73 resultados para reaction-path


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We have conducted triaxial deformation experiments along different loading paths on prism sediments from the Nankai Trough. Different load paths of isotropic loading, uniaxial strain loading, triaxial compression (at constant confining pressure, Pc), undrained Pc reduction, drained Pc reduction, and triaxial unloading at constant Pc, were used to understand the evolution of mechanical and hydraulic properties under complicated stress states and loading histories in accretionary subduction zones. Five deformation experiments were conducted on three sediment core samples for the Nankai prism, specifically from older accreted sediments at the forearc basin, underthrust slope sediments beneath the megasplay fault, and overthrust Upper Shikoku Basin sediments along the frontal thrust. Yield envelopes for each sample were constructed based on the stress paths of Pc-reduction using the modified Cam-clay model, and in situ stress states of the prism were constrained using the results from the other load paths and accounting for horizontal stress. Results suggest that the sediments in the vicinity of the megasplay fault and frontal thrust are highly overconsolidated, and thus likely to deform brittle rather than ductile. The porosity of sediments decreases as the yield envelope expands, while the reduction in permeability mainly depends on the effective mean stress before yield, and the differential stress after yield. An improved understanding of sediment yield strength and hydromechanical properties along different load paths is necessary to treat accurately the coupling of deformation and fluid flow in accretionary subduction zones. © 2012 American Geophysical Union All Rights Reserved.


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The growing interest in innovative reactors and advanced fuel cycle designs requires more accurate prediction of various transuranic actinide concentrations during irradiation or following discharge because of their effect on reactivity or spent-fuel emissions, such as gamma and neutron activity and decay heat. In this respect, many of the important actinides originate from the 241Am(n,γ) reaction, which leads to either the ground or the metastable state of 242Am. The branching ratio for this reaction depends on the incident neutron energy and has very large uncertainty in the current evaluated nuclear data files. This study examines the effect of accounting for the energy dependence of the 241Am(n,γ) reaction branching ratio calculated from different evaluated data files for different reactor and fuel types on the reactivity and concentrations of some important actinides. The results of the study confirm that the uncertainty in knowing the 241Am(n,γ) reaction branching ratio has a negligible effect on the characteristics of conventional light water reactor fuel. However, in advanced reactors with large loadings of actinides in general, and 241Am in particular, the branching ratio data calculated from the different data files may lead to significant differences in the prediction of the fuel criticality and isotopic composition. Moreover, it was found that neutron energy spectrum weighting of the branching ratio in each analyzed case is particularly important and may result in up to a factor of 2 difference in the branching ratio value. Currently, most of the neutronic codes have a single branching ratio value in their data libraries, which is sometimes difficult or impossible to update in accordance with the neutron spectrum shape for the analyzed system.


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Passive steering systems have been used for some years to control the steering of trailer axles on articulated vehicles. These normally use a 'command steer' control strategy, which is designed to work well in steady-state circles at low speeds, but which generates inappropriate steer angles during transient low-speed maneuvers and at high speeds. In this paper, 'active' steering control strategies are developed for articulated heavy goods vehicles. These aim to achieve accurate path following for tractor and trailer, for all paths and all normal vehicle speeds, in the presence of external disturbances. Controllers are designed to implement the path-following strategies at low and high speeds, whilst taking into account the complexities and practicalities of articulated vehicles. At low speeds, the articulation and steer angles on articulated heavy goods vehicles are large and small-angle approximations are not appropriate. Hence, nonlinear controllers based on kinematics are required. But at high-speeds, the dynamic stability of control system is compromised if the kinematics-based controllers remain active. This is because a key state of the system, the side-slip characteristics of the trailer, exhibits a sign-change with increasing speeds. The low and high speed controllers are blended together using a speed-dependent gain, in the intermediate speed range. Simulations are conducted to compare the performance of the new steering controllers with conventional vehicles (with unsteered drive and trailer axles) and with vehicles with command steer controllers on their trailer axles. The simulations show that active steering has the potential to improve significantly the directional performance of articulated vehicles for a wide range of conditions, throughout the speed range. © VC 2013 by ASME.


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Prediction of the long-term settlement of clay soils over tunnels requires a knowledge of the permeability of the soil and of the tunnel lining; however, determination of the lining permeability in the field is difficult. An important contributor to this problem is the lack of knowledge concerning the permeability of the grout between the lining and the soil. This paper presents the results of tests to characterise the properties of grout samples from London Underground tunnels, investigating permeability, porosity, micro structure and composition. The tests revealed that the newer grout was impermeable relative to the surrounding clay. However, the older samples showed much greater permeabilities and an altered grout composition, suggesting that degradation had taken place. Exposure to groundwater appeared to have caused carbonation and sulfate reaction. The combination of chemical reaction and leaching of cementitious and degradation products appears to have made these grouts more permeable, so that the grout could act as a drainage path rather than a barrier. This challenges the typical assumption that the grout acts as an impermeable barrier.


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Statistically planar turbulent partially premixed flames for different initial intensities of decaying turbulence have been simulated for global equivalence ratios = 0.7 and 1.0 using three-dimensional, simplified chemistry-based direct numerical simulations (DNS). The simulation parameters are chosen such that the flames represent the thin reaction zones regime combustion. A random bimodal distribution of equivalence ratio is introduced in the unburned gas ahead of the flame to account for the mixture inhomogeneity. The results suggest that the probability density functions (PDFs) of the mixture fraction gradient magnitude |Δξ| (i.e., P(|Δξ|)) can be reasonably approximated using a log-normal distribution. However, this presumed PDF distribution captures only the qualitative nature of the PDF of the reaction progress variable gradient magnitude |Δc| (i.e., P(|Δc|)). It has been found that a bivariate log-normal distribution does not sufficiently capture the quantitative behavior of the joint PDF of |Δξ| and |Δc| (i.e., P(|Δξ|, |Δc|)), and the agreement with the DNS data has been found to be poor in certain regions of the flame brush, particularly toward the burned gas side of the flame brush. Moreover, the variables |Δξ| and |Δc| show appreciable correlation toward the burned gas side of the flame brush. These findings are corroborated further using a DNS data of a lifted jet flame to study the flame geometry dependence of these statistics. © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.


