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Detailed experimental investigations of the amplitude dependence of flame describing functions (FDF) were performed using a stratified swirl-stabilized combustor, in order to understand the combustion-acoustic interactions of CH4/air flames propagating into nonhomogeneous reactant stoichiometry. Phase-synchronized OH planar laser induced fluorescence (OH PLIF) measurements were used to investigate local reaction zone structures of forced flames. To determine the amplitude-and frequency-dependent forced flame response, simultaneous measurements of inlet velocity and heat release rate oscillations were made using a constant temperature anemometer and photomultiplier tubes with narrow-band OH*/CH* interference filters. The measurements were made over a wide range of stratification ratios, including inner stream enrichment ( θ o>θ i) and outer stream enrichment ( θ o>θ i)) conditions, and compared to the baseline condition of spatially and temporally homogeneous cases ( θ o=θ i)). Results show that for the inlet conditions investigated, fuel stratification has a significant influence on local and global flame structures of unforced and forced flames. Under stratified conditions, length scales of local contours were found to be much larger than the homogeneous case due to high kinematic viscosities associated with high temperature. Stratification has a remarkable effect on flame-vortex interactions when the flame is subjected to high-amplitude acoustic forcing, leading to different evolution patterns of FDF (amplitude and disturbance convective time) in response to the amplitude of the imposed inlet velocity oscillation. The present experimental investigation reveals that intentional stratification has the potential to eliminate or suppress the occurrence of detrimental combustion instability problems in lean-premixed gas turbine combustion systems. © 2012 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.


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BACKGROUND: Individuals with osteoporosis are predisposed to hip fracture during trips, stumbles or falls, but half of all hip fractures occur in those without generalised osteoporosis. By analysing ordinary clinical CT scans using a novel cortical thickness mapping technique, we discovered patches of markedly thinner bone at fracture-prone regions in the femurs of women with acute hip fracture compared with controls. METHODS: We analysed CT scans from 75 female volunteers with acute fracture and 75 age- and sex-matched controls. We classified the fracture location as femoral neck or trochanteric before creating bone thickness maps of the outer 'cortical' shell of the intact contra-lateral hip. After registration of each bone to an average femur shape and statistical parametric mapping, we were able to visualise and quantify statistically significant foci of thinner cortical bone associated with each fracture type, assuming good symmetry of bone structure between the intact and fractured hip. The technique allowed us to pinpoint systematic differences and display the results on a 3D average femur shape model. FINDINGS: The cortex was generally thinner in femoral neck fracture cases than controls. More striking were several discrete patches of statistically significant thinner bone of up to 30%, which coincided with common sites of fracture initiation (femoral neck or trochanteric). INTERPRETATION: Femoral neck fracture patients had a thumbnail-sized patch of focal osteoporosis at the upper head-neck junction. This region coincided with a weak part of the femur, prone to both spontaneous 'tensile' fractures of the femoral neck, and as a site of crack initiation when falling sideways. Current hip fracture prevention strategies are based on case finding: they involve clinical risk factor estimation to determine the need for single-plane bone density measurement within a standard region of interest (ROI) of the femoral neck. The precise sites of focal osteoporosis that we have identified are overlooked by current 2D bone densitometry methods.


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This paper analyzes the forced response of swirl-stabilized lean-premixed flames to acoustic forcing in a laboratory-scale stratified burner. The double-swirler, double-channel annular burner was specially designed to generate acoustic velocity oscillations and radial fuel stratification at the inlet of the combustion chamber. Temporal oscillations of equivalence ratio along the axial direction are dissipated over a long distance, and therefore the effects of time-varying fuel/air ratio on the flame response are not considered. Simultaneous measurements of inlet velocity and heat release rate oscillations were made using a hot wire anemometer and photomultiplier tubes with narrowband OH*/CH* interference filters. Time-averaged CH* chemiluminescence intensities were measured using an intensified CCD camera. Results show that flame stabilization mechanisms vary depending on stratification ratio for a constant global equivalence ratio. For a uniformly premixed condition, an enveloped M-shaped flame is observed. For stratified conditions, however, a dihedral V-flame and a detached flame are developed for outer stream and inner stream fuel enrichment cases, respectively. Flame transfer function (FTF) measurement results indicate that a V-shaped flame tends to damp incident flow oscillations, while a detached flame acts as a strong amplifier relative to the uniformly premixed condition. The phase difference of FTF increases in the presence of stratification. More importantly, the dynamic characteristics obtained from the forced stratified flame measurements are well correlated with unsteady flame behavior under limit-cycle pressure oscillations. The results presented in this paper provide insight into the impact of nonuniform reactant stoichiometry on combustion instabilities, which has not been well explored to date. Copyright © 2011 by ASME.


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Our society is addicted to steel. Global demand for steel has risen to 1.4 billion tonnes a year and is set to at least double by 2050, while the steel industry generates nearly a 10th of the world's energy related CO₂ emissions. Meeting our 2050 climate change targets would require a 75% reduction in CO₂ emissions for every tonne of steel produced and finding credible solutions is proving a challenge. The starting point for understanding the environmental impacts of steel production is to accurately map the global steel supply chain and identify the biggest steel flows where actions can be directed to deliver the largest impact. In this paper we present a map of global steel, which for the first time traces steel flows from steelmaking, through casting, forming, and rolling, to the fabrication of final goods. The diagram reveals the relative scale of steel flows and shows where efforts to improve energy and material efficiency should be focused.


