79 resultados para Unstable hemoglobins


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Motivational theories of pain highlight its role in people's choices of actions that avoid bodily damage. By contrast, little is known regarding how pain influences action implementation. To explore this less-understood area, we conducted a study in which participants had to rapidly point to a target area to win money while avoiding an overlapping penalty area that would cause pain in their contralateral hand. We found that pain intensity and target-penalty proximity repelled participants' movement away from pain and that motor execution was influenced not by absolute pain magnitudes but by relative pain differences. Our results indicate that the magnitude and probability of pain have a precise role in guiding motor control and that representations of pain that guide action are, at least in part, relative rather than absolute. Additionally, our study shows that the implicit monetary valuation of pain, like many explicit valuations (e.g., patients' use of rating scales in medical contexts), is unstable, a finding that has implications for pain treatment in clinical contexts.


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Switching between two modes of operation is a common property of biological systems. In continuous-time differential equation models, this is often realised by bistability, i.e. the existence of two asymptotically stable steadystates. Several biological models are shown to exhibit delayed switching, with a pronounced transient phase, in particular for near-threshold perturbations. This study shows that this delay in switching from one mode to the other in response to a transient input is reflected in local properties of an unstable saddle point, which has a one dimensional unstable manifold with a significantly slower eigenvalue than the stable ones. Thus, the trajectories first approximatively converge to the saddle point, then linger along the saddle's unstable manifold before quickly approaching one of the stable equilibria. ©2010 IEEE.


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The paper investigates the synchronization of a network of identical linear state-space models under a possibly time-varying and directed interconnection structure. The main result is the construction of a dynamic output feedback coupling that achieves synchronization if the decoupled systems have no exponentially unstable mode and if the communication graph is uniformly connected. The result can be interpreted as a generalization of classical consensus algorithms. Stronger conditions are shown to be sufficient-but to some extent, also necessary-to ensure synchronization with the diffusive static output coupling often considered in the literature. © 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The paper investigates the synchronization of a network of identical linear time-invariant state-space models under a possibly time-varying and directed interconnection structure. The main result is the construction of a dynamic output feedback coupling that achieves synchronization if the decoupled systems have no exponentially unstable mode and if the communication graph is uniformly connected. Stronger conditions are shown to be sufficient - but to some extent, also necessary - to ensure synchronization with the diffusive static output coupling often considered in the literature. © 2008 IEEE.


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The paper studies the properties of a sinusoidally vibrating wedge billiard as a model for 2-D bounce juggling. It is shown that some periodic orbits that are unstable in the elastic fixed wedge become exponentially stable in the nonelastic vibrating wedge. These orbits are linked with certain classical juggling patterns, providing an interesting benchmark for the study of the frequency-locking properties in human rhythmic tasks. Experimental results on sensorless stabilization of juggling patterns are described. © 2006 IEEE.


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This paper investigates the effect of the burnup coupling scheme on the numerical stability and accuracy of coupled Monte-Carlo depletion calculations. We show that in some cases, even the Predictor Corrector method with relatively short time steps can be numerically unstable. In addition, we present two possible extensions to the Euler predictor-corrector (PC) method, which is typically used in coupled burnup calculations. These modifications allow using longer time steps, while maintaining numerical stability and accuracy. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Monte Carlo burnup codes use various schemes to solve the coupled criticality and burnup equations. Previous studies have shown that the simplest methods, such as the beginning-of-step and middle-of-step constant flux approximations, are numerically unstable in fuel cycle calculations of critical reactors. Here we show that even the predictor-corrector methods that are implemented in established Monte Carlo burnup codes can be numerically unstable in cycle calculations of large systems. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Existing Monte Carlo burnup codes use various schemes to solve the coupled criticality and burnup equations. Previous studies have shown that the coupling schemes of the existing Monte Carlo burnup codes can be numerically unstable. Here we develop the Stochastic Implicit Euler method - a stable and efficient new coupling scheme. The implicit solution is obtained by the stochastic approximation at each time step. Our test calculations demonstrate that the Stochastic Implicit Euler method can provide an accurate solution to problems where the methods in the existing Monte Carlo burnup codes fail. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We consider finite-horizon LQR control with limited controller-system communication. Within a time-horizon T , the controller can only communicate with the system dunstable first-order systems and a class of higher-order systems. We also discuss when such a control data schedule remains optimal (or is near optimal) for general systems. © 1963-2012 IEEE.


