101 resultados para GRASP filtering


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Multiwalled carbon nanotubes display dielectric properties similar to those of graphite, which can be calculated using the well known Drude-Lorentz model. However, most computational softwares lack the capacity to directly incorporate this model into the simulations. We present the finite element modeling of optical propagation through periodic arrays of multiwalled carbon nanotubes. The dielectric function of nanotubes was incorporated into the model by using polynomial curve fitting technique. The computational analysis revealed interesting metamaterial filtering effects displayed by the highly dense square lattice arrays of carbon nanotubes, having lattice constants of the order few hundred nanometers. The curve fitting results for the dielectric function can also be used for simulating other interesting optical applications based on nanotube arrays.


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The field emissions from three different types of carbon films are studied using a Kiethly voltage-current source-measure unit under computer control. The three types of carbon films are : 1) a-C:H:N deposited using an inductively coupled rf PECVD process, where the N content in the films can be as high as 30 at %; 2) cathodic arc deposited tetrahedral amorphous carbon with embedded regions of carbon nanotube and anion structures and 3) unoriented carbon nanotube films on a porous substrate. The films are formed by filtering a solution of nanotubes dispersed in alcohol through the pores and drying.


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An algorithm to compute the silent base flow sources of sound in a jet is introduced. The algorithm is based on spatiotemporal filtering of the flow field and is applicable to multifrequency sources. It is applied to an axisymmetric laminar jet and the resulting sources are validated successfully. The sources are compared to those obtained from two classical acoustic analogies, based on quiescent and time-averaged base flows. The comparison demonstrates how the silent base flow sources shed light on the sound generation process. It is shown that the dominant source mechanism in the axisymmetric laminar jet is "shear-noise," which is a linear mechanism. The algorithm presented here could be applied to fully turbulent flows to understand the aerodynamic noise-generation mechanism.


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Synapses exhibit an extraordinary degree of short-term malleability, with release probabilities and effective synaptic strengths changing markedly over multiple timescales. From the perspective of a fixed computational operation in a network, this seems like a most unacceptable degree of added variability. We suggest an alternative theory according to which short-term synaptic plasticity plays a normatively-justifiable role. This theory starts from the commonplace observation that the spiking of a neuron is an incomplete, digital, report of the analog quantity that contains all the critical information, namely its membrane potential. We suggest that a synapse solves the inverse problem of estimating the pre-synaptic membrane potential from the spikes it receives, acting as a recursive filter. We show that the dynamics of short-term synaptic depression closely resemble those required for optimal filtering, and that they indeed support high quality estimation. Under this account, the local postsynaptic potential and the level of synaptic resources track the (scaled) mean and variance of the estimated presynaptic membrane potential. We make experimentally testable predictions for how the statistics of subthreshold membrane potential fluctuations and the form of spiking non-linearity should be related to the properties of short-term plasticity in any particular cell type.


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Recent developments in modeling driver steering control with preview are reviewed. While some validation with experimental data has been presented, the rigorous application of formal system identification methods has not yet been attempted. This paper describes a steering controller based on linear model-predictive control. An indirect identification method that minimizes steering angle prediction error is developed. Special attention is given to filtering the prediction error so as to avoid identification bias that arises from the closed-loop operation of the driver-vehicle system. The identification procedure is applied to data collected from 14 test drivers performing double lane change maneuvers in an instrumented vehicle. It is found that the identification procedure successfully finds parameter values for the model that give small prediction errors. The procedure is also able to distinguish between the different steering strategies adopted by the test drivers. © 2006 IEEE.