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One of the major challenges in high-speed fan stages used in compact, embedded propulsion systems is inlet distortion noise. A body-force-based approach for the prediction of multiple-pure-tone (MPT) noise was previously introduced and validated. In this paper, it is employed with the objective of quantifying the effects of nonuniform flow on the generation and propagation of MPT noise. First-of-their-kind back-to-back coupled aero-acoustic computations were carried out using the new approach for conventional and serpentine inlets. Both inlets delivered flow to the same NASA/GE R4 fan rotor at equal corrected mass flow rates. Although the source strength at the fan is increased by 38 dB in sound power level due to the nonuniform inflow, far-field noise for the serpentine inlet duct is increased on average by only 3.1 dBA overall sound pressure level in the forward arc. This is due to the redistribution of acoustic energy to frequencies below 11 times the shaft frequency and the apparent cut-off of tones at higher frequencies including blade-passing tones. The circumferential extent of the inlet swirl distortion at the fan was found to be two blade pitches, or 1/11th of the circumference, suggesting a relationship between the circumferential extent of the inlet distortion and the apparent cut-off frequency perceived in the far field. A first-principles-based model of the generation of shock waves from a transonic rotor in nonuniform flow showed that the effects of nonuniform flow on acoustic wave propagation, which cannot be captured by the simplified model, are more dominant than those of inlet flow distortion on source noise. It demonstrated that nonlinear, coupled aerodynamic and aero-acoustic computations, such as those presented in this paper, are necessary to assess the propagation through nonuniform mean flow. A parametric study of serpentine inlet designs is underway to quantify these propagation effects. © 2013 American Society of Mechanical Engineers.


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Demand for aluminum in final products has increased 30-fold since 1950 to 45 million tonnes per year, with forecasts predicting this exceptional growth to continue so that demand will reach 2-3 times today's levels by 2050. Aluminum production uses 3.5% of global electricity and causes 1% of global CO2 emissions, while meeting a 50% cut in emissions by 2050 against growing demand would require at least a 75% reduction in CO2 emissions per tonne of aluminum produced--a challenging prospect. In this paper we trace the global flows of aluminum from liquid metal to final products, revealing for the first time a complete map of the aluminum system and providing a basis for future study of the emissions abatement potential of material efficiency. The resulting Sankey diagram also draws attention to two key issues. First, around half of all liquid aluminum (~39 Mt) produced each year never reaches a final product, and a detailed discussion of these high yield losses shows significant opportunities for improvement. Second, aluminum recycling, which avoids the high energy costs and emissions of electrolysis, requires signification "dilution" (~ 8 Mt) and "cascade" (~ 6 Mt) flows of higher aluminum grades to make up for the shortfall in scrap supply and to obtain the desired alloy mix, increasing the energy required for recycling.


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The aim of this report is to compare the trapped field distribution under a local heating created at the sample edge for different sample morphologies. Hall probe mappings of the magnetic induction trapped in YBCO bulk samples maintained out of thermal equilibrium were performed on YBCO bulk single domains, YBCO single domains with regularly spaced hole arrays, and YBCO superconducting foams. The capability of heat draining was quantified by two criteria: the average induction decay and the size of the thermally affected zone caused by a local heating of the sample. Among the three investigated sample shapes, the drilled single domain displays a trapped induction which is weakly affected by the local heating while displaying a high trapped field. Finally, a simple numerical modelling of the heat flux spreading into a drilled sample is used to suggest some design rules about the hole configuration and their size. © 2005 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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A new model is presented which describes the growth of the duplex layers of Fe3O4 on mild steel in high temperature, deoxygenated, neutral or alkaline aqueous solutions. It is shown that the layers grow by the ingress of water along oxide micropores to the metal-oxide interface and by the rate-limiting outward diffusion of Fe ions along oxide grain boundaries. The new model accounts for the observed temperature-dependence and pH-dependence of the corrosion, the morphology of inner and outer layer crystallites, the segregation of alloying elements, and the location of hydrogen evolution. The model can also be generalized to other steels and alloys. © 1989.


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This paper presents some new criteria for uniform and nonuniform asymptotic stability of equilibria for time-variant differential equations and this within a Lyapunov approach. The stability criteria are formulated in terms of certain observability conditions with the output derived from the Lyapunov function. For some classes of systems, this system theoretic interpretation proves to be fruitful since - after establishing the invariance of observability under output injection - this enables us to check the stability criteria on a simpler system. This procedure is illustrated for some classical examples.


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Today's fast-paced, dynamic environments mean that for organizations to keep "ahead of the game", engineering managers need to maximize current opportunities and avoid repeating past mistakes. This article describes the development study of a collaborative strategic management tool - the Experience Scan to capture past experience and apply learning from this to present and future situations. Experience Scan workshops were held in a number of different technology organizations, developing and refining the tool until its format stabilized. From participants' feedback, the workshop-based tool was judged to be a useful and efficient mechanism for communication and knowledge management, contributing to organizational learning.