96 resultados para Lattice-Valued Fuzzy connectives. Extensions. Retractions. E-operators


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An explanation for the observed variations in the output behaviour of SOI transistors with different buried oxide thicknesses is presented. At low drain bias, the temperature effects are relatively insignificant while at high drain bias, the temperature effects dominate the nonlinear behaviour of the output characteristics.


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A single-contact, mode-hop-free, single longitudinal mode laser operating cw under large signal modulation at 2.5 Gbit/s at room temperature was created by introducing a short etched region around the ridge-waveguide of a Fabry-Perot laser. The device could be suitable for use in extended range data communications applications.


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It is shown that 2D lattice gratings, despite being placed outside the waveguide region, exhibit sufficiently strong coupling coefficients that optical modes rapidly couple transversely into the etched grating region, yielding high coupling coefficients of 270cm-1. This performance allows mode-hop-free lasing operation in DBR structures.


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This paper will report studies of the placement of 2D photonic gratings on either side of the ridge in a Fabry Perot laser device in order to cause single mode emission. Using this approach, side mode suppression ratios of up to 30 dB are achieved, the emission remaining single mode even under 10 Gb/s large signal modulation. It is found that the use of the grating not only causes spectrally dependent reflection but in addition can lead to transverse mode fluctuations. The action of the grating has been studied not just in terms of its edge emission where conversion of the transverse modes is achieved, but also through measurement of the vertical emission from the structure where strong filtering action is observed.


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Field angle dependent critical current, magneto-optical microscopy and high resolution electron microscopy studies have been performed on YBa2Cu3O7-delta thin films grown on miscut substrates. High resolution electron microscopy images show that the films studied exhibited clean epitaxial growth with a low density of antiphase boundaries and stacking faults. Any antiphase boundaries (APBs) formed near the film substrate interface rapidly healed rather than extending through the thickness of the film. Unlike vicinal films grown on annealed substrates, which contain a high density of antiphase boundaries, magneto-optical imaging showed no filamentary flux penetration in the films studied. The flux penetration is, however, asymmetric. This is associated with intrinsic pinning of flux strings by the tilted a-b planes and the dependence of the pinning force on the angle between the local field and the a-b planes. Field angle dependent critical current measurements exhibited the striking vortex channeling effect previously reported in vicinal films. By combining the results of three complementary characterization techniques it is shown that extended APB free films exhibit markedly different critical current behavior compared to APB rich films. This is attributed to the role of APB sites as strong pinning centers for Josephson string vortices between the a-b planes. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.


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Product innovativeness is a primary contingent factor to be addressed for the development of flexible management for the front-end. However, due to complexity of this early phase of the innovation process, the definition of which attributes to customise is critical to support a contingent approach. Therefore, this study investigates front-end attributes that need to be customised to permit effective management for different degrees of innovation. To accomplish this aim, a literature review and five case studies were performed. The findings highlighted the front-end strategic and operational levels as factors influencing the front-end attributes related to product innovativeness. In conclusion, this study suggests that two front-end attributes should be customised: development activities and decision-making approach. Copyright © 2011 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.


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A lattice Boltzmann method is used to model gas-solid reactions where the composition of both the gas and solid phase changes with time, while the boundary between phases remains fixed. The flow of the bulk gas phase is treated using a multiple relaxation time MRT D3Q19 model; the dilute reactant is treated as a passive scalar using a single relaxation time BGK D3Q7 model with distinct inter- and intraparticle diffusivities. A first-order reaction is incorporated by modifying the method of Sullivan et al. [13] to include the conversion of a solid reactant. The detailed computational model is able to capture the multiscale physics encountered in reactor systems. Specifically, the model reproduced steady state analytical solutions for the reaction of a porous catalyst sphere (pore scale) and empirical solutions for mass transfer to the surface of a sphere at Re=10 (particle scale). Excellent quantitative agreement between the model and experiments for the transient reduction of a single, porous sphere of Fe 2O 3 to Fe 3O 4 in CO at 1023K and 10 5Pa is demonstrated. Model solutions for the reduction of a packed bed of Fe 2O 3 (reactor scale) at identical conditions approached those of experiments after 25 s, but required prohibitively long processor times. The presented lattice Boltzmann model resolved successfully mass transport at the pore, particle and reactor scales and highlights the relevance of LB methods for modelling convection, diffusion and reaction physics. © 2012 Elsevier Inc.