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In this paper, the effect of seal clearance on the efficiency of a turbine with a shrouded rotor is compared with the effect of the tip clearance when the same turbine has an unshrouded rotor. The shrouded versus unshrouded comparison was undertaken for two turbine stage designs one having 50% reaction, the other having 24% reaction. Measurements for a range of clearances, including very small clearances, showed three important phenomena. Firstly, as the clearance is reduced, there is a "break-even clearance" at which both the shrouded turbine and the unshrouded turbine have the same efficiency. If the clearance is reduced further, the unshrouded turbine performs better than the shrouded turbine, with the difference at zero clearance termed the "offset loss." This is contrary to the traditional assumption that both shrouded and unshrouded turbines have the same efficiency at zero clearance. The physics of the break-even clearance and the offset loss are discussed. Secondly, the use of a lower reaction had the effect of reducing the tip leakage efficiency penalty for both the shrouded and the unshrouded turbines. In order to understand the effect of reaction on the tip leakage, an analytical model was used and it was found that the tip leakage efficiency penalty should be understood as the dissipated kinetic energy rather than either the tip leakage mass flow rate or the tip leakage loss coefficient. Thirdly, it was also observed that, at a fixed flow coefficient, the fractional change in the output power with clearance was approximately twice the fractional change in efficiency with clearance. This was explained by using an analytical model. © 2014 by ASME.


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The paper is concerned with the identification of theoretical preview steering controllers using data obtained from five test subjects in a fixed-base driving simulator. An understanding of human steering control behaviour is relevant to the design of autonomous and semi-autonomous vehicle controls. The driving task involved steering a linear vehicle along a randomly curving path. The theoretical steering controllers identified from the data were based on optimal linear preview control. A direct-identification method was used, and the steering controllers were identified so that the predicted steering angle matched as closely as possible the measured steering angle of the test subjects. It was found that identification of the driver's time delay and noise is necessary to avoid bias in identification of the controller parameters. Most subjects' steering behaviour was predicted well by a theoretical controller based on the lateral/yaw dynamics of the vehicle. There was some evidence that an inexperienced driver's steering action was better represented by a controller based on a simpler model of the vehicle dynamics, perhaps reflecting incomplete learning by the driver. Copyright © 2014 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.


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Toolpath design in spinning is an open ended problem, with a large number of solutions, and remains an art acquired by practice. To be able to specify a toolpath without the need for experimental trials, further understanding of the process mechanics Is required. At the moment, the mechanics of the process Is not completely understood, due to the complex deformation and because long solution times required for accurate numerical modelling of the process Inhibit detailed study. This paper proposes and applies a new approach to modelling the process and aims to contribute to the understanding of process mechanics, In particular with respect to the mechanisms of failure and and to apply this understanding for toolpath design In spinning. A new approach to numerical modelling Is proposed and applied to Investigate the process. The findings suggest that there are two different causes and two different modes of wrinkling In spinning, depending on the stage In the process and direction of roller movement. A simple test Is performed to estimate the limits of wrinkling and provide a guideline for toolpath design In a typical spinning process. The results show that the required toolpath geometry in the early stages of the process is different from that In later stages. © 2011 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA. Weinheim.


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The control plane is implemented for the first time to allow scheduling and power leveling in a monolithic 8×8 space and wavelength selective cross-connect. 16 dynamic data connections are established within 16μs. © 2013 Optical Society of America.


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The control of NOX emissions by exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) is of widespread application. However, despite dramatic improvements in all aspects of engine control, the subtle mixing processes that determine the cylinder-to-cylinder distribution of the recirculated gas often results in a mal-distribution that is still an issue for the engine designer and calibrator. In this paper we demonstrate the application of a relatively straightforward technique for the measurement of the absolute and relative dilution quantity in both steady state and transient operation. This was achieved by the use of oxygen sensors based on standard UEGO (universal exhaust gas oxygen) sensors but packaged so as to give good frequency response (∼ 10 ms time constant) and be completely insensitivity to the sample pressure and temperature. Measurements can be made at almost any location of interest, for example exhaust and inlet manifolds as well as EGR path(s), with virtually no flow disturbance. At the same time, the measurements yield insights into air-path dynamics. We argue that "dilution", as indicated by the deviation of the oxygen concentration from that of air, is a more appropriate parameter than EGR rate in the context of NOX control, especially for diesel engines. Experimental results are presented for the EGR distribution in a current production light duty 4-cylinder diesel engine in which significant differences were found in the proportion of the recirculated gas that reached each cylinder. Even the individual inlet runners of the cylinders exhibited very different dilution rates - differences of nearly 50% were observed at some conditions. An application of such data may be in the improvement of calibration and validation of CFD and other modelling techniques. Copyright © 2014 SAE International.


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The reaction between an 11 nm Ni(10 at.% Pt) film on a Si substrate has been examined by in situ X-ray diffraction (XRD), atom probe tomography (APT) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). In situ XRD experiments show the unusual formation of a phase without an XRD peak through consumption of the metal. According to APT, this phase has an Si concentration gradient in accordance with the θ-Ni2Si metastable phase. TEM analysis confirms the direct formation of θ-Ni2Si in epitaxy on Si(1 0 0) with two variants of the epitaxial relationship. © 2014 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.