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Design rationale is an effective way of capturing knowledge, since it records the issues addressed, the options considered, and the arguments used when specific decisions are made during the design process. Design rationale is generally captured by identifying elements and their dependencies, i.e. in a structured way. Current retrieval methods focus mainly on either the classification of rationale or on keyword-based searches of records. Keyword-based retrieval is reasonably effective as the information in design rationale records is mainly described using text. However, most of the current keyword-based retrieval methods discard the implicit structures of these records, resulting either in poor precision of retrieval or in isolated pieces of information that are difficult to understand. This ongoing research aims to go beyond keyword-based retrieval by developing methods and tools to facilitate the provision of useful design knowledge in new design projects. Our first step is to understand the structured information derived from the relationship between lumps of text held in different nodes in the design rationale captured via a software tool currently used in industry, and study how this information can be utilised to improve retrieval performance. Specifically, methods for utilising various structured information are developed and implemented on a prototype keyword-based retrieval system developed in our earlier work. The implementation and evaluation of these methods shows that the structured information can be utilised in a number of ways, such as filtering the results and providing more complete information. This allows the retrieval system to present results that are easy to understand, and which closely match designers' queries. Like design rationale, other methods for representing design knowledge also in essence involve structured information and thus the methods proposed can be generalised to be adapted and applied for the retrieval of other kinds of design knowledge. Copyright © 2002-2012 The Design Society. All rights reserved.


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Aside from cracks, the impact of other surface defects, such as air pockets and discoloration, can be detrimental to the quality of concrete in terms of strength, appearance and durability. For this reason, local and national codes provide standards for quantifying the quality impact of these concrete surface defects and owners plan for regular visual inspections to monitor surface conditions. However, manual visual inspection of concrete surfaces is a qualitative (and subjective) process with often unreliable results due to its reliance on inspectors’ own criteria and experience. Also, it is labor intensive and time-consuming. This paper presents a novel, automated concrete surface defects detection and assessment approach that addresses these issues by automatically quantifying the extent of surface deterioration. According to this approach, images of the surface shot from a certain angle/distance can be used to automatically detect the number and size of surface air pockets, and the degree of surface discoloration. The proposed method uses histogram equalization and filtering to extract such defects and identify their properties (e.g. size, shape, location). These properties are used to quantify the degree of impact on the concrete surface quality and provide a numerical tool to help inspectors accurately evaluate concrete surfaces. The method has been implemented in C++ and results that validate its performance are presented.


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We present a novel filtering algorithm for tracking multiple clusters of coordinated objects. Based on a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) mechanism, the new algorithm propagates a discrete approximation of the underlying filtering density. A dynamic Gaussian mixture model is utilized for representing the time-varying clustering structure. This involves point process formulations of typical behavioral moves such as birth and death of clusters as well as merging and splitting. For handling complex, possibly large scale scenarios, the sampling efficiency of the basic MCMC scheme is enhanced via the use of a Metropolis within Gibbs particle refinement step. As the proposed methodology essentially involves random set representations, a new type of estimator, termed the probability hypothesis density surface (PHDS), is derived for computing point estimates. It is further proved that this estimator is optimal in the sense of the mean relative entropy. Finally, the algorithm's performance is assessed and demonstrated in both synthetic and realistic tracking scenarios. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We demonstrate metamaterials operating in the near-visible regime based on two-dimensional arrays of gold-coated silicon nanopillars. The nanopillar arrays demonstrate a cutoff response at the metamaterial plasma frequency in accordance with theory and can be utilized for filtering applications. A plasma frequency in the near visible region of λ = 1 μm is calculated numerically for an array with a lattice constant of 300 nm and wire radius of 50 nm, with reflection measurements in agreement with numerical calculations. Such structures can be utilized for achieving negative-index based metamaterials for the visible spectrum. © 2012 American Institute of Physics.


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In this article, we develop a new Rao-Blackwellized Monte Carlo smoothing algorithm for conditionally linear Gaussian models. The algorithm is based on the forward-filtering backward-simulation Monte Carlo smoother concept and performs the backward simulation directly in the marginal space of the non-Gaussian state component while treating the linear part analytically. Unlike the previously proposed backward-simulation based Rao-Blackwellized smoothing approaches, it does not require sampling of the Gaussian state component and is also able to overcome certain normalization problems of two-filter smoother based approaches. The performance of the algorithm is illustrated in a simulated application. © 2012 IFAC.


