flames to such gradients. The flames are simulated in a counterflow configuration where a premixed reactant stream at equivalence ratio φR opposes a hot equilibrium stream at equivalence ratio φP. Premixed and stratified flames are compared with respect to the equivalence ratio φ* and the corresponding gradient ∇φ* at the point of peak heat release rate, for three strain rates, a=50, 300 and 500s-1 and a range of φ*. The effect of different stratification levels is also investigated by varying the ratio of φP to φR, Θ. Results indicate that, as long as flames stabilize within the diffusion layer and Θ>1, increased heat release rate Q is seen throughout the progress variable space in comparison to the premixed state. In contrast, an attenuation of heat release rate is seen for Θ<1. The enhancement (or attenuation) of heat release varies monotonically with Θ. The effect of stratification on flame behavior becomes more pronounced as the strain rate increases. The present study reveals the mechanisms for the propagation of quasi-steady stratified flames under lean and rich conditions: stratified flames are primarily dominated by the diffusion of heat under lean conditions, and diffusion of H2 under rich conditions. Thanks to species and thermal support, stratified flames continue to burn beyond the premixed lean and rich flammability limits. Further investigation on the unsteady response of flames to the fluctuating equivalence ratio implies that the steady results represent the unsteady response well, as long as φ* and ∇φ* are similar in both steady and unsteady cases. © 2013 The Combustion Institute.


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This paper presents flow field measurements for the turbulent stratified burner introduced in two previous publications in which high resolution scalar measurements were made by Sweeney et al. [1,2] for model validation. The flow fields of the series of premixed and stratified methane/air flames are investigated under turbulent, globally lean conditions (φg=0.75). Velocity data acquired with laser Doppler anemometry (LDA) and particle image velocimetry (PIV) are presented and discussed. Pairwise 2-component LDA measurements provide profiles of axial velocity, radial velocity, tangential velocity and corresponding fluctuating velocities. The LDA measurements of axial and tangential velocities enable the swirl number to be evaluated and the degree of swirl characterized. Power spectral density and autocorrelation functions derived from the LDA data acquired at 10kHz are optimized to calculate the integral time scales. Flow patterns are obtained using a 2-component PIV system operated at 7Hz. Velocity profiles and spatial correlations derived from the PIV and LDA measurements are shown to be in very good agreement, thus offering 3D mapping of the velocities. A strong correlation was observed between the shape of the recirculation zones above the central bluff body and the effects of heat release, stoichiometry and swirl. Detailed analyses of the LDA data further demonstrate that the flow behavior changes significantly with the levels of swirl and stratification, which combines the contributions of dilatation, recirculation and swirl. Key turbulence parameters are derived from the total velocity components, combining axial, radial and tangential velocities. © 2013 The Combustion Institute.


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Methane hydrate bearing soil has attracted increasing interest as a potential energy resource where methane gas can be extracted from dissociating hydrate-bearing sediments. Seismic testing techniques have been applied extensively and in various ways, to detect the presence of hydrates, due to the fact that hydrates increase the stiffness of hydrate-bearing sediments. With the recognition of the limitations of laboratory and field tests, wave propagation modelling using Discrete Element Method (DEM) was conducted in this study in order to provide some particle-scale insights on the hydrate-bearing sandy sediment models with pore-filling and cementation hydrate distributions. The relationship between shear wave velocity and hydrate saturation was established by both DEM simulations and analytical solutions. Obvious differences were observed in the dependence of wave velocity on hydrate saturation for these two cases. From the shear wave velocity measurement and particle-scale analysis, it was found that the small-strain mechanical properties of hydrate-bearing sandy sediments are governed by both the hydrate distribution patterns and hydrate saturation. © 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.