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Choosing a project manager for a construction project—particularly, large projects—is a critical project decision. The selection process involves different criteria and should be in accordance with company policies and project specifications. Traditionally, potential candidates are interviewed and the most qualified are selected in compliance with company priorities and project conditions. Precise computing models that could take various candidates’ information into consideration and then pinpoint the most qualified person with a high degree of accuracy would be beneficial. On the basis of the opinions of experienced construction company managers, this paper, through presenting a fuzzy system, identifies the important criteria in selecting a project manager. The proposed fuzzy system is based on IF-THEN rules; a genetic algorithm improves the overall accuracy as well as the functions used by the fuzzy system to make initial estimates of the cluster centers for fuzzy c-means clustering. Moreover, a back-propagation neutral network method was used to train the system. The optimal measures of the inference parameters were identified by calculating the system’s output error and propagating this error within the system. After specifying the system parameters, the membership function parameters—which by means of clustering and projection were approximated—were tuned with the genetic algorithm. Results from this system in selecting project managers show its high capability in making high-quality personnel predictions


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The paper presents a multiscale procedure for the linear analysis of components made of lattice materials. The method allows the analysis of both pin-jointed and rigid-jointed microtruss materials with arbitrary topology of the unit cell. At the macroscopic level, the procedure enables to determine the lattice stiffness, while at the microscopic level the internal forces in the lattice elements are expressed in terms of the macroscopic strain applied to the lattice component. A numeric validation of the method is described. The procedure is completely automated and can be easily used within an optimization framework to find the optimal geometric parameters of a given lattice material. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Lattice materials are characterized at the microscopic level by a regular pattern of voids confined by walls. Recent rapid prototyping techniques allow their manufacturing from a wide range of solid materials, ensuring high degrees of accuracy and limited costs. The microstructure of lattice material permits to obtain macroscopic properties and structural performance, such as very high stiffness to weight ratios, highly anisotropy, high specific energy dissipation capability and an extended elastic range, which cannot be attained by uniform materials. Among several applications, lattice materials are of special interest for the design of morphing structures, energy absorbing components and hard tissue scaffold for biomedical prostheses. Their macroscopic mechanical properties can be finely tuned by properly selecting the lattice topology and the material of the walls. Nevertheless, since the number of the design parameters involved is very high, and their correlation to the final macroscopic properties of the material is quite complex, reliable and robust multiscale mechanics analysis and design optimization tools are a necessary aid for their practical application. In this paper, the optimization of lattice materials parameters is illustrated with reference to the design of a bracket subjected to a point load. Given the geometric shape and the boundary conditions of the component, the parameters of four selected topologies have been optimized to concurrently maximize the component stiffness and minimize its mass. Copyright © 2011 by ASME.


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The fundamental aim of clustering algorithms is to partition data points. We consider tasks where the discovered partition is allowed to vary with some covariate such as space or time. One approach would be to use fragmentation-coagulation processes, but these, being Markov processes, are restricted to linear or tree structured covariate spaces. We define a partition-valued process on an arbitrary covariate space using Gaussian processes. We use the process to construct a multitask clustering model which partitions datapoints in a similar way across multiple data sources, and a time series model of network data which allows cluster assignments to vary over time. We describe sampling algorithms for inference and apply our method to defining cancer subtypes based on different types of cellular characteristics, finding regulatory modules from gene expression data from multiple human populations, and discovering time varying community structure in a social network.


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Besides the Kondo effect observed in dilute magnetic alloys, the Cr-doped perovskite manganate compounds La0.7 Ca0.3 Mn1-x Crx O3 also exhibit Kondo effect and spin-glass freezing in a certain composition range. An extensive investigation for the La0.7 Ca0.3 Mn1-x Crx O3 (x=0.01, 0.05, 0.10, 0.3, 0.6, and 1.0) system on the magnetization and ac susceptibility, the resistivity and magnetoresistance, as well as the thermal conductivity is done at low temperature. The spin-glass behavior has been confirmed for these compounds with x=0.05, 0.1, and 0.3. For temperatures above Tf (the spin-glass freezing temperature) a Curie-Weiss law is obeyed. The paramagnetic Curie temperature θ is dependent on Cr doping. Below Tf there exists a Kondo minimum in the resistivity. Colossal magnetoresistance has been observed in this system with Cr concentration up to x=0.6. We suppose that the substitution of Mn with Cr dilutes Mn ions and changes the long-range ferromagnetic order of La0.7 Ca0.3 MnO3. These behaviors demonstrate that short-range ferromagnetic correlation and fluctuation exist among Mn spins far above Tf. Furthermore, these interactions are a precursor of the cooperative freezing at Tf. The "double bumps" feature in the resistivity-temperature curve is observed in compounds with x=0.05 and 0.1. The phonon scattering is enhanced at low temperatures, where the second peak of double bumps comes out. The results indicate that the spin-cluster effect and lattice deformation induce Kondo effect, spin-glass freezing, and strong phonon scattering in mixed perovskite La0.7 Ca0.3 Mn1-x Crx O3. © 2005 American Institute of Physics.