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The adoption of lean premixed prevaporised combustion systems can reduce NOx emissions from gas turbines, but unfortunately also increases their susceptibility to thermoacoustic instabilities. Initially, acoustic waves can produce heat release fluctuations by a variety of mechanisms, often by perturbing the equivalence ratio. If correctly phased, heat release fluctuations can subsequently generate more acoustic waves, which at high amplitude can result in significant structural damage to the combustor. The prediction of this phenomenon is of great industrial interest. In previous work, we have coupled a physics based, kinematic model of the flame with a network model to provide the planar acoustic response necessary to close the feedback loop and predict the onset and amplitude of thermoacoustic instabilities in a lab-scale, axisymmetric single burner combustor. The advantage of a time domain approach is that the modal interaction, the influence of harmonics, and flame saturation can be investigated. This paper extends this approach to more realistic, annular geometries, where both planar and circumferential modes must be considered. In lean premixed prevaporised combustors, fluctuations in equivalence ratio have been shown to be a dominant cause of unsteady combustion. These can occur, for example, due to velocity perturbations in the premix ducts, which can lead to equivalence ratio fluctuations at the fuel injectors, which are subsequently convected downstream to the flame surfaces. Here, they can perturb the heat release by locally altering the flame speed, enthalpy of combustion, and, indirectly, the flame surface area. In many gas turbine designs, particularly aeroengines, the geometries are composed of a ring of premix ducts linking a plenum and an annular combustor. The most unstable modes are often circumferential modes. The network model is used to characterise the flow response of the geometry to heat fluctuations at an appropriate location, such as the fuel injectors. The heat release at each flame holder is determined in the time domain using the kinematic flame model derived, as a function of the flow perturbations in the premix duct. This approach is demonstrated for an annular ring of burners on a in a simple geometry. The approach is then extended to an industrial type gas turbine combustor, and used to predict the limit cycle amplitudes. Copyright © 2012 by ASME.


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Linear techniques can predict whether the non-oscillating (steady) state of a thermoacoustic system is stable or unstable. With a sufficiently large impulse, however, a thermoacoustic system can reach a stable oscillating state even when the steady state is also stable. A nonlinear analysis is required to predict the existence of this oscillating state. Continuation methods are often used for this but they are computationally expensive. In this paper, an acoustic network code called LOTAN is used to obtain the steady and the oscillating solutions for a horizontal Rijke tube. The heat release is modelled as a nonlinear function of the mass flow rate. Several test cases from the literature are analysed in order to investigate the effect of various nonlinear terms in the flame model. The results agree well with the literature, showing that LOTAN can be used to map the steady and oscillating solutions as a function of the control parameters. Furthermore, the nature of the bifurcation between steady and oscillating states can be predicted directly from the nonlinear terms inside the flame model. Copyright © 2012 by ASME.