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In this paper, we consider Kalman filtering over a network and construct the optimal sensor data scheduling schemes which minimize the sensor duty cycle and guarantee a bounded error or a bounded average error at the remote estimator. Depending on the computation capability of the sensor, we can either give a closed-form expression of the minimum sensor duty cycle or provide tight lower and upper bounds of it. Examples are provided throughout the paper to demonstrate the results. © 2012 IEEE.


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Quantum key distribution (QKD) uniquely allows distribution of cryptographic keys with security verified by quantum mechanical limits. Both protocol execution and subsequent applications require the assistance of classical data communication channels. While using separate fibers is one option, it is economically more viable if data and quantum signals are simultaneously transmitted through a single fiber. However, noise-photon contamination arising from the intense data signal has severely restricted both the QKD distances and secure key rates. Here, we exploit a novel temporal-filtering effect for noise-photon rejection. This allows high-bit-rate QKD over fibers up to 90 km in length and populated with error-free bidirectional Gb/s data communications. With high-bit rate and range sufficient for important information infrastructures, such as smart cities and 10 Gbit Ethernet, QKD is a significant step closer towards wide-scale deployment in fiber networks.


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A strategy to extract turbulence structures from direct numerical simulation (DNS) data is described along with a systematic analysis of geometry and spatial distribution of the educed structures. A DNS dataset of decaying homogeneous isotropic turbulence at Reynolds number Reλ = 141 is considered. A bandpass filtering procedure is shown to be effective in extracting enstrophy and dissipation structures with their smallest scales matching the filter width, L. The geometry of these educed structures is characterized and classified through the use of two non-dimensional quantities, planarity' and filamentarity', obtained using the Minkowski functionals. The planarity increases gradually by a small amount as L is decreased, and its narrow variation suggests a nearly circular cross-section for the educed structures. The filamentarity increases significantly as L decreases demonstrating that the educed structures become progressively more tubular. An analysis of the preferential alignment between the filtered strain and vorticity fields reveals that vortical structures of a given scale L are most likely to align with the largest extensional strain at a scale 3-5 times larger than L. This is consistent with the classical energy cascade picture, in which vortices of a given scale are stretched by and absorb energy from structures of a somewhat larger scale. The spatial distribution of the educed structures shows that the enstrophy structures at the 5η scale (where η is the Kolmogorov scale) are more concentrated near the ones that are 3-5 times larger, which gives further support to the classical picture. Finally, it is shown by analysing the volume fraction of the educed enstrophy structures that there is a tendency for them to cluster around a larger structure or clusters of larger structures. Copyright © 2012 Cambridge University Press.


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We demonstrate metamaterials operating in the near-visible regime based on two-dimensional arrays of gold-coated silicon nanopillars. The nanopillar arrays demonstrate a cutoff response at the metamaterial plasma frequency in accordance with theory and can be utilized for filtering applications. A plasma frequency in the near visible region of λ = 1 μm is calculated numerically for an array with a lattice constant of 300 nm and wire radius of 50 nm, with reflection measurements in agreement with numerical calculations. Such structures can be utilized for achieving negative-index based metamaterials for the visible spectrum.


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The physical meaning and methods of determining loudness were reviewed Loudness is a psychoacoustic metric which closely corresponds to the perceived intensity of a sound stimulus. It can be determined by graphical procedures, numerical methods, or by commercial software. These methods typically require the consideration of the 1/3 octave band spectrum of the sound of interest. The sounds considered in this paper are a 1 kHz tone and pink noise. The loudness of these sounds was calculated in eight ways using different combinations of input data and calculation methods. All the methods considered are based on Zwicker loudness. It was determined that, of the combinations considered, only the commercial software dBSonic and the loudness calculation procedure detailed in DIN 45631 using 1/3 octave band levels filtered using ANSI S1.11-1986 gave the correct values of loudness for a 1 kHz tone. Comparing the results between the sources also demonstrated the difference between sound pressure level and loudness. It was apparent that the calculation and filtering methods must be considered together, as a given calculation will produce different results for different 1/3 octave band input. In the literature reviewed, no reference provided a guide to the selection of the type of filtering that should be used in conjunction with the loudness computation method.