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Hydrodynamic instabilities in gas turbine fuel injectors help to mix the fuel and air but can sometimes lock into acoustic oscillations and contribute to thermoacoustic instability. This paper describes a linear stability analysis that predicts the frequencies and strengths of hydrodynamic instabilities and identifies the regions of the flow that cause them. It distinguishes between convective instabilities, which grow in time but are convected away by the flow, and absolute instabilities, which grow in time without being convected away. Convectively unstable flows amplify external perturbations, while absolutely unstable flows also oscillate at intrinsic frequencies. As an input, this analysis requires velocity and density fields, either from a steady but unstable solution to the Navier-Stokes equations, or from time-averaged numerical simulations. In the former case, the analysis is a predictive tool. In the latter case, it is a diagnostic tool. This technique is applied to three flows: a swirling wake at Re = 400, a single stream swirling fuel injector at Re - 106, and a lean premixed gas turbine injector with five swirling streams at Re - 106. Its application to the swirling wake demonstrates that this technique can correctly predict the frequency, growth rate and dominant wavemaker region of the flow. It also shows that the zone of absolute instability found from the spatio-temporal analysis is a good approximation to the wavemaker region, which is found by overlapping the direct and adjoint global modes. This approximation is used in the other two flows because it is difficult to calculate their adjoint global modes. Its application to the single stream fuel injector demonstrates that it can identify the regions of the flow that are responsible for generating the hydrodynamic oscillations seen in LES and experimental data. The frequencies predicted by this technique are within a few percent of the measured frequencies. The technique also explains why these oscillations become weaker when a central jet is injected along the centreline. This is because the absolutely unstable region that causes the oscillations becomes convectively unstable. Its application to the lean premixed gas turbine injector reveals that several regions of the flow are hydrodynamically unstable, each with a different frequency and a different strength. For example, it reveals that the central region of confined swirling flow is strongly absolutely unstable and sets up a precessing vortex core, which is likely to aid mixing throughout the injector. It also reveals that the region between the second and third streams is slightly absolutely unstable at a frequency that is likely to coincide with acoustic modes within the combustion chamber. This technique, coupled with knowledge of the acoustic modes in a combustion chamber, is likely to be a useful design tool for the passive control of mixing and combustion instability. Copyright © 2012 by ASME.


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The laser-diode parameters at which the steady-state regime of generation becomes unstable are analyzed within the framework of the mode-locking model. The crucial role of the transverse inhomogeneity of the field, pumping intensity, and spectrum width in developing the instabilities of the steady-state regime of generation is demonstrated. The calculated values of the instability threshold are shown to be consistent with the experimental results. © 2008 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc.


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This paper presents stochastic implicit coupling method intended for use in Monte-Carlo (MC) based reactor analysis systems that include burnup and thermal hydraulic (TH) feedbacks. Both feedbacks are essential for accurate modeling of advanced reactor designs and analyses of associated fuel cycles. In particular, we investigate the effect of different burnup-TH coupling schemes on the numerical stability and accuracy of coupled MC calculations. First, we present the beginning of time step method which is the most commonly used. The accuracy of this method depends on the time step length and it is only conditionally stable. This work demonstrates that even for relatively short time steps, this method can be numerically unstable. Namely, the spatial distribution of neutronic and thermal hydraulic parameters, such as nuclide densities and temperatures, exhibit oscillatory behavior. To address the numerical stability issue, new implicit stochastic methods are proposed. The methods solve the depletion and TH problems simultaneously and use under-relaxation to speed up convergence. These methods are numerically stable and accurate even for relatively large time steps and require less computation time than the existing methods. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, we develop a linear technique that predicts how the stability of a thermo-acoustic system changes due to the action of a generic passive feedback device or a generic change in the base state. From this, one can calculate the passive device or base state change that most stabilizes the system. This theoretical framework, based on adjoint equations, is applied to two types of Rijke tube. The first contains an electrically-heated hot wire and the second contains a diffusion flame. Both heat sources are assumed to be compact so that the acoustic and heat release models can be decoupled. We find that the most effective passive control device is an adiabatic mesh placed at the downstream end of the Rijke tube. We also investigate the effects of a second hot wire and a local variation of the cross-sectional area but find that both affect the frequency more than the growth rate. This application of adjoint sensitivity analysis opens up new possibilities for the passive control of thermo-acoustic oscillations. For example, the influence of base state changes can be combined with other constraints, such as that the total heat release rate remains constant, in order to show how an unstable thermo-acoustic system should be changed in order to make it stable. Copyright © 2013 by